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Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Majalan [1]
Quadrant : Alpha [2]

Magalans are a humanoid race with both male and female genders. They originate from the planet Majalis in the Majalan system, which is located on the edge of Federation space. They were first encountered by Christopher Pike, who rescued a native of the planet from a pulsar. Although they were offered Federation membership they turned it down. [1]

The Magalans has a highly advanced system of medicine, even by Federation standards. They were able to use quantum implants to repair damage on a sub-cellular level. They claimed to live a life without disease of any kind. They had laws that prevented them from sharing the technology with other species. [1]

Some time ago their planets surface had become covered with lava and lakes of acid. To avoid this they had built a series of floating platforms which they lived on. The system was maintained by hooking a neural network of a child into a machine. This lead to the slow painful death for the child, but lead to the survival of the rest of the species. Over many years this sacrifice had obtained a religious significance. The child was seen as to be adcending, a duty that had to be carried out willingly. Known as the "First Servant" the child was honoured by the other members of the species. [1]

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# Series Season Source Comment
1 SNW 1 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
2 SNW 2 Subspace Rhapsody
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
Series : SNW Season 2
Episode : Subspace Rhapsody

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 4,332 Last updated : 20 Aug 2023