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Species List

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Name Description
Ocampa [1] The Ocampa are natives of the Delta Quadrant; they where first encountered by the USS Voyager after that ship was dragged into the region by the entity known to the Ocampa as 'The Caretaker'. Ocampa are humanoid, tending to average approximately 165 cm tall. After birth they mature very rapidly, reaching adulthood within months. [1] By the end of their fourth or fifth year Ocampan females enter the Elogium, when they become fertile for the only time during their lives. During the Elogium a mitral sac forms on the females back ready to house the embryo, and the ipasaphor appears on the palms of their hands. [2] By their seventh year Ocampa are entering old age; they generally live to nine years, although some Ocampa living under unusual environmental conditions have been known to reach fourteen years of age. [3]

At the time of their encounter with the crew of Voyager, most of the Ocampa species had lived in an underground city for the last thousand years. Here, sheltered from the harsh conditions on the surface, the Ocampa lived a life of ease under the guidance of the Caretaker. Although this culture was remarkably stable and peaceful, many of the younger citizens yearned to penetrate to the surface to explore. One such Ocampa, Kes, did in fact manage this only to be captured and enslaved by the Kazon. When the Caretaker died he had stocked the energy reserves of the Ocampa city with sufficient energy to sustain it for five years; after this time they will have to fend for themselves once more. [1]

Although Ocampa have formidable PSI powers, the city dwellers had long ago allowed these abilities to fade through lack of use until they had become all but a myth. However, once Kes had the chance to experiment on board Voyager she began to develop telepathy, telekinesis, precognition and pyrokinesis. Other Ocampa encountered by Voyager had developed these abilities to a tremendous degree, although their powers may have been externally enhanced by the alien being known as Sisperia. [1]

Unfortunately, it seems likely that nothing will ever be known of the fate of the Ocampa. With their home city due to run out of energy in 2376 it is probable that the Kazon will overrun the Ocampa and enslave or destroy them. On the other hand, many societies have demonstrated considerable resilience when faced with a threat to their freedom, and it is possible that in the long run the loss of their dependance on the Caretaker will prove to be a very positive factor in the development of the Ocampa. [4]
Oghen [5] Species native to the planet Oghen in the Smaller Magellanic Cloud. The Oghen were conquered by the Neyel in 2204. Initially the occupation of the planet was at least somehwat benign, with the Oghen acting as workers for the Neyel in return for some of the benefits of modern technology. With the death of Drech’tor Hanif Wafiyy in 2219 the Neyel rule of the planet became far more severe, resulting in the death of most of the Oghen population. [5]
Old One [6] Civilisation which used to inhabit Exo III but are now extinct, leaving only their androids behind [6]
Old One [7] Leaders of a species which attempted to invade the Federation [7]
Omicron Ceti Pod Plant [8] A species of plant which lived on the planet Omicron Ceti III. The plants were infested with Omicron Ceti Spores; they would spray these onto any uninfected person who came close enough, infecting them with the spores. The Pod plants were discovered by Leila Kalomi, a botanist who was a member of the Sandoval group which colonised Omicron Ceti III in 2264. The plants quickly infected her and then the rest of the colony. [8]

After Doctor McCoy was infected during the USS Enterprise's visit to the planet in 2267, he had well over a hundred of the Pod plants beamed to the ship, where they infected the entire crew. [8]
Omicron Ceti Spore [8] A symbiotic organism capable of living within either plant or animal species. The origin of the spores is unknown; they were discovered on Omicron Ceti III by biologist Leila Komani in 2264, but are believed to have drifted through space to the planet. There they infected the native pod plants. The plants would infect any person who came close by spraying them with spores. Spore infection caused a dramatic increase in health of the infected person, repairing any effects of previous injuries on their bodies. This included removing any trace of broken bones, and even regrowing a removed appendix. The spores also repaired the damage caused by berthold radiation, which is fatal to all living things with enough exposure. An infected person thus became completely immune to berthold rays. The spores themselves actually thrived on Berthold rays. [8]

Unfortunately infection also caused a profound psychological effect. Under the influence of the spores the infected demonstrated a general lack of any negative emotions such as hate, fear or anger. However, they also showed a complete lack of ambition or responsibility, becoming entirely focused on their own immediate pleasure. [8]

The spores infected all members of the Sandoval colony after they arrived on Omicron Ceti III. Once infected, the colonists abandoned their plans to build a large scale agricultural colony. They constructed dwellings for themselves and raised enough food to live on, but beyond that they were content to accomplish nothing. When the USS Enterprise arrived in 2267 the crew were also infected, and immediately began to give up life in Starfleet to join the colony. However, Captain Kirk discovered that the spores could be purged from an infected person if he or she experienced an intense surge of emotion. He and Commander Spock were able to use subsonic sound to provoke those on the surface into various arguments and fights, ridding them of the spores. The colony was evacuated once this was achieved. [8]
Onaya [9] Noncorporeal species which thrive on the energy of creativity [9]
Ophidian [10] Serpentine creature capable of opening rifts in time. In 2369 some Devidians were using an Ophidian to create time portals back to 19th century Earth in order to murder humans there and ingest their life energy. [10] The Enterprise-D was able to put a stop to this activity. [11]
Oran'takuan Natives of the planet Oran'taku, a class M world in the Delphic Expanse about half a light year from the Xanthan home planet. A member of this species, Rajiin, infiltrated the NX-01 for the Xindi in 2153 [12]
Orchidaceae Dahj Oncidium [13] Dahj claimed that her father had created this Orchid and named it after her. She kept an example of the species in her apartment in the Greater Boston area. Parts of the plant were able to move under its own power. [13]
Organians [14] When first contacted, the Organians appeared to be a relatively primitive people. Reports indicated that their technology was limited to simple metal tools, mainly used for farming and building primitive dwellings. Unfortunately, their planet happened to lie in a highly important strategic position between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. When the two powers went to war in 2266, the USS Enterprise was ordered to secure the planet and prevent it from falling into Klingon hands.

Captain Kirk and Commander Spock beamed down to talk to the Organians leaders in an attempt to gain their support for Federation occupation of the planet. On arrival the two discovered an Organian village near to a large stone castle, something that they should not have been able to build at such a low technology level. Commander Spocks analysis showed that the Organian society was totally arrested culture, with no cultural or technological progress at all for at least tens of thousands of years. Yet the Organians themselves expressed no surprise at the aliens arrival, even though they beamed down in front of many witnesses. Kirk found it difficult to talk to the Organians; they claimed to have no leaders and little in the way of organized social structure. Those whom Kirk talked to expressed a total disinterest in the war and dismissed the possibility that it would impact them in any way. When offered advanced technology by Kirk, the Organians politely declined.

While the meeting was underway a Klingon fleet arrived at the planet and forced the Enterprise out of orbit. Hundreds of troops beamed down, trapping both Starfleet officers on the planet. The Organians disguised the pair to hide them from the Klingons in order to avoid bloodshed, but even when faced with the brutality of Klingon occupation they steadfastly refused to choose sides. They would seemingly make any sacrifice to protect the officers - once the Klingons realized who the Organians were protecting they murdered hundreds of hostages in retribution. Yet the Organians shrugged this off as irrelevant, claiming that nobody had really died.

Only when Kirk and Spock were finally captured and threatened with death did the Organians reveal their true nature. The combatants on the planet, as well as the Federation and Klingon fleets preparing to do battle, suddenly began to radiate energy equivalent to several hundred degrees, causing agonizing pain to any who touched them. Yet there were no ill effects on those involved, so long as they did not come into contact with one another or their weapons. One of the Organians announced that they had put a stop to the war and would allow no further violence between the two sides - a message which he claimed to be delivering simultaneously to those on Organia, the nearby fleets, and to the capital worlds of the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Ayelborne said that he and the other Organians found interference in the affairs of others disgusting, yet they abhorred violence and the recent move to war had forced their hand. Ayelborne claimed that the Federation and Klingon Empire would one day become allies and work together [14]
- correctly, as it transpired [15] - but that the Organians were not prepared to allow millions to die before this happened. He ended by ordering the aliens off Organia, saying that the mere presence of our kind of life was painful for his people. When Kirk questioned this statement, the Organians transformed themselves into brilliant luminescent globes and vanished.

Spock surmised that the Organians had once been corporeal life forms much as we are but had evolved into beings of pure energy, as far beyond us as we are beyond the amoeba - they apparently assumed a physical form and created surroundings to match in order to accommodate the visitors to their world.

After this occasion there was little further contact with the Organians. [14]
The peace treaty remained in force for some time but eventually they appear to have decided that the Federation and Klingon Empire had learned to co-exist without their guardianship.
Orillian Lung Maggot [16] Form of life native to the Orillian home world [16]
Orion Wing-slug [17] Animal life form. Lwaxana Troi once claimed that she would rather eat Orion wing-slugs than date the Ferengi DaiMon Tog. [17]
Orions [18] The Orions have long had a rather dubious reputation in this section of the galaxy. Occupying a region of space adjacent to the Klingon Empire, the Orions are slave traders who attack many vessels which enter the area. They are most active in the Borderland, an area which is between the Orions and the Klingon Empire. The captives are generally taken to a processing station where they are fitted with a neurolytic restraint to dissuade any rebellion and make escape impossible. In 2154 two Orion vessels attacked the NX-01, seizing nine crewmembers. Fortunately Captain Archer was able to track down the processing centre and find a way to disable the restraints and recover his crew. [18]

As well as capturing aliens, Orions also have a reputation for selling their own women into slavery - something the women are said to actually enjoy. [19]In actual fact, Starfleet discovered in 2154 that it is the women who are the rulers of the Orion Syndicate and that the whole idea of their being slaves was an elaborate masquerade intended to allow them to infiltrate alien ships. [20] Orion females are known for their extreme attractiveness and appetites, something which makes them highly desired as slaves to a certain brand of clientele. [18] Their bodies produce an extremely strong version of pheromones which can cause males of many different species to become extremely infatuated with them, to the point of overwhelming all logic and judgement. Alien females are generally made listless and tired by the same pheromone, thus helping to eliminate the competition. [18] The females tend to be approximately the same size as Human women [21], but Orion males tend to be much larger and far stronger than most Humanoids. [18]

In the 24th century the Orion Syndicate is responsible for a great deal of criminal activity on alien worlds, often operating through non-Orion operatives. [22]

In the mirror universe, the Orions were one of the races subjugated by the Terran Empire during the first century after it achieved starflight. Orion females served aboard Terran warships. [23]

Ornaran [24] The entire Ornaran species was composed of addicts of the drug Felicium. [24]
Orsic fern [25] Plant which Dr. Phlox kept in his sickbay. [25]
Osaarian [26] Species which the NX-01 Enterprise encountered in the Delphic Expanse, though they were not native to there. The Vulcan high command had not had a great deal of contact with them as of 2153, but did know that they had a large merchant fleet. The associated image shows an Osaarian with severe facial disfigurations. [26]
Osmotic Eel [27] Creature used by Dr. Phlox to treat wounds. [27]
Oyster [28] Terran sea creature considered an aphrodisiac by some [28]

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Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 1 Caretaker
2 VOY 2 Elogium
3 VOY 2 Cold Fire
4 Generic canonical information
5 The Sundered
6 TOS 1 What Are Little Girls Made Of?
7 TOS 2 Catspaw
8 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise
9 DS9 4 The Muse
10 TNG 5 Time's Arrow, Part 1
11 TNG 6 Time's Arrow, Part 2
12 ENT 3 Rajiin It is, of course, possible that Rajiin was simply lying about her backstory
13 STP 1 Remembrance
14 TOS 1 Errand of Mercy
15 Various Next Generation episodes
16 VOY 3 Fair Trade
17 TNG 3 Menage a Troi
18 ENT 4 Borderland
19 TOS 1 The Cage
20 ENT 4 Bound
21 Various Original Series episodes
22 DS9 6 Honor Among Thieves
23 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
24 TNG 1 Symbiosis
25 ENT 3 Similitude
26 ENT 3 Anomaly
27 ENT 1 Broken Bow
28 DS9 6 His Way
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Elogium
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Cold Fire
Source : Generic canonical information
Novel : The Sundered
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Catspaw
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Muse
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Rajiin
Comment : It is, of course, possible that Rajiin was simply lying about her backstory
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Remembrance
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Errand of Mercy
Series : TNG Season
Episode : Various Next Generation episodes
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Fair Trade
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Menage a Troi
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Cage
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Bound
Series : TOS Season
Episode : Various Original Series episodes
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Honor Among Thieves
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Symbiosis
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Similitude
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Anomaly
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : His Way

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,260,340 Last updated : 24 Mar 2017