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Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Tamarians [1]
Quadrant : Alpha

For many years the Children of Tamar were regarded as one of the more enigmatic of Alpha Quadrant species. First contact occurred in 2268, but it proved to be impossible to establish communications with the Tamarians. The Universal Translator seemed to work well enough on the Tamarian language, translating it into english perfectly. However, the english words and phrases which came from the translator made no sense. [1]

Over the next century every attempt to communicate with the Tamarians similarly failed. Finally, it appears that the Tamarians decided to take more desperate measures. In 2368 a Tamarian vessel took up a position in the El Adrel system and began transmitting a signal towards the Federation. The Enterprise-D was ordered to respond. When they arrived in the system, the Tamarians transported both their own Captain Dathan and Captain Picard down to the surface of the planet, trapping them there. [1]

Dathan and Picard stayed on the planet for a day while the latter gradually learned the Tamarian language. Picard realized that the Tamarians communicate entirely by citing examples from their history, speaking in metaphors. Picard managed to learn enough of the metaphors to communicate with the Tamarians on a basic level, establishing the basis for further communication. Unfortunately, Captain Dathan lost his life on the planet. [1]

Since this time the Federation has had several contacts with the Tamarians. A team of specialist historians and linguists are learning the huge Tamarian language, a process which is expected to take several decades.

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 5 Darmok
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Darmok

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 36,354 Last updated : 8 Jul 2022