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Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : S'ti'ach [1]
Quadrant : Unknown

Native to the planet S'ti'ach'aas, the S'ti'ach are approximately one metre tall six-limbed, and covered in blue fur. They have large, dark eyes and large, saber-like white incisor teeth, and their bodies have dorsal spines, large and very sensitive ears. Many larger species pervieve them as non-threatening because of their appearence, but in their own environment the S'ti'ach are a top-level predatory species. [1]

The S'ti'ach homeworld, S'tiach'aas, is largely an ocean planet, with islands comprising the only land area. The gravity is also considerably higher than most class M worlds. As a result the S'ti'ach have an extremely dense strong bone structure supporting an otherwise very light low-density biology. [2]

The the Federation contacted the S'ti'ach they sent Alexander as ambassador to the species, as his diminutive stature made him not that much taller than a tall S'ti'ach. Alexander was able to convince the S'ti'ach that their diminutive stature would not lead to discrimination within the Federation. [2]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
2 Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,299 Last updated : 26 Jan 2015