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Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Pah-wraiths [1]
Quadrant : Other

Non corporeal beings who once lived within the Bajoran wormhole. The Pah-wraiths were banished from the wormhole by the Bajoran Prophets long ago and sealed into the Fire Caves on Bajor.

In 2373 Keiko O'Brein visited the Fire Caves and was possessed by a Pah-wraith. The entity threatened to kill Keiko in order to force her husband Chief O'Brien to fire a Chronaton beam at the wormhole to kill the Prophets. Fortunately O'Brien was able to force the Pah-wraith to abandon Keikos body and the Prophets were unharmed. [1]

In 2374 a Pah-wraith possessed Jake Sisko in order to take part in The Reckoning, a battle between the Pah-wraiths and Prophets which had long been prophesied. The Prophets, who possessed Kira Nerys, appeared to be winning the battle but it was cut short by Kai Winn when she flooded the station with Chronatons to force both entities out of their respective bodies. [2] Winn, whose faith in the Prophets was never strong, would subsequently abandon her gods altogether. [3]

Gul Dukat was also possessed by a Pah-wraith, who killed Jadzia Dax and attacked the Orb of Contemplation on Deep Space Nine. This sealed the wormhole and caused all of the Orbs to darken, cutting the Bajorans off from their gods. [4] When Captain Sisko attempted to locate the Orb of the Emissary to reopen the wormhole the Pah-wraiths used visions to try and distract him, but were ultimately unsuccessful. [5]

Many Bajorans came to follow the Pah-wraiths rather than the Prophets. Dukat gained control of one of these cults, although he had little faith in the divine nature of the wraiths himself. He attempted to convince the Cult members to commit suicide, but was prevented from doing so by Kira Nerys. [6] Dukat escaped, and next enlisted the aid of Kai Winn in an attempt to free the Pah-wraiths from their prison in the Fire Caves. He succeeded and was again possessed, this time by the wraith known as Kosst Amojan. Fortunately the Emissary was able to seal Dukat and the other Pah-wraiths into the caves forever. [3]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 5 The Assignment
2 DS9 6 The Reckoning
3 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 2
4 DS9 6 Tears of the Prophets
5 DS9 7 Shadows and Symbols
6 DS9 7 Covenant
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Assignment
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Tears of the Prophets
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Shadows and Symbols
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Covenant

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 39,050 Last updated : 15 Mar 2013