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Species List

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Name Description
8472 [1] Species 8472 are undoubtedly one of the most unusual organic lifeforms ever encountered by the Federation. Their origins lie in 'fluidic space' - a higher dimension which is apparently composed liquid rather than the empty space of our own universe. 8472 are the only species in their dimension, and had no conception of other lifeforms until the Borg invaded their territory. Unfortunately - for the Borg - species 8472 have an incredibly efficient immune system; any form of biological or technological intrusion into their tissue is instantly rejected and destroyed. This renders them immune to Borg nanoprobes, and hence incapable of assimilation. In addition, their dense structure is highly resistant to many forms of energy such as transporters and weapons. [2]

Physically, species 8472 has a roughly humanoid head and torso on a tripedal base. There is a mouth but they do not usually communicate by speech, instead relying on telepathy. The extent of their telepathic abilities are unknown, but are thought to be very long ranged, perhaps even trans-dimensional. Beyond this little is known about this enigmatic species - few have survived a close encounter long enough to gather comprehensive data! [1]

Even less is known about the culture and philosophy of species 8472. In the one known telepathic contact with them the message 'the weak shall perish' was transmitted; although worrying given their numbers and level of technology, the outlook of a whole species can hardly be judged from one contact with one individual. [1]

A more balanced view was possible when Voyager encountered a large space station manned by Species 8472 and containing a replica of Starfleet academy. Voyager investigated this station and discovered that it was being used to train members of the species to infiltrate the Federation. Ultimately the Voyager crew was able to come to an accommodation with the leaders of the station, establishing a state of relative peace between the two sides. [3]
Acamarian [4] Species native to the planet Acamar III. The Acamarian culture is divided into a clan structure; any act of violence towards one member of a clan was considered to be an act against all members of that clan. This led to a great deal of inter-clan warfare which eventually threatened the whole Acamarian society. They were successful in forging peace, but the Gatherer group split off from mainstream culture rather than participate in peace. This changed in 2366 when Captain Picard and Sovereign Marouk managed to convince the Gatherers to return to Acamar. [4]
Akaali [5] A primitive humanoid species discovered by NX-01, the Malurians ran a covert mining facility on the Akaali planet which poisoned many of the locals. Jonathan Archer was able to put an end to the exploitation of the planet. [5]
Akritiri [6] A technically advanced species, the Akritiri were a repressive species who operated an unjust legal system and confined their prisoners in a space station under inhumane conditions. In 2373 Lieutenant Tom Paris and Ensign Harry Kim were confined to the station, although Voyager was able to rescue them shortly afterwards. [6]
Aksani [7] Delta quadrant species which took part in a regular sub-warp shuttle race. [7]
Al-Leyan [8] Probable species name, though this is not certain. Professor Galen planned to travel from Deep Space 4 to Caere IV on board an Al-Leyan transport. [8]
Alcyone [9] People who destroyed the second to last Tarellian plague vessel. [9]
Aldean [10] Species which had been long considered to by mythical as of 2364. In that year the Enterprise-D discovered the planet Aldea, which had been hidden behind a cloaking device for millennia. The Aldeans were highly technology advanced, but had become culturally stunted by their reliance on technology that they no longer understood or were capable of maintaining or repairing. They were suffering from a specieswide inability to have children which, unknown to them, was a result of their own cloaking device. The device had destroyed their ozone layer, resulting in increased radiation reaching the planet. The Enterprise was able to reseed the ozone layer and repair the damage. [10]
Aldebaran Serpent [11] Reptilian life form with three heads. Q once appeared to the Enterprise crew as an Aldebaran serpent. [11]
Aldebaran Shellmouth [12] Creature famous for being tight-lipped. McCoy once compared Spock to an Aldebaran Shellmouth. [12]
Aldeberan mud leech [13] Species whose secretions acted as a natural sedative. Putting one on your chest and another on your abdomen an hour before going to bed was a cure for insomnia. [13]
Algolian [14] Humanoid species with golden skin and various ridges on the head. Algolians known for the ceremonial rythms they plan on important occasions. [15] An Algolian was present on board the Federation Archaeological Council's annual symposium at Tagus III. [16] Some Algolians were to be seen on Deep Space Nine from time to time. [17]
Algorian Mammoth [18] Large creature. Doctor Bashir considered 30 cc's of triptacederine to be enough to anesthetize an Algorian mammoth, though Garak noted that he had taken that much and could barely feel it. [18]
Alien Goat [19] These goat-like creatures were kept on the planet where Zobral's people lived. [19]
Alien Spider These creatures were native to a planet which Lieutenant Paris and Commnader Tuvok crashlanded on in 2375. They were edible, though somewhat difficult to catch. [20]
Allasomorph [21] This species were native to Dalev IV. They were capable of assuming any shape at will, though in their natural form they appeared as a being of light. In 2365 the Enterprise-D transported a pair of Allasomorphs from Klavdia III to Daled IV. One of the pair, Salia, was born to a couple from opposing sides of the tidally-locked Daled IV. It was hoped that would be able to assume leadership of the planet and bring an end to a long-running conflict between the rival populations who lived on each side. [21]
Alpha 117 Dog [22] Canine-like creature from the planet Alpha 117. In 2266 one of the creatures was "split" by the Enterprise transporters, malfunctioning as a result of an element from the planet. The attempt to recombine the two creatures succeeded, but the animal died in the process. [22]
Alsuran [23] A Delta Quadrant species which was erased form time by Annorax. Annorax kept some of their foods aboard his Timeship. [23]
Altamidians Species which inhabited the planet Altamid in the distant past. The Altamidians created massive amounts of underground infrastructure on the planet, leaving the surface relatively unscathed. Their technological capabilities included the Abronath, a biological weapon of immense power. The Altamidians feared the power of this weapon so much that they threw it into deep space, hoping it would be lost forever. [24]

At some point the Altamidians decided to leave their planet, abandoning most of their infrastructure there. It was later discovered by Captain Balthazar M. Edison, who managed to gain control of much of the technology and use it in his campaign against the Federation. [25]
Altarian marsupial [26] Animal Dr. Phlox used in medicine. Their droppings contained the greatest concentration of regenerative enzymes found anywhere. [26]
Altec A Humanoid species which resided on the planet Altec in 2365. Along with the inhabitants of Straleb, the Altecs were members of the Coalition of Medina. The species was relatively primitive as compared to the Federation. [27]
Altoran [28] A pair of twinned Miradorn claimed to have purchased an artifact from an Altoran trader. [28]
Alvanian bees [29] A species of bees known for their busy nature. In 2373 Quark stated that if Bajor became a Federation member, Deep Space Nine would become busier than an Alvanian beehive. [29]
Alvanian Cave Sloth [30] Creature well known for sleeping very soundly [30]
Alvanian Spine Mite [31] Small creatures which live in the spines of other beings [31]
Alvera tree [32] Type of tree which grew on a Kretassian planet. They could live over 300 years and were considered cultural treasures by the Kreetassans. [32]
Alverian Dung Beetle [33] Insect known for being unpleasant. In preparing Odo to masquerade as a Klingon, Worf compared him to an Alverian Dung Beetle. [33]
Amoeba [34] Single celled life form up to many thousands of miles long [34]
Anaconda [35] Earth snake. Hoshi once saw Anacondas on a nature trip. [35]
Anaphasic life form [36] Energy creature which lived within a candle flame [36]
Andarian [37] Andarian glass beads were mentioned in this episode, and are presumably manufactured by Andarians. [37]
Andorian Amoeba [38] Single celled life form native to Andoria [38]
Andorians [39] Founder members of the Federation [40], the Andorians are a violent warrior race. [39] Unlike the Klingons they tend to fight for purely practical gain rather than for personal honour or glory. Andorian culture stresses discipline and self control, and this can make them appear unsympathetic at times.

Physically, Andorians are humanoids similar to many in the Federation. [41] They have distinctive blue skin and white hair, but the most obvious difference lies in their antenna; these are often fixed in place, [39] but in some Andorians the antenna can move. [42] There is a sub-species of Andorians known as The Aenar, who have much paler skin and are blind. Telepathy is common amongst the Aenar, and they have strict cultural rules against using their abilities to spy on the thoughts of others. The Aenar are strongly isolationist, and very few Andorians have ever managed to meet one although there are some communications between the Andorian government and the Aenar leaders. There is also a strong streak of pacifism in Aenar culture. [43]

The Andorians and Vulcans have a somewhat troubled history; in the mid 21st century the Andorians terraformed a Class-D planetoid which they named Wehtaan. When they refused to allow the Vulcans to inspect the colony the Vulcans responded by forcibly evacuating the colony. In 2097 the Vulcans officially claimed the planetoid, which they named Paan Mokar'a in 2097. Hostilities continued until 2152 when Captain Archer managed to negotiate a peace deal between the two sides. [42]

The Andorians have also had considerable animosity with the Tellarites in the past. In 2154 the Romulans attempted to initiate a war between the two sides by using a drone ship which could camoflague itself as other vessels to attack an Andorian warship. [44] The plot failed thanks to Captain Archer and the NX-01, who created a temporary alliance between the two sides and the Humans and Vulcans. In the aftermath the Andorians and Tellarites at last began to talk through their problems. [45] Both sides also attended the inter-species conference held on Earth in 2155, which aimed to build a true alliance between many of the planets near Earth. [46]

In the Mirror universe, Andorians were one of the subject races which the Terran Empire subjugated during the first century after it achieved starflight. Andorians continued to design and build their own ships; in 2155 many of these took part in the rebellion which threatened the Empire that year. The rebellion was quelled in large part thanks to the advanced technology the Empire obtained from the USS Defiant. [47]

Angelian [48] Inhabitants of the planet Angel One. The females of Angel One are larger and stronger than the males. Culturally the planet is a Matriarchy, with males generally regarded as being incapable of dealing with serious or important matters. When some male Federation citizens were stranded on the planet in the 2360s they at first found the culture there to be enjoyable. However over time they came to dislike and fight against the way males were treated. In 2364 the Enterprise-D visited the planet and convinced the leader of Angel One to allow the men to live in exile in a remote region, rather than executing them. [48]
Angosian [49] Prospective Federation members, the Angosians modified their own citizens to make them more militaristic during wartime. [49]
Anjurwans [50] Unknown empathic species. In 2267 Kirk, Spock and McCoy encountered Gem, a member of this species. She was tortured by the Vians as part of an experiment to determine the worth of her species. [51]
Ankari [52] Delta quadrant species which assisted the Equinox. The Ankari worshipped nucleogenic life forms from another dimension. [52] An Ankari helped Voyager to contact the nucleogenic life forms in 2376. [53]
Annari [54] The Annari are a Delta Quadrant species at war with the Kraylor as of 2377. [54]
Antaran [55] Species which engaged in several wars with the Denobulans, the last ending around 1853. Over 20 million Antaran casualties resulted from the conflicts. Many Denobulans and Antarans retain a great hatred for one another, and there was virtually no contact between the two species for six generations prior to 2153. During this time there had been some small moves towards greater understanding. [55]
Antarian [7] The Antarians were one of several species which were at war with one another for a hundred years. They presided over a regular race held to commemorate the peace; in 2377 Voayger's Delta Flyer took part in the race. [7]
Antedean [56] Piscine species who travel in a dormant state to avoid the stress of space flight. [56]
Antican [57] Potential Federation members in 2364, the Anticans were from the same system as their enemies, the Selay. [57] An Antican was seen on Deep Space Nine in 2370 [58]
Arachnid [59] Creature which Barclay de-evolved into [59]
Arbazan [60] Federation member species. An Arbazan ambassador visited Deep Space Nine in 2369. They have a tendancy to take offence easily. [60]
Arbazon Vulture [61] A predatory bird. Odo was once exhilarated by the experience of imitating an Arbazon Vulture. [61]
Arcadian [62] An Arcadian was present at the hearing which demoted Admiral Kirk back to Captain in 2286. [63]
Archer IV Eels [64] A species of eel-like creature which lived on Archer IV. The species was discovered by the crew of the NX-01 during the ship's mission of exploration in 2151. [64]
Archer IV Glow Fly [64] A small flying creature native to Archer IV. The creatures were discovered by the NX-01 on its mission of exploration in 2151. [64]
Arcturian [65] A Humanoid species, Arcturians served in Starfleet during the 2270s. An Arcturian Starfleet officer was at the Starfleet Headquarters air tram station in San Francisco when James Kirk passed through the station on his way to see Admiral Nogura. [66]

An Arcturian crew member, possibly the same individual, served aboard the ship during the V'Ger crisis. [66]

The Arcturians were a militaristic race composed of great armies. All Arcturians are identical – they reproduce by cloning, and even Arcturians could only tell one another apart by the clothing they wore. [65]

Arcturians provided the infantry for the Federation. Their planet is known for its huge size and tremendous population of 100 billion. They were said to be able to provide an army of 20 billion soldiers overnight. [67]

The Arcturians had an interest in Shakespeare; the funded a production of Macbeth in 2266. [68]
Ardanan [69] Species native to the planet Ardana. The Ardanans were reknowned for their abilities with antigravity technology, as showcased by the floating 'cloud city' of Stratos, which was called the finest known example of sustained antigravity technology. [69] In the 23rd century Ardanan society had two principle castes. The elite dwelled in Stratos, where they devoted themselves to artistic and philosophical pursuits. The bulk of the population were referred to as Troglytes; these toiled on and below the surface to support Stratos, living in poor and often dangerous conditions. It was believed that the Troglytes were mentally inferior to the Stratos dwellers, incapable of appreciating art and beauty. In fact this was the result of exposure to harmful gases released as part of the Zenite mining operations which most Troglytes worked at. Great tensions developed between the two groups, which came to a head during the visit of the USS Enterprise in 2269. Captain Kirk was able to convince the two sides to begin to come to a peaceful resolution of their differences during his time on the planet. [69] In 2152 the NX-01 encountered a Retellian cargo ship which used power regulators from an Ardanan shuttle. The regulators were not considered to be sufficient for their purpose by Commander Tucker. [70]
Argalan [71] Species from the planet Argala in the Delta Quadrant. The Argalans preferred a cold climate, something the Nyrians found hard to tolerate. At least one Argalan ship was hijacked by the Nyrians. [71]
Argelian [72] Sentient humanoids, native to Argelius II. After a "great awakening" in 2067 the Argelians became highly headonistic, devoting themselves almost entirely to pleasure. Some Argelian women were posessed of mild empathic abilities, although this was largely a lost art by the 2260s. [72]
Argosian [73] Sentient species; Sisko once almost got into a fight with one [73]
Argrathi [74] The Argrathi punished criminals by implanting the memory of a long prison term into their mind in just a few seconds. [74]
Ariolo [75] Federation member species. [75] Two of this species were present in the Federation council chamber in 2285 during the Cetacean crisis. [63]
Arkarian [76] The Arkarians assisted in running the Remmler array. Several of them assisted the terrorist attack on the Enterprise-D. [76]
Arkarian Water Fowl [76] Creature noted for its unusual mating habits [76]
Arkenite [63] An Arkenite served at Starfleet command during the alien probe emergency of 2286. [63]
Arkonian [77] Species encountered by Humanity in 2152. The Vulcans made first contact with the species in the mid 21st century, shortly after they had developed warp drive technology. Whereas Humanity welcomed first contact with the Vulcans in the same period, the Arkonians quickly established a reputation for being suspicious and deceitful. Eventually, the Vulcan High Command withdrew its contingent. Relations between the two were so poor at that point that even a century later, the Arkonians were distrustful of any vessel that even had a Vulcan aboard. [78]

First Contact with Humanity was made when an Arkonian auxiliary craft attacked one of the NX-01's shuttles. Both ships subsequently crash-landed on a moon which was barely habitable. Captain Archer contacted the Arkonian vessel which had launched their shuttle, and despite initial difficulties was able to convince the Captain to work with him to recover both pilots. T'Pol considered this to be a considerable achievement. [78]

Arkonians can emit a liquid which is highly effective in healing wounds. The same liquid can be sprayed into the face, causing a painful sensation. They drink a liquid called "tarrat-aash" which is poisonous to Humans, and do not handle high temperatures as well as Humans do as they cannot sweat. [79]

In 2152 an Arkonian was one of the prisoners aboard the Enolian transport which Captain Archer and Commander Tucker were held on. [78]
Armus [80] In 2364 Counsellor Troi was travelling back to the Enterprise-D in a shuttlecraft when it was pulled of course by a mysterious force which crash-landed it on Vagra II. Troi survived the crash, but when the Enterprise came to her rescue the ship was unable to beam her up due to a strange energy on the planet. The ship dispatched an Away Team, but on arrival the team was prevented from approaching the crashed shuttle by a strange being. The life form initially took the form of a viscous black liquid which lay on the surface. It blocked access by interposing itself between the Away Team and the shuttle, then assumed a slightly more Humanoid form. The creature communicated with the away team verbally, calling itself Armus. It refused all requests to allow the Away Team to help Troi, and when Lieutenant Yar attempted to walk past it Armus hit her with some form of energy discharge, killing her.

Armus demonstrated many powerful abilities. It seemed unaffected by phaser fire and was able to manipulate and even transport matter. Armus claimed that it had once been a part of beings not unlike Humans. In the distant past these beings had discovered a way to convert their negative personality traits into a physical skin, which they then shed. These people had subsequently become dazzlingly beautiful and had departed their home planet, leaving the 'evil' material - Armus - behind.

Armus made several attempts to terrorize the Enterprise crew, but each time was frustrated by their total refusal to assist it. Eventually they realized that the energy field preventing transport was reduced in strength each time Armus was frustrated; Captain Picard beamed down and confronted Armus, provoking it into a rage of such magnitude that the ship was able to beam its crew back.

The Enterprise posted warnings to prevent any vessels from approaching Vagra II and abandoned Armus there. It's fate is unknown, but there is no reason to suppose that it is not still on the planet. [80]
Arretan An ancient species, the Arretans explored space some 600,000 years ago. They visited many planets, possibly including Vulcan. Over time they became incredibly advanced and powerful. Each Arretan was capable of amazing mental feats - they could control technology at a distance, read thoughts and speak telepathically to others, influence their emotions and memories in precise ways, inflict pain on other beings merely by thinking about it, and much more. Perhaps most impressive, they could transfer their own consciousness to any body or machine of sufficient complexity, although the strain of bearing an Arretan consciousness was extreme. [81]

In time the Arretan's power grew to such an extent that they came to consider themselves as Gods. However they became divided, and began to war amongst themselves. They would later claim that the war was fought with such powers, and for such reasons, that Human beings could not possibly comprehend either one. The war resulted in the virtual extermination of their species, leaving only three survivors as disembodied minds resting in small spherical containers deep under the ruined surface of their planet. [81]

In 2268 the Enterprise fell under the influence of the surviving Arretans and was brought to the ruined planet. The leader of the survivors, Sargon, asked Captain Kirk and his offers to host the surviving Arretans long enough for them to construct machine bodies for permanent residence. Kirk agreed, but the plan went awry when one of the Arretans, Henoch, betrayed the others in an attempt to destroy them and remain in Spock's body indefinitely. Sargon was ultimately able to overcome Henoch but the conflict convinced him that there was no place for beings of their power in the present day, and he and Thalassa chose to end their lives. [81]

Arrithean [82] Delta Quadrant species who engaged in trade with Voyager [82]
Atrean [83] The home planet of this species underwent severe tectonic activity after the core solidified. The Enterprise-D attempted to re-liquify it in 2370. [83]
Australopithecine [59] Early hominid which Riker de-evolved into [59]
Axanar [35] The Axanar have a Zymuth gland which releases triglobulin into the blood, a substance similar to Human lymphatic fluid. They are androgynous, and live for over four hundred years. They breathe a nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere and have green blood. [35]
Ayt Members of this species were present in the Port of San Francisco bar in 2259, in the Kelvin timeline. [84]
B'omar [85] Highly paranoid, the B'omar tried to place many restrictions on Voyager when it attempted to pass through their space. The Raven was assimilated in B'omar space. [85]
B'Saari [86] The first species to make contact with the Denobulans. [86] Native to B'Saari II, the B'Saari are able to reanimate the recently dead - though the process only restores basic body functions. Research into a more complete reanimation was proceeding in 2153. [87]
Ba'ku [88] The Ba'ku are a people filled with contradictions. Their home world is unknown, but is believed to be located beyond Federation space. Some three hundred years and fifty years ago the Ba'ku had entered a period of rapidly escalating and uncontrolled technological advancement, to the point where they were on the verge of destroying themselves. A group of Ba'ku left their world to begin again, fearing a catastrophe. Determined not to repeat the mistakes the rest of their people had made, the Ba'ku adopted a philosophy of near total avoidance of high technology. The Ba'ku claimed that when a machine was built to do the work of a person, it took away an essential quality of that person.

For two hundred years the Ba'ku society continued in a pre industrial state; however, in the 2270's a group of young Ba'ku attempted to seize control of the settlement. They planned to abandon the policy on non reliance on technology and become a star faring species once again, but their attempt quickly failed and the group were exiled from the planet in a spacecraft constructed specifically for this purpose.

Renaming themselves the Son'a, the exiled Ba'ku spent almost fifty years building a technologically based culture on a world beyond Federation borders. In the 2320's they conquered two other species and integrated them into their society as a labour class in order to provide themselves with the manpower base needed to turn them into a major power. By the 2370's the Ba'ku were maintaining a fleet of some two hundred warships. Their reputation in galactic affairs was not a good one - in part due to their subjugation of other species, but also because they were widely rumoured to employ subspace weaponry on their warships. For many years the Federation declined to establish diplomatic relations with the Son'a, but after the beginning of the Dominion war it was learned that the Son'a were able to reproduce Ketracel White in large quantities. The Federation immediately moved to isolate the Son'a from the Dominion and establish an alliance with them, a move the Son'a welcomed with open arms.

However, the Son'a had one major problem; without the unique environment of the Ba'ku planet, the original generation of Son'a were reaching the end of their natural lives. Used to immortality, their leaders became obsessed with regaining the youth they had lost. Unable to challenge the Federation directly, the Son'a siezed on the opportunity presented by the offer of an alliance. When they learned that Starfleet had already discovered the Ba'ku settlement and learned of the immortality enjoyed by the natives, the Son'a came to the Federation offering an explanation for the Ba'ku puzzle; high concentrations of metaphasic radiation particles in the planets rings was continually regenerating the genetic structure of the life on the planet. Concealing their Ba'ku heritage, the Son'a offered a method of collecting this radiation via a large orbital vessel they had constructed. The potential was awesome; a whole new medical science would be created, with sufficient radiation present in the rings to treat billions of individuals. However, the collection method involved initiating an isothermic reaction within the rings which would destroy all life on the surface of the planet.

Naturally, the Federation refused this offer as it would contravene the Prime Directive. However, it was agreed to establish a duck blind facility on the surface and conduct covert surveillance of the Ba'ku in an attempt to investigate the planets environment more thoroughly. During this research it became apparent to the Federation that the Ba'ku were not in fact a primitive people; they possessed technological knowledge up to and including warp drive. With Prime Directive considerations considerably eased by the Ba'ku's new status, the Federation decided to proceed with the Son'a plan. The whole Ba'ku population was limited to six hundred people, all living in one small area. The Federation constructed a replica of their village and the surrounding countryside on a suitably similar planet, and a vessel was built which was capable of transplanting the Ba'ku without their knowledge. However, shortly prior to the implementation of the plan Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E discovered the operation and made it public, including the fact that the Son'a and Ba'ku were one and the same people. [88]
The Federation halted the entire project while a reappraisal was initiated.

After the failure of the project to relocate the Ba'ku, some of the Son'a decided to return to their people. Others have continued to operate independently. The Federation council is continuing its deliberations on the matter.

Ba'ku Hummingbird [88] A bird species native to Ba'ku. [88]
Ba'ku Llama [88] An animal species native to Ba'ku. [88]
Ba'Neth [89] Mysterious and paranoid Delta Quadrant species who are determined to prevent all knowledge of their existence. To this end they frequently cloak both their ships and themselves; the associated image is a residual sensor trace left by a cloaked Ba'Neth. [89]
Bajoran Shrimp [90] Animal native to Bajor. [90]
Bajorans [91] One of the Alpha quadrants more humanoid species, the Bajorans are distinguishable from humans primarily by the appearance of their nose, which is both ridged and slightly more prominent. [92] Female Bajorans have a relatively rapid gestation period of five months, which leads to a very fast vascularisation process. [93]

The Bajoran culture is one of the longest-lived in the alpha quadrant; their civilisation flourished over half a million years ago [91] and they first gained interstellar capacity over eight centuries ago. [94] The dominant religion of the planet dates back at least ten thousand years, and is centred around worship of the aliens living within the bajoran Wormhole - the Bajorans refer to these entities as 'The Prophets' and to the wormhole as the 'Celestial Temple'. [95]

More recently the Bajorans have not fared so well. The Cardassians invaded Bajor in 2328, driving much of the native population from the planet and enslaving the remainder. Bajoran culture suffered greatly during this period, with many living in squalid conditions. Despite this, the Bajorans maintained a small but aggressive resistance effort throughout the occupation [91] and by 2369 the Cardassian government had become frustrated with the militaries inability to crush this movement. Weary of decades of terrorist activity, the Cardassians pulled out of Bajor in this year. [95]

The Bajorans established a provisional government, [92] and despite many difficulties they have been successful in overcoming many of their problems. In 2373 the Bajorans petition for Federation membership was accepted, but at the last moment they withdrew their application for religious reasons. [29] The Bajoran remained politically neutral in the early parts of the war, allowing them to avoid a direct Dominion invasion when Deep Space Nine was captured. [96] When the Federation retook the station, [97] the Bajorans sided with the allies despite some initial trouble with the Romulans. [98]

A major factor in the Bajoran way of life has been their relationship with the wormhole aliens, who the Bajorans think of as gods. [92] Much anguish was caused when the Pagh-Wraiths managed to close the wormhole, [99] but Captain Sisko was successful in using an Orb to reopen it. [100] Sisko also participated in a final battle against the Wraiths in the Bajoran Fire Caves, sealing them into the caves forever. [101]

Balduk [102] Possible species name. Worf said he would rather face a Balduk warrior than a child. It may be that the Bladuk are not a species but some social group, so a Balduk warrior may be something like Samurai warrior. [102]
Bamboo [3] Earth plant [3]
Bandi [103] The Bandi inhabit the planet Deneb IV, and are a relatively primitive people. Their planet is resource poor, although it does provide abundant geothermal energy. In 2364 the Bandi offered Starfleet the use of a lavish and highly advanced spaceport which they claimed to have constructed, a mystery as the facility was clearly well beyond their ability to create. The Enterprise-D's first mission was to solve the mystery. As it transpired, the Bandi had captured a wounded shapeshifting lifeform and forced it to assume the shape of the station in order that they might profit from it. Captain Picard freed the creature. [103]
Banean [104] Enemies of the Numiri, the Banea punish murderers by giving them a memory implant which forces them to re-live their crime periodically from the point of view of the victim. The Banea assisted Voyager on its journey back to the alpha quadrant. [104]
Baneriam Hawk [105] Predatory bird [105]
Bardakian Pronghorn Moose [106] Animal famed for having an exceptionally loud call [106]
Bardeezan [107] A Bardeezan merchant ship was suspected of abducting Gul Dukat from Deep Space 9 in 2370. [107]
Barkonian [108] A primitive species which mistook Data for a native of their planet. [108]
Barolian [14] Species which took part in trade negotiations with the Romulans in 2364. [106] The Barolians took delivery of a Vulcan deflector system for the Romulans in 2368. [109]
Barrowbug [110] Insect life form native to Bajor. Barrowbugs live in mounds, and swarm forth if the mound is kicked over. [110] They are somewhat reminiscent of Earth cockroaches, though they are fist-sized and can spit an acidic venom. [111]
Barzan [112] A humanoid species native to Barzan II in the Alpha Quadrant. The Barzan were relatively primitive and resource poor; when an apparently stable wormhole was discovered in their system in 2366 they hoped to sell the rights over it to one of the major powers for a vast sum. Independent negotiator Devinoni Ral was able to win the negotiations, though it transpired that only the Barzan end of the wormhole was actually stable, making it next to useless as a transport conduit. [112]
Bat [113] Flying rodent native to Terra. Similar animals are found on other planets [113]
Beauregard [114] Plant cared for by Sulu on the USS Enterprise. Beauregard was about a foot tall and was capable of making a high pitched noise and considerable movement. It reacted badly to the presence of the M113 Creature. [114]
Belzoidian Flea [115] Creature familiar to Q [115]
Benkaran [116] Many Benkarans are sentenced to death for murder by the Nygeans. [116]
Benthan [117] A Benthan was forced to participate in a body swap with Steth. [117]
Benzites [118] Also known as Benzenites, [33] these humanoids are inhabitants of the planet Benzar. [118] Benzites live underground in large geostructures, and all Benzites from the same geostructure look so identical that even they cannot say how they tell each other apart. [118] Benzites at one time had to wear a breathing aid when in a standard Oxygen-Nitrogen atmosphere, [119] but by 2372 medical advances had rendered this device obsolete. [120] Benzites took part in the Starfleet officer exchange program of the early 2360's. Ensign Mendon served on board the Enterprise-D, where he helped to solve the problem presented by a subatomic life form which threatened the ship. [119] Several Benzites made notable contributions to the Federation, including Mordock, creator of the Mordock Strategy. In 2364 he was the the first Benzite to join Starfleet Academy, edging out several Federation candidates. [118]
Berellian [121] Sentient species. Lieutenant Commander Hobson considered that the nature of Berellians was such that nobody would consider them to be competent engineers. [122]

Jake once hustled a Berellian at Dom-Jot. [123]
Berengarian Dragon [124] Reptilian creature which was capable of flying even though they could reach more than 200 metres in length, and which could breathe fire. Discovered in the early 2100s by the Vulcans on Berengaria VII, the existence of the creatures was long doubted. [125] Spock saw the dragons of Berengaria VII on one occasion. [124]
Berserker Cat [126] Felinoid known for having great courage. [126]
Beta Annari [127] Beta Annari are a sentient reptiloid species. Known to be "a nasty piece of work". Beta Annari have 1,253 olfactory receptor genes and can smell when you are telling a lie. They can also tell what you had for dinner and who you last had sex with. [127]
Beta Runner Cloud [57] Sentient gaseous being which lived in deep space but was able to posses a Humanoid body [57]
Beta XII-A Entity [128] Unknown non-corporeal alien which thrived on negative emotions, and used it's powers to promote violence in order to create them. [128]
Betazoids [103] Betazoids are one of the most Humanoid species yet encountered; externally they are indistinguishable from Humans even at close range, differing only in that all Betazoids have a black iris in their eyes. [14] All Betazoids are natural telepaths thanks to the paracortex, the Betazoid telepathic lobe [129]; most develop this ability in adolescence, but a few are born with their telepathic abilities already active. Unable to screen out the noise of other peoples minds, these individuals generally suffer mental problems of varying severity. [130] In general, normal Betazoids develop the ability to protect themselves from psychic trauma through the function of the part of their psyche known as the meta conscious - though severe trauma can overcome this protection. [129]

Betazoids can cross-breed with Humans, although this often affects the telepathic abilities of the offspring - sometimes the children of such a union develop empathic rather than telepathic abilities. [131] All full Betazoids are unable to read the thoughts of Ferengi, Breen, Ullians or Dopterians, [15] but some half Betazoids have been occasionally successful in sensing the emotions of some of these species. [132]

Betazoid society is martiarchal in nature, with considerable similarities to the female-dominated world of Angel One. [48] They tend toward more formal and elaborate traditions and ceremonies than 24th century Earth; for instance titles such as 'daughter of Fifth House, holder of the sacred chalice of Rixx, heir to the holy rings of Betazed' are still carried by some Betazoids. [9]

At one point in history it became fashionable for Betazoid women to wear large elaborate wigs which contained cages holding small animals. The practice came to an end when one woman took a public stand and refused to go along with the fashion, considering it uncomfortable for the woman and cruel for the animal. [133]

Arranged marriages are the norm on Betazed, with the arrangement usually agreed between the parents of both parties whilst the couple are still children. Indeed, it is not unknown for couples not to meet until shortly before their wedding. The preparations for the ceremony begin when a 'gift box' is sent to the bride, announcing verbally that the marriage is imminent. Traditional Betazoid weddings are carried out with both the couple and all guests naked. [9]

The telepathic abilities of Betazoids makes dishonesty rather moot amongst them; many Betazoids pride themselves on being completely honest and speaking their mind forthrightly at all times. [9]

A Federation member, Betazed has enjoyed a relatively untroubled history for the last few centuries. This peaceful existence came to a halt in 2374, when the Dominion invaded and occupied the planet. [134] The invasion was ended by the following year when the Dominion forces surrendered at the end of the war with the Allies. [135]

Betelgeusians [136] Federation members native to the planet Betelgeuse II, the Betelgeusians are a humanoid species who evolved from a race of leopard-like eagles. They have claws and bones similar to those of an Earth Condor, though they walk erect. [137]
Bilanan [102] Probable species name for the inhabitants of Bilana III. A Bilanan, Dr. Ja'Dar, developed the Soliton wave drive in 2368. [102]
Bluehorn [138] Animal life form native to the Skagaran planet discovered in the Delphic Expanse by the NX-01 Enterprise. [138]
Bok-rat [139] Klingon rodent [139]
Bolians [140] Federation members from the planet Bolarus IX, [141] the Bolians are recognizable by their blue or bluish-grey skin, and by the raised ridge which runs up the middle of their faces. [14] The males of this species are bald, [14] but the females grow hair similar to Humans on their heads. [141] Bolians have a have a cartilaginous lining on their tounge that protects them from even the most corrosive of acids. [142]

Many Bolians serve in Starfleet; Captain Rixx was one of the most renowned officers in the fleet, and in 2364 was involved in countering the attempt by alien parasites to subvert Starfleet. [140] During Wolf 359 the tactical officer of the USS Saratoga was a Bolian, [95] while others of this race have served in more low level roles - for example the Bolian Mot served as a barber on the Enterprise-D. [91] Ambassador Vadosia, an important Bolian diplomat, visited Deep Space Nine in 2369. [60] In 2366 an alien species imitated Bolian Starfleet cadet Minena Haro in an attempt to study concepts of authority, but the ruse was quickly uncovered by Captain Picard. [141]

Boraalan [143] Primative species, subject of a prime directive violation by the Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise crew. [143]
Boranian [144] Probable species name for the people encountered on Boranis III. The species was decimated by an infectious disease as a punishment for resisting the Dominion. Dr. Bashir was able to produce a treatment which would prevent the disease being passed on to the next generation. [144]
Bore worm [145] Species which lays their eggs in a person's ear. [145]
Borg [146] The Borg represent one of the most serious known threats to the Federation, and indeed to all species in this galaxy. [41] Little is known about their origins; their combination of biology and technology has been evolving for thousands of centuries. [146] At some point they began to 'network' their minds together into a single species-wide consciousness - the Borg Collective. [41] Unfortunately, this collective mind had little regard for individuality; it embarked on a program to assimilate into itself any species it considered useful, by force if necessary. [146]

There are many variations between Borg drones, optimising them for their various roles, [147] but most drones share certain common features. Their bodies are covered with a leather-like substence crisscrossed by varius tubes and mechanical appliances. One eye - most often the left - is usually replaced with a holographic viewing system,  [148] while the right forearm is often replaced with a mechanical appendage. [146] Borg have a built-in replicator unit which can create or modify their mechanical systems as required and synthesize nutrients for their organic systems. Drones carry a supply of nanoprobes which they inject into other lifeforms; these nanoprobes rapidly begin to construct machinery in the victim, beginning the assimilation process. [149] The Borg rely on an onboard power cell for energy, and this must be recharged periodically. [148] The two features shared by every known Borg are a shield system and a subspace transceiver which keeps the links between the drones intact; it is this network of links which comprises the collective itself. [150]

In 2364 a Borg vessel is known to have passed through both Federation and Romulan space, destroying outposts of both powers. The Borg chose not to attack the Federation at this time, [151] presumably because they where on their way to some other more urgent location. In 2365 the Enterprise-D was flung into system J-25 by Q, where they encountered a Borg vessel. The Borg sent scouts to probe the Enterprise - the first of these was quickly killed, but subsequent drones proved to have a shield device which was immune to phaser fire. The Borg ship subsequently attempted to assimilate the Enterprise, but their cube was quickly disabled by the Federation vessel. However, an away team sent to the Borg ship discovered that the collective was rapidly regenerating its ship. The Enterprise attempted to depart the area before further conflict ensued, but the borg gave chase. As with the drones, further attacks by the Enterprise proved to have no effect on the Borg vessel. [146] Later analysis showed that when the a Borg is attacked the collective mind analyses the destruction of individual drones and creates a defence, which all drones then add to their own systems [152] via their replicators. Their ships operate on similar principles. [152] The Borg vessel nearly destroyed the Enterprise, but Q intervened to save the ship. [146] However, the Borg have displayed a good degree of persistence and since this time have launched two invasions of the Federation - one in 2366 [152] and once in 2373 - causing massive loss of life before being narrowly defeated. [149]

Recently the Borg have encountered the life form they refer to as "Species 8472". Species 8472 proved both to be invulnerable to Borg nanoprobes and to have superior technology. In response to a Borg invasion of their space species 8472 nearly destroyed the Borg; [2] with the help of modified nanoprobes from the USS Voyager the Borg where able to force Species 8472 to disengage and retreat from the conflict. [1]

Voyager had several subsequent encounters with the Borg. [153] On one occasion the Voyager crew was able to spread a computer virus amongst the Borg which enabled drones to rebel against the collective, causing great disruption to the group mind, [154] In 2377 Janeway used a Borg transwarp hub to finally return Voyager to the Alpha Quadrant. The hub and a large section of a Borg Unimatrix was destroyed in the process. [155]

Borg Species 10026 [147] Delta quadrant species assimilated by the Borg in 2375. [147]
Borg Species 116 [156] A member of this species attempted to have the crew of Voyager assimilated by the Borg. [156]
Borg Species 125 [147] Species of which the Borg Queen is a member [147]
Borg Species 149 [157] Species assimilated by the Borg; the assimilation gave the Borg advanced medical technology [157]
Borg Species 259 [158] Borg designation for a species which resided in Galactic cluster 3 [158]
Borg Species 262 [159] A primitive species assimilated by the Borg around 2145; the Borg gained some knowledge of the Omega molecule from this species [159]
Borg Species 263 [159] Species assimilated by the Borg; the species believed the Omega molecule was a drop of their creators blood [159]
Borg Species 312 [160] Species assimilated by the Borg; this species used a type of shield technology which Voyager encountered protecting a primitive species on a planet in the Delta Quadrant. [160]
Borg Species 5174 [161] Borg designation for a Delta Quadrant civilisation [161]
Borg Species 571 [162] Delta quadrant humanoids who worship Brothera. [162]
Borg Species 5973 [163] A species encountered by the Borg in galactic cluster eight. Species 5973 are multi-spectrum particle life-forms. [163]
Borg Species 6339 [164] A species largely assimilated by the Borg which attempted to fight back by infecting the collective with a virus. [164]
Borgia Plant [114] Poisonous plant native to planet M-113. The plant was classed by the Federation as carbon group three vegetation, similar to the Earth nightshade family. It contained an alkaloid poison of a chemical structure found on most Class M planets. In 2266 Enterprise Crewman Darnell was claimed by Nancy Crater to have died due to eating a Borgia plant, though in fact this was not the case. [114]
Boslic [165] A spacefaring species seen in the alpha quadrant, the Boslics were divided into at least two different subspecies. One had a smooth forehead with an angular mark above the nose [123], whilst the other had a more ridged and crenellated appearance. [166] In the 2150s Boslics were known to deal in slaves, and some could be seen at the Orion slave market on Verex III. [167]Boslic freighters were seen at Deep Space Nine after the Federation took over the administration of the station in 2369. [168] In 2371 a female Boslic trader sold Quark the remains of a ship which contained a Jem'Hadar baby. [123] The following year a Boslic freighter was found to be involved in a smuggling operation by Worf's brother Kurn. [169]

Boslics were known to be very widely travelled, with some appearing even as far as the Delta quadrant. [170]

Botha [171] Delta Quadrant life form which used powerful telepathy to attack the crew of the USS Voyager in 2372. [171] A member of this species was a drug dealer on a station in the Necrit Expanse. [172]
Bre'el [115] The Bre'el were threatened when their moon began to fall out of orbit, but were saved by Q. [115]
Breen [173] A powerful and mysterious Alpha Quadrant species, [92] the Breen are one of the very few major species who have evolved on a non class M world. The Breen home world is widely stated to have an extremely low average temperature, and has been called a frozen wasteland [174] - though the Vorta Weyoun once claimed that it was nothing of the sort. [175] The Breen have evolved with a unique physiology in order to cope with their environment; although they breathe a fairly standard oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere at close to normal pressure, the Breen have no blood or other liquid circulatory system. [176] The Breen reproductive cycle is also unusual, in that they commonly produce offspring at a very early age. [177]

Given that most known major space faring species live on class M planets with an average temperature far above that of Breen, the Breen have had to develop environmental suits in order to co-exist with others. [92] Given their nature, it is understandable that the Breen have become one of the Alpha Quadrants leading experts at creating and maintaining extremely cold environments. They are acknowledged experts on cold storage of chemical compounds.

Given the environmental difficulties, casual visits to Breen worlds by non-Breen are virtually impossible. The Breen strongly discourage visitors, and all those who do visit Breen worlds are confined to purpose designed encampments. Combined with the fact that the Breen habitually design environmental suits which hide their faces from view, this has given them their air of mystery. This has been further enhanced by the fact that some empathic species, most notably Betazoids, are unable to detect the thoughts or emotions of the Breen. [178]

Nevertheless, many small bits of information have been discovered about the Breen over the years. They have developed organic technology to the point where they routinely use biological spacecraft. [2] Some of these are fitted with cloaking devices, and they use disruptor type weaponry rather than the phaser technology used by the Federation. [173]

The Breen have something of an aggressive history; Breen privateers have conducted raids against other species on several occasions, including the bajoran colony of Free Haven in 2372. [179] In 2366 the Breen attacked and captured the Cardassian vessel Ravinok, using its crew as slave labour in the Dilithium mines on Dozaria. [180] The reputation of this curious species has been summed up by the Romulan saying "Never turn your back on a Breen". [181]

In 2375 the Breen moved from a policy of low level hostility toward the other major powers to one of open warfare when they allied themselves to the Dominion. [182] As well as their conventional forces they brought to the alliance a unique weapon - a form of energy damping system which could completely drain all the main power systems of a Starship. The weapon proved decisive in the second battle of Chin'Toka, allowing the Dominion to retake the system after inflicting huge losses on the Allies. [175] Fortunately the Allies were subsequently able to capture an example of the Breen weapon along with the technicians who installed it, allowing them to develop countermeasures. [183]

The Breen continued to fight with the Dominion until the end. In some respects this actually worked to the benefit of the Allies - the Dominion's increasing reliance on the Breen made the Cardassians feel more and more isolated and abandoned and was a contributory factor in their eventual split from the Dominion. [175] When the Dominion surrendered the Breen were left with little choice but to do likewise rather than face the prospect of open warfare with the Federation, Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian forces simultaneously.

Brekkian [184] Humanoid civilisation native to the planet Brekkia. The Brekkians had only one industry, the supply of the narcotic Felicium to the Ornarans. [184]
Brenari [185] A telepathic species persecuted by the Devore. A group of Brenari refugees were assisted by Voyager. [185]
Brenari [185] Telepathic Delta Quadrant species. Voyager sheltered a dozen Brenari refugees from the Devore Imperium. [185]
Briori [186] Humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant [186]
Brunali [187] Delta Quadrant species. The Brunali were decimated by repeated Borg attacks; they infected some of their own people, including Icheb, with a pathogen which could damage the colelctive and deliberately allowed them to be assimilated. [187]
Brunyg [188] Members of this species were to be seen on Deep Space Nine on occasion. [95]
Bulgallian sludge rat [118] Unpleasant creature. Rondon compared Wesley Crusher to a Bulgallian sludge rat when he bumped into Wesley in a corridor. Later, Wesley considered recreating the creatures on the holodeck as a way to frighten himself. [118]
Bunnicorn [189] The Bunnicorn is a native of the planet Nepenthe. They are similar in size and appearance to the Earth Rabbit, except they have a small "Unicorn style" helical horn on their forhead. They are also venemous. They are edible by humans, however, care must be taken to remove the venom sacks before eating, otherwise vomiting and death can result. [189]
Bunny Rabbit [190] Earth animal sometimes imagined in the shape of nebula clouds [190]
Buranian [191] Culture whose pottery resembles both Marlonian and Taguan work. [191]
Bynars [192] Originating on the planet Bynaus, the Bynars are one of the few cybernetic species known. Unlike the Borg the Bynars are a benign species, and many have served on Federation Starbases as computer experts. The Bynars are heavily dependant on computers, to the extent that their thought processes are as close to binary as is possible for an organic being. Indeed, they are unable to live without the central computer system on their world which inter links them all.

This led to a controversial incident in 2364; the Bynars sun, Beta Magellan, went nova in this year. Having predicted this shortly before, the Bynars knew they would have to totally shut down their computer system to ensure its survival. Desperate to preserve their species from extinction, the Bynars needed a large computer system which they could use to back up their computers to. They decided that the ideal choice would be the computer core of a Galaxy class starship, which was one of the most powerful in existence at the time. Unfortunately, the Bynars decided that they could not risk the chance that the Federation would refuse to help. They therefore decided to hijack the Enterprise-D whilst it stopped off at Starbase 74 for maintenance.

During their upgrading of the ships computer system, the Bynars engineered a weakening of the ships antimatter containment system. The ship was set on autopilot and directed out away from the station, whereupon the Bynars took control and headed for their home world. Unfortunately the Enterprise had been slightly late arriving at the Starbase, and the Bynars did not reach their system in time to reboot their computers.

Having anticipated this, the Bynars had arranged for Commander Riker and Captain Picard to be distracted on a holodeck during the entire affair, and on arrival the officers were able to reactivate the Bynar computer system and revive the species. [192]
Byzallian [193] Species which was due to hold a cenference on Deep Space Nine in 2371. [193]
Byzatium [193] Spacefaring species. Six Byzatium transports arrived at Deep Space Nine in 2371. [193]
Caatati [194] Humanoid civilization native to the the Delta Quadrant. The Borg destroyed or assimilated most of the Caatati; only a few thousand people survived in 27 refugee ships. Conditions aboard these ships were poor, with food and energy shortages a constant threat. The Caatati took to begging others for supplies, and even on occasion to stealing what they needed. [194]
Cairn [129] Telepaths who had never had a spoken language until meeting with the Federation. [129]
Caitian [63] A Caitian was present at the hearing which demoted Kirk back to Captain in 2286. Some Caitians have a fur covering, with colours including black and brown. [63]3 Other Caitins have human-type hair only, with skin bare of fur otherwise. [84]
Calamarain [115] A mysterious species of energy beings, which Q considered to be intelligent, but flighty. The Calamarain were capable of generating energy fields which they could use to sense the presence of others or attack them at a distance. One Calamarain was considered capable of overwhelming and destroying a Galaxy class starship. Q had tormented the Calamarain, and although he claimed his actions were not all that bad they bore him a considerable grudge. When Q became briefly Human in 2366 a Calamarain attacked the Enterprise-D to get to him for revenge. [115]
Caldonian [112] A noted race of scholars, the Caldonians attempted to purchase rights to the Barzan wormhole. [112]
Caldorian Eel [106] Animal life form which could reach at least four metres in length. Klim Dokachin once discovered a Caldorian Eel on a junked spacecraft and adopted it as a pet. [106]
Calrissian Chameleon [32] Animal used in medicine by Dr. Phlox. It's pituitary gland could be made compatible with a dog's. The chameleon secretes a rare toxin which is highly useful in treating respiratory infections. [32]
Camorite [195] Humanoid species native to Camor V [195]
Canary [196] Earth bird. In ancient times miners would take canaries into tunnels as a way to test for poisonous gas. [196]
Capellan [197] A fierce but primitive warrior species, the Capellans signed an agreement with the Federation granting them mining rights. [197]
Cardassian Vole [198] An animal life form native to Cardassia, the Cardassian Vole is about 25 cm in length, has six limbs and a partial covering of hair. The Voles are a notorious pest aboard Cardassian space stations, damaging as they are attracted to energy fields. [198] Quark considered staging Vole fights in his bar for Cardassian patrons, though this was illegal. [199] Despite this he and Morn attempted to hold Vole fighting contests on the station, though they were caught before any actual fighting could occur. [200] In 2372 Quark made a deal on Vole bellies which netted him a 15% profit margin. [93] Quark's bar suffered occasional Vole infestations, much to his annoyance. [201] Voles are known for "leaping on one another" with great haste and little preparation when mating. [202] The phrase "sick as a vole" was occasionally heard aboard Deep Space Nine. [203] Hungry voles are known for having no loyalty. [110]
Cardassians [204] Easily recognizable by their pale grey skin and heavily ridged neck, [204] the Cardassians are evolved from reptilian ancestors. They prefer a darker more humid environment than Human beings, although they can tolerate Human living standards if necessary. [18]

Cardassian history tends to consist of extremes; once a peaceful and spiritual people, their planet's poor resources proved unable to support their expanding population and starvation and disease became rampant. Millions of deaths resulted, leading to a general breakdown in the government. The military forces of the planet staged a take-over and launched several wars against their neighbours in order to secure new resources. Although further millions where lost in these wars, the military government did succeed in stabilizing the situation on Cardassia. [205]

In 2347 the Cardassians invaded Setlik III, [206] believing it to be a base to be used in an invasion of their own territory by the Federation. A prolonged period of tension resulted. In 2355 the Federation dispatched a Constellation class starship in an attempt to make peace, but the Cardassians rejected the offer and forced the ship to flee. Hostilities briefly flared again in 2367 when Captain Maxwell launched unauthorised attacks on several Cardassian ships, but Captain Picard was able to stabilise the situation. [204]

In 2372 a civilian uprising deposed the military government. Suspecting Dominion involvement in the coup, the Klingons launched an invasion of Cardassia; the Federation opposed this action and was successful in forcing the Klingons to halt their advance into Cardassia, although this destroyed the Federation-Klingon alliance and resulted in a short period of hostilities between those two powers. [207] The Federation shipped considerable aid to the devastated Cardassian government. [208]

Humiliated by having to rely on charity from a former enemy after a relatively quick and easy defeat at the hands of the Klingons, Gul Dukat led a Dominion take-over of Cardassia and was installed as ruler of the region in 2373. [181] Cardassian forces subsequently fought alongside the Jem'Hadar in the Dominion War, but this alliance was never a very strong one. [92] When Gul Dukat was captured by the Federation during the retaking of Deep Space Nine, [97] leadership fell to Damar. [209] Damar was less than enamoured with his Dominion masters, a situation made worse when the Breen joined the Dominion. [182] Relations continued to sour, to the point where Damar attempted to break away from Dominion rule. [175]

In reprisal the Dominion destroyed a Cardassian city, hoping to terrorize the homeworld into submission. When news reached the front lines the Cardassian fleet turned on the Dominion en masse, helping to inflict a devastating defeat upon them. In retaliation the Founders ordered the Jem'Hadar to murder as many Cardassian citizens as possible, and in the final hours of the war Cardassia Prime was devastated. [210]

In the aftermath of the war the Cardassians are faced with a colossal task in rebuilding their shattered Union. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to form a more civilized government in the process. [135]
Carlotti [172] A species which are located near to the Necrit expanse. Some Carlotti are involved in criminal activities. [172]
Carnivorous Rastipod [17] Large Bajoran creature known for its clumsiness [17]
Cat [211] Terran animal noted for its independence. [211] Felis Catus is it's taxonomic nomenclature. [212]
Cave-Rat [30] Cave dwelling animal found in the caves of a planet in the Gamma Quadrant. When Kor, Dax and Worf visited the planet in their search for the Sword of Kahless in 2372 they caught some Cave-Rats as food. Kor did not find them to his taste as they were 'all bones'. Kor tried to convince Worf to turn their killing of the rats into an epic story of a battle against a fearsome beast, which Worlf declined to do. [30]
Centaurian slug [213] A small creature which, when placed within a humanoid body, secreted a toxin which forced the person to answer any question put to them, whether they wanted to or not. Nero used a Centaurian slug to force Captain Pike to reveal information about Earth's defence system to him in 2258. [213]
Ceti Eel [214] Slug-like creature native to Ceti Alpha V, and the only native life form to survive the change to that planet's orbit after Ceti Alpha VI exploded. The Ceti Eel is about five inches long, covered in ridges along it's back. These contain the small bodies of the creature's young. When released, the young burrow into a person's ear and wrap themselves around the cerebral cortex - a habit which renders the person highly susceptible to suggestion. The adult Eel will then exit the ear when grown. In 2285 Captain Terrell and Commander Chekov were deliberately infected by Khan Noonian Singh to coerce them into helping with his escape from Ceti Alpha V. Terrell subsequently committed suicide rather than kill Admiral Kirk, but Chekov's Eel exited his body and was killed by Kirk. He made a full recovery. [214]
Chalnoth [141] An aggressive species, the Chalnoth are anarchists who reject any form of authority. A Chalnoth cannot go more than three or four days without eating. [141]
Chameloid [215] Shape changing beings once thought to be mythical [215]
Chandir [216] A member of this species was present on Starbase Earhart in 2327, where he watched a game of dom-jot played by Starfleet Ensign Cortan Zweller. [217] Members of this species were a common sight on Deep Space Nine. Two members visited shortly after the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole, [95] and another when Grand Nagus Zek retired. [218] A member of the species served aboard the Miradorn ship commanded by Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel in 2369. [28] In 2369 Nog and Jake amused themselves by throwing small stones at two members of the species from the upper level of the promenade. [219] Two of them were on the station when Vedek Winn accused Keiko of blasphemous teachings. [220] They were also regulars in Quark's Bar in 2370 [221], and could be seen on the promenade occasionally. [222]
Cheronians [223] The Federation first became aware of the Cheronians in 2268, when a Federation shuttlecraft was stolen from Starbase 4. It was intercepted about a month later by the USS Enterprise. They found the thief to be a closely Humanoid individual, with one major exception : his skin was completely black on one side of his body, completely white on the other. The ship's doctor assumed that this peculiar colouring was some form of mutation. [223]

Shortly afterwards the Enterprise was chased by another ship. It's pilot beamed aboard the Starship's bridge; named Bele, he had the same black/white colouring as the prisoner Lokai. Bele claimed that he was an official of the Cheronian government, and had been pursuing Lokai for an amazing fifty thousand years. Bele claimed that Lokai and 'his kind' were traitors against the government, while Lokai claimed that he was rather a revolutionary fighting for freedom. [223]

It soon became clear that, although apparently identical in colouring, there was one subtle difference between the two men; Bele was coloured black on the right side and white on the left side, while Lokai was coloured black on the left and white on the right. This slight difference had been enough to spark immense racial hatred between the two factions. [223]

When Captain Kirk declined to head for Cheron and hand over Lokai to the authorities Bele seized control of the ship, apparently using some form of PSI to set it on course for Cheron. He declined to release the vessel until Kirk threatened to use the self-destruct system. [223]

Once the Enterprise had completed its mission, Bele again seized control of the ship - this time disabling the self-destruct system in the process. He sent it towards Cheron, which lay in the southernmost part of the galaxy in an uncharted quarter. Both he and Lokai demonstrated further PSI-type powers, including personal force fields. [223]

On arrival at the planet, the Enterprise found the entire world lifeless - apparently the result of vast wars which had raged between the two factions. Bele and Lokai immediately blamed each other's people for the catastrophe, and set about attacking one another once again. Lokai managed to escape the ship by beaming down to Cheron, with Bele again in pursuit. [223]

Little more is known about the culture of Cheron or the abilities of the Cheronians themselves. The source of their impressive abilities appeared to be natural, although it is possible that they were the result of some type of implant or other advanced technology. The claimed fifty thousand year duration of the chase indicates that the Cheronians have extremely long life spans, possibly even some form of immortality. The wreckage of their civilization indicated that the Cheronians tended to live in several very large cities, rather than many hundreds of smaller ones, but Captain Kirk was understandably disinclined to remain at the planet to do further research. [223]

If indeed the Cheronians do posses immortality, it seems likely that Bele peruses Lokai even to this day. For as Captain Kirk noted of the two, hatred may not be all they ever had, but it was surely all they had left. [223]
Chessu [7] Species who took part in an annual sub-warp shuttle race [7]
Chicken [224] Earth bird. In primitive times the eggs and flesh of chickens were eaten as food. The Bringloidi still kept chickens when the Enterprise-D encountered them in 2365. [224]
Choblik [225] A Federation member species, the Choblik are bipedal, approximately a metre high. They resemble a short, furred ostrich with a herbivore's head, a short neck, and a long prehensile tail. They lack arms, instead using mechanical appendages. [225] Their eyes and other senses are also enhanced, allowing them to perceive a great range of information, up to and including shifts in the quantum field [226]

In and of themselves, Choblik are non-sentient. They achieve sentience via further cybernetic enhancements in their brains. The origin of these enhancements is lost to history; the Choblik themselves believe that an alien species visited their planet in the distant past and 'uplifted' the Choblik. They refer to these aliens as the 'Great Builders'. [225]

The Choblik regard themselves as ultimate rationalists, unable to believe anything unless it is supported by empirical evidence. [225] Referring to a Choblik as an excellent problem-solver is considered to be one of the greatest compliments that they can receive. [227]

Choblik display trust by rolling their neck in a manner which exposes their jugular, making them vulnerable to attack. [227]
Chokuzan [228] A species encountered by Voyager in 2377. First contact occurred when Icheb and Q2 travelled to the Klovari system via a multispacial fissure. A Chokuzan warship, fired on the Delta Flyer with an omicron radiation weapon, injuring Icheb. The Chokuzan was later revealed to be Q, who had disguised himself as part of an effort to test his son's willingness to help others. It is possible that the Chokuzan are an entirely fictional creation of Q. [228]
Chrysallian [112] Species who attempted to buy the Barzan Wormhole [112]
Circassian Cat [229] Geordi LaForge owned one of these [229]
Coalescent organism [230] This creature killed a Starfleet officer and took command of a subspace relay post. [230]
Companion [231] An energy cloud, the companion cared for Zefram Cochrane after he disappeared. [231]
Conciousness Parasite [232] Noncorporeal lifeform which attacks a victim just before death [232]
Coridanite [46] Beta quadrant species [233] which was petitioning for Federation membership in 2257. [39] In the mid 2150s, the Coridans were said to manufacture ships even faster and more advanced than Vulcan vessels of the time. However, the Coridan political situation was rather unstable and rebel factions frequently took hostages. [234] A Coridantie Ambassador attended the multi-species conference on Earth in 2155. [46]
Corvallen [235] Corvallens ran freighter runs near the Romulan border. [235]
Corvan Gilvo [102] Small, stick-like animal life form. In 23668 the Gilvo was considered an endangered species; in that year the Enterprise-D transported endangered animals from Corvan II, including some Gilvos. They were almost killed when the ship was damaged whilst disrupting a soliton wave experiment gone awry; Alexander Rozhenko insisted that Commander Riker rescue them in time. [102] In 2369 Quark kept a Gilvo as a pet during his brief tenure as the Grand Nagus of the Ferengi. [218]
Cove Palm [236] Plant which is poisonous [236]
Cow [224] An Earth animal, used in ancient human civilisation for producing leather and milk, and eaten as meat. The Bringloidi still used cows when the Enterprise-D encountered them in 2365. [224]
Cravic [237] Now extinct Delta Quadrant species. In the past the Cravic created Humanoid robots to act as servants and warriors for them. However, the robots turned on them and destroyed the Cravic species. [237]
Crystalline entity [238] The Crystalline entity is a mysterious life form which the Federation encountered several times. The first known incident came when the Omicron Theta colony was destroyed, leaving only the android Data and Doctor Soongs laboratory unaffected. At the time it was not known what had happened to the colony, although drawings made by some of the colonist children depicted a strange crystalline form.

When Lore was discovered in 2364 he revealed that the crystal was in fact a life form. The Enterprise encountered the being, which Lore was allied with, but took no action against it. [238]
Doctor Kila Marr, whose son had been killed on Omicron Theta, made the study of the entity her life's work. She studied a dozen attack sites over the next few years, but was never able to find the entity itself.

The next encounter with the crystalline entity came in 2368, when it destroyed the Melona IV colony. On this occasion a group of colonists together with some visiting Starfleet officers from the Enterprise-D survived the attack by taking shelter in some caves surrounded by refractive metals. The Enterprise arrived at Melona after the attack and found the planet devastated by the entity. Captain Picard decided to investigate the entity in more detail and invited Doctor Marr on board. The Doctor held considerable enmity toward the entity, which she regarded as 'evil'.

The ship was eventually successful in tracking the entity down. Using a modulated graviton beam the Enterprise was able to establish limited communication with it but Doctor Marr locked the ships graviton emitter into a continuous beam, creating severe resonance within the entity. She refused to release the beam and the resonance built up until the entity shattered, killing it. [239]

In 2380 the USS Titan encountered more Crystalline Entites whilst investigating the Gum Nebula region. The Entities were one of many spacegoing life forms which formed an ecosystem in the area, and considered to be one of the more dangerous. As with many dangerous spacegoing life forms, the Crystalline Entities were hunted by the alliance led by the Pa'haquel, who referred to them as "Branchers". Thanks to the crew of the Titan, the Pa'haquel instead took to using Space Jellyfish to corral and control the Crystalline Entities, using them to hunt other harmful spacegoing life forms. [225]
Crystilia [240] Flowering plant found on Tele-Marius III [240]
Cygnian [241] A sentient humanoid species, native to the Omega Cygni system in the Alpha Quadrant. Cygnians are distinguishable by their eyes, which have a vertically slitted pupil, pale white-gold skin, and a slim tail. Cygnians have psionic abilities which allow them to sense the actions of others at a distance. [241]

In 2268, a report on Cygnian respiratory diseases was part of the library on the USS Enterprise. [242] In 2371 Dr Bashir was reading a report on the same topic on Deep Space Nine. [94]

The Cygnian home world of Cygnet XIV was an early member of the Federation. It was noted for excellence in computer sciences and a strict matriarchal form of government. Males were in the minority on the planet, and any male who wished to progress there faced considerable difficulty. [243]
Cyperon Cactus [59] Plant found in the E-D arboretum [59]
Cypriprdium [244] Earth plant [244]
Cytherian [245] Residents of the centre of the galaxy, the Cytherians bring other species to their space rather than exploring. [245]
D'Arsay [246] An ancient civilisation who flourished some 87 million years ago. Although long vanished, the D'Arsay left behind an advanced archive of information which the Enterprise-D discovered buried at the center of a rogue comet in 2370. The Archive was able to influence the Enterprise replicator system to reproduce elements of D'Arsay culture, mostly comprising parts of a myth concerning Masaka, the D'Arsay sun goddess. [246]
Dachlyd [247] Intelligent species. In 2366 Captain Picard negotiated a trade dispute between the Dachlyds and their nearest neighbours, the Gemarians. Counsellor Troi regarded the Dachlyds as an incredibly stubborn people. [247]
Dakalan Bug [145] This multi-legged bioluminescent organism lived in the forests of the rogue planet Dakala. It was encountered by the Enterprise crew when they visited the planet in 2151. [145]
Dal'Rok [219] Mysterious creature which periodically threatens a Bajoran village [219]
Daliwakan [248] Humanoid species [248]
Dalvin Hissing Beetle [249] Small beetle which hisses [249]
Dark Matter Lifeform [250] Creature composed of dark matter which Voyager encountered in 2376. [250]
Debrune [166] Ancient offshoot of the Romulans [166]
Deer [251] Animal life form native to Earth. Some Vulcans stranded on the planet once considered eating a Deer to survive. [251]
Degebian Mountain Goat [30] Animal known for its ability to climb [30]
Dekendi [252] Species native to Dekendi III. [252]
Deleb [253] Pre-warp species originating on planet Persephone III. The species featured an almost lizard like skin and cranial ridges. They also feature distinctive orange eyes that almost seem to glow. [253]
Deltan [66] Federation member species. Deltans are closely humanoid in appearance, distinguished by their typically bald heads. Like Vulcans, they have a form of contact empathic or telepathic power. This enables a Deltan to remove a person's ability to feel pain by touching them. [66]

Deltans were renowned for being very attractive. When the ECS Horizon encountered a group of Deltans in 2141, the adolescent Travis Mayweather found that extensive workouts in the gym helped him to deal with his attraction for them. [125]

Deltans in turn regarded Humans as a 'sexually immature species', and in the 22nd century those who chose to serve in Starfleet were required to put a formal oath of celibacy on record and forgo sexual contact with Humans. [66]

Demerian [87] The ECS Horizon was delivering stromatopod larvae to this species in 2153. [87]
Demons [254] In 2374 the USS Voyager finally began to run out of Deuterium fuel as it travelled towards home. Desperate to locate a new supply, the ship landed on a Y class planet where Deuterium was detected. Y class planets are nicknamed "Demon class" because of their extreme hostility. With surface temperatures of hundreds of degrees celsius and a highly poisonous atmosphere, these worlds are also sources of intense thermionic radiation.

Voyager landed a shuttlecraft on the planet, and two of the crew - Harry Kim and Tom Paris - were able to locate a form of liquid metal on the surface which had a high Deuterium content. However, before they could collect any their environmental suits were overcome by the conditions and they collapsed.

Captain Janeway used almost the last of Voyagers fuel to land the ship on the planets surface. When a rescue party went out to look for Kim and Paris, they found the two officers wandering around without their environment suits on, totally unharmed by the hostile conditions.

On returning to the ship, both men were almost killed by the normal atmosphere on Voyager - only being saved when the EMH recreated the planets atmosphere within sickbays isolation chamber. The mystery was solved when further investigation of the planet proved that the liquid metal was in fact a life form with mimetic properties. The metal had imitated Paris and Kim, leaving the real officers lying on the surface. The metal had been alive for a long time before Voyager's arrival, but only when it imitated the Humans did it become sentient. Desperate to have more life to copy, the liquid metal began to suck Voyager under the surface of the planet. Janeway attacked it with a Nadion burst and after a brief stand-off an agreement was reached. Voyagers crew agreed to allow the metal to sample all of the crew in order to create copies; in return the metal agreed to provide all the Deuterium the ship needed.

Voyager proceeded on its way, leaving over a hundred copies behind. [254]
The metal life form decided to mimic Voyager itself so that it could explore space, having apparently gained sufficient detail from the crew to build a perfect functional copy. Like the initial copies of Kim and Paris the copied Voyager crew were unaware that they were not the originals.

In 2375 the copy began to lose cohesion as a result of exposure to the ships warp field. Initially confused, the crew eventually realized what had happened and after some anguish decided to abandon their journey towards Earth and return to the Demon planet. Unfortunately, they failed in the attempt and the ship and crew disintegrated in space. It is not known whether any more of the Demon life forms remain on the planet. [255]
Denebian [256] Species who dealt with Harcourt Fenton Mudd [256]
Denebian Slime Devil [257] Unpleasant creature once compared to James Kirk [257]
Denevan Neural Parasite [258] An intelligent species, the neural parasites were flattened, disc-shaped creatures about twelve inches across and an inch or two thick. They had little in the way of organs or internal structure, resembling a single gigantic brain cell. Despite this, they have a limited ability to fly in order to attack and infest their victims. On contact with a person - usually aiming for the back - the parasite would use a stinger to inject neural tissue into them. The tissue would entwine itself around the nervous system, making it almost impossible to remove. The parasite would issue commands directly into the mind of the host, and if not obeyed would cause the nervous system to send pain messages to the brain. So great was this ability to inflict pain that the host could die from it. [258]

The parasites are believed to be connected together through some unknown means, making them one gigantic hive mind. This allows them to lend strength to one another, making individual creatures almost impossible to kill - even sustained phaser fire did little to them, and they easily withstood temperatures of nine thousand degrees. However, they are vulnerable to ultraviolet light; illumination by a sufficient level of this will kill them and free the host. [258]

The origin of the parasites is unclear. The are known to have infested the Beta Portolan system in the distant past; in the 2060s they infested Levinius V, then Theta Cygni XII, and in 2265, Ingraham B. Their last known location was the planet Deneva, in 2266. Captain Kirk theorised that the neural parasites were so alien to that they might well originate from outside the galaxy. The Denevan infestation was eradicated when the USS Enterprise seeded the planet's orbit with over two hundred ultra violet satellites, which flooded the planet with UV light to a brightness of one million candles per square inch. [258]
Denobulan Lemur [32] Highly sought after pet on the planet Denobula. The Lemur is somewhat similar to a dog - it has a tail, fur, and most have one head. [32]
Denobulans [26] Technically advanced Humanoid species originating on the planet Denobula [26] in the Denobula Triaxia system. [259] In the past, Denobulans believed they were the only intelligent species in the galaxy. They were shocked when they were contacted by the B'Saari, but even then some Denobulans refused to accept the truth at first. [86]

The Denobulans have had contact with Humanity since at least 2151, and one of their number worked with Earth's Starfleet in that year. [26] Denobulans can be identified by the characteristic bone ridges on their face. They tend to be a friendly and outgoing people, curious about the world around them and especially interested in the customs and habits of the alien species they meet. [77]

The Denobulans have a complex mating patterns, including a periodic mating season. Details of the mating process are relatively scarce, but the Denobulans have males and females much as Humans do, with at least two "combatants" engaged in the act of mating. They produce strong pheromones to indicate when they are interested in a romantic relationship. [260] The Denobulans practice group marriages, with several wives and husbands in a single family group. [252]

They had a form of entertainment similar to movies a few hundred years ago, but these lost their appeal when the people realised that their real lives were much more interesting. As a rule, Denobulans don't like to be touched by others. Parts of the Denobulan night life can be disturbing to the uninitiated, and it is not advisable to venture out at night alone. [260]Denobulan males are very uncomfortable undressing in front of others [261], but are quite comfortable naked when alone. [262]Most Denobulans do not talk during meals, as they regard it as a waste of time. [35]

The Denobulans fought a series of wars with the Antarans, with the last finishing around 1851. Much animosity still exists between the two species, especially on the Antaran side. [55] Denobulans regard stress induced hallucinations as a healthy and harmless way for a person to release nervous energy. [263]

Denobulans normally require very little sleep, but they do hibernate for six days each year - if woken during this cycle they are extremely groggy and unsure of their surroundings. [264] When stressed, a Denobulan will sometimes initiate an instinctive defence mechanism which causes their face to puff up to about twice normal size, intimidating an attacker. [265]
Devidian [266] Species which dwelled on Devidia II. The Devidians existed in a slightly different phase than normal matter, making them invisible and intangible without special equipment. They used an Ophidian to open time portals and travel to 19th century Earth, where they murdered humans by draining the life energy out of them. The Devidians consumed this life energy for sustenance. [266] The Enterprise-D crew were able to modify some photon torpedoes to affect the Devidians and destroy the cavern in which they lived, ending the threat to Earth's past. [267]
Devore [185] The Devore have a fanatical hatred of all telepaths; within their space, all telepaths were ruthelessley hunted and exterminated. In 2375 Voyager managed to pass through Devore space by hiding their telepathic crew members along with some refugees in transporter stasis. [185]
Digger [268] Animal found on Terra Nova. [268]
Dikironium Cloud Creature [242] Gaseous life form which feeds on the iron hemoglobin found in Human blood. The creature was capable of altering its molecular structure, enabling it to hide from sensor probes. It was characterized by a sickly-sweet odour. Commander Spock suggested that the creature might exist in a borderline state between matter and energy, with elements of both, and that it may travel by the manipulation of gravity fields, a method he considered extremely efficient. This allowed it to move with incredible speed - when in an atmosphere, it could accelerate and move quickly enough to make it difficult for even a trained security officer to hit it with phaser fire. In space it could travel at high warp speeds. Phasers and even photon torpedoes had no effect on the creature, as its ability to manipulate gravity made it immune to both as well as allowing it to pass through shielding. It is possible that the creature was repelled by radiation, though this is not certain. In 2257 a Dikironium cloud creature was responsible for the deaths of two hundred crew members of the USS Farragut including the commanding officer, Captain Garrovick. In 2268 one of the creatures - possibly the same one - killed several members of the Enterprise crew before being destroyed by an antimatter charge at Tycho IV. Captain Kirk would report his impression that the creature was both intelligent and malevolent, describing it as evil. He also had the impression that Tycho IV was the creature's home planet. Commander Spock suggested that the creature may reproduce by fissioning into thousands of parts. [242]
Dimorusians [269] Rodent-like creatures native to the planet Dimorus. The creatures were capable of throwing poisoned darts. On one occasion, such a dart was thrown at James T. Kirk. His friend Gary Mitchell took the dart instead, and almost died as a result. Mitchell would remind Kirk of the incident in 2265 in order to emphasise their friendship. [270]
Dinaali [271] The Dinaali were very short of resources, and rationed healthcare strictly on the basis of an individual's importance to society. In 2377 they acquired Voyager's stolen EMH and employed him in one of their hopitals. The EMH found their method of resource allocation to be unethical, but struggled to find any viable alternative. [271]
Diomedian Scarlet Moss [272] A form of plant which is difficult to grow. [272]
Distortion ring Being [273] Mysterious entity(s) which inhabit a twisted region of space [273]
DITL Species No. 1000 Voyager encountered a member of this species in the Delta Quadrant in 2376. [274]
DITL Species No. 1006 A species known for being rather larger and stronger than Humans. A member of this species was a resident of the Klingon penal asteroid of Rura Penthe in 2293, where he claimed to be a member of the "Brotherhood of Aliens". He attempted to intimidate Captain Kirk into surrendering his coat when he arrived there, but relented at Marta's urging. [215]
DITL Species No. 1007 A member of this species was a resident of the Klingon penal asteroid of Rura Penthe in 2293, when Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy arrived there. [215]
DITL Species No. 1009 An animated plant creature. Lwaxana Troi had one of these creatures as a combination pet/decorative item. [9]
DITL Species No. 1013 This species was present in an Earth bar in 2285 when Dr. McCoy used it as a meeting place. [275]
DITL Species No. 1016 A member of this species was present in the Federation council chambers during the Cetacean probe crisis in 2285. [63]
DITL Species No. 1017 A member of this species was present on Nimbus III in 2285. [276]
DITL Species No. 1018 A member of this species was a dancer in a bar on Nimbus III in 2285. [276]
DITL Species No. 1019 A member of this species was on Numbus III in 2285. [276]
DITL Species No. 1020 A member of this species was a prisoner at Rura Pente in 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 1021 A member of this species was a prisoner at Rura Pente in 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 1022 A member of this species was a prisoner at Rura Pente in 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 1023 A member of this species was a prisoner at Rura Pente in 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 1024 A member of this species was a prisoner at Rura Pente in 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 1028 A member of this species was present on the Excelsior bridge in 2293 during the Praxis explosion and subsequent peace process. [215]
DITL Species No. 1030 A member of this species was aboard the Enterprise-D in 2371. [277]
DITL Species No. 1033 Unknown species; Anya transformed into one of these creatures whilst aboard the Enterprise-D in 2365. [21]
DITL Species No. 1034 Unknown species; Anya transformed into one of these creatures whilst aboard the Enterprise-D in 2365. [21]
DITL Species No. 1035 Unknown species; Salia transformed into one of these creatures whilst aboard the Enterprise-D in 2365. [21]
DITL Species No. 1048 A member of this species attended the Federation council meeting in 2285. [63]
DITL Species No. 1050 A member of this species was in an Iowan bar in 2255 when Kirk started a fight there. [213]
DITL Species No. 1051 A member of this species, Alnschloss K'Bentayr, was a crewmember on the USS Kelvin in 2233. [213]
DITL Species No. 1055 In the Kelvin timeline a member of this species was a cadet at Starfleet academy, and served aboard the Enterprise during the ship's eventful maiden mission. [213]
DITL Species No. 1062 This creature was kept in the NX-01 sickbay by Dr. Phlox. [260]
DITL Species No. 1064 A dog-like species which was a pet of Keyla during her visit to Risa in 2152. [264]
DITL Species No. 1065 Species encountered by the Starships USS Brittain and USS Enterprise-D in 2367, when they were trapped within Tyken's rift. The species is apparently telepathic, and their attempts to communication with the Starship crews were telepathy based. Unfortunately their mode of telepathy was impossible for the crews to perceive directly, and the attempts disrupted the REM sleep of everybody on the ships, leading them to undergo ever-increasing levels of stress and disorientation. The lone exception were the Betazoid crewmembers, who perceived the communication attempts in their sleep as symbolic dreams. Counsellor Troi was eventually able to communicate a simple message to the species, enabling them to escape the rift. The species may have been energy based, by the appearance of their ship. They went on their way after the escape, without further communication. [278]
DITL Species No. 1069 A Starfleet officer of this species was aboard the Enterprise-D in 2367. [240]
DITL Species No. 1070 A member of this species was at the planet Pernaia prime in 2152 whilst T'Pol, Archer and Mayweather visited. [279]
DITL Species No. 1071 A member of this species was present on the moon of Pernaia Prime when the NX-01 visited in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 1073 A member of this species was present on the moon of Pernaia Prime when the NX-01 visited in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 1074 A member of this species was present on the moon of Pernaia Prime when the NX-01 visited in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 1075 A member of this species was present on the moon of Pernaia Prime when the NX-01 visited in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 1076 A member of this species was present on the moon of Pernaia Prime when the NX-01 visited in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 1078 A member of this species was at the mining colony in the Delphic Expanse which the NX-01 visited in 2153. [280]
DITL Species No. 1079 A ship belonging to this species was discovered by the NX-01, derelict in the Delphic Expanse. It had been attacked by Osaarian pirates and the crew killed. [13]
DITL Species No. 1080 This species was discovered by the NX-01 in 2153. The lifecycle of the species involved the laying of an egg, which opened to release a number of maggot-like creatures. [281]
DITL Species No. 1081 A member of this species was a slave at the market visited by Captain Archer in 2153. [282]
DITL Species No. 1082 A member of this species was a slave of the Tholians in 2154. He worked for them on the captured USS Defiant until Captain Archer took control of the ship. [47]
DITL Species No. 1083 A species known to be present on Rigel X in 2161. [283]
DITL Species No. 1084 A species known to be present on Rigel X in 2161. [283]
DITL Species No. 1085 A species known to be present on Rigel X in 2161. [283]
DITL Species No. 1086 A creature which was being vivisected by Doctor Phlox aboard the ISS Enterprise in the Mirror universe in 2154. [284]
DITL Species No. 1087 A creature which was being vivisected by Doctor Phlox aboard the ISS Enterprise in the Mirror universe in 2154. [284]
DITL Species No. 1089 A member of this species was a spectator at a Tsunkatse match attended by members of Voyager's crew. [170]
DITL Species No. 1090 Encountered in 2263; Jaylah was a member of this species. [24]
DITL Species No. 1091 Encountered in 2263; Kalara was thought to be a member of this species. In actuality she had taken on the appearance of the species as a result of using the life extension technology discovered on the planet Altamid. [24]
DITL Species No. 1092 A member of this species was amongst the miners the Enterprise-D picked up from Harod IV in 2368. [285]
DITL Species No. 1093 A member of this species was amongst the miners the Enterprise-D picked up from Harod IV in 2368. [285]
DITL Species No. 1118 A spacefaring species in the 23rd century, Scotty met a member of this species after he crash-landed on the planet Altimid as the Enterprise was destroyed by Krall's forces. Like many of the survivors of Krall's attacks, the individual had taken to stealing to survive. Jaylah managed to fight the group off, with moral support from Scotty. [24]
DITL Species No. 1119 A spacefaring species in the 23rd century, Scotty met a member of this species after he crash-landed on the planet Altimid as the Enterprise was destroyed by Krall's forces. Like many of the survivors of Krall's attacks, the individual had taken to stealing to survive. Jaylah managed to fight the group off, with moral support from Scotty. [24]
DITL Species No. 1120 A spacefaring species in the 23rd century, Scotty met a member of this species after he crash-landed on the planet Altimid as the Enterprise was destroyed by Krall's forces. Like many of the survivors of Krall's attacks, the individual had taken to stealing to survive. Jaylah managed to fight the group off, with moral support from Scotty. [24]
DITL Species No. 1132 The species to which Senior Chief Petty Officer Sozlok belonged. This species was dark-furred, and vaguely simian-looking. [286]
DITL Species No. 1139 Members of this species were to be found on Starbase Yorktown in 2263. [24]
DITL Species No. 1140 Members of this species were seen on Starbase Yorktown in 2263. [24]
DITL Species No. 1141 A member of this species was part of the Enterprise crew in 2263. [24]
DITL Species No. 1142 A member of this species worked as a musician on Deep Space 9 in 2369 [95]
DITL Species No. 1144 A member of this species lived on Deep Space Nine in 2370 [198]
DITL Species No. 1145 A member of this species was part of the USS Enterprise Crew in 2363 shortly before the ships destruction in orbit of the planet Altimid [24]
DITL Species No. 1146 A member of this species served on the USS Enterprise in 2363, shortly before it was destroyed in orbit over the planet Altimid [24]
DITL Species No. 1147 Satine was a member of this species. She was a crew member of the USS Enterprise when it was destroyed above the planet Altimid [24]
DITL Species No. 1148 A member of this species was a member of the crew of the USS Enterprise in 2263 [24]
DITL Species No. 1149 A member of this species was part of the USS Enterprise Crew in 2363 shortly before the ships destruction in orbit of the planet Altimid [24]
DITL Species No. 1150 A member of this species was seen on Starbase Yorktown in 2263. [24]
DITL Species No. 1151 A member of this species served on the USS Enterprise in 2363, shortly before it was destroyed in orbit over the planet Altimid [24]
DITL Species No. 1152 A member of this species was present on Starbase Yorktown in 2263 [24]
DITL Species No. 1153 A member of this species was present on Starbase Yorktown in 2263 [24]
DITL Species No. 1154 A member of this species was present on Starbase Yorktown in 2263 [24]
DITL Species No. 1155 Tyvanna was a member of this species. she was also a member of the USS Enterprise Crew in 2263. [24]
DITL Species No. 1156 A member of this species was part of the USS Enterprise Crew in 2363 shortly before the ships destruction in orbit of the planet Altimid [24]
DITL Species No. 1200 Alien settler on Numbus III. He later joined Sybok's army of light. [276]
DITL Species No. 1201 A member of this alien species was a patron of The Watering Hole bar in Paradise City on Nimbus III. He later joined the Army of Light lead by Sybok. [276]
DITL Species No. 1202 A member of this alien species was a patron of The Watering Hole bar in Paradise City on Nimbus III, where he enjoyed playing Water Pool. He later joined the Army of Light lead by Sybok. [276]
DITL Species No. 1203 A member of this alien species was a patron of The Watering Hole bar in Paradise City on Nimbus III, where he enjoyed playing Water Pool. He later joined the Army of Light lead by Sybok. [276]
DITL Species No. 1204 A golden skinned species, a member of which attended the Khittomer conference in 2293 as a Federation representative. [215]
DITL Species No. 1205 A member of this species was a prisoner at Rura Pente in 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 1206 A member of this species served as a doctor on the USS Kelvin when it was attacked by Nero in 2233. She assisted Winona Kirk to give brith to James T. Kirk in the evacuation shuttle. Members of the species had larger than average eyes, which were oval in shape and angled upwards away from the nose. [213]
DITL Species No. 1207 A member of this species served as a cadet in Starfleet academy in 2233, in the alternate reality created by Nero. The species was larger than average, standing head and shoulders above an average human. They had a bulbous head and sunken eyes. Their nose is flush to the front of the face, appearing as a simple pair of holes above the mouth. [213]
DITL Species No. 1208 A member of this species was on Earth in 2255, when James T. Kirk joins Starfleet. He was a cadet and on the same shuttle used by Kirk to travel to Starfleet academy. Members of the species are larges than the average human, have a larger than average head and very distinct brow ridges. They are typically bald but are able to grow facial heir around the chin. [213]
DITL Species No. 1218 A member of this species was part of the pirate crew of the Serene Squall in 2258. [287]
DITL Species No. 1219 A member of this species was part of the pirate crew of the Serene Squall in 2258. [287]
DITL Species No. 1220 A member of this species was part of the pirate crew of the Serene Squall in 2258. [287]
DITL Species No. 1222 A species encountered by the Federation in 2258 during a rescue mission to the USS Peregrine. Little was known at that time but one member as named as "Buckley" by his human companion. The Universal translator was unable to translate the language they spoke. "Buckley" was infested with Gorn eggs and died when they matured and fought their way out of the body. [288]

An unusual feature of the species could be seen on their head. Which appeared to have flaps of "Skin" that could be opened and closed, like the petals of a flower, revealing a darker layer beneath. The exact purpose of this feature was never discovered. [288]
DITL Species No. 1223 A member of the species was on the crew of the USS Enterprise the Kelvin timeline. [84]
DITL Species No. 1224 A member of this species was present at the Star Fleet meeting of senior personnel following the bombing of the Kelvin Memorial Archive. [84]
DITL Species No. 1225 A member of the species worked as a Star Fleet officer on the USS Enterprise. [84]
DITL Species No. 1226 A member of the species was a Star Fleet engineer in 2259. [84]
DITL Species No. 139 Unknown alien inhabiting the body of Mr. Hengist. [72]
DITL Species No. 15 Dr. McCoy tried to charter a vessel from an individual of this species to take him to the Genesis planet in 2285. [275]
DITL Species No. 153 Unknown alien, present on the merchant planet. [289]
DITL Species No. 154 Unknown alien, a buyer on the merchant planet. [289]
DITL Species No. 155 Unknown alien, present on the merchant planet. [289]
DITL Species No. 156 Unknown alien, present on the merchant planet. [289]
DITL Species No. 157 Unknown alien from a species which attempted to create Omega molecules. [159]
DITL Species No. 158 Unknown alien, chief of a merchant world who used transporter technology to steal goods. [289]
DITL Species No. 159 Unknown alien, a victim of Steth. [117]
DITL Species No. 160 Intelligent alien which latched onto B'Elanna after being injured. [290]
DITL Species No. 162 Unknown alien, also trapped on a planet with Paris and Tuvok. [20]
DITL Species No. 163 Alien who was trapped on a planet with Tuvok and Paris for some weeks. [20]
DITL Species No. 164 Unknown alien, who spent many years pursuing the 'telepathic pitcher plant'. [291]
DITL Species No. 165 Unknown alien, a client of the Think Tank. [292]
DITL Species No. 166 A member of the Think Tank. [292]
DITL Species No. 167 A member of the Think Tank. [292]
DITL Species No. 168 A member of the Think Tank. [292]
DITL Species No. 169 Spacegoing alien which tried to devour USS Voyager. [291]
DITL Species No. 171 Mr. Homm is a member of this unknown species. [9]
DITL Species No. 172 Primitive species which inhabited the planet Voyager's crew was briefly stranded on. [293]
DITL Species No. 173 A non-corporeal life form which travelled through space. In 2365 a member of this species encountered the Enterprise-D and impregnated Commander Troi in order to gain humanoid corporeal form as part of an experiment to explore what life as a humanoid was like. The creature sacrificed its corporal existence in order to avoid a disaster aboard the ship. [294]
DITL Species No. 175 Humanoids which lived on Ramatis III. [295]
DITL Species No. 176 Unknown alien which watched Tsunkatse matches on the Norcadian home world. [170]
DITL Species No. 177 Unknown alien which watched Tsunkatse matches on the Norcadian home world. [170]
DITL Species No. 178 This alien was killed when a Klingon Bird of Prey destroyed a Federation merchantman in 2285. [275]
DITL Species No. 179 Unknown alien which took part in Tsunkatse matches on the Norcadian home world. [170]
DITL Species No. 180 Unknown alien which organised Tsunkatse matches. [170]
DITL Species No. 181 Alien which ran a junkyard and traded with Voyager. [296]
DITL Species No. 182 Alien who built the null space catapult. [297]
DITL Species No. 184 Varria, a companion of the collector Kivas Fajo. [298]
DITL Species No. 185 Collector, pal of Kivas Fajo. [298]
DITL Species No. 186 Barash, an alien child abandoned by his monther on Alpha Onias III. [299]
DITL Species No. 187 A female from an unknown species who impersonated the mythical figure of Ardra, the Ventaxian equivalent of the Devil. [300]
DITL Species No. 188 Alien who acted as an assistant to Admiral Satie during her hearings on board the Enterprise. [301]
DITL Species No. 189 Alien who lived in The Void for five years. [302]
DITL Species No. 190 Alien who lived in The Void and was briefly part of the Voyager alliance. [302]
DITL Species No. 191 Alien who took part in the terrorist attack on the Enterprise-D at the Remmler array. [76]
DITL Species No. 192 Alien who took part in the terrorist attack on the Enterprise-D at the Remmler array. [76]
DITL Species No. 193 Species which lived in the FGC-47 nebula. [190]
DITL Species No. 195 Leader of the renegades which worked for the Romulans. [166]
DITL Species No. 196 Owner of a seedy bar. [166]
DITL Species No. 197 Part of the renegade group working to recover artifacts for the Romulans. [166]
DITL Species No. 198 Part of a renegade group which stole archeological artefacts. [166]
DITL Species No. 199 Member of the federation. Served aboard the Enterprise-D.
DITL Species No. 201 Unknown species used as gladiators by the providers on the planet Triskelion [303]
DITL Species No. 202 Unknown species used as gladiators by the providers on the planet Triskelion [303]
DITL Species No. 203 Unknown species used as gladiators by the providers on the planet Triskelion [303]
DITL Species No. 204 Unknown species head of the trainers used by the providers on the planet Triskelion [303]
DITL Species No. 205 This alien is a regular at Quark's Bar on Deep Space Nine. [92]
DITL Species No. 206 Unknown species used as gladiators by the providers onthe planet Triskelion [303]
DITL Species No. 207 Extragalactic invaders who had the power to change the form of matter [304]
DITL Species No. 208 Unknown species, the caretaker of the entertainment planet once used by the USS Enterprise [305]
DITL Species No. 209 Alien child with powerful mental abilities - possibly a Q [306]
DITL Species No. 210 Unknown species which was almost destroyed by an immortality project. [307]
DITL Species No. 212 Humanoid species that lived under the rule of the computer Landru, until Kirk destroyed it. [308]
DITL Species No. 214 Unknown species which paralleled Earth's early cultural development. [309]
DITL Species No. 216 Unknown species, a member of the federation. This individual was a follower of Dr Sevrin [310]
DITL Species No. 218 A member of this species which served as a waitress at Quark's bar on DS9. [95]
DITL Species No. 219 A member of this species bought items at the auction Quark and Vash ran on DS9. [311]
DITL Species No. 220 A member of this species bought items at the auction Quark and Vash ran on DS9. [311]
DITL Species No. 221 Vash unwittingly brought an egg continaingthis alien back from the Gamma Quadrant. [311]
DITL Species No. 222 A member of this species once visited DS9. [312]
DITL Species No. 223 A member of this species was occasionally seen on DS9. [92]
DITL Species No. 224 A member of this species was occasionally seen on DS9. [92]
DITL Species No. 225 This species fought against the Dominion and were infected with a horrible disease in retaliation. The baldness is not typical. [144]
DITL Species No. 226 Two assasins of this species once tried to kill an Idanian government agent on Deep Space Nine. [313]
DITL Species No. 227 A member of this species 'worked' for the arms merchant Hagath. [37]
DITL Species No. 228 Alien who bought Breen CRM 114 hand weaponsfrom the arms merchant Hagath on Deep Space Nine. [37]
DITL Species No. 229 A member of this species was working for the Orion Syndicate on Farius Prime. [314]
DITL Species No. 231 A member of this species was murdered after attempting to cheat the Orion Syndicate. [314]
DITL Species No. 232 Notable for their vertical mouths and vaguely bat-like heads, members of this species were seen visiting Deep Space 9 between 2369 and 2372. In 2369 one such individual was watching the activities on the Promenade from the upper level. [315]

In 2370, an individual passed by Kira Nerys as she returned a gift to Grand Nagus Zek. [316]

Another individual was seen talking to a security officer on the Promenade in 2370. [317]

One was seen with a female companion on the Promenade in 2370. [18]

They were occasionally seen in Quark's Bar; one enjoyed a drink there after the employee strike in 2373. [222]

When Keiko and Molly O'Brien returned to Deep Space 9 in 2373 after a lengthy stay on Bajor, a member of this race was traveling on their transport. [318]

A member of this species was also seen shopping on the Promenade in 2372, when Onaya arrived on the station. [312]
DITL Species No. 233 A member of this species was working for the Orion Syndicate on Farius Prime. [314]
DITL Species No. 234 A member of this species was working for the Orion Syndicate on Farius Prime. [314]
DITL Species No. 235 A member of this species took part in the Lissepian Mother's Day Heist with Morn. [319]
DITL Species No. 236 Two brothers of this species took part in the Lissepian Mother's Day Heist with Morn. [319]
DITL Species No. 237 Alien seen talking part in an auction on Deep Space Nine. [311]
DITL Species No. 238 Alien seen on Deep Space Nine. [92]
DITL Species No. 239 Alien who was an expert forger. [134]
DITL Species No. 240 Alien who dated Gar, even though she was married. [271]
DITL Species No. 244 Alien seen on Rigel X. [26]
DITL Species No. 245 Alien seen on Rigel X. [26]
DITL Species No. 246 Alien seen on Rigel X. [26]
DITL Species No. 247 Alien seen on Risa. This species was capable of altering their shape to imitate other lifeforms. [264] A member of this species was also present on Pernaia prime when Archer, T'Pol and Mayweather visited in 2152. [279] Another was to be found on an Enolian prison transport bound for Canamar in the same year, [78]
DITL Species No. 248 Alien seen on Risa. The species had an extremely complex spoken language. [264]
DITL Species No. 249 Alien seen on Risa. [264]
DITL Species No. 250 Species encountered by Enterprise in 2152. This species was split into several castes, with considerable conflict between them. [19]
DITL Species No. 251 Species encountered by Enterprise in 2152. This group were Deuterium miners. [320]
DITL Species No. 252 Pre-warp species encountered by Enterprise in 2152. Some cultural contamination took place when Reed lost a communicator on the planet. [321]
DITL Species No. 254 Unknown Alien
DITL Species No. 258 These aliens were present at the Khittomer conference of 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 259 This alien was an inmate of Rura Pente in 2293. The species' genitals are in its knees. [215]
DITL Species No. 260 Alien species
DITL Species No. 261 Martia imitated this life form while escaping Rura Pente with Kirk and McCoy. [215]
DITL Species No. 262 Unknown Alien
DITL Species No. 263 Unknown life form which launched an unprovoked attack on a shuttle from the USS Voyager. [322]
DITL Species No. 264 A member of this species was occasionally seen on DS9. [92]
DITL Species No. 279 Unknown life form which used polaric energy to power their cities, regardless of the extreme danger involved. [323]
DITL Species No. 287 This species abducted Captain Picard to study concepts of authority, which they themselves lack. [141]
DITL Species No. 288 Unknown alien who ran a space station on the edge of the Necrit expanse. [172]
DITL Species No. 289 Unknown alien who was in charge of maintaining an inversion nebula. [324]
DITL Species No. 290 Unknown alien species, a victim of the Nyrians. [71]
DITL Species No. 293 This species followed a ship through the Bajoran wormhole in 2369, and set about investigating the station. They were interested in Human imagination, which they said was a difficult concept for them to understand. To explore it they manifested themselves as people the crew imagined - an ancient mythological character, a baseball player, and a romantically compliant version of Jadzia Dax. They eventually departed the station, suggesting that they may reveal more about themselves in the future. [105]
DITL Species No. 294 Member of a species seen occasionally on Deep Space Nine. [325]
DITL Species No. 295 Alien seen talking part in an auction on Deep Space Nine. [311]
DITL Species No. 298 Unknown life form which worked as a dancer at a seedy bar. [326]
DITL Species No. 299 Unknown life form, patron of a seedy bar. [326]
DITL Species No. 300 Unknown life form which leaves its young to hatch on an uninhabited planet. [327]
DITL Species No. 301 Unknown life form, present on the Mokra planet. [328]
DITL Species No. 302 Unknown life form, present on the Mokra planet. [328]
DITL Species No. 303 Unknown life form, present on the Mokra planet. [328]
DITL Species No. 304 Unknown alien which was hired muscle for a Carlotti at the Necrit expanse. [172]
DITL Species No. 743 A playright from this primitive delta quadrant species based a series of plays on the life of B'Elanna Torres. [329]
DITL Species No. 744 Voyager's Delta Flyer once took part in a sub-warp race with various aliens, including this species. [7]
DITL Species No. 745 Voyager's Delta Flyer once took part in a sub-warp race with various aliens; a member of this species attempted to sabotage the race and kill the delegates at the finishing line. [7]
DITL Species No. 746 Members of this species had dealings with Quark on Deep Space Nine. [330]
DITL Species No. 853 Unknown species encountered by the NX-01 in 2151; this individual was a transport pilot who had a rather direct manner. [331]
DITL Species No. 854 Unknown species encountered by the NX-01 in 2151; this individual was visiting a stellar nursery to study the Great Plume of Agosoria. [331]
DITL Species No. 855 Unknown species encountered by the NX-01 in 2151; this individual was visiting a stellar nursery to study the Great Plume of Agosoria. [331]
DITL Species No. 856 These aliens were present at the Khittomer conference of 2293. [215]
DITL Species No. 857 Species present on Earth in 2285. [275]
DITL Species No. 858 Species present on Earth in 2285. [275]
DITL Species No. 887 This member of an unknown species sold maps on a station at the edge of the Necrit expanse. [172]
DITL Species No. 889 Species which played Dom-Jot on Starbase Earhart when Picard was waiting for his first assignment. [217]
DITL Species No. 890 A member of this species was incarcarated in the New Zeland penal colony in 2371. [332]
DITL Species No. 893 Species which was present at Tsunkatse matches in 2376. [170]
DITL Species No. 894 Species which was present at Tsunkatse matches in 2376. [170]
DITL Species No. 899 Delta Quadrant species which was conned by a gang masquerading as Voyager crewmembers. [274] This may possibly be a Nihydron, as this individual flew a ship which looked very much like a Nihydron vessel. [333]
DITL Species No. 901 Species which attacked the Earch cargo ship Horizon in 2153. [87]
DITL Species No. 904 Members of this species were prisoners of the Enolians in 2152. [78]
DITL Species No. 907 A member of this species was to be found on Pernaia prime in 2152. They are larger and stronger than Humans. [279]
DITL Species No. 908 A member of this species was to be found on Pernaia prime in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 909 A member of this species was to be found on Pernaia prime in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 910 A member of this species was to be found on Pernaia prime in 2152. [279]
DITL Species No. 911 A member of this species was aboard an Enolian prison transport bound for Canamar in 2152. [78]
DITL Species No. 912 A member of this species was on board an Enolian prison transport in 2152. [78]
DITL Species No. 916 A member of this species was working as a waiter on Earth in 2377. [334]
DITL Species No. 918 Species encountered by Voyager in 2377. A group of miners of this species were determined to destroy an asteroid despite the fact that it held a colony of over five hundred Talaxians. [335]
DITL Species No. 919 The NX-01 assisted a member of this species when his ship had an accident in orbit of Xantoras in 2153. [55]
DITL Species No. 920 The NX-01 assisted a member of this species when his ship had an accident in orbit of Xantoras in 2153. [55]
DITL Species No. 922 A member of this species was for sale as a slave at Zjod's market in 2153. [282]
DITL Species No. 923 A member of this species was for sale as a slave at Zjod's market in 2153. [282]
DITL Species No. 924 A member of this species was for sale as a slave at Zjod's market in 2153. [282]
DITL Species No. 925 A member of this species was a trader on the Xanthan Bazaar visited by the NX-01 in 2153. [282]
DITL Species No. 926 Zjod was a member of this species, encountered in the Delphic Expanse in 2153. [282]
DITL Species No. 927 A member of this species was kept in the Talosian underground compound. Little is known about the species, and it is not clear if they are sentient or not. [336]
DITL Species No. 928 A member of this species was a part of the Talosian's collection in 2254. It is not clear if the species is sentient or not. [336]
DITL Species No. 930 A member of this species worked at the Federation's Memory Alpha facility in 2269. [337]
DITL Species No. 934 A member of this species served aboard the timeship Relativity in the 29th century. [338]
DITL Species No. 936 Unknown alien which watched Tsunkatse matches on the Norcadian home world. [170]
DITL Species No. 937 Unknown alien which watched Tsunkatse matches on the Norcadian home world. [170]
DITL Species No. 938 Unknown alien which took part in Tsunkatse matches on the Norcadian home world. [170]
DITL Species No. 943 Delta Quadrant species which was known to the Devore. Wormhole expert Torat was a member of this species. [185]
DITL Species No. 944 This species were occasionally to be seen on Deep Space Nine. [339]
DITL Species No. 945 This species was to be found on Deep Space Nine. [316]
DITL Species No. 946 Species occasionally seen on Deep Space Nine. [340]
DITL Species No. 948 Unknown species seen on Deep Space Nine [93]
DITL Species No. 949 Unknown species seen on Deep Space Nine [341]
DITL Species No. 950 Unknown species seen on Deep Space Nine [342]
DITL Species No. 951 Unknown species seen on Deep Space Nine [343]
DITL Species No. 954 Unknown species, seen on Deep Space Nine. [344]
DITL Species No. 956 Unknown species seen on Deep Space Nine [345]
DITL Species No. 961 Voyager encountered this species whilst scavengin a wrecked Borg cube in 2377. [346]
DITL Species No. 964 This spacegoing life form was imitated by the Founder child, Laas, in 2375. [347] It is not clear whether Laas was imitating an actual lifeform, or created the shape independantly.
DITL Species No. 965 The NX-01 encountered a member of this species in 2153, running a slave minimg operation on a planet in the Delphic Expanse. [280]
DITL Species No. 966 A member of this species was a customer in a bar where Captain Picard was believed to have been killed in 2370. [166]
DITL Species No. 969 Members of this species were occasionally seen on Deep Space Nine. [339]
DITL Species No. 971 The USS Voyager's crew encountered a member of this species in the Delta Quadrant in 2376. The individual was a trader and possibly con artist. [348]
DITL Species No. 972 A member of this species visited Deep Space Nine in 2370. [349]
DITL Species No. 973 The Enterprise-D encountered a member of this species in a bar on Qualor II in 2368. [109]
DITL Species No. 974 A member of this species worked on Deep Space Nine in 2373. [203]
DITL Species No. 976 This species was encountered by the NX-01 crew in 2153. [261]
DITL Species No. 977 Voyager encourtered a group of miners from this species in 2377 after Gar stole twenty kilos of iridium ore from them. Captain Janeway was able to return some of the ore to them. [271]
DITL Species No. 978 A member of this species had a run of bad luck in 2370 as a result of a device he had acquired which altered the laws of probability. He ended up in a cell on Deep Space Nine, where he passed the device on to Martus Mazur before passing away. [349]
DITL Species No. 979 The NX-01 encountered this species in 2151. [350]
DITL Species No. 981 A member of this species was a major customer of Quark's Bar on Deep Space Nine. [351]
DITL Species No. 982 This species was contacted by the NX-01 in 2153. The species had suffered greatly at the hands of the Loque'eque Virus, leading them to take drastic countermeasureds - including the destruction by incineration of anybody so infected. [281]
DITL Species No. 985 This species inhabited a subspace void which Voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant. They were difficult to detect on sensors, and eked out a living by sneaking aboard ships trapped in the void and living off their supplies. They were unable to talk via voice, but with the assistance of Voyager's EMH they developed a complex musical language. [302]
DITL Species No. 986 A member of this species was governor of the Federation colony world of Caldos IV in 2370. [36]
DITL Species No. 989 The USS Enterprise encountered a member of this non-corporeal species imprisoned on a planet at the centre of the galaxy in 2285, the Great Barrier having apparently been put in place for that reason. The being impersonated a god-like figure, but was in fact quite malevolent. It was defeated with the aid of a Klingon Bird of Prey. [276]
DITL Species No. 990 This species, encountered by Harry Kim in inhabited a realm outside of normal time and space. [352]
DITL Species No. 991 Members of this species visited Deep Space Nine occasionally. [353]
DITL Species No. 992 A member of this species was serving aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2370 [354]
DITL Species No. 994 Voyager encountered this Delta quadrant species in 2376. [274]
DITL Species No. 995 Members of this species were to be found on New Sydney in the 2370s. [355]
DITL Species No. 996 This species were encountered by the NX-01 crew in 2153. The species is very long lived, with lifespans extending well above four hundred years. Telepathy was rare in the species, though not unknown, and those born with telepathic abilities were considered a threat to others and exiled. Such individuals could display considerable powers, including projecting images telepathically and reading information about people from objects which had been recently handled by them. In some cases it was also possible for a very deep, intimate telepathic bond to be created. [263]

Members of this species have occasionally been taken as slaves; one was held for sale on the Orion planet Verex III in 2154 [167], and another on the Trellium mining facility visited by the NX-01 in 2153. [280]

DITL Species No. 997 Members of this species were to be seen on Deep Space Nine occasionally. [356]
DITL Species No. 998 Members of this species were to be found on Deep Space Nine in the 2370s. [357]
DITL Species No. 999 Voyager encountered this Delta Quadrant species in 2373 [358]
Dog [26] Terran canine, a popular pet. Captain Archer kept a dog, Porthos. [26]
Dolphin [35] Aquatic Earth mammal. Hoshi once went to see dolphins in the wild on Earth. [35] The Enterprise-D carried dolphins on board. [285]
Doosodarian [359] Ancient civilisation. The Doosodarians included long pauses called 'Lacunae' in their poetry, and encouraged the audience to experience these by staring blankly at nothing. Some such pauses lasted several days. [359]
Doptarian [60] Distant relatives of the Ferengi [60]
Dosi [316] Species native to the Gamma Quadrant. The Dosi were members of the Dominion, and traded Tulaberry wine with the Ferengi. [316]
Douwd [360] Very little is known about the Douwd. So far as is known, only one individual has ever been encountered. This incident occurred in 2366, when a Federation colony was attacked and destroyed by an unknown assailant. On arrival the Enterprise discovered the planet had been almost totally devastated, with a single structure surviving. Within this house were Kevin and Rishon Uxbridge, members of the colony who had apparently survived the attack. Kevin explained that although he did not know why they had survived, it may have been because he had refused to fight in the battle against the attackers. He repeatedly refused any help from the Enterprise, declaring that he just wanted to be left alone. [360]

During the investigation the Enterprise encountered a large alien vessel which attempted to lure or drive the ship away from the Rana IV colony. Captain Picard eventually allowed the vessel to destroy the Uxbridge home, then destroyed the alien ship in turn. He took the Enterprise to a high orbit and waited; after several hours the Uxbridge house reappeared. Picard beamed Kevin and Rishon to the bridge and confronted Kevin, demanding to know the truth of what had happened. [360]

Kevin explained that he was a Douwd, an 'immortal being of disguises and false surroundings'. He had been travelling in Human form in 2312 when he had met and fallen in love with a Human woman, Rishon. He had lived as a Human since that time, never revealing his true identity to her. When the aliens, named the Husnock, attacked the colony Rishon had gone to fight them but Kevin had refused for reasons of conscience. Rishon had been killed in the fighting. The loss drove Kevin into a terrible rage. Using his special abilities he had destroyed the entire Husnock species in retaliation, killing fifty billion people in an instant. [360]

Kevin was consumed with guilt over his actions, and had recreated his house and Rishon in an attempt to continue something approaching a normal life. Captain Picard decided that Kevin could not be held to account for his destruction of the Husnock, and allowed him to return to the planet to live out his fantasy. [360]

Drabidium Calimus [191] Plant similar to a Terran violet [191]
Draco Lizard [102] Flying terran Lizard [102]
Drakoulias [361] A predatory life form which resides on the planet Delta Vega. A Drakoulias attempted to chase down James Kirk when he was stranded on the planet, but was itself caught and killed by a Hengrauggi. [213]
Dralian [271] This individual was a thief who stole the EMH from Voyager and sold it to the Dinaali. [271]
Drathan Puppy Lig [362] Animal sometimes kept as a pet [362]
Draxxan cloud viper [262] Creature which is known for creeping around silently. [262]
Drayan [363] The physiological changes Drayans experience in old age makes them look very similar to Human children. Drayans once placed great emphasis on developing advanced science and technology, but two generations prior to 2372 they largely abandoned this pursuit in place of a more spiritual philosophy. [363]
Drayjin [145] A large migratory pig-like animal native to Dakala. The females can be aggressive when protecting a nest. Wraiths would sometimes imitate Drayjins to escape being hunted by the Eska. Drayjin meat tastes somewhat like pork, and at least some Eska considered eating it to be 'one of life's great pleasures'. [145]
Dream Species [364] Delta Quadrant species who lived most of their lives in a dream state, communicating with one another and with 'waking species' via telepathy [364]
Drella [72] Creature which sustains itself on the emotion of love [72]
Dreman [365] Species whose planet was saved from destruction by the Enterprise-D, in violation of the Prime Directive. [365]
Druoda [366] Delta Quadrant species who built extremely powerful long range weapons with artificial intelligence systems in control of them.  [366]
Dryworm [367] Giant creature on Antos IV which can produce and use energy without harming itself [367]
Duck [224] Earth bird. In primitive times the eggs and flesh of ducks were eaten as food. The Bringloidi still kept ducks when the Enterprise-D encountered them in 2365. [224]
Earthworm [368] Earth creature which can survive being cut in half. [368]
Edo [369] Aliens species externally identical to Humans which inhabit the planet Rubicun III. The Edo were first contacted by the USS Enterprise-D in 2364, and appeared to be a peaceful and generous people who were more than willing to allow the entire Enterprise crew the use of their planet for rest and relaxation. The officers found themselves made extremely welcome by the natives, who enjoyed a life that seemed utopian even by the standards of Earth itself. Every Edo seemed to be fit and healthy, with running the accepted method of getting from place to place.

The Edo claimed that their culture had once been lawless and dangerously violent, but that they had solved these problems by adopting and rigorously enforcing a strict set of laws. Apparently unwilling to accept a large police force, they split the land area of their planet into areas called 'punishment zones'. A small force of Mediators would select one zone at random each day in which the law would be enforced. Since the population at large had no idea which zone was active on any given day, they had no way to know if it was safe to break the law and thus a deterrent effect was maintained.

The Edo mediators acted as both police, judge and jury, investigating crimes and determining guilt on the spot. Amazingly, the punishment for any crime was always the same - death. When Wesley Crusher, a young member of the Enterprise complement who was visiting the planet, accidentally stepped into a flower bed in an active punishment zone the mediators immediately declared him guilty and attempted to kill him. The Enterprise crew intervened to prevent the punishment, demanding time to hold an inquiry and find a better solution.

Although the security officer of the Enterprise had conducted a full review of the local laws, she failed to inquire as to the nature of the enforcement of those laws or the punishments involved. Captain Picard took the position that despite the prime directive, Human standards should be used to judge this particular case. By those standards the punishment far outweighed the crime, and so Crusher should be set free.

Whilst this situation was developing the Enterprise detected a mysterious object in orbit of the planet. On investigation it appeared to be a transdimensional device or entity of some kind. The device communicated with Lieutenant Commander Data, informing him that it regarded the Edo as its 'children' and would not allow the Enterprise to harm them. Data also said that the device was likely to judge the crew's actions by their own laws, and that Picard's violation of the prime directive might well lead to a conflict with it.

Picard removed one of the Edo from the planet to show her the device. The somewhat perturbed woman claimed that it was her God; for its part the entity demanded the immediate return of the woman to the planet.

The Edo continued to insist that Picard allow them to execute Crusher, although they accepted that he had the power to remove the boy from their custody. However, when Picard attempted to do this the Edo 'God' prevented him from doing so. Picard finally managed to convince the entity that its actions were not serving justice, and it released them to continue on their way.

The nature of the Edo remains a mystery. In some ways the relationship seems to parallel that between the Bajorans and the wormhole aliens they call the Prophets, and both cases offer the same intriguing possibilities. It is conceivable that the Edo God is some distant descendant of their culture which has travelled back in time to protect them and so ensure its own creation. Or perhaps it is some powerful traveller which discovered the Edo and decided to protect them for its own reasons. Whatever the truth, it seems that the Federation cannot co-exist with the Edo for the foreseeable future. [369]
Edo god [369] A powerful transdimensional being or group of beings which cares for the Edo people. Possibly a machine life form of some kind, or possibly biological beings residing in some type of artificial habitat. [369] It is also possible that the same being once cared for the Lysians, prompting them to build a space station which closely resembled it, though this is very far from certain. [370]
Edosian slug [371] Animals which were part of Dr. Phlox's medical zoo. [371]
Eel-bird [12] Creatures which feel an overwhelming urge to return to the place of their birth in order to reproduce [12]
Efrosian [372] A Federation member species, Efrosians are identifiable by their characteristic white hair and cranial ridges. An Efrosian was serving aboard the USS Saratoga when it was disabled by the Cetacean probe in 2285. [63] An Efrosian held the office of President of the Federation at the time of the Praxis explosion in 2293. [215]
Ekosian [373] Species which adopted the Nazi lifestyle after cultural contamination by a Federation scientist. [373]
El-Adrel creature [374] This creature resided on El-Adrel IV. It was only ever partially visible, and only that on occasion. [374]
El-Aurians [277] The El Aurians are a widely travelled people who have spread themselves across many parts of the galaxy. [146] It is known that at least one El Aurian visited Earth in 1893, before Humanity had any official knowledge of alien species. [267] In 2265 the Borg launched a major attack against the species, assimilating all but a handful. The survivors scattered throughout the galaxy, finding homes amongst many races. [146]

Starfleet's first official contact with the species came in 2293, when a group of El Aurian refugees passed through Federation space. The transport ships were caught up in and destroyed by the Nexus, which was also in Federation space at the time. The Enterprise-B was able to save some of the refugees, including Guinan and Dr. Tolian Soran. [277] Those who had entered the Nexus apparently developed a heightened sense of time and space as a result, although details of this ability are not clear. [375]

El Aurians pride themselves on being a race of listeners, [277] and appear to have a form of limited empathic ability. Some have used this to help others, acting as advisors or confidants. [14] A few have turned their talent to more dubious pursuits, becoming con men and tricksters, [349] while Dr. Soran used his abilities to help bring his genocidal plan to re-enter the Nexus to fruition. [277]

Physically, the El Aurians are almost identical to Humans - even down to the gender and ethnic groupings. [41] They have a far longer life span than Humans, but just how long they live is unclear. [14]

Elachi [376] This unknown species launched a series of unprovoked attacks on the NX-01 in 2151. [377]
Elasian [378] A proud warrior species, the Elasians were deadly enemies of the Troyans until a peace treaty in 2268. [378]
Elaysian [330] Species which come from a planet that has very low gravity. [330]
Ellora [88] Species which was conquered by the Son'a and converted into a working class. [88]
Emergent life form [379] Life form created by the Enterprise-D when it briefly attained sentience [379]
Eminian [380] Species who fought a war with the neighbouring planet Vendikar entirely by computer. [380]
Enaran [381] The Enarans once conducted a genocidal massacre on their planet and attempted to cover up the evidence. [381]
Ennis / Nol-Ennis [382] Two groups of people from this species were imprisoned on a Gamma Quadrant moon to fight a permanent conflict as a reminder to the rest of their species of the futility of war. They were known as the Ennis and Nol-Ennis. [382]
Enolian [78] Species native to the planet Keto-Enol. The Enolians sent criminals to a prison facility known as Canamar. [78]
Entaben [117] Delta Quadrant species which was highly reluctant to permit ships to enter their space [117]
Entharan [383] The Entharans trade extensively with other races, and Voyager tried to buy an isokinetic cannon from them in 2374. [383]
Eryops [384] Extinct animal species, the last common ancestor of warm and cold blooded life on Earth [384]
Eska [145] For nine generations this species went to a rogue planet to hunt the Wraiths. [145]
Etanian [385] Voyager encountered this hostile species in 2373 when Captain Janeway assisted the Nezu to repel Etanian attacks against them. [385]
Etanian Order [385] Species native to the Delta Quadrant [385]
Evora [88] Species which was accepted as a Federation protectorate despite having discovered warp drive only a year previously. [88]
Excalbian [386] Species encountered by the Enterprise crew in 2269. The Excalbians are based on carbon-cycle biology, but in appearance are rock-like beings who read on sensors as having an almost mineral composition, who are only roughly humanoid in shape. They are comfortable in extreme heat, with the surface of their world consisting of molten lava with an atmosphere poisonous to Humans. The Excalbians are considerably in advance of the Federation, to the extent that they were able to exert detailed remote control over the Enterprise systems and devices with apparent ease. More impressively, they were able to effect massive environmental changes over a thousand square kilometre area of their own planet, converting it to a Class M environment in a matter of seconds. [386]

The Excalbians have no concept of good or evil, and during the Enterprise's first contact they created several figures from history who were regarded as representative examples of these philosophies in order to pit them against one another. From this they hoped to determine whether good or evil was the stronger. They ultimately decided that evil tends to retreat when forcibly confronted, but noted that since both good and evil use the same methods and achieve the same results, there was no substantive difference between the two. [386]

Exocomp [387] Artificial life forms [387]
Fabrini [388] Many Fabrini travelled through space for centuries in the giant asteroid vessel Yonada. [388]
Fargan [252] Animal life form native to Dekendi III. Mayweather described them as looking somewhat like cows with humps. [252]
Farian [314] A Humanoid species native to Farius Prime. The Farians are known for haveing a high rate of criminal activity; the Orion Syndicate is highly active on Farius Prime. A cosmopolitan world, many aliens species are to be found on the planet. The Farians use public transportation systems and paper currency, and is home to a Klingon Embassy. In 2374 Miles O'Brien carried out a covert mission on Farius Prime, penetrating an Orion Syndicate network. [314]
Farn [389] Humanoid civilisation native to the Delta Quadrant. Some were assimilated by the Borg [389]
Felaran Rose [327] Plant found on a planet in the Delta Quadrant [327]
Ferengi [390] The Ferengi are a Humanoid species [390] resident in the alpha quadrant of the galaxy. First contacted by the Federation in 2364, the Ferengi where found to follow the common Humanoid pattern [390] - evidence that they share a common ancestry with the species which seeded many planets across the galaxy several billion years ago. [8] The Ferengi tend to be approximately 165 cm tall, and their most distinctive feature is a set of very pronounced ears. [41] These are among the most sensitive of any known species, [391] as well as being one of the major Ferengi erogenous zones. [15]

The current Ferengi culture dates back some ten thousand years [222] - it was at this time that Gint came to power. The first of the Ferengi world leaders - called the Grand Nagus - Gint codified a set of two hundred and eighty five 'Rules of Acquisition', a code of honour by which all Ferengi males are expected to live. [93] The rules of acquisition heavily emphasise the accumulation of personal wealth, although some rules relate to general ethics. [41] All Ferengi males are expected to memorise the rules at an early age. [218]

Although they are capable of building powerful warships, the Ferengi are not a major military power in the alpha quadrant as they rarely become involved in open conflict except as arms suppliers - usually to both sides. [41] Nevertheless, there have been several skirmishes between the Federation and the Ferengi - most notably in 2355 when a Ferengi vessel wrecked the USS Stargazer. [132] Open contact was established when the USS Enterprise-D encountered a Ferengi D'Kora class vessel which had stolen a power system from a Federation outpost. [390] Since this time relations have remained generally cordial, although individual Ferengi have several times made raids on Federation vessels. [41] Little trade occurs between the Ferengi and the Federation, as the latter's ethical trading policies frequently clash with Ferengi philosophy. The Ferengi have remained neutral during the Dominion war.

In 2375 Grand Nagus Zek finally retired, appointing Rom as the new Grand Nagus in his place. [210] Rom's leadership is widely expected to usher in a new liberal age for the Ferengi.

The Borg designation for the Ferengi is Species 180. [164]

Fesarians [392] The Captain of the Fesarius, a ship of the first federation which contacted Starfleet in 2266, was a member of this species. [393]
Fibonan [24] An alien species encountered by the USS Enterprise in 2363. The Fibonan were enemies of their neighbours, the Teenaxi. They asked Captain James T. Kirk to act as a neutral representative of their Republic on a peace mission to the Teenaxi, carrying a ceremonial gift as a gesture of respect - a piece of the ancient Abronath weapon. In the Fibonan culture, to surrender any weapon was considered an offer of truce. The gift was rejected by the Teenaxi. [24]
Fire Ant [6] Poisonous insect native to Terra [6]
Fire Beast of Sullus [363] Creature from the myths of the Drayos [363]
Fire Snake [172] Reptile species [172]
Fire wolf [145] Animal life form which lived on Dakala, a rogue planet encountered by the NX-01 Enterprise in 2151. [145]
Flaming Idiot Fish [216] A species of fish bred as a foodstuff by the Squales on the planet Droplet. The Flaming Idiot fish was not a fish in the terrestrial sense, though it somewhat resembled one. It was so named by Bralik for its bright orange colour, and its willingness to come to be eaten when called by a Squale. [216]
Flaxian [394] A member of this species visited Deep Space Nine in 2371. [394]
Flitter Bird [395] Avians native to Rhymus Major [395]
Folnar Jewel Plant [129] Plant which produces a resin which sets to form a gemstone [129]
Founders [61] Also known as 'Changelings' or 'Shapeshifters', [92] the Founders are a shape shifting species based in the gamma quadrant. [396] Physically, in their natural state they resemble a very viscous liquid. A Founder can alter its shape, [95] size and mass, [28] colour and texture at will. Indeed, an experienced Changeling can imitate almost any object - even mist and fire! [347] Young and inexperienced Changelings, however, find creating a perfect copy of an existing person or object difficult and rarely produce an accurate copy. [397]

In addition to their shape shifting abilities, Founders are capable of merging with each other when in their liquid state. They call this process 'the Great Link', and it allows the Founders to achieve a considerable degree of information and memory sharing while increasing their ability to modify their own internal structure. On the Founders home world many millions of individuals spend virtually their entire time within the great link, which is comparable to an ocean in size. [61]

In their history the Founders have often been persecuted by non-shapeshifters, whom they refer to as 'the solids'. In order to guarantee their safety they created the Dominion - a grouping of many solid species under the control of the Founders. [61] The Founders have resorted to genetic engineering in order to modify several of these species to increase their utility to the Dominion. - most notably the Vorta. Thousands of years ago a Changeling was given refuge from an angry mob by the forest-dwelling Vorta. So grateful was the Changeling that it arranged for the Vorta to be genetically enhanced, turning them into the Founder's main representatives within the Dominion. [398] The Jem'Hadar were also extensively modified to make them into the perfect soldiers for the Dominion. [399]

Although individual planets within the Dominion are treated reasonably well, disobedience to the Founders is dealt with extremely harshly - it has been known for entire planets to be infected with deadly diseases for rebelling against Dominion rule. [144]

The Founders attempt to expand their influence into the Alpha Quadrant was the root cause of the Dominion war. [92] Although the Dominion initially made large inroads into the Quadrant, [96] the Federation eventually led an alliance which was able to defeat them. [101] During the war the organization known as Section 31 was able to infect the Changeling Odo with a deadly disease, [400] which was transmitted through the great link to all other Founders. [398] Fortunately, Dr. Bashir was able to cure the disease [401] and on the eve of the final battle of the Dominion war Odo agreed to return to the great link with the cure in return for the Dominion's surrender. [101]

Frunalian [95] Alpha Quadrant species [95]
Gagh [14] A type of serpent worm from the Klingon home planet. [119] Gagh comes in many varieties, at least one of which - Bithool gagh - has feet. Gagh is a common foodstuff for Klingons, often eaten live. [355]
Galipotan [18] Civilisation which does not acknowledge the concept of time. They also make very good sweaters. [18]
Gallamite [107] Species famed for having transparent skulls. Dax once dated a Gallamite [107]
Gamelan [402] The Enterprise-D once helped the Gamelan by piloting an old freighter carrying nuclear waste away from their planet. [402]
Garanian Bolite [403] Small insect-like creatures. When they bite humanoids, they can cause intense itching and extreme skin colour changes. Fortunately the effects only last for a matter of seconds before completely subsiding. In 2369 Jake and Nog entertained themselves by infesting two people on the Promenade with Garanian Bolites. [403]
Garden snake [404] Animal life form to be found on Earth. [404]
Garenor [23] Species erased from history by Arronax. [23]
Garili Tree [405] Plant found on the Vhnori home world [405]
Garlanic Tree [330] Plant native to the Elaysian home planet [330]
Garren [406] A group of Garren miners became infected with the Macrovirus, and were killed by the Tak Tak to prevent the spread of the disease. [406] A Garren trader attempted to steal the Druoda warhead from Voyager in 2375. [366]
Gavarian [407] Porbable species name. A Gavarian ship was scanned by some Ferengi in the 2150s. [407]
Gemarians [247] Species native to Gemaris V. In 2366 Captain Picard spent two weeks negotiating a trade dispute between the Gemarians and their nearest neighbour, the Dachlyds. Counsellor Troi regarded the Gemarians as an incredibly stubborn people. [247]
Genesis Macrobes [275] These slug-like creatures were generated by the Genesis effect. They were ordinary microbes which were carried to the planet along with Spock's body on the funeral torpedo fired from the Enterprise. The Genesis effect altered them into much larger - and ultimately dangerous - size. [275]
ghewpu’tIn [286] A venomous multi-legged creature native to some of the darker untamed forests of the Klingon home world, Qo’noS. Tholians reminded Sandesjo of ghewpu’tIn. [286]
Gideonite [408] The planet Gideon suffered from massive over population, which they hoped to cure by spreading disease. [408]
Glob fly [27] Insect known for being very small, completely harmless, and extremely irritating [27]
Goat [224] Earth mammal. In primitive times the milk, meat, hair, and skins of Goats were widely used on Earth. The Bringloidi still kept goats when the Enterprise-D encountered them in 2365. [224]
Golanan [355] Technologically advanced Alpha Quadrant civilisation who died out approximately 1,000 years ago [355]
Gomtuu [130] In 2366 Starfleets Vega IX probe detected a new life form in space near the Beta Stromgren star. Readings indicated that the star was about to go supernova, destroying the space based life form. Starfleet dispatched a telepathic mission specialist, Tam Elbrun, and the USS Enterprise to the system to make contact with the being, which they nicknamed "Tin Man", and analyse it. Unfortunately Elbrun was a rather unstable character who did not interact well with others due to his extreme sensitivity to telepathic communication.

The Romulans also detected the life form and dispatched two Warbirds to investigate. The first ran its engines at 30% over normal specifications in order to arrive shortly after the Enterprise. It attacked immediately upon decloaking, damaging the starships shields, and proceeded to contact Tin Man first. When the life form declined to contact them, the Romulans attempted to fire upon it. Tam Elbrun warned the creature of the Romulans hostile intent telepathically, and it responded by releasing an energy blast which destroyed the Warbird and further damaged the Enterprise.

Even after some hours of repairs the Enterprise was in poor shape when the second Warbird arrived. The vessels Captain threatened to destroy the ship if it interfered with his destruction of the alien. Captain Picard beamed Data and Tam Elbrun over to Tin Man in order to try and establish contact with it. Elbrun was able to establish telepathic contact with Tin Man, which called itself Gomtuu. He determined that Tin Man was a living spacecraft which was thousands of years old. Millions of these vessels had once existed, but their numbers had apparently declined to the point where Gomtuu though it may be the last one remaining. There had been an accident, an explosion in space, which killed the crew and left the craft entirely alone. Gomtuu had existed in a symbiontic relationship with its crew, and now that they were dead it became increasingly lonely. Finally it decided to end its life, and positioned itself near Beta Stromgren so that the Supernova would destroy it.

Both Tam and Gomtuu suffered from the same problem - a strong feeling of isolation and loneliness. Both found that they could take comfort in the presence of the other; Tam was able to convince Gomtuu to save itself from the supernova, while his own sense of loneliness was solved by Gomtuu. As Beta Stromgren began to collapse Gomtuu threw both the Enterprise and the Romulan vessel clear of the explosion and vanished.

Gomtuu has not been heard from since, and no further creatures of this type have been seen. [130]
Gorgan [409] Noncorporeal lifeform which killed the adults of the Starnes Expedition [409]
Gorn [410] Some time after the Cestus III outpost was founded, rumours began to circulate of strange goings on. Peculiar subspace messages were said to have been received, leading to rumours of a mysterious presence in the area, although none of these contacts were confirmed and little official notice was taken.

In 2266, the Cestus III outpost was destroyed by a spacecraft which approached and opened fire without warning. The USS Enterprise was subsequently lured into an ambush by the ship, but managed to force it to retreat. The Starship pursued its attacker, but before the two could engage one another again a mysterious species calling themselves the Metrons intervened. The Metrons stranded Captain Kirk and the Captain of the alien vessel on a nearby planet, insisting that they finish the battle personally. [410]

The being Kirk found himself fighting resembled a humanoid lizard, cold blooded, approximately six feet tall with green skin which looked almost rubbery. The face had two widely spaced nostrils and a pair of compound eyes. The creature - which the Metrons called a Gorn - proved to be immensely strong and virtually immune to physical attack. Kirk did discover one physical weak spot - the Gorns ears are apparently highly sensitive to even relatively light blows. The Gorn was also extremely slow compared to Kirk, and the Captain was eventually able to fashion a weapon out of local materials and incapacitate it. [410]

During the combat the Gorn claimed that the Federation had intruded into space belonging to his government. When Kirk finally defeated his enemy he refused to kill him, instead telling the Metrons that the Federation would prefer to negotiate a peaceful settlement with the Gorn. The negotiations did occur shortly afterwards and eventually a peace treaty was signed. The Federation has maintained reasonably friendly relations with the Gorn ever since. [410]

The Gorn are known to have had contact with the Orions far earlier than the Federation, with trade between the two powers extending back as early as 2154. [125]

In the Mirror universe, at least one Gorn worked with the Tholians as a slavemaster; he attemped to sabotage the USS Defiant after the Mirror Archer captured it from the Tholians, but was ultimately unsuccessful. [47]

Liek most cold blooded creatures, the Gorn prefer warm environments. [47]

Gorokian Midwife Toad [411] Animal life form. In 2372 Q threatened to turn Quinn into a Gorokian Midwife Toad for the rest of eternity. [411]
Grazerite [412] A Federation member species. The Federation President in 2372 was a Grazerite. [412]
Great Dane [277] A subspecies of Earth canine, Great Danes were kept by Humans as pets. Admiral Kirk had a Great Dane called Butler. [277]
Gree [177] Species with a prosboscis. Voyager's EMH noted that stimulating follicles on the proboscis of a Gree results in a swelling of the auricular canal. [177]
Greek God [367] A member of an unknown species who considered themselves to be Gods. [367]
Grisella [413] Species which hibernates for long periods [413]
Gunji Jackdaw [105] Bird similar to a Terran Ostrich [105]
Haakonian [414] Humanoid species from the Delta Quadrant [414]
Hadrosaur [384] Terran cretaceous dinosaur, ancestor of the Voth [384]
Halanan [340] Species who can project telepathic images, sometimes unconsciously. Halanans mate for life, and would rather die than break up a marriage. [340]
Haliian [230] Haliians are moderately telepathic. [230]
Halkan [415] Pacifist species who refused to sell dilithium to the federation in case it was used for war. [415]
Hanonian Land Eel [416] Large carnivore native to Hanon IV [416]
Hara cat [417] Life form native to the Bajoran system [417]
Haradin [418] Species to be found in the Delphic Expanse in the 21st/22nd century. [418]
Harkonian [296] Delta Quadrant species. A Harkonian woman sold the shuttle Alice to Avidon [296]
Havenite [9] Residents of the planet Haven, which is claimed to have mystical healing powers. [9]
Hawk [289] Bird native to Earth. Captain Janeway once suggested to the holographic Leonardo DaVinci that he model his flying machine on the Hawk. [289]
Hazari [292] An advanced, violent, ruthlessly efficient bounty hunter species which was unwittingly employed by the Think Tank to capture Voyager. Known to the Borg as Species 4228, they make excellent tactical drones  [292]
Hekaran [419] Species which discovered the damaging effect warp drive had on the fabric of space. [419]
Hengrauggi [361] A large ambush predator native to Delta Vega. In 2258 a Hengrauggi killed the Drakoulias which had been chasing James Kirk. The Hengrauggi then attempted to eat Kirk, but was driven off by Spock. [213]
Hierarchy [420] The Hierarchy are a Delta Quadrant species who were encountered by the USS Voyager in 2376. They appear to be raiders, attacking those ships which pass through their space in order to steal resources. They hide vessels in nebulas, from which they conduct long range scans to find potential targets. Once a target comes into range the Hierarchy conduct detailed scans, analysing its defensive capability and usefulness.

Physically the Hierarchy are Humanoid, heavily built with brown hairless skin. They tend to limit their individuality somewhat, passing all information to a hierarchical command structure which makes the decisions. This hierarchy system is so ingrained that they have even adopted the term as their species name, although at least some members of their society resent the degree of control which the Hierarchy has over their lives.

When Voyager came within range of a Hierarchy Attack class ship they initially assessed the Starfleet vessel as being a difficult target. However, one of their operatives was able to gain access to the EHM program to gain an idea of the ships capabilities. Despite some confusion caused by an experimental algorithm the EMH was trying at the time, the Hierarchy decided to attack. One of them, having come to feel a certain friendship for the EMH during his observations, informed Voyager's crew of the impending attack. They were able to bluff the Hierarchy ships into retreating and continue on their way. [421]

Voyager had two further encounters with the Hierarchy, both times with individuals separated from the command structure in some way. [153] The first came when Voyager was trapped within a subspace anomaly, and forged alliances with several other ships in order to escape; a Hierarchy ship was part of this alliance. [302] Later Voyager encountered two rogue Hierarchy members, who kidnapped Captain Janeway to blackmail the EMH into stealing Voyager's warp core for them. [420]

Hill People [422] Primitive hunter-gatherers who warred with the Village People [422]
Hirogen [423] A powerful Nomadic species occupying the Delta Quadrant, the Hirogen are very predatory race. They travel in small ships carrying only two or three persons, seeking out other life forms in order to hunt them. They are obsessed with gathering trophies - usually in the form of body parts or stolen technology - in order to demonstrate their hunting prowess to other Hirogens. Although technologically advanced, they have been forced to disperse themselves over a huge area in order to find new prey for their hunts. [161] This has put considerable strain on the Hirogen culture, and their society is now seriously deteriorating. [423]

Technologically advanced, the Hirogen have even shown themselves capable of defeating an injured member of Species 8472. [424] They were encountered by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2374, when the ship accessed a Hirogen controlled communications array in order to transmit its EMH to the Beta quadrant. [425] A Hirogen hunting vessel subsequently captured Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Seven of Nine. Voyager was able to free the two crewmembers, and was also able to use the array to recieve over a hundred messages from Starfleet command. [161]

Several weeks after this incident the Hirogen captured the USS Voyager itself. They greatly extended the holodecks and forced the crew to participate in a variety of combat-related scenarios, including one set during World War II. [426] Eventually the Voyager crew were able to force a stalemate with the Hirogen, and a ceasefire was agreed. The Hirogen agreed to leave the ship in return for Holodeck technology; they hope to use this in order to allow themselves to continue the traditions of the hunt without spreading themselves unduly across the quadrant, so reversing their recent decline. [423]

Horse [277] Earth animal, a quadruped considerably larger and stronger than a Human being. Horses were historically used as beasts of burden and could be ridden for transportation. Although the necessity of doing this is long past, 24th century humans still ride horses for recreational purposes. [277] Captain Picard was a keen horse rider and had his own saddle. [76]
Horta [427] The Horta are a species native to Janus VI, and one of the few silicon based life forms known. They live underground, burrowing their way through rock by excreting ultra corrosive chemicals. This allows them to move through solid stone as easily as a Human moves through air, and the Horta are amongst the best tunnelers known.

Every 50,000 years or so virtually the entire Horta species dies out, leaving a large number of eggs in a chamber known as the Vault of Tomorrow. This cache is guarded by a single individual until they hatch. On Janus VI the Vault was penetrated by a Federation mining team who destroyed many of the eggs, not realizing what they were. The Horta responded by killing many of the miners, leading to the dispatch of the USS Enterprise to assist with the situation.

Captain Kirk and Commander Spock were able to wound the Horta with phaser fire, and the creature was subsequently cornered by Captain Kirk. The Horta was able to communicate a plea for mercy to Kirk. Spock mind melded with the creature and was able to determine the cause of the conflict. The Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer, Doctor McCoy was able to repair the Hortas wounds by applying some cement to them. Kirk convinced the miners to stop destroying the eggs, and in return the Horta stopped its killing spree. The arrangement proved to be highly beneficial to both sides - once the Horta eggs hatched the first thing the young did was begin to tunnel through the surrounding rock, opening up huge mineral resources to access by the miners. [427]
Humans [428] One of the most influential and important species in the Alpha quadrant, Humans originate from the planet Earth in the Sol system. The early history of the planet was remarkable in many respects - chiefly for the number of contacts with alien civilisations which occurred. All of these proved to be of a very limited type however, [41] and it was not until 2063 that the first official First Contact occured. At this point Earth was suffering the effects of a large scale nuclear war and was at a particularly low point. A group of scientists working under Zefram Cochrane had been working on a method of faster than light drive system for spacecraft when the war occurred. Despite having no official funding and poor living conditions the team pressed on with their project, and by 2063 they where able to launch the Phoenix. [149]

Cochrane's flight attracted the attention of a Vulcan survey vessel which was in the system; the Vulcans subsequently sent a shuttlecraft down to make contact with Cochrane's team. The discovery that they where not alone in the universe had a profound impact on mankind, bringing all the people of the Earth together as never before.

Rapid progress followed, and by 2113 poverty, hunger and war had been abolished from the planet. [149]

In 2151 Humanity launched the NX class, their first true long range interstellar vessels. [77] Their sphere of influence began to expand rapidly as new colonies were established and new trading routes opened. Finally, in 2152 they encountered the Romulan Empire; [429] the two powers subsequently fought a brief but intense war which was ended in when the Romulan Neutral Zone was established in order to provide a buffer zone between the two powers. [430]

The Romulan War proved to Humanity that they had over-reached themselves, and they sought to form an alliance of different civilisations in order to provide for greater stability and prevent further conflicts. The United Federation of Planets was established in 2161 [431] when the Humans and Vulcans signed the Federation Constitution. Although the Federation is regarded as a model of inter-species cooperation, Humans have always tended to dominate it - to the extent that the Klingons once dubbed it a Homo Sapiens only club! [215]

Physically, Humans are bilaterally symetrical bipeds whose skin and hair can vary considerably between individuals. As with most species there are two genders, male and female, but unusually there are several different racial groups. [41] In most other respects Humans are physically close to the average for an Alpha quadrant species.

The Borg designation for humanity is Species 5618; the borg class Humans as originating in Grid 325; they regard Human physiology as inefficient, with below-average cranial capacity, minimal redundant systems and limited regenerative abilities. [432]

Humpback Whale [63] Species of whale native to Earth; hunted to extinction in the past, now repopulated via time travel [63]
humuhumunukunukuapua'a [191] Terran fish [191]
Hunters [356] The second species to travel through the wormhole from the Gamma Quadrant, "Hunters" is the only name ever given for this species. The Hunters are a technologically advanced species who regard the pursuit of prey as the most honourable endeavour in their culture. To this end they have created the Tosk, a sentient being designed to be one of the most difficult quarry possible.

When a Tosk took refuge on Deep Space Nine after his ship was damaged during a hunt, a Hunter ship attacked the station and reversed its shield polarity. This allowed the Hunters to beam aboard, provoking a fire fight on the Promenade. The Hunters proved to be a difficult enemy - their clothing included some form of armour or shielding system located on the right arm which allowed them to intercept much of the fire directed at them. Even when they were hit, they proved highly resistant to phaser energy. Even direct hits at level six did little more than cause a mild stunning effect, although it is not known if this is a result of some protective property of the Hunters clothing or an inherent property of their physique.

Physically, the Hunters are Humanoid but - like the Tosk - have green skin and bony ridges on their foreheads. They differ from the Tosk largely in that their ridges are less extensive and less pronounced, and they have cranial hair.

The Hunters own weapons were highly destructive, but they restricted their fire to only that absolutely necessary and no Federation or Bajoran casualties resulted from this incident. After the incident the Hunters agreed to place the Wormhole out of bounds for future hunts so as to prevent further conflicts with Alpha Quadrant forces. [356]
Hupyrian [218] Species known for their devotion to those who employ them [218]
Hur'q [30] A species which conquered the Klingon homeworld, Qo'noS (Kronos) about 1,000 years prior to The Next Generation. Their name is the Klingon word for "outsider" and is probably not their own name for themselves. The hur'q plundered Qo'noS, stealing the revered Sword of Kahless. They apparently originated in the Gamma Quadrant, and may have travelled through the Bajoran Wormhole to reach our part of the galaxy. [30]
Husnock [360] A species of 'hideous intelligence', rendered extinct by a Douwd [360]
Ice Bore [43] Species of worm which lives on Andoria. Ice bores tunnel through the ice by generating very high temperatures; it can be very dangerous to encounter a swarm of them unexpectedly. [43]
Iconian [433] Ancient and highly advanced species now extinct [433]
Idanian [313] Odo once became romantically involved with an Idanian secret operative. [313]
Iguana [59] Terran reptile. [59] A member of the USS Enterprise crew was turned into an Iguana by Charlie in in 2266. [434] They where later turned back to human form by Charlies adoptive parents.
Ikaaran [418] Species to be found in the Delphic Expanse in the 21st/22nd century. [418]
Ilari [435] Voyager became involved in an Ilari civil war when the leader of a dissident faction transferred his personality into the body of Kes. [435]
Ilidarian [436] Delta Quadrant civilisation [436]
Illyrian [437] Species native to the Delphic Expanse. Archer raided an Illyrian ship in 2153 in order to steal a warp coil to repair Enterprise's drive, leaving them with a three year trip home. [437]
Illyrian [438] Alpha quadrant species who specialised in adapting their bodies using genetic engineering to better fit into their surroundings, rather than altering their suroundings to suit them. [438]
Imaginary Species [439] This species formed part of the delusion Hoshi Sato underwent in 2152 whilst transporting to the NX-01. In the delusion, the species was a hostile race intent on destroying the ship. [439]
Imhotep [7] Delta quadrant society who took part in a regular sub-warp shuttle race [7]
Immunocytic Gel Worm [26] Animal used by Dr. Phlox. [26]
Interphasic Organism [440] Parasitical life forms which infested the Enterprise D [440]
Iothra [330] Species which breathes hydrogen [330]
Iotian [441] Highly imitative species who based their lives on earth gangsters after a visit from a federation starship. [441]
Ithenite [442] Humanoid species, recognisable for their diminutive stature and copper coloured skin. A pair of Ithenite diplomats travelled to the planet Babel aboard the USS Enterprise in 2267 in order to debate the admission of Coridan to the Federation. [443]

The Ithenites remained Federation members in 2554, in the future shown to Captain Archer by Daniels. They were part of the war against the Sphere Builders in this time. [40]
Iyaaran [444] Species which visited the Enterprise-D in 2370. The Iyaarans had no concepts of crime, pleasure, antagonism or love and used their visit to try and provoke some of these in the Enterprise crew. Iyaarans reproduce by post-cellular compounding, and emerge from the natal pod fully grown. There are therefore no children in their species. [444]
J'Naii [431] Humanoid alpha quadrant species friendly to the Federation. The J'Naii considered themselves to have evolved beyond the need for different genders, and strongly supressed any feelings of gender amongst their population. They reproduce by incubating their young in fiberous husks which were inseminated by both parents, and all sexual liasions were stricktly forbidden by law. Despite this, some J'Naii continued to feel themselves to be male or female, and there were occasional cases in which the authorities would 'treat' individuals with psychotectic therapy to remove these feelings.

One such individual was Soren, a J'Naii who felt itself to be female. Soren worked with the joint J'Naii-Federation mission to find and rescue a lost shuttlecraft in 2368; during the mission Soren became attracted to Commander Riker and the two persued a brief relationship. When the authorities discovered the relationship they took Soren into custody and, over her strenuous objections, treated her to remove her gender feelings. [431]
Jackal Mastiff [215] This small quadruped had very large teeth. The commander of Rura Pente in 2293 had a Jackal Mastiff which he used to intimidate prisoners. [215]
Jarada [445] Insectoid civilisation who are fanatical about etiquette [445]
Jem'Hadar [399] First encountered by the Federation in 2370, the Jem'Hadar are the military arm of the Dominion. They have been the subject of heavy genetic engineering in order to increase their effectiveness as soldiers; [399] like many Dominion species, the Jem'Hadar are cloned rather than breeding naturally. They are mature within three days of leaving the birthing chamber, allowing for very rapid replacement of casualties. [123] All Jem'Hadar have an inbuilt ability to 'shroud' themselves, a form of camouflage which effectively hides them from both sensors and the naked eye. [123] In addition, they are almost completely unaffected by many forms of anti-personnel forcefield. [399] Jem'Hadar do not need to sleep, eat, or drink - the only substance they require is Ketracel White, [179] an isogenic enzyme deliberately omitted from their physiology by the Founders. [123]

The vast majority of Jem'Hadar never actually see a Founder, and some doubt that they even exist. [446] have built their service to the shapeshifters into a religion. They literally regard the Founders as living Gods, to the extent that Jem'Hadar have been known to commit suicide if they fail to protect a shapeshifter from harm. [120] The Vorta, as the representatives of the Founders, are also given immense loyalty by most Jem'Hadar - even when such loyalty is unwarranted. [447] Absolute obedience is further guaranteed by the Vorta's control of the Ketracel White. [179]

Most Jem'Hadar die young, in battle - few reach fifteen years of age and any who reach the age of twenty are considered to be honoured elders. No Jem'Hadar has ever reached thirty years of age. [179]

The most recent change to the Jem'Hadar was the introduction of the 'Alphas' - a breed created in the Alpha Quadrant. The Alphas are regarded - largely by themselves - as being superior to standard Jem'Hadar, but their introduction has led to considerable friction with the older model. [448]

Joranian Ostrich [397] Life form known for dipping its head under water when threatened, often until it drowns [397]
Jye [449] Alien who was in charge of medical resources allocation on the Dinaali home world. [271]
Kadi [450] Delta Quadrant species encountered by Voyager in 2375. [450]
Kaelon [133] The Kaelons volunteer for suicide at the age of 60 in a ceremony called 'The Resolution'. [133]
Kalandan [451] People who built an artificial planet, but were killed off by a disease [451]
Kantarean [350] Likely name of the species encountered by the NX-01 Enterprise in 2152. The species is not named, but their home planet of Kantare is; Trek naming convention usually names the species after the planet. [350]
Karemma [396] Humanoid species native to the Gamma Quadrant. The Karemma first came to notice when the Ferengi struck a deal with them to buy Tulaberry wine in 2370. [316] Later they became one of the few Dominion member species which engaged in trade with the Federation, although out of fear of the Dominion they went through Ferengi intermediaries rather than deal directly. [452] The Karemmas contact with the Dominion was entirely through the Vorta, and they regarded the Founders as semi mythical. [396]

Karemma firmly believe that goods should be sold at a reasonable price, and the Ferengi promptly took advantage of this by adding various unnecessary taxes to the goods they carried. Ferengi trade practices shocked the Karemma, and they threatened to cut off trade with the Federation in 2372. This led to a meeting within Dominion space, which was disrupted when Jem'Hadar ships attacked the participants. [452]

Federation trade with the Karemma came to an end when the wormhole was closed in 2373, but now the wormhole has been reopened and the Dominion war ended, it is possible that relations will resume.

Kartelan [297] Species from whom Voyager purchased 12 kilos of Amber Spice [297]
Kasheeta [75] Members of the United Federation of Planets, the Kasheeta are from the planet Kashet. [75] A Kasheeta was present in the Federation Council chamber in 2285 during the Cetacean probe crisis. [63]
Kataanians [453] Alpha quadrant species which was located in the Silarian sector. Their system had six planets, one of which - Kataan - was inhabitable. Approximately one thousand years ago their star began to increase its output, causing a long drought on the planet. The Kataanians had relatively low level technology, and could do nothing to return their star to normal. They did develop a sufficient level of space travel to launch a small probe containing a record of their civilization and some artefacts, and this travelled through space for one thousand years until it encountered the Enterprise-D in 2368. The probe transmitted its record into the mind of Captain Picard, who experienced it as a lifetime of memories of living as a Kataanian. Within the experience Picard settled down and became a family man in a small local community, helping to raise two generations in the final years of the civilization.

The Enterprise tracked the probe back to Kataan, finding that the planet's sun had eventually gone nova and rendered the Kataanians extinct. Captain Picard remains the Federation's authority on the Kataanians. [453]
Kavarian tiger-bat [208] Animal from the planet Kavaria [208]
Kayrilllian Eel [414] Creature native to the Delta Quadrant. Being immersed in a pit of Kayrilllian eels would be a highly unpleasant experience. [414]
Kazleti [454] Probable species name. Voyager crewmember Chell wore a necklace of Kazleti design. [454]
Kazon [332] The Kazon were one of the first Delta Quadrant species that Voyager encountered on its arrival in the area. [332] They are a violent race who consider themselves to be great warriors. [455] The Kazon were originally a slave species of the Trabe, but they overthrew their masters in a revolt some time ago. [326] They have a relatively disorganized culture - after overthrowing the Trabe they splintered into several sects who have competed with one another ever since. Some of the sects are extremely weak, lacking the ability to provide even the basics of life properly. Others operate fleets of warships which they 'liberated' from the Trabe; [153] although some of these are large and powerful, [332] the Kazon are not great technicians and their ships tend to be relatively poorly maintained.

Kazon sects which Voyager encountered include the Ogla, [332] Nistrim, [456] Relora, [455] Hobii, Mostral, Oglamar [457] and Prommar [326]. Many of them were bitter enemies of the Federation ship - a result of Janeway's decision to destroy the Caretakers Array in order to deny them access to its technology. [332] Voyager fought several battles with the Kazon, and in 2372 they managed to capture the ship with the help of the Cardassian spy Seska. Fortunately, an alliance of Talaxian ships and several members of Voyagers crew were able to defeat the invaders and recapture the ship. [416]

Shortly after this Voyager passed out of Kazon space. Given the distance the ship has covered since then, it is virtually impossible that the crew will ever encounter this race again. [41]

The Borg designation for the Kazon is Species 329; the Borg considered them unworthy of assimilation. [157]
Kellerun [325] Species which helped to create the Harvester weapons, then tried to erase all knowledge of them after the war they were made for ended. [325]
Kelvans [458] Originating in the Andromeda galaxy, the Kelvans are a highly advanced and powerful species possessed of great technology. Their own galaxy is slowly becoming uninhabitable, and so the Kelvans sent out craft to seek new territories to conquer. The ship sent to our own Milky Way galaxy was disabled whilst passing through the energy barrier at the galactic rim, and its small crew were forced to abandon it and proceed in a lifeboat. They landed on a planet and sent out a distress call, which the USS Enterprise responded to.

The Kelvans have the ability to transform the physical shape of living things, and they used this to condense the majority of the Enterprise crew into small solid blocks of a white substance. In this way they were able to quickly seize control of the ship, leaving only a handful of officers to assist in the running of the vessel. The Kelvans modified the engines to allow sustained high speed travel and set a course back to Andromeda, a trip which was expected to take three hundred years.

In order to function more effectively, the Kelvans had assumed a Humanoid appearance. Commander Spock was able to initiate a brief mind meld with one of the Kelvans and determine that their true form was of immense size, with one hundred tentacle like limbs. Their minds were so complex that each limb could simultaneously perform a separate function. Unused to the sensory inputs which came with being Humanoid, the Kelvans soon became somewhat disoriented. The Enterprise crew took advantage of this and were able to set the invaders at one anther's throats, allowing them to regain control of the ship.

Captain Kirk offered Federation help to the Kelvans, pointing out that there were many uninhabited worlds within the Milky Way which they could occupy. Peaceful contact has since been established with the Kelvans, and as of the 2370s Lieutenant Commander Worf had successfully sparred with a Kelvan twice his size on at least a few occasions. [458]
Kemiyans [459] As of 2401, the Kemiyans have been fighting against their oppressors for decades. [459]
Kerelian [460] Species known for its highly sensitive hearing [460]
Kes [461] People from the planet Kesprytt III who applied for Federation membership [461]
Kesat [89] The Kesat thought the Ba'Neth were mythical until Voyager helped an investigator to track them down.  [89]
Kesprytt [461] Paranoid species, some of which petitioned for Federation membership. [461]
Khefkan [462] Species from the planet Khefkan IV. [462]
Kiley [463] Native of the planet Kiley 279 in the alpha quadrant. After witnessing a warp drive in nearby space the species reverse engineered the concept and developed a warp bomb. Mistaking the warp signature for the development of warp drive by the planet, the Federation initated first contact. The locals detained the Federation team. [463]
Kinbori [162] Delta Quadrant people whom Voyager encountered in 2376 at the Markonian outpost. [162]
Klabnian Eel [16] Species which Q did not like [16]
Klaestron [73] Curzon Dax once worked on the planet Klaestron, where he had an affair with the wife of a local leader. [73] The Klaestrons once developed an incredibly effective treatment for burns. [417]
Klimasz [464] Alien dancer, seen on Rigel X. [26]
Klingon Lizard Dog [275] Dog-like species which Klingon Captain Kruge kept as a pet. [275]
Klingons [465] One of the major powers of the Alpha/Beta quadrant, the Klingons originate on Qo'noS (pronounced Kronos), a class M world. [26] Many mysteries surround the history of the Klingon people, at least in part because of their habit of periodically re-writing their past for political purposes. [90]

According to legend, the first Klingon was a male named Kortar. [466] His Klingon heart was created by the gods out of fire and steel - the gods declared it the strongest heart in the heavens, so loud did it beat. When Kortar's heart weakened out of loneliness, the gods created a female for companionship. Her heart was even stronger, and he became jealous of her power. Fortunately the female heart also posessed wisdom, and she suggested that the two could join together to become an unstoppable force. The gods attempted to flee this powerful combination, but the joined hearts destroyed them. [90] As punishment for his actions, Kortar was condemned to ferry the souls of dishonoured Klingons to gre'thor [466] where they are watched over by Fek'lhr, a vaguely Klingon-esque figure. [300] It is tempting to view Fek'lhr as the Klingon equivalent of the Human devil, but in fact the Klingons have no devil. [128]

Klingons who die with their honour intact are spared gre'thor, instead travelling to sto-vo-kor. [467]

The Klingon empire originated approximately 1,500 years ago. [467] According to legend, the empire was founded by the warrior Kahless the Unforgettable. A mighty warrior, Kahless performed many amazing and heroic feats; on one occasion he fought his brother Morath for twelve days and nights because Morath had broken a promise and so brought shame on the family. [102]

Morath's dishonourable behaviour continued; eventually he killed his own father whilst trying to steal his sword. When the theft was discovered by Kahless Morath threw the sword into the sea, claiming that if he could not possess it then nobody would. Kahless wept at the loss, and his tears caused the sea to flood the shore. The people begged Kahless to stop weeping and he did, whereupon he walked into the sea to find the sword. He held his breath for three days and nights before finally finding the sword. This incident marked the last time the two brothers spoke.

Still disconsolate from the loss of his father, Kahless went to the underworld to search for him. There he invented the Mok'bara, a Klingon martial arts form which he showed to his father. His father was able to use the forms to remember his body and so return to the land of the living. [468]

Needing a weapon of his own, Kahless went into the mountains to the Kri'stak volcano. He cut off a lock of his hair and thrust it into the river of molten rock, then plunged it into the Lursor lake and and twisted it into the shape of a sword. Kahless used the sword to kill the tyrant Molor, whereupon he named it the Bat'leth, or "sword of honour". [467] Kahless carried the sword in many of his adventures, using it to conquer the Fek'Ihri, skin the serpent of Xol, to harvest his father's fields and even to carve a statue for his beloved. [30]

Ultimately Kahless united the Klingon people to form a great Empire. He issued the laws of honour with which the people would be governed. Feeling that his work was done, Kahless decided to leave for the afterlife. He pointed to a star, telling his people to look for him to return there. [467]

When the Klingons first made contact with the Federation in 2151 they appeared largely humanoid. The main visible differences centered around the heads, which bore a pattern of prominent ridges. [26] In 2154 the Klingons attempted to create genetically engineered super-soldiers using DNA recovered from Human Augments; the attempt backfired, unleashing a deadly virus which as a side effect caused the bony cranial ridges to dissolve. [469] The Denobulan Doctor Phlox was able to cure the effects of the virus, but many millions of Klingons still went through the first stages and had their cranial ridges erased, leaving them looking remarkably Human-like. [470] They retained this appearance through to the latter half of the 23rd century when they slowly began to change to something closer to their original appearance. [66] By the 2280's all Klingons had returned to sporting a distinctive set of ridges occupying almost the whole upper area of their heads. [275] Over time these alterations have faded into history - remarkably, by the mid to late 24th century even some Starfleet physicians were not aware that there had ever been a problem. Many Klingons of this era are extremely embarrassed about these cosmetic changes and refuse to speak of it, simply stating that it is "a long story" that they "do not discuss with outsiders". [471]

On average Klingons are larger and physically stronger than Humans. [41] They are noted for having no tear ducts, [215] and while most have red blood [277] there are some whose blood is distinctly pink. [215] Klingons suffer from certain allergies, most notably a strong reaction to small furry animals such as Tribbles. [257]

Internally, Klingon physiology is markedly different from that of Humans. There is a great deal more multiple redundancy in their organs, a principle they call Brak'lul. This allows Klingons to survive severe injuries in battle. [472] They have twenty three ribs, two livers, an eight chambered heart, and even redundant neural function [472] and multiple stomachs! [406] Surprisingly, Klingons have relatively little knowledge of their own biology and their medicine is very poorly developed. This is largely due to their warrior traditions - a Klingon who is wounded is expected to be left to survive or die through his own strength, or to undergo the Hegh'bat, a form of ritual suicide. [472]

Ritual is a very important element in Klingon society. [41] They believe that once a Klingon has died the spirit exits the body for gre'thor or sto-vo-kor, leaving behind a worthless shell to be disposed of. [473] Despite this, sometimes friends of the deceased will sit with the body to protect it from predators, a practice known as Ak'voh. [120] On the death of a Klingon is it traditional for those on hand to howl into the sky as a warning to the afterlife that a Klingon warrior is about to arrive. [473] In some cases a funeral dirge is sung in memory to the deceased, [474]

Other Klingon rituals include the R'uustai, a bonding ceremony which joins two people together in a relationship similar to brotherhood. [475]

The warrior ethos has always been important in Klingon society, but it has not always dominated in the way it does today. In the mid 21st century the warriors weren't nearly as powerful, and Klingon society was regarded as being much more fair and balanced. Over the next century the warriors gradually gained the upper hand, until the Klingons became widely regarded as a warrior race. [476] It was even common practice for Klingons to sharpen their teeth before battle! [26]

Despite the modern emphasis on warrior honour, in fact Klingon society often observes these principles more in words than in actions. Politics at the highest level of the Empire tends to be a ruthlessly pragmatic affair, often lacking in the very honour that Klingons speak of so highly. [477] It has been said that the Klingon Empire is in deep denial of itself, maintaining centuries of honour and tradition whilst even its most honourable members are entirely willing to accept and even participate in corruption at the highest levels. [183]

Despite initial appearances of success [26] their first contact with Humanity in 2151 was later viewed as disastrous, leading to decades of war. [478] A period of peace followed, but in 2223 relations shifted towards hostile again. [479]

In 2242 relations had worsened to the point of open hostility, and the battle of Donatu V was fought in this year. The outcome of the battle was regarded as inconclusive. [257]

In 2265 a peace treaty was signed. Although the Klingons would claim to have followed the treaty, over the next three years there would be repeated raids on Federation outposts which were suspected to have been carried out by Klingon forces. [480]

Open warfare began again in 2266, but the war was quickly ended by the intervention of the Organians. [465]

Over the years the Federation and Klingon Empire made several further attempts to coexist peacefully, with notable breakthroughs including the Korvat Negotiations in 2289 [474] and the Khitomer Conference in 2293. [215] Peace was finally achieved after the Narendra Incident, in which the crew of the Enterprise-C sacrificed themselves and their vessel to assist a Klingon colony under attack by Romulans. [375] The peace held until 2372, when the Federation's refusal to support the Klingon's war against the Cardassians resulted in an attack on Deep Space Nine. [207] The alliance was reinstated later in this year in order to present a united front against the Dominion threat. [181] That alliance has continued to the present, and the two powers worked closely throughout the Dominion war. [101]

Klingon relations with the Romulans have also been somewhat variable. In the 2260s the two were at least somewhat friendly; Romulans used Klingon warships in their military. [481] The two later became enemies; in 2344 the Romulans attacked the Klingon outpost on Narendra III, killing many Klingons. [375] In 2367 the Romulans backed Duras in his attempt to claim the Chancellorship of the Klingon high council.  [482] The attempt failed when the Federation blockaded the Romulan border, preventing supplies from reaching Duras's forces. [121]

In theory the Klingon Government consists of an Imperial structure with a High Council advising the Emperor. However, for centuries the title of Emperor was left vacant and the Chancellor of the High Council has ruled the Empire. This situation was modified in 2369 when Kahless apparently returned from the dead, although it was later learned that the returned Kahless was in fact a clone of the original created by Klingon scientists. Despite this, Chancellor Gowron allowed the cloned Kahless to take the Imperial throne as a figurehead in order to promote unity among the Klingon people. [467]

The Klingons fought alongside both the Federation and Romulans in the war against the Dominion, acquitting themselves with great bravery in that conflict. [92] During the final stages of the war Gowron was killed in single combat by Lieutenant Commander Worf, who then appointed General Martok as Chancellor. [183]
Kmada [255] Delta Quadrant species. Eight months and seventeen days prior to Stardate 52586.3 the Kmada attempted to sabotage the life-support systems of a duplicate of Voyager using low-frequency theta radiation. [255]
Kobali [483] On Stardate 51563 Voyager crew member Ensign Lyndsay Ballard was killed by a Hirogen hunting party whilst on an away mission with Ensign Kim. Ballard was given a burial in space, as is normal for Starfleet personnel.

Two years later, Voyager received a communication from an alien woman who claimed to be Ensign Ballard. The woman knew intimate details of Voyager and her crew, leaving Captain Janeway in little doubt that this was in fact her long dead crew member.

Ballard revealed that she had been retrieved from her coffin in space and reanimated by a species called the Kobali. The Kobali spent months altering her DNA in order to reform her in their image, this being their normal method of reproducing themselves. Eventually she had been placed with a Kobali family who would help her to make the adjustment to their society. Ensign Ballard had spent two years - Kobali years - gaining the Kobali's trust before stealing a shuttlecraft and setting off to find Voyager.

Voyager's EMH was unable to reverse the changes the Kobali had made. Her blood contained a genetic pathogen which had converted most of her DNA into a Kobali protein structure, leaving insufficient Human DNA to reconstruct the original pattern. She had a six lobed multispheric brain housed within an enlarged cranium, a binary cardiovascular system and two tone grey and purple skin. The EMH was able to make cosmetic changes which returned Ensign Ballard to a Human appearance.

The Ensign suffered considerable difficulty in settling back in to life on Voyager. She continued to think in Kobali and to miss the relationships she had established with her surrogate family. When the Kobali located Voyager and attacked the ship Ballard volunteered to return with them, saying she no longer felt at home on Voyager.

Voyager has thus far had no further contact with the Kobali. If is not known how far their territory spreads, although it must be at least thousands of light years for them to have kept pace with Voyager. [483]
Kobheerian [92] A Kobheerian freighter brought Amin Marritza to Deep Space Nine in 2369. [315] In 2371 Commander Sisko impersonated a Kobheerian in an attempt to bluff his way into Cardassian space. [417]
Kobliad [484] Species which was dying out and required Deuridium to prolong their lives; despite locating new sources in the Gamma Quadrant, there was not enough of the substance for the whole population and some Kobliad took to stealing shipments. A Kobliad criminal once took over the body of Dr. Bashir whilst on the run. [484]
Kohl [485] Delta quadrant which was nearly went into a virtual reality environment to shelter from a disaster but were terrorised by their own worst nightmare. [485]
Kohm [309] Humanoid residents of Omega IV [309]
Koinonian [475] An ancient Koinonian mine killed Enterprise-D crewmember Marla Aster. [475]
Kolar Beast [88] Klingon animal [88]
Kolarin [486] Pre-warp civilisation located near to the Romulan border. B-4 was discovered on the Kolarin homeworld. [486]
Kolhari [297] Delta quadrant species which uses tetrion based power cells [297]
Komar [436] A Delta Quadrant species, the Komar are trianic energy beings who live in a dark matter nebula. [436]
Kostolain [487] Species which had rigid rules regarding protocol. Lwaxana Troi almost married the Kostolain Minister Campio in 2368. [487]
Kovaalan [418] Aggressive species which inhabited the Delphic Expanse. The Kovaalans would routinely attack any ship which infringed on their territory. [418]
Kradin [488] Species which was engaged in a vicious war with the Vori. [488]
Kraylor [54] Species which was engaged in a war with the Annari as of 2377. [54]
Kreetassan [77] Species first contacted by the NX-01 in 2152. The Kreetassan language is highly complex, with most of the words having many different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. Eating is considered a very delicate matter by the Kreetassans - their word for eating is the same one used for mating, and both activities are expected to be carried out in private. The first contact ended abruptly when the NX-01 crew offended the Kreetassans by inviting them to share a meal. [368] Captain Archer again offended the Kreetassans on a visit to their home world when Porthos relieved himself on some highly valued sacred trees. Archer was in turn offended that the Kreetassans failed to inform him that their planet harboured diseases dangerous to Porthos. He eventually decided to accept their oversight and managed to make amends for his own slight by performing a ritual of apology in front of the Kreetassans. [32] A Kreetassan was present on Pernaia prime when Archer, T'Pol and Mayweather visited it in 2152. [279]
Krellan [314] Civilisation whose food was popular with other planets, especially Farius Prime [314]
Krenim [23] Delta Quadrant civilisation who used temporal weaponry in some timelines. [23]
Kressari [489] Reptilian species known for trading in plant DNA. At least some Kressari also ran weapons from the Cardassians to the Bajoran terrorist group known as The Circle. [489]
Kriosians [285] Beta quadrant civilization [490] The Kriosians made first contact with Humanity in 2152, when the NX-01 became involved in the kidnapping of a Kriosian Princess, Kaitaama, who was heir to the First Monarch of their world. Commander Tucker was able to free Princess Kaitaama from captivity, and with the aid of the NX-01 she was eventually returned to her people. [70]

The Kriosians went to war with their neighbours in the Vault Minor system centuries ago after the leaders of the two systems had a falling out over an empathic metamorph. Empathic metamorphs are a somewhat common phenomenon amongst Kriosian males; they are able to sense what a particular potential mate wants from a partner and become that for them. Female empathic metamorphs are much rarer, being born only once every seven generations, and as a result are highly prized. [285]

Krios was under the control of the Klingon Empire in the 24th century. [491] In 2367 the Klingons believed that a Kriosian revolt had been assisted by the Federation, and a diplomatic incident was threatened. It transpired that the Romulans had faked evidence in order to put a strain on the Federation-Klingon alliance, and the incident was resolved peacefully. [285]

In 2368 the Enterprise-D returned to Krios to stage a ceremony of reconciliation to end the war with Vault. The ceremony involved the presentation of Kamala, a female empathic metamorph, to the Vault leader as a gift. Although Captain Picard and his officers were less than happy with transporting a sentient being as property, Kamala assured him that she was happy to take part in the exchange. Both had second thoughts when Picard began to feel attracted to Kamala, and she to he, but Kamala decided to go through with the exchange regardless. [285]
Kryonian Tiger [190] Creature found in the Brentalia Zoo [190]
Ktarians [492] Humanoid species found in the Alpha Quadrant and native to the planet Ktaria VII. [405] The Ktarians are recognizable by their distinctive foreheads, which are divided into two large bone like structures, and by their yellow eyes. [492] Ktarians have scales on some parts of their bodies, [493] and at least some Ktarian/Human hybrids have several small horns on their forehead. Ktarian children grow far faster than their Human equivalents. [494]

The Ktarians are notable for an attempt they made to conquer the Federation in 2368. Since they are significantly less powerful militarily, the Ktarians attempted to subvert Starfleet by introducing a game which was highly addictive and which rendered the mind of the user susceptible to suggestion. The Ktarians succeeded in gaining control of the USS Enterprise but before the game could be spread to other Starships their control of the crew was broken by Wesley Crusher and Commander Data. [492]

Despite this attack, the Federation and Ktarians maintained diplomatic and cultural relations. In 2372 Harry Kim met his future fiancee, Libby, while he was visiting a Ktarian music festival. [352] Ktaria VII was a popular vacation spot with tourists, as the large Ktarian glaciers offered excellent skiing. [406] Ktaria has also given the Federation some interesting foodstuffs; Ktarian Puff Chocolate is popular with some Federation citizens - the blend of seventeen different chocolates was Counsellor Troi's favourite desert item. [444] Ktarian eggs are large, with mottled red and yellow shells and a green interior, and were a breakfast favourite of Captain Kirks girlfriend Antonia in 2284, [277] and Ktarian Merlot is an alcoholic beverage which Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres sometimes enjoyed. [495]

Ktarians bury their dead in a highly ceremonial manner by laying thousands of sacred stones in tombs, each representing a special prayer. On an away mission to the planet a young Chakotay once took one of these stones as a souvenir, and was later horrified to find that he had desecrated the man's resting place by his actions. [405]

Kurlans [8] A species which existed on the planet Kurl some 12,000 years ago. The Kurlans left behind remains which included ceramic artifacts, the most prized of which were those created by an individual known to history only as The Master of Tarquin Hill.#Ref4145}
Kyrian [496] A species which in the distant future will come to believe that Voyager once engaged in a brutal war against them. [496]
Kzinti [189] The Kzinti are a beta quadrant species. Will Riker and Deanna Troi had a lot of trouble with the Kzinti in the time leading up to the visit of Admiral Picard in 2399. They had installed shields and perimeter scanners on their property as a result. [189] The Federation had a long standing issue with the Kzinti stretching back as far as 2267. [497]
L-S VI Life-form [58] Entity discovered by Dr. Mora Pol [58]
Lapling [298] Highly endangered species; the last surviving member was owned by Kivas Fajo. [298]
Lauriento [403] Quark's holosuites on Deep Space Nine featured a massage program which offered a masseuse of this species. The Lauriento have webbed fingers. [403]
Lavafly [406] Insect lifeform of large size, native to Talax [406]
LB10445 [267] Single celled life form [267]
Leaf Miner [498] Parasites often found on grape vines [498]
Ledosian [160] Delta Quadrant species which had strict rules regarding traffic around their space stations. An area of their home world was covered by a force field set up in the distant past by an unknown people, possibly Species 312. The Ventu people lived within the forcefield, which was apparently designed to prevent the Ledosians from offering them the benefits of modern technology. [160]
Legaran [499] Species who live within a deep layer of mud [499]
Lemur [59] Small primate which Picard began to de-evolve into [59]
Lenarian [217] Species who are not fond of the Federation [217]
Lethean [30] The Letheans are able to inflict devastating telepathic attacks on others. [30]
Leyron [295] Species who use gestures for non-verbal communication [295]
Ligonian [500] Highly honour-bound, the Ligonians produced the vaccine which was used to treat the Anghalese fever in 2364. [500]
Ligorian Mastodon [344] Large but stealthy animal [344]
Lion Fish [501] A species of fish native to the planet Earth. Picard kept a Lion Fish in his ready room on the Enterprise-D [501]
Lissepian [92] Spacefaring civilisation. A Lissepian captain once traded self sealing stem bolts for 5,000 wrappages of Cardassian Yamok sauce. [17]
Lokirrim [502] The Lokirrim were engaged in a war with holographic lifeforms, and destroyed all Holograms on sight. [502]
Loon [344] Bird native to Earth [344]
Loque'eque [281] Species native to the Delphic Expanse. The Loque'eque became extinct several centuries prior to 2153; they created a virus which would convert those it infected into replicas of their own species in an attempt to keep their race alive. The appearence of these replicas is the only remaining record of the appearence of the Loque'eque. [281]
Lothra [330] Hydrogen breathing sentient life form. Dax knew a Lothra who was in love with an Oxygene despite the fact that they could only spend 40 minutes a day in the same environment. [330]
Lumbuans [216] A pre-warp civilisation, native to the planet Lumbua in the UFC 86659 system. The Lumbuans were a peaceful people predisposed to philosophy and discussion above action. In 2381 they were pressed into an unexpected First Contact situation when Dr. Ree form the USS Titan landed on their planet and took over a portion of a hospital, determined to secure pre-natal care for Deanna Riker. [216]
Lumerian [503] The Lumerians are capable of transferring their negative emotions onto others. [503]
Lurians [319] Lurians are a Humanoid species [92] native to the alpha quadrant. Externally they are slightly larger than Humans; their skin tends to be rough textured and brown in colour. [504] They normally have hair on their bodies, but some Lurians have been known to become bald when poisoned by exposure to Latinum. Lurians have two stomachs, multiple hearts, [319] and four lungs. [505]

The Lurian government is a monarchy. [319] The Lurian people tend to be highly talkative and excitable - on hearing of the Dominion threat, one Lurian native of Deep Space Nine ran naked and screaming into the Bajoran temple to beg the prophets for protection. [344] They generally have large families - eighteen siblings is not unusual for a Lurian family. [452]

Lurillian [26] Before the age of four this species can only breathe methyl oxide. They must then be weaned to an oxygen/nitrogen mix. [26]
Lycosa Tarantula [206] Spider; Miles O'Brien had a Lycosa Tarantula for a pet [206]
Lynar [506] Batlike creature which lives on Celtris III [506]
Lysian [370] Species which were at war with the Satarrans as of 2368. The Lysians were far behind the Federation in weapons technology, and the Satarrans used a mind altering technology to fool the Enterprise-D crew into attacking them. [370] The Lysian central command complex closely resembles the Edo god, and it is therefore a possibility that the Lysians were also involved with this being at some time in the past. [369]
Lyssarian [404] Species which used the Lyssarian desevae to make clones. [404]
Lyssarian Desert Larvae [404] Animal life form. The epidermal layer of the larvae secretes a viral suppressant useful as a salve for cuts and bruises. When implanted with DNA from a donor species it exactly replicates that species' life cycle, becoming a perfect duplicate. However, the clone goes through the life cycle at an extremely accelerated pace, being born, growing old and dying in approximately 15 days. The Lyssarians call these creatures Mimetic Simbiots, and as of 2154 their existence was a very closely guarded secret. [404]
Lytasian [507] Civilisation who once warred with the Ferengi. History records that ten Ferengi stood against a force of two hundred and fifty Lytasians - and were all killed. [507]
M'klexa [260] Species which visited the planet Valakis prior to the NX-01 Enterprise's visit of 2151. [260]
M-113 Creature [114] An intelligent life form, once native to the planet M-113. At their height, the species numbered in the millions - Professor Crater compared them to the North American Buffalo, which roamed in herds that covered vast areas. The creatures were roughly humanoid. They fed on salt, which they were able to drain from the bodies of other living beings by touching the suction rings on their hands to the body of their prey. The process was rapid, and caused a quick and painful death to their prey. Because of their method of feeding, the M-113 creatures are sometimes referred to as 'Salt Vampires'. [114]

The M-113 creature was capable of imitating the appearance of others, an ability it used to get close to its prey. This ability was some form of telepathic projection; the creature did not change its actual physical form, but rather caused others to perceive it differently. It was capable of extracting images from their minds in order to appear as a person they thought of or remembered from their past. One quirk of this ability was that several people could look at an M-113 creature simultaneously and each see it as somebody completely different. This was a potential weakness in the disguise, since the illusion could be detected if the witnesses were to compare what they had seen. [114]

The M-113 creature was drawn to strong emotions. It would typically seek out people who had strong feelings for another person and then imitate that person in order to provoke emotional reactions. [114]

By the mid 23rd century very few M-113 creatures remained. Professor Crater and his wife Nancy found what is believed to be the last of them some one or two years prior to 2266. The creature killed Nancy, and subsequently imitated her in order to maintain a relationship with the Professor. In return, he supplied the creature with supplies of salt. [114]

When the USS Enterprise visited M-113 in 2266, the remaining creature killed two members of the landing party and then imitated one of them in order to beam aboard the ship. It imitated several different people whilst there, killing in order to get more salt. It ultimately killed Professor Crater and attacked Captain Kirk. Doctor McCoy used a phaser to kill the creature; this rendered the species extinct. [114]
Macrovirus [406] Virus which grows up to a metre across and can defy gravity [406]
Majalan [508] Magalans are a humanoid race with both male and female genders. They originate from the planet Majalis in the Majalan system, which is located on the edge of Federation space. They were first encountered by Christopher Pike, who rescued a native of the planet from a pulsar. Although they were offered Federation membership they turned it down. [508]

The Magalans has a highly advanced system of medicine, even by Federation standards. They were able to use quantum implants to repair damage on a sub-cellular level. They claimed to live a life without disease of any kind. They had laws that prevented them from sharing the technology with other species. [508]

Some time ago their planets surface had become covered with lava and lakes of acid. To avoid this they had built a series of floating platforms which they lived on. The system was maintained by hooking a neural network of a child into a machine. This lead to the slow painful death for the child, but lead to the survival of the rest of the species. Over many years this sacrifice had obtained a religious significance. The child was seen as to be adcending, a duty that had to be carried out willingly. Known as the "First Servant" the child was honoured by the other members of the species. [508]
Maker [256] Ancient civilisation which created advanced androids later controlled by Harry Mudd [256]
Makusians [509] Members of this species attended the conference on the planet Babel in 2267 concerning the entry of Coridan into the Federation. [510]
Malcorian [511] A pre-warp species, the Malcorians were contacted by the Federation but eventually declined the offer of friendship. [511]
Malkoth [23] A Delta Quadrant species erased from time by Annorax. He kept a bottle of their spirits on his ship, the only one remaining in the universe. [23]
Malon [512] Relatively little is known about the Malon; there has been no formal contact with the Malon government as such, merely a series of accidental encounters with their ships. Since these encounters have occurred over thirty thousand light years apart, it is possible that Malon territory extends across these kinds of distances - making their space far larger than the Federation. [41] However, the Malon are known to have access to at least one stable "spatial vortex" - apparently a form of wormhole. It is possible that they have access to others which allow them to cross large distances, or even that are able to build such phenomena themselves. At this point in time we simply do not know. [512]

At least some aspects of Malon technology produce large amounts of Theta radiation, and the Malon dispose of this by dumping it in unpopulated areas of space. The amounts involved are such that this has caused significant levels of pollution, endangering several species. It is the freighters involved in this operation that the USS Voyager has encountered. On their first meeting in early 2375, Voyager offered the Malon technology which would eliminate their Theta radiation problems. unfortunately the Malon still appear to operate a profit based economy; since the waste dumping business would be totally destroyed by such technology, the Malon crews have been less than receptive to this idea. [512] Several weeks later a Malon freighter attempted to steal an advanced probe belonging to Voyager, prompting the Starfleet crew to build the Delta Flyer to retrieve the probe first. [513]

Later in the same year, Voyager encountered an abandoned freighter and recovered two crew members from nearby escape pods. This encounter allowed the crew to learn much more about the Malon. The freighters can carry enormous amounts of the toxins, over twelve trillion isotons on a single vessel. Should such a ship be destroyed it would devastate everything within three light years of the explosion. Their freighter crews generally suffer serious cell damage from their exposure to the Theta radiation, which they call 'freighter blight'. The Malon use analeptic compound injections to counter the freighter blight, but while the treatment keeps them alive it does not prevent skin scarring.

A crew member will typically work six months of the year on a Malon freighter; the exposure so received is expected to cut his life in half. The 'core labourers' who work closest to the waste receive the greatest dosage; less than one third are expected to survive any given trip, but they make more money in two months of working than most Malon earn in a lifetime. Occasionally the radiation causes core labourers to experience mutations, and the Malon have many stories of 'monsters' which attack crew members or damage ships. Voyagers crew encountered one such individual on board the abandoned freighter and were forced to kill him in order to prevent the ship from being sabotaged. [514]

Malosian [515] Traders who operated in the Delphic Expanse. This race may be ficticious, as Archer mentioned them as part of a plot to trick Degra into revealing details of the Xindi weapon program. [515]
Malurian [516] Beta Quadrant [517] species which mined minerals from the Akaali home world in 2151, poisoning the natives in the process. Their operation was stopped when the NX-01 intervened. [5] The Malurian species was destroyed in 2267 when the Nomad probe sterilised their system. [516]
Manchovite [37] Civilization which were engaged in a war at some point in the 24th century. Gaila and Hagath sold the Manchovites 150,000 hand weapons. They also sold 100,000 of the same weapons to their enemies, thus profiting from both sides of the war. The arms dealers were annoyed when an armistice was subsequently signed. [37]
Maple Trees [3] Earth plant [3]
Mari [518] Telepathic civilisation in the Delta Quadrant who have largely eliminated crime [518]
Marijne [359] Sentient beings encountered by the Enterprise-D which communicated by directly accessing one anothers thoughts. The beings lived in subspace. [359]
Markalian [92] The Markalians are a species seen on Deep Space Nine occasionally. [92] Some Markalians are notorious for their smuggling and other criminal activities; Odo arrested one on Deep Space Nine during the Federation's takeover of the station. [95] Some Markalians fine employed as mercenaries. [484] Kassidy Yates employed a Markalian on the Xhosa. [208] A wounded Markalian was being cared for in the field hospital on Ajilon Prime when Jake visited [519], and at least one was interned by the Dominion in the run up to the Dominion war. [176] In 2374 Molly O'Brien wounded a Markalian in Quark's Bar. [520]
Markoffian Sea Lizard [115] Life form familiar to Q [115]
Markonians [162] Delta quadrant species which maintained an outpost visited by Voyager in 2376. [162]
Marlonian [191] Culture whose pottery resembles both Buranian and Taguan work. [191]
Mathenite [417] Possible species name. Legate Ghemor said that the Mathenite government had offered him political sanctuary. [417]
Mawasi [23] Delta Quadrant civilisation; in an alternate timeline the Mawasi allied with Voyager against the Krenim [23]
Mazarite [521] The Mazarites had a corrupt government in the 2150s, which they were trying to correct with Vulcan help. [521]
Mealworm [140] Type of worm native to the planet Earth. Those infected by the alien Parasites which infiltrated Starfleet in the 2360s regarded live Mealworms as a tasty snack food. [140]
Medusan [522] A species known as one of the great contrasts of the galaxy; the thoughts of the Medusans are considered to be the most sublime and beautiful in the entire galaxy, but their physical appearance is so ugly that simply looking at a Medusan is extremely dangerous. Human beings are driven insane by even the smallest glimpse of one, and will often become raving maniacs as a result. In some cases, death by widespread organ failure has been known to follow. The mental discipline possessed by Vulcans allows them to look at a Medusan safely, if it is done through a specially constructed visor. In very rare cases, non-Vulcans trained in Vulcan methods have been able to do the same. [522]

Medusans are telepathic, and although establishing a telepathic link with another species is very difficult for them, this is their only method of communication. They are unable to vocalise or communicate by other methods, even with a universal translator. Medusans are also known for their extraordinary ability as navigators. [522]

The image shown depicts a Medusan travelling box. For safety reasons we cannot show you an actual Medusan. [522]

Megarite [66] Approximately Humanoid species [66]
Melkotian [523] Powerful telepaths, the Melkotians do not like outsiders but were eventually persuaded to make contact with the Federation. [523]
Mellitus [72] Creature which is solid when still and gaseous when moving [72]
Melvaran mud flea [78] Animal life form. Considered a delicacy by certain individuals. Zoumas was a fan of eating them as he said that once a person got past their texture the taste was 'not that bad'. He also enjoyed keeping live fleas in his mouth and feeling them jumping around until he crunched them between his teeth. [78]

In the Kelvin timeline, Doctor McCoy vaccinated Kirk against viral infection carried by Melvaran mud fleas as a pretext to take him aboard the Enterprise. [213]
Memory Virus [142] Organisms that ate peptides within the hosts brain [142]
Menk [260] A primitive species which shared the same planet as the Valakians. The Menk were immune to the disease which threatened the Valakians. [260]
Menthar [524] Civilisation which fought the Promellians to their mutual annihilation [524]
Meridian [351] Species who's planet shifted In the alternate dimension they existed in a non-corporeal state. [351]
Metalic Microbe [525] Fossilised examples of these life forms were discovered within a graviton ellipse [525]
Metrone [410] A highly advanced species, the Metrones staged a contest between Kirk and a Gorn starship captain. [410]
Microbiotic Colony [119] Subatomic life form which eats away at metals [119]
Microbrain [526] An inorganic life form native to Velara III. [526]
Microvirus [4] Artificially created organism [4]
Mikhal Traveller [527] This largely nomadic race love to travel the galaxy in small craft, swapping tall tales with one another. [527]
Mikulak [528] Civilisation who donated tissue samples to Nahmi IV to assist in containing the outbreak of Correllium fever there. [528]
Minnobia [37] Civilisation. During his time as an arms dealer Quark falsely informed Hagath that he couldn't supply him with a mutagenic retrovirus because he had sold it all to the Minnobia for use in their war against the Vek. [37]
Mintakan [529] These primitive Vulcanoids suffered cultural contamination from an accidental first contact with the Federation. [529]
Miradorn [28] The Miradorn are born in twinned pairs, with an extremely strong bond between each twin.  [28]
Mislan [530] Species from the planet Mislan. Voyager encountered a Mislan ship which had been destroyed by the Swarm in 2373. [530]
Mizarian [141] Mizarians value peace above all else, and as a result have been conquered six times in the last three hundred years.  [141]
Mokra [328] Species which lived under paranoid, tyrannical rulers. [328]
Monean [531] Species which populated the space ocean. [531]
Mordanian [532] This species were plunged into decades of civil war after a Starfleet officer gave them advanced weapons. [532]
Mordian Butterfly [395] Insectoid life form which resides on Mizar II [395]
Morg / Eymorg [533] The planet Sigma Draconis VI once boasted an advanced society, but at some time in the past the planet entered a glacial stage. An underground complex was constructed, but for some reason this came to be inhabited only by the females of the species while the males continued to live on the surface. Both groups lost all knowledge or understanding of their situation, forgetting their past entirely. The men, who came to call themselves Morg, reverted to stone age technology. The women, or Eymorg, continued to live within the technologically sophisticated underground complex, but lost all understanding of it. The complex was run by a computer system which was based on a Humanoid brain. This device controlled every aspect of the complex, but since it was based on organic components it had a limited life span and needed replacing every so often.

To facilitate this the Eymorg used a device called the Teacher. This temporarily implanted advanced knowledge and skills into an individual, allowing them to understand and use their other technology. Under the influence of the Teacher an Eymorg incapacitated the crew of the USS Enterprise and removed Commander Spock's brain from his body for use in the control system. Kirk was able to track the Eymorg to Sigma Draconis VI, but the Eymorg were extremely reluctant to return the brian to him. They used a variety of methods to control both the Morg and the Enterprise officers, including belts which caused intense pain at the touch of a button. Eventually Kirk was able to overcome the Eymorg and recover the brain, and using the Teacher Doctor McCoy was able to restore it to its body.

Kirk convinced the Eymorg that they should learn to coexist with the Morg and that both should fend for themselves without depending on their technology. [533]
Moropa [141] Society hostile to the Bolians. As of 2366, an uneasy truce existed between the Bolians and the Moropa. [141]
Mugato [422] White simian creature native to Tyree's planet. The Mugato had a highly poisonous bite, which would be fatal if left untreated. The Kanutu women of the planet knew how to cure a Mugato bite by mingling their blood with that of the victim via a Mako root, one of the many biological oddities on the planet. It was said that a man who was cured in this way became bonded to the Kanutu woman and could deny her nothing. Kirk was bitten by a Mugato during his visit to the planet in 2267, and subsequently cured by Nona. He dismissed the possibility of a resulting bond between them as superstition. [422]
Muktok Plant [15] Plant native to Betazed. [15]
Muse [312] This non-corporeal species takes corporeal form and feeds off the creative energy of artists. [312]
Mylean [495] Delta Quadrant civilisation similar to Talaxians [495]
N'Kree [255] This Delta Quadrant species attempted to conscript a duplicate of Voyager into their battle fleet nine months and two days prior to Stardate 52586.3 [255]
Na'kuhl [534] Considered to be one of the more dangerous factions in the Temporal Cold War, the Na'kuhl regarded time travel as a right they had earned and treated it as a technology to be used like any other.

A group of Na'kuhl agents became trapped on Earth in the mid 20th century. In order to secure the raw materials to build a time machine for their return to their own time, they struck up an alliance with the Nazis whereby they would provide Germany with advanced weaponry in return for the raw materials and resources they needed. The Na'kuhl had no particular intention of holding up their side of the deal, and when Enterprise was sent to the period by Daniels the Na'kuhl leader Vosk offered to betray the Germans and restore history if Captain Archer would help them complete their machine, an offer that Archer declined.

The Na'kuhl were enemies of both Daniels' faction in the cold war and also of the Suliban - they once attempted to erase the Suliban from history by interfering in the distant past, but were prevented from doing so. Silik travelled into the past with Enterprise in order to infiltrate the Na'kuhl compound on Earth and steal time travel technology from them, apparently hoping to allow his own leader from the future to travel through time rather than just communicating through it. The attempt was initially successful, but Archer discovered Silik and prevented him from returning with the data.

Enterprise subsequently destroyed the Na'kuhl compound, killing all those there. The action restored the entire timeline to normal, effectively ending the Temporal Cold War once and for all. [534]
Nacene [332] A highly advanced species, a member of the Nacene known as the Caretaker was responsible for dragging various spacecraft into the Delta Quadrant. [332] A millennia ago the Nacene accidentally caused an environmental disaster on the Ocampa home planet; two of their kind remained to provide for the surviving Ocampa who they housed in an underground city. Eventually one of these Caretakers left [332], while the other died in 2371. [535]
Nagilum [536] Along with the Organians and Q, Nagilum is one of those mysterious entities whom the Federation may never come to fully understand. He - or rather, it - was encountered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2365. The ship encountered a 'void' in space, an area which seemed to contain no form of matter or energy - yet which was opaque to the light from stars on the other side. The void swallowed any probe which entered it, and when the Enterprise approached the region it expanded suddenly to encompass the ship. [536]

Within, the Enterprise crew found themselves dealing with a region where the physical laws themselves seemed to be different. Although the void had appeared relatively small on the outside, all attempts to reach its edge and emerge failed. Near copies of Romulan and Federation vessels appeared and disappeared before them, spatial relationships became oddly distorted. [536]

Eventually Nagilum itself appeared, showing itself as a disembodied catlike face hanging in the void - an appearance it claimed it had chosen because it was so close to Humanoid. It announced that it had been testing the crew because it was interested in seeing how they would react to unusual situations. It appeared intrigued by the physical differences between members of the crew, and surprised by the concepts of birth and death. In order to more fully understand the idea of death, Nagilum proposed to study the different ways in which a person could die by killing one third to one half of the Enterprise crew. [536]

Captain Picard chose to engage the ships autodestruct system rather than participate in the experiment. Nagilum attempted to deceive him into changing his decision by imitating members of the crew, but Picard remained resolute in his decision. Faced with this determination, Nagilum released the ship. [536]

Afterwards, Nagilum reappeared to Picard and stated that it had learned all it needed to know about Humanoids. It did not have a high opinion of them, and had decided that they had no common ground with itself, although Picard pointed out that both species were curious. [536]

The abilities it displayed were reminiscent of the Q and it is even possible that Nagilum was indeed a member of that species, although its behaviour was not typical of the continuum. Still, many fundamental questions remain unanswered. Since this incident there has been no further contact with this life form, and given the attitude to life that it displayed this is perhaps fortunate. [536]

Nakan [348] People who were massacred several centuries ago. [348]
Nalori [286] An intelligent Humanoid species. The Nalori had glossy skins with a smooth, almost oily texture and a deep coal-black colour. Their hair ranged from pale violet to magenta, and they had flat black eyes with no evident iris or pupils. [286]
Nanites [537] Nanotechnology has been used within the Federation for some time in the repair of cellular damage - at only one millionth of a millimetre in length these machines are easily able to penetrate a living cell. In 2366 Ensign Wesley Crusher was experimenting with forcing standard nanites to evolve on the Enterprise-D when some of his sample escaped from the containment vessel. The nanites continued to evolve, spreading through the ship's computer systems and inflicting considerable damage.

At the time the Enterprise was assisting Dr. Paul Stubbs in an important astrophysics experiment which had to take place at one specific time. When the nanite's actions threatened to prevent the experiment, Dr. Stubbs argued that they should be eliminated. Captain Picard declined, arguing that the nanites could be considered as a new life form and as such could not be killed en masse for the Federation's convenience.

Dr Stubbs attempted to force the crew's hand by irradiating one of the ship's computer cores with gamma rays to destroy the infestation. He hoped to provoke a conflict between the Enterprise crew and the nanites which would force the eradication of the machine life form. The nanites responded by launching attacks against Dr. Stubbs personally, indicating that they had developed a degree of intelligence.

Eventually the crew managed to make contact with the nanites via commander Data, and peaceful relations were established. The nanites proved to be fully sentient, highly intelligent creatures. The declined further conflict with the Federation, and the Enterprise transferred them to Kavis Alpha IV. This planet was designated as their home world. [537]
Napean [354] Humanoid species. Napeans are empathic, and are capable of cross-breeding with Humans. [354]
Nasari [358] The Nasari are sworn enemies of the Taresians, and will attack any ship carrying a Taresian on sight. [358]
Nassordin [85] Delta Quadrant civilisation which traded with the B'omar [85]
Nasturtium [190] Terran plant [190]
Nausicaans [217] Humanoid species native to the Beta Quadrant. [517] The Nausicaans are large people renowned for their lack of subtlety and surly, ill-tempered manner. [217] Nausicaan pirates were a problem for Earth cargo ships in the 2150s, since they carried energy shielding which made them highly resistant to the plasma cannon most of the Earth ships carried. The advent of the NX class helped to even things up somewhat. [538] In 2371 a group of Nausicaans used an ultrasonic generator to break in rob central museum of Remmil VI by breaking down one of the walls. [539] They are a common choice as bodyguards or hired muscle - FCA liquidator Brunt used two Nausicaans as bodyguards in 2372 when he investigated a labour union set up by employees of Quark. The Nausicaans severely beat Quark in an unsuccessful attempt to force Rom to shut down the union. [222]

In 2327 the newly graduated Ensign Picard and two of his friends became involved in a fight at a gambling establishment on Starbase Earhart after a Nausicaan cheated during a game of Dom Jot. One of the Nausicaans stabbed Picard through the heart, severely injuring him and necessitating an artificial replacement organ. [217]

In 2374 Quark made 200 bars of gold pressed latinum by selling Denevan crystals to a Nausicaan entrepreneur. [505]
Nebula Consciousness [540] Spontaneous consciousness Nebula developed by the Jonisian Nebula. [540]
Nechani [541] Species who were willing to allow Kes to die for unwittingly breaking one of their religious laws. [541]
Neethian Catfish [368] Creature which can survive being cut in half. [368]
Neo-Roman [542] Humanoid species from a planet which paralleled earth's early development but on which the Roman empire never fell. [542]
Neuralian [422] Species who lived in peace until the Klingons and Federation armed them, starting a civil war. [422]
Nexian tapeworm [543] Parasitic worm which can live within Denobulans. It attaches itself to the lower intestinal tract and absorbs nutrients from there; as a side effect, the host will tend to lose weight. Phlox used one of the creatures for this purpose in 2154 [543]
Neyel [544] Descendants of the Human residents of the O'Neil-class Vanguard asteroid colony, the Neyel were separated from the rest of humanity in 2053 when contact with Earth was cut off by World War III. Five years later the asteroids were thought to have been destroyed in an experiment aimed at generating a stable subspace field. In reality the Vanguard colony survived the experiment but was thrown some 200 light years across space. [544]

A month after this event, the asteroid was discovered and attacked by Nausicaan raiders. The "tuskers" killed 252 of the inhabitants before being driven away. This was a formative event in the history of the Neyel, as it led most Vanguard inhabitants to regard aliens only as a threat. They treated all future first contacts as invaders to be killed on sight. [544]

In 2155 Vanguard encountered a region of interphasic space and was catapulted more than 210,000 light years across space to the Small Magellanic Cloud. Whilst here the Neyel started using extensive genetic alteration, modifying their bodies to be more suitable for life in space as well as increasing durability and damage resistance. The Neyel would eventually have a very thick gray skin, feet with opposable thumbs which could be used as extra hands, and a prehensile tail. They were even capable of withstanding vacuum exposure for short periods. [544]

After drifting in the Magellanic Cloud for nineteen years the Neyel encountered and captured an alien spacecraft with an intact warp drive and artificial gravity system, allowing them to reverse-engineer these technologies. In 2204 they encountered the planet Oghen, inhabited by a primitive iron-age civilisation. The Neyel easily conquered the planet. Although their reign was initially at least somwhat beneficial to the Oghen themselves, this changed in 2219 when Drech’tor Hanif Wafiyy died. Subsequently the Neyel treated the Oghen as nothing more than slave labour, and much of their population was killed off over the next few decades. [544]

The Neyel used the resources of Oghen to build fleets of warships, conquering neighbouring planets and founding a large Empire called the Neyel Hegemony. Their domination seemed secure until regions of interphase space allowed contact with the Tholian Assembly, leading to war beytween the two species. In 2298 the USS Excelsior, under the command of Captain Sulu, and with the help of Federation Ambassador Burgess, was able to broker a ceasefire between the two sides. It was discovered that the Neyel had forgotten or distorted most of their history, granting almost divine status to what they referred to as "Auld Aerth". Burgess remained in the Small Magellanic Cloud with the Neyel, in an effort to prepare them for further contact with Earth by teaching them the truth of their history. [544]

By 2380 Ambassador Burgess' work with the Neyel had born considerable fruit. Their militaristic conquering phase had been brought to an end and the Neyel slave races had become citizens, albeit second class ones. However, elements of the Neyel retained their aggressive ways and sought to undermine these changes by assassinating Burgess, which resulted in her becoming widely regarded as a martyr and a revered figure in Neyel culture.

A cult known as the Seekers After Penance arose, composed of both Neyel and alien races. Seekers believed the existance of a supernatural entity they called the Sleeper, which would one day awaken and punish the Neyel for their sinful past, purging them of their guilt. When a subspace anomaly opened in Neyel space, the Seekers After Penance took it to be a manifestation of the Sleeper. The anomaly swept a fleet of Romulan ships into Neyel space, resulting in a battle with Neyel forces there. [545]

It also destroyed the planet Oghen, killing most of the population there. Thanks to the efforts of the USS Titan and the Romulan fleet, some 2 million of the natives were evacuated to "Holy Vangar" - the original Vanguard asteroid habitat, which had orbited the planet since the Neyel had arrived in it. The colony was subsequently returned to Federation space via the anomaly. The closing of the anomaly marked the end of contact with the Neyel. [545]
Nezu [385] Voyager helped the Nezu resist an asteroid bombardment in 2373. [385]
Nibiran Humanoid inhabitants of the planet Nibiru, the Nibirans were the subject of a scientific study by the USS Enterprise in 2259. The species was threatened with extinction by the impending eruption of a gigantic volcano near their settlement. Captain Kirk violated the Prime Directive in order to prevent the eruption and save the species. In the process he exposed the Enterprise itself to their view; the Nibirans responded by abandoning their religion and worshipping a new god-image in the shape of the Enterprise. [84]

Nibirans painted themselves with white colouring and tribal markings. Their eyes were solid black in colour, and had an inner eyelid. [84]

Nibirilla A quadruped species native to Nibiru, the Nibirilla was used as a riding animal. Doctor McCoy planned for himself and Captain Kirk to ride a Nibirilla in their escape from the Nibiran settlement. Unfortunately Captain Kirk stunned the creature when it roared at him as he arrived and the two were forced to escape on foot. [84]
Nibiru Fish Nibiru Fish is a species of fish from the oceans of Nibiru. It is very large in size, typically, its eyeball is larger in volume than an average human head. It could easily swallow a human whole. It had teeth and three strange marks on the skin surface near the tip of its nose. Despite its physical size it was not very long, being approximately four times the length of its height. [84]
Nibiru Tree Crawler A small creature native to Nibiru, this life form lived on the trees near the Nibiran settlement. It had a dozen small tentacles at the top of its body; these could be withdrawn into the body. [84]
Night Being [512] Delta Quadrant civilisation who lived within the Void and were well adapted to the conditions there [512]
Night Blooming Throgni [48] From the planet Gault [546], this plant is known for its odour. [48]
Nihydron [23] Delta Quadrant civilisation; in an alternate timeline the Nihydron allied with Voyager against the Krenim [23]
Nimbus III Unicorn [276] A horselike species native to Nimbus III. [276]
Nitrium Metal Parasite [487] Spaceborne lifeform which eats metals and converts it into a viscous liquid [487]
Nivallan sea urchin [547] Nivallan sea creature. When ground up Nivallan sea urchin forms a nutrient-rich and water-resistant but noxious paste which is a good match for Vulcan skin "electromagnetically speaking". [547]
Noophian [236] Species which have no sentimental attachment to old things. [236]
Norcadian [170] Humanoid Delta Quadrant species. [170] Borg designation Species 686 [483]
Norpin Falcon [169] Bird from the planet Norpin known for its excellent reflexes [169]
Nucleogenic Cloud Being [248] Life form measuring over a billion kilometres in diameter [248]
Nucleogenic Lifeform [52] A species which was considered to be spiritually important by the Ankari. The bodies of these creatures yielded a substance which greatly improved the effectiveness of warp drive, and the crew of the Equinox killed many of them to assist them in their journey home. [52] The Equinox was eventually destroyed in retaliation. [53]
Numiri [104] Enemies of the Banea, the Numiri are notoriously hostile to outsiders. [104]
Nuu'bari [548] Species which used simple holograms for mining duties. [548]
Nuvian [77] Species to be found on various planets around Earth. Nuvian masseuses were highly prized, having twelve fingers on each hand. Risa had over 200 of them in 2152. [521] Nuvian concubines were to be found for sale in slave markets in the Delphic Expanse. [282]
Nyberrite Alliance [207] Spacefaring civilisation [207]
Nygean [116] Species which uses the death penalty on criminals. [116]
Nyrian [71] Species which captures ships by gradually swapping the crew for their own people via a long range transporter. The Nyrians are sensitive to high levels of light and humidity, and to low temperatures. [71]
Ocampa [332] The Ocampa are natives of the Delta Quadrant; they where first encountered by the USS Voyager after that ship was dragged into the region by the entity known to the Ocampa as 'The Caretaker'. Ocampa are humanoid, tending to average approximately 165 cm tall. After birth they mature very rapidly, reaching adulthood within months. [332] By the end of their fourth or fifth year Ocampan females enter the Elogium, when they become fertile for the only time during their lives. During the Elogium a mitral sac forms on the females back ready to house the embryo, and the ipasaphor appears on the palms of their hands. [177] By their seventh year Ocampa are entering old age; they generally live to nine years, although some Ocampa living under unusual environmental conditions have been known to reach fourteen years of age. [535]

At the time of their encounter with the crew of Voyager, most of the Ocampa species had lived in an underground city for the last thousand years. Here, sheltered from the harsh conditions on the surface, the Ocampa lived a life of ease under the guidance of the Caretaker. Although this culture was remarkably stable and peaceful, many of the younger citizens yearned to penetrate to the surface to explore. One such Ocampa, Kes, did in fact manage this only to be captured and enslaved by the Kazon. When the Caretaker died he had stocked the energy reserves of the Ocampa city with sufficient energy to sustain it for five years; after this time they will have to fend for themselves once more. [332]

Although Ocampa have formidable PSI powers, the city dwellers had long ago allowed these abilities to fade through lack of use until they had become all but a myth. However, once Kes had the chance to experiment on board Voyager she began to develop telepathy, telekinesis, precognition and pyrokinesis. Other Ocampa encountered by Voyager had developed these abilities to a tremendous degree, although their powers may have been externally enhanced by the alien being known as Sisperia. [332]

Unfortunately, it seems likely that nothing will ever be known of the fate of the Ocampa. With their home city due to run out of energy in 2376 it is probable that the Kazon will overrun the Ocampa and enslave or destroy them. On the other hand, many societies have demonstrated considerable resilience when faced with a threat to their freedom, and it is possible that in the long run the loss of their dependance on the Caretaker will prove to be a very positive factor in the development of the Ocampa. [41]
Oghen [544] Species native to the planet Oghen in the Smaller Magellanic Cloud. The Oghen were conquered by the Neyel in 2204. Initially the occupation of the planet was at least somehwat benign, with the Oghen acting as workers for the Neyel in return for some of the benefits of modern technology. With the death of Drech’tor Hanif Wafiyy in 2219 the Neyel rule of the planet became far more severe, resulting in the death of most of the Oghen population. [544]
Old One [549] Civilisation which used to inhabit Exo III but are now extinct, leaving only their androids behind [549]
Old One [304] Leaders of a species which attempted to invade the Federation [304]
Omicron Ceti Pod Plant [124] A species of plant which lived on the planet Omicron Ceti III. The plants were infested with Omicron Ceti Spores; they would spray these onto any uninfected person who came close enough, infecting them with the spores. The Pod plants were discovered by Leila Kalomi, a botanist who was a member of the Sandoval group which colonised Omicron Ceti III in 2264. The plants quickly infected her and then the rest of the colony. [124]

After Doctor McCoy was infected during the USS Enterprise's visit to the planet in 2267, he had well over a hundred of the Pod plants beamed to the ship, where they infected the entire crew. [124]
Omicron Ceti Spore [124] A symbiotic organism capable of living within either plant or animal species. The origin of the spores is unknown; they were discovered on Omicron Ceti III by biologist Leila Komani in 2264, but are believed to have drifted through space to the planet. There they infected the native pod plants. The plants would infect any person who came close by spraying them with spores. Spore infection caused a dramatic increase in health of the infected person, repairing any effects of previous injuries on their bodies. This included removing any trace of broken bones, and even regrowing a removed appendix. The spores also repaired the damage caused by berthold radiation, which is fatal to all living things with enough exposure. An infected person thus became completely immune to berthold rays. The spores themselves actually thrived on Berthold rays. [124]

Unfortunately infection also caused a profound psychological effect. Under the influence of the spores the infected demonstrated a general lack of any negative emotions such as hate, fear or anger. However, they also showed a complete lack of ambition or responsibility, becoming entirely focused on their own immediate pleasure. [124]

The spores infected all members of the Sandoval colony after they arrived on Omicron Ceti III. Once infected, the colonists abandoned their plans to build a large scale agricultural colony. They constructed dwellings for themselves and raised enough food to live on, but beyond that they were content to accomplish nothing. When the USS Enterprise arrived in 2267 the crew were also infected, and immediately began to give up life in Starfleet to join the colony. However, Captain Kirk discovered that the spores could be purged from an infected person if he or she experienced an intense surge of emotion. He and Commander Spock were able to use subsonic sound to provoke those on the surface into various arguments and fights, ridding them of the spores. The colony was evacuated once this was achieved. [124]
Onaya [312] Noncorporeal species which thrive on the energy of creativity [312]
Ophidian [266] Serpentine creature capable of opening rifts in time. In 2369 some Devidians were using an Ophidian to create time portals back to 19th century Earth in order to murder humans there and ingest their life energy. [266] The Enterprise-D was able to put a stop to this activity. [267]
Oran'takuan Natives of the planet Oran'taku, a class M world in the Delphic Expanse about half a light year from the Xanthan home planet. A member of this species, Rajiin, infiltrated the NX-01 for the Xindi in 2153 [550]
Orchidaceae Dahj Oncidium [551] Dahj claimed that her father had created this Orchid and named it after her. She kept an example of the species in her apartment in the Greater Boston area. Parts of the plant were able to move under its own power. [551]
Organians [465] When first contacted, the Organians appeared to be a relatively primitive people. Reports indicated that their technology was limited to simple metal tools, mainly used for farming and building primitive dwellings. Unfortunately, their planet happened to lie in a highly important strategic position between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. When the two powers went to war in 2266, the USS Enterprise was ordered to secure the planet and prevent it from falling into Klingon hands.

Captain Kirk and Commander Spock beamed down to talk to the Organians leaders in an attempt to gain their support for Federation occupation of the planet. On arrival the two discovered an Organian village near to a large stone castle, something that they should not have been able to build at such a low technology level. Commander Spocks analysis showed that the Organian society was totally arrested culture, with no cultural or technological progress at all for at least tens of thousands of years. Yet the Organians themselves expressed no surprise at the aliens arrival, even though they beamed down in front of many witnesses. Kirk found it difficult to talk to the Organians; they claimed to have no leaders and little in the way of organized social structure. Those whom Kirk talked to expressed a total disinterest in the war and dismissed the possibility that it would impact them in any way. When offered advanced technology by Kirk, the Organians politely declined.

While the meeting was underway a Klingon fleet arrived at the planet and forced the Enterprise out of orbit. Hundreds of troops beamed down, trapping both Starfleet officers on the planet. The Organians disguised the pair to hide them from the Klingons in order to avoid bloodshed, but even when faced with the brutality of Klingon occupation they steadfastly refused to choose sides. They would seemingly make any sacrifice to protect the officers - once the Klingons realized who the Organians were protecting they murdered hundreds of hostages in retribution. Yet the Organians shrugged this off as irrelevant, claiming that nobody had really died.

Only when Kirk and Spock were finally captured and threatened with death did the Organians reveal their true nature. The combatants on the planet, as well as the Federation and Klingon fleets preparing to do battle, suddenly began to radiate energy equivalent to several hundred degrees, causing agonizing pain to any who touched them. Yet there were no ill effects on those involved, so long as they did not come into contact with one another or their weapons. One of the Organians announced that they had put a stop to the war and would allow no further violence between the two sides - a message which he claimed to be delivering simultaneously to those on Organia, the nearby fleets, and to the capital worlds of the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Ayelborne said that he and the other Organians found interference in the affairs of others disgusting, yet they abhorred violence and the recent move to war had forced their hand. Ayelborne claimed that the Federation and Klingon Empire would one day become allies and work together [465]
- correctly, as it transpired [14] - but that the Organians were not prepared to allow millions to die before this happened. He ended by ordering the aliens off Organia, saying that the mere presence of our kind of life was painful for his people. When Kirk questioned this statement, the Organians transformed themselves into brilliant luminescent globes and vanished.

Spock surmised that the Organians had once been corporeal life forms much as we are but had evolved into beings of pure energy, as far beyond us as we are beyond the amoeba - they apparently assumed a physical form and created surroundings to match in order to accommodate the visitors to their world.

After this occasion there was little further contact with the Organians. [465]
The peace treaty remained in force for some time but eventually they appear to have decided that the Federation and Klingon Empire had learned to co-exist without their guardianship.
Orillian Lung Maggot [172] Form of life native to the Orillian home world [172]
Orion Wing-slug [15] Animal life form. Lwaxana Troi once claimed that she would rather eat Orion wing-slugs than date the Ferengi DaiMon Tog. [15]
Orions [167] The Orions have long had a rather dubious reputation in this section of the galaxy. Occupying a region of space adjacent to the Klingon Empire, the Orions are slave traders who attack many vessels which enter the area. They are most active in the Borderland, an area which is between the Orions and the Klingon Empire. The captives are generally taken to a processing station where they are fitted with a neurolytic restraint to dissuade any rebellion and make escape impossible. In 2154 two Orion vessels attacked the NX-01, seizing nine crewmembers. Fortunately Captain Archer was able to track down the processing centre and find a way to disable the restraints and recover his crew. [167]

As well as capturing aliens, Orions also have a reputation for selling their own women into slavery - something the women are said to actually enjoy. [336]In actual fact, Starfleet discovered in 2154 that it is the women who are the rulers of the Orion Syndicate and that the whole idea of their being slaves was an elaborate masquerade intended to allow them to infiltrate alien ships. [125] Orion females are known for their extreme attractiveness and appetites, something which makes them highly desired as slaves to a certain brand of clientele. [167] Their bodies produce an extremely strong version of pheromones which can cause males of many different species to become extremely infatuated with them, to the point of overwhelming all logic and judgement. Alien females are generally made listless and tired by the same pheromone, thus helping to eliminate the competition. [167] The females tend to be approximately the same size as Human women [552], but Orion males tend to be much larger and far stronger than most Humanoids. [167]

In the 24th century the Orion Syndicate is responsible for a great deal of criminal activity on alien worlds, often operating through non-Orion operatives. [314]

In the mirror universe, the Orions were one of the races subjugated by the Terran Empire during the first century after it achieved starflight. Orion females served aboard Terran warships. [47]

Ornaran [184] The entire Ornaran species was composed of addicts of the drug Felicium. [184]
Orsic fern [404] Plant which Dr. Phlox kept in his sickbay. [404]
Osaarian [13] Species which the NX-01 Enterprise encountered in the Delphic Expanse, though they were not native to there. The Vulcan high command had not had a great deal of contact with them as of 2153, but did know that they had a large merchant fleet. The associated image shows an Osaarian with severe facial disfigurations. [13]
Osmotic Eel [26] Creature used by Dr. Phlox to treat wounds. [26]
Oyster [345] Terran sea creature considered an aphrodisiac by some [345]
Pah-wraiths [203] Non corporeal beings who once lived within the Bajoran wormhole. The Pah-wraiths were banished from the wormhole by the Bajoran Prophets long ago and sealed into the Fire Caves on Bajor.

In 2373 Keiko O'Brein visited the Fire Caves and was possessed by a Pah-wraith. The entity threatened to kill Keiko in order to force her husband Chief O'Brien to fire a Chronaton beam at the wormhole to kill the Prophets. Fortunately O'Brien was able to force the Pah-wraith to abandon Keikos body and the Prophets were unharmed. [203]

In 2374 a Pah-wraith possessed Jake Sisko in order to take part in The Reckoning, a battle between the Pah-wraiths and Prophets which had long been prophesied. The Prophets, who possessed Kira Nerys, appeared to be winning the battle but it was cut short by Kai Winn when she flooded the station with Chronatons to force both entities out of their respective bodies. [113] Winn, whose faith in the Prophets was never strong, would subsequently abandon her gods altogether. [101]

Gul Dukat was also possessed by a Pah-wraith, who killed Jadzia Dax and attacked the Orb of Contemplation on Deep Space Nine. This sealed the wormhole and caused all of the Orbs to darken, cutting the Bajorans off from their gods. [99] When Captain Sisko attempted to locate the Orb of the Emissary to reopen the wormhole the Pah-wraiths used visions to try and distract him, but were ultimately unsuccessful. [98]

Many Bajorans came to follow the Pah-wraiths rather than the Prophets. Dukat gained control of one of these cults, although he had little faith in the divine nature of the wraiths himself. He attempted to convince the Cult members to commit suicide, but was prevented from doing so by Kira Nerys. [553] Dukat escaped, and next enlisted the aid of Kai Winn in an attempt to free the Pah-wraiths from their prison in the Fire Caves. He succeeded and was again possessed, this time by the wraith known as Kosst Amojan. Fortunately the Emissary was able to seal Dukat and the other Pah-wraiths into the caves forever. [101]

Pakled [236] Alpha quadrant species not known for their intellect. Although they have a certain degree of cunning, the Pakled are relatively unsophisticated technologically. Some Pakled travel the galaxy feigning technical problems in order to lure potential rescuers on board their ships. They then take them hostage and demand technology improvements in return for their release. [554]

Pakleds had various interests around Federation space, including a magnesite ore mine on Kalla III. In 2370 the Duras sisters mined this ore without the Pakleds knowledge in order to trade with Bajoran resistance members. [555] After Lore was set adrift in space by Data a Pakled ship picked him up; after this Lore wore the characteristic Pakled clothing for some considerable time. [236]

Palgrenai [556] A sentient species native to the Palgrenax system within the Taurus Reach. The Palgrenai had a pre-industrial society, some 800-900 years behind the technology of the Klingon Empire as of the mid 23rd century. Their home planet was occupied by the Klingon Empire in that period. Because of their relatively poor technological base and warrior prowess, the Palgrenai were an easy conquest for the Klingons. They attempted to carry out an insurgent-style resistance after their conquest, but this was so ineffectual that the Klingon Governor, Morqla, considered it a source of considerable amusement. [556]

Physically the Palgrenai were rather shorter in stature than the average Klingon, with squat, bulky bodies. Although ungainly in comparison to Klingons, this their clawed feet could carry them with surprising speed. They had dark, oily hides with short extremities. Their heads were narrow and hairless with large, angular ears drooping from the sides. To Governor Morgla they appeared somewhat reptilian, and he considered them to resemble a cross between a Klingon Targ and a Denebian slime devil. [556]

Palgrenai had a habit of slobbering drool over both objects and people, and it was not uncommon for individuals to bear dried and fresh drool on the edges of their mouths and their clothing. [556]

In 2265 the Palgrenai were wiped out when their planet was destroyed by the Shedai. [556]
Palmarian [37] As of 2373 the Palmarians were engaged in a brutal civil in which both sides sought to use biogenic weapons. [37]
Palukoo [557] Large spider-like animal life form native to many of the Bajoran moons. The Bajoran terrorists used to eat them. [557]
Paraagan [558] Matriarchal society as of 2152, though the males had made great strides in acquiring equal rights by this date. A Paraagan mining colony was destroyed with the loss of 3,600 lives in 2152, apparently by an accident caused by one of Enterprise's shuttlepods. In fact the Suliban were responsible for the accident. [558]
Parada [559] Slightly reptilian humanoid species native to the Gamma Quadrant. [559]
Parasites [140] In 2364 Admiral Quinn asked Captain Picard to become commander of Starfleet academy, citing as his reason that he suspected there was something terribly wrong within the Federation. Although alarmed, Picard declined the offer in favour of remaining in command of the Enterprise. [118]

On Stardate 41775.5, Picard was again contacted and warned of a danger within the Federation, this time by a group of Starfleet captains led by Walter Keel. Keel believed that Starfleet officers were being subverted somehow. On investigation Picard discovered a pattern of strange orders which indicated that some form of invasion was underway. Picard took the Enterprise to Earth to investigate Starfleet command. He found that all of the senior admirals had been infected with an alien parasite; once inside the body, the small parasite took complete control of all neural and physiological functions. The parasite was approximately ten centimetres in length, hexapedal, with two prominent horn-like feelers on its head. It entered the body via the mouth, burrowing until it reached the top of the spine. There it would push its tail through the skin; this organ allowed it to breathe, and was the only visible sign of infection. It would access the nerves of the spinal cord in order to control the host.

Picard and his first officer were able to beam into Starfleet command and incapacitate several of the command staff. They subsequently followed one of the parasites to Lieutenant Commander Remmick, who was attempting to send a homing signal out into the galaxy. Picard and Riker killed Remmick, and discovered a much larger creature within his body. Although it was resistant to phaser fire, the officers managed to kill the creature. Once it was dead, the remaining smaller parasites died also, presumably as a result of some form of telepathic link to their 'mother creature'. [140]

Even after some years, relatively little is known about the creatures. The homing signal which Remmick sent was presumably aimed at their home space, but has brought no further attack thus far. It is possible that the signal warned the rest of the species to avoid further contact with the Federation because of the resistance experienced, or it may be that the distances involved are great enough that an attack is yet to come. More worrying is the possibility that a further infiltration is going undetected by Starfleet...

Parein [389] Humanoid civilisation composed of former Borg drones [389]
Paxan [272] Highly isolationist species who refuse to allow any knowledge of themselves to be known by outsiders. The Paxans are capable of occupying the bodies of others, as shown in the associated image. [272]
Peliar-zelian This species inhabited the planet Peliar-Zel, as well as its two moons Alpha and Beta. In 2337 the Trill Ambassador Odan mediated a dispute between the two moons. In 2367 Odan returned, this time in a new host, and mediated another conflict which had arisen because Alpha moon was developed an energy source which drew power from the planet's magnetic field, causing substantial environmental damage to Beta moon. [560] Members of this species are a common sight in the Federation and Federation-related areas. In 2369 one attended a Starfleet hearing into the death of a cadet [561]; they were a common sight on Deep Space Nine [92], and on one occasion assisted in the kidnapping of William Patrick Samuels for the Cardassians. [107] Members of this species were also present at Worf and Dax's wedding [90], and when Odo professed his love for Kira on the Promenade. [345] One was also a customer in Joseph Sisko's restaurant on Earth in 2372 [412]
Peljenite [562] Species invited to join the Federation in 2371 [562]
Pendari [170] Reknowned for their physical strength, a Pendari fought in the Tsunkatse matches shown on the Norcadian home world. [170]
Pentaran [402] A Pentaran once crashed his shuttle whilst Captain Picard and Ensign Crusher were on board. [402]
Petarian [562] Spacefaring civilisation [562]
Photonic being [563] Noncorporeal being found to reside in a protostar. Other types of photonic being live in a parallel dimension. [563]
Photonic Flea [297] Tuny glowing insect which once invaded Voyagers sensor system and caused false readings [297]
Photonic Lifeform [564] Encountered by Voyager while stranded on a subspace sandbar. [564]
Pig [224] Earth mammal. In primitive times pigs were widely used as a food source; the Bringloidi still kept pigs when the Enterprise-D encountered them in 2365. [224]
Pig Monster [11] These creatures were created as part of one of Q's illusions, in which they threatened the Enterprise-D crew. It is not known whether they represent a real species or are simply a pure figment of Q's imagination.w [11]
Pipius [119] Presumed name of an animal life form. Pipius claw is a Klingon foodstuff. [119]
Platonian [565] More formally known as 'The Children of Plato', the Platonian's had extremely strong telekinesis. [565]
Plygorian mammoth [349] Animal life form. During a run of bad play in racquetball, Bashir commented that he felt like he couldn't hit the side of a Plygorian Mammoth. [566]
Polonian [274] Delta quadrant species, enemies of Mr Varn [274]
Ponea [52] Delta Quadrant species. The Ponea were encountered by the Equinox crew, and gave Captain Ransom a synaptic stimulator device which allowed him to experience virtual reality landscapes. [53]
Pralor [237] Extinct delat quadrant species which created a race of robots to fight the Cravic [237]
Preserver [567] Ancient civilisation who transplanted members of primitive peoples to distant planets [567]
Progenitors [8] One of the greatest mysteries of the known galaxy is why intelligent species on so many worlds have evolved in such similar ways. There are literally thousands of races which have two arms, two legs, a torso and head, whose sensory organs operate in a similar manner, who even breathe approximately the same gas mixture. [8] That this could happen by chance is so unlikely as to be virtually impossible, and many outlandish theories were advanced to explain the anomaly.

In 2369 Professor Galen, a Federation expert in Archaeology, was killed whilst investigating a mystery involving the DNA patterns of many different species. Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D followed up Galen's research and discovered that ancient DNA strands from many different species could be combined to form a message. Picard attempted to find the missing pieces of the puzzle, finding himself involved in a chase with the Klingons, Cardassians and Romulans. During a tense stand-off with the competitors, who thought that the message might contain plans for some advanced power source or weapon, Picard was able to retrieve the final piece of the puzzle from a section of fossilized seabed on a now uninhabited planet.

The message was a computer program which reconfigured Dr. Crusher's tricorder, projecting an image of a humanoid alien. The being, apparently a female, informed the astonished onlookers that her species had evolved billions of years before. Finding themselves alone in the galaxy, the species had feared that if they were to die out they would pass away without leaving any lasting imprint on the galaxy. They decided to seed the primeval oceans of many worlds with DNA codes which would direct the evolution of life on those worlds towards a pattern similar to their own. In this way the aliens hoped that they would gain some degree of immortality through their 'offspring'. The message also expressed the hope that their progeny would have to work together in order to access the various DNA strands.

Even after this discovery, surely one of the most momentous in all of history, little is known of the Progenitor species. We do not even know the name of their species or how far they spread themselves, although the presence of humanoid species in both the Gamma and Delta quadrants indicates that they were likely a galactic-scale power. It is possible that the Progenitors left further messages in the DNA of other species, and much research into this area has been done since the discovery of the first message. Unfortunately, nothing has come of this effort. [8]

Promellian [524] Now extinct, the Promellians fought a devastating war about a thousand years ago. [524]
Prophets [95] Non corporeal entities which created and occupy the Bajoran Wormhole. The Prophets are the basis for the religion of the Bajoran people, who regard the Wormhole as being their Celestial Temple.

The Prophets are primarily known to the Bajorans through the nine Orbs which they had sent out of the wormhole over the last ten thousand years. Each Orb had a different name and function within the Bajoran religion. Eight of the nine were stolen by the Cardassians during the Occupation, [95]
with only the Orb of Prophecy and Change remaining hidden on Bajor. The Orb gained its name after the Bajoran Trakor wrote various prophecies after consulting it. [199] In 2369 Benjamin Sisko saw the Orb and had an Orb Experience - the name given to the powerful vision those who see Orbs often experience. He brought the Orb back to Deep Space Nine with him, and by studying records of the Orbs was able to determine the location of the Celestial Temple. Inside, Sisko contacted the Prophets - alien beings who exist outside of linear time. The Prophets showed great distaste for corporeal life, and most especially for those which exist within linear time as experienced outside the wormhole. Sisko was able to demonstrate the value of a linear existence, and convinced the Prophets to allow linear beings to travel through the wormhole. [95] In 2374 the Orb of Prophecy resided in a shrine on the Promenade.

Other notable Orbs include the Orb of Time, which was returned to the Bajorans in 2373. Whilst on its way home the Orb was used by the Klingon Arne Darvin to throw the Defiant back over a century in time so that he could assassinate Captain James Kirk. Once the attempt had been thwarted Kira Nerys was able to use the same Orb to return the Defiant to the present successfully. [471] Kira again used this Orb in 2374 in order to travel back in time to the occupation and meet her mother. [568]

The Orb of Wisdom was obtained from the Cardassians by Grand Nagus Zek in 2371. Zek intended to use the Orb to predict the future and so profit from it, but instead the Bajoran Prophets altered Zeks personality to eliminate his greed. Quark was ultimately able to convince the Prophets to return Zek to normal. [353] In 2373 Kai Winn consulted the Orb of Wisdom in an attempt to determine whether Bajor should sign a non aggression pact with the Dominion, but was unsuccessful. [569]

The Orb of Contemplation was also present on Deep Space Nine in 2374, during the Bajoran gratitude festival. A Pah-wraith occupying the body of Gul Dukat attacked this Orb, causing the Prophets to be sealed into the Wormhole and all Orbs to go dark. [99] Several months later Captain Sisko had a vision directing him to the planet Tyree where he found the tenth and previously unknown Orb of the Emissary, which he used to reopen the wormhole. [98]

The Prophets have described themselves as being 'of Bajor', and have shown themselves to be at least partially concerned with the affairs of the Bajorans. In 2374 they caused a large fleet of Dominion reinforcements travelling through the wormhole to disappear, saving the Allies from defeat. [97] They have generally been reluctant to contact others directly, but in 2374 a Prophet came to Deep Space Nine and possessed the body of Major Kira in order to do battle with a Pah-wraith which had occupied Jake Sisko. The battle was prevented by Kai Winn, who lacked faith that the Prophets would be victorious. [113]

Siskos discovery of the wormhole led to his being given the title of "Emissary to the Prophets" by the Bajorans. [95] He disliked this title at first, but eventually came to accept it. [41] The Prophets interest in him was finally explained in 2375, when he discovered that his mother had been possessed by a Prophet before he was conceived. Sisko had been born with the express purpose of assisting the Prophets in their battle against the Pah-wraiths, and in 2375 he fulfilled this destiny when he battled a Pah-wraith occupying the body of Gul Dukat. After a brief battle Sisko was able to seal Dukat into the Fire Caves of Bajor forever. With his destiny accomplished, Sisko transcended his physical form and joined the Prophets in the Celestial Temple. [101]

Proplydian [225] A gigantic spacegoing life form, the Proplydian was an entire living solar system. It was comprised of a star surrounded by a protoplanetary disc. Though the elements of the disc remained physically separate, they interacted magnetically to make up a collective organism. Each element was coated in bioneural compounds, exchanging stimulus and response with one another through electro-magnetic interactions akin to a nervous system. Acting in concert they could modulate the system's magnetic field, turning the star into a propulsion unit by triggering stellar flares and directing them as a plasma engine. The creature also used mutual repulsion between the disc elements to keep them from accreting into planets. [225]

The Proplydian supported a whole ecosystem of spacegoing life forms in symbiotic and parasitic relationships. Many fed on the hydrogen of the drive exhaust, or the organic compounds and heavy elements that were present in the disc. Starpeelers, Sailseeds, Spinners and Space Jellyfish all fed from the Proplydian, whilst Crystalline Entities and other predators came to prey on those and other life forms around the Proplydian. [225]

The USS Titan encountered a Proplydian in 2380. To date it is the only known example of such a creature. [225]
Provider [303] The poviders lived as organic brains inside a life support machine. [303]
Proxcinian [37] Civilisation at war as of 2373 [37]
Prytt [461] Humanoids native to the planet Kesprytt II [461]
Psi 2000 Virus [570] Water-based virus which behaves in the body like alcohol [570]
Pycan space moth [262] Animal life form. Dr. Phlox heard of a moth which drifted half a light year whilst trying to return to its homeworld. [262]
Pygmy Marmoset [59] Small Earth primate that Data thought Picard might de-evolve into [59]
Pygorian [317] Interstellar traders. Quark put Sakonna in touch with Pygorians who sold her weapon systems. [317]
Pyrithian bat [35] Creature which Dr. Phlox used in his sickbay. His bat was a picky eater, and would not eat anything once it was dead. [35]
Pyrithian Moon Hawk [32] Predatory animal which feeds on Pyrithian bats. [32]
Q [103] The Q are undoubtedly one of the most interesting and peculiar species ever encountered. [146] Little is known of them for certain but they are known to reside in a place they refer to as 'the Q continuum', which is apparently a higher dimension of some form. [11] The Q are thought to have once been a relatively 'normal' species, but at some point they acquired incredible powers to control matter and energy, space and even time itself. [411] Some Q maintain that they are omnipotent, [115] but at least one individual has claimed that there are in fact limits to their power [411] - although what these limits might be has never been ascertained. [41]

The Federation's first contact with the Q came when one of them intercepted the Enterprise-D on its maiden voyage. Appearing in a variety of costumes, Q placed the ship's senior officers on trial for the 'crimes of Humanity' - although the crew convinced Q to release them, [571] years later he claimed that this trial was a never-ending process. [498]

In subsequent visits Q demonstrated a mixture of astounding power and knowledge combined with an almost childish sense of self-importance and selfishness. [14] On his third visit to the Enterprise, Q reacted negatively to an offhand comment by Captain Jean Luc Picard; he threw the ship across thousands of light years to the system J-25, leading to first contact with the Borg and eventually to two devastating attacks by that species. [146] He constantly berates and belittles other lifeforms and takes every opportunity to assert his own perfection. [41]

During her travels in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Voyager encountered a second Q - known as Quinn - who had been imprisoned in the nucleus of a comet for political dissension against the Q. Quinn was dissatisfied with a life in which there was nothing left to explore to accomplish, and had sought to end his existence. Q appeared on Voyager and a hearing was held which resulted in Quinn having his abilities removed so as to allow him to lead life as a Human. Despite this offer, Quinn took his own life shortly afterwards with the help of Q. [411]

This act apparently triggered a civil war within the Q continuum; Q proposed to end this conflict by mating with Captain Janeway of the USS Voyager in order to produce a new breed of Q - an offer the Captain forcefully declined. Later the crew of Voyager where taken to the Q continuum where, given the abilities and weapons of the Q, they where instrumental in ending the war. [572]

Q troubled Voyager on relatively few occasions, but he did place his young son in Janeway's care for a time in an effort to teach the boy some sense of responsibility. This was actually somewhat successful, [228] though it is hard to believe that a Q could ever really reform completely.

Qomar [573] Advanced Delta Quadrant species who had no concept of music prior to encountering Voyager. [573]
Quantum Singularity Life Form [574] Sentient species which incubates its young in a black hole [574]
Quarren [575] An advanced and highly industrialised species in the Delta Quadrant, the Quarren planet was undergoing a crippling labour shortage in the 2370s. To overcome this, they took to abducting the crews of passing starships, using false memory implants to convince the crews that they had willingly chosen to work on the planet. As a result, the Quarren home planet is highly cosmopolitan, with workers from many different species present. The bulk of Voyager's crew were so captured in 2377 [575], but the few remaining crew were able to rescue them. [576]
Quasi-energy Microbe [206] Life forms found within a plasma streamer [206]
R'ongovian [547] R'ongovians are a spacefaring species native to R'ongovia in the Beta Quadrant. The planet borders Federation, Romulan and Klingon territory. Physically thay are humanoid in appearance feature a striped skin. They do not have hair on their heads. They also feature bright blue and yellow eyes, have sharp teeth and pointed ears. [547]

In 2259, the Tellarites established relations with the R'ongovians but negotiations for them to join the Federation faltered and they began negotiations with the Romulans and Klingons. In an attempt to have them join delegates were invited to Starbase 1 for further negotiations. Captain Vasso L'Gaelia and Brax met with both Admiral Robert April and Christopher Pike, but once again failed to make any headway. A later meeting with Spock also failed achieve common ground. They did however, seem impressed by Pike's defence of Spock's place in Starfleet. Leading them to allow a final meeting. [547]

It was this that lead to Pike realising that they prised empathy of others point of view over all else. Pike used this discovery to provide the many reasons that the shouldn't join the Federation. Quoting potential cultural dilution and hostility they would face from other races from being a member. After this meeting they R'ongovians left, but, flew the flag of the Federation from their flagship, indicating that they would join the Federation. [547]
Rabbit [305] Small furry terran animal. A large, fully clothed, bipeddel, white rabbit was onced seen by Dr McCoy on the amusment park planet. Data once saw a shape of a rabbit in a nebula gas formation. [305]
Racht [330] Klingon worm-like animal, eaten live - very similar to gagh in appearence and may be related. [330]
Rafalian Mouse [174] Small rodent which Odo enjoyed mimicking [174]
Rakhari [28] The Rakhari government punished families of political disidents [28]
Rakonian Swamp Rat [446] Unpleasant animal. Kira thought Quark had some similarities to this creature [446]
Rakosan [577] The Rakosans were threatened with devastation by the Cardassian Dreadnought, but were saved by the USS Voyager. [577]
Ram Izad [23] Species erased from history by Annorax in an attempt to restore the Krenim Empire to existence. [23]
Ramuran [578] Ramurans are heavily isolationist, and use a combination of technology and biology to ensure that nobody remembers encountering them. [578]
Rat [350] Rodent species native to Earth, considered a pest by most Humans. [350] In 2369 Constable Odo imitated a rat in order to eavesdrop on a secret meeting between Lursa and B'Etor and Tahna Los. [397]
Raven [85] An Earth bird. In 2374 Seven of Nine had memory flashbacks in which she imaged a raven, an allusion to the Raven spacecraft that her parents lived in when she was a child. [85]
Razor Toothed Gree Worm [579] Small animal known for it's sharp teeth. [579]
Rectillian Vulture [580] Avian life form native to the Delta Quadrant [580]
Rectyne Monopod [581] Creature which can weigh up to two tons [581]
Redjac [72] Noncorporeal being who feeds on negative emotions, which it provokes by savage murder [72]
Reegrunion [582] Alien species. The wanted criminal Plix Tixiplik was a Reegrunion. [582]
Reeta-hawk [74] Avian life form from the planet Argratha [74]
Regalian Fleaspider [120] Arachnid which can be used to create medicine to improve circulation [120]
Regulan Blood Worm [257] Soft shapeless creature which some Klingons think similar in appearance to Kirk [257] Regulan Bloodworms can infest a humanoid host with no ill effects. In fact they clean out the lymphatic system, and as such can be used as a medical treatment. Captain Archer once used Regulan bloodworms as part of a deception he played on the Xindi Degra. [515]
Remans [486] The Remans have long been something of a mystery to the Federation. Regarded as a lesser caste by the Romulans, the Remans were confined to their home planet of Remus and rarely seen by outsiders. This changed somewhat during the Dominion war, when the Romulans used the Remans as shock troops. The Remans fought well against the feared Jem'Hadar, scoring many victories. Still, the Remans remained somewhat mysterious.

In 2378 when Shinzon staged a coup with the help of the Remans, taking over the Romulan Empire. Shinzon's Praetorship did not last very long, but it did offer the crew of the Enterprise-E the chance to meet with - and later to battle with - Remans face to face.

Remus is tidally locked, with one half permanently facing towards the sun and one half permanently facing away. The Remans live on the far side; they are used to darkness, and find bright light to be intensely painful. Much of Remus is dominated by industrial areas where the Remans work as slave labour under Romulan guards. [486]
Retellian [70] Species encountered by the NX-01 Enterprise in 2152. [70]
Rha'darusan [476] This species were Klingon subjects in the 2150s. The Klingons promised that they would provide for the planet in exchange for their allegiance, but stripped it of its resources and abandoned it afterwards. When refugees from the planet encountered the NX-01, a Klingon cruiser attacked the starship for assisting "rebels". The ship was able to disable the cruiser and the refugees escaped. [476]
Rhaandarite [136] Members of the United Federation of Planets, the Rhaandarites are a humanoid species native to the planet Rhaandaran. They are very long lived, and do not reach maturity until they reach a century and a half or so. [137]
Rhyl [583] A small creature which lived on the planet Ba'ku - either native to that world or brought there by the Ba'ku settlers who colonised the planet. One of these creatures was kept as a pet by Artim. [88]
Rigel VII Warrior [336] A warrior from Rigel VII; when the Enterprise visited the planet in 2254, one of these warriors killed three memebers of the crew and injured seven others. Captain Pike was forced to relive an altered version of the scene by the Talosians when they captured him shortly afterwards. [336]
Rigelian [39] Species similar to Vulcans. [39]
Rigellian Chelons [66] There are two breeds of Rigellians; one is descended from saber-toothed turtles. [62] Phlox stated that Rigellians have four or five genders. [584]

When attacked, Rigellian Chelons have an autonomic defense mechanism which secretes a deadly toxin from their skin. It is thus extremely dangerous to engage in close combat with them. [556]
Rigellian Ox [585] Creature known for being very healthy. [585]
Rigellian Tiger [508] Rigellian tigers are known to pounce without any warning. [508]
Rilnar [23] The first species erased form history by Annorax. The erasure caused a near-total restoration of the Krenim Empire, but caused a rare disease amongst their colonies which killed fifty million people. Annorax realised that the Rilnar had introduced a crucial antibody into the Krenim genome, so erasing them had directly led to the deaths. [23]
Risan sea turtle [264] Aquatic animal native to Risa. [264]
Risans [247] Humanoid species noted for their hedonistic approach to life. [14] Risa is in a binary system [247], and although it is naturally a swampland its extensive weather modification system gives the entire planet a tropical climate. [126] Combined with the local's easygoing approach to life this has made Risa a very popular holiday destination with many Federation citizens. [41]

A popular Risan symbol is the Horga'hn, a statuette which is the symbol of sexuality. To display a horga'hn is to indicate that you are seeking jamaharon, a mysterious procedure said to be very enjoyable. [247] Care should be taken with this practice, as jamaharon has been known to be fatal to those with a weak heart. Curzon Dax died via jamaharon, although he did at least die with a smile on his face. [126]

In 2366 Captain Picard took a holiday on Risa, where he first met Vash and destroyed the Tox Utat. [247] In 2368 Commander Riker met a Katarian operative on Risa who introduced him to an addictive game designed to control the minds of all those who used it. [492] In 2367 Geordi La Forge went to attend an AI conference on Risa, but was intercepted and kidnapped by Romulans whilst on the way. [491]

The New Essentialists were a group of Federation citizens who claimed that Risa represented the Federation's soft attitude toward life. They aimed to disrupt the planet as much as possible, and in 2373 they were joined by Lieutenant Commander Worf. Worf accessed the planets weather control system and shut it down, ruining the holidays of hundreds of thousands of people. Worf eventually saw the error of his ways and returned the weather to normal. [126]
Romulans [430] Physically, Romulans are almost identical to their cousins the Vulcans. [430] Externally most Romulans differ from Vulcans in having prominent ridges of bone on their foreheads, [151] a trait which evolved after their departure from Vulcan in circa 369. [586] However, the Romulans lack the rigorous mental disciplines developed by the followers of Surak [41] and this, combined with the more benign environmental conditions on Romulus, has greatly limited the physical capabilities of Romulans compared to their ancestors.

Like the Vulcans the Romulans have surrendered unrestrained violence as a way of life. However, in the case of the Romulans this has been replaced with a controlled deviousness; as a species the Romulans are generally thought of as duplicitous, a reputation the actions of their government over the last decade has reinforced. [41] Their reluctance to rely on overt hostility generally leads the Romulans to play a waiting game, attempting to manipulate an opponent into breaking - or appearing to break - an agreement so as to give them a solid justification for striking. [151]

Once the planet Romulus was colonised, the Romulans rapidly spread to their system's second habitable planet, Remus. [486] From there they founded an interstellar empire spanning many worlds. In the 2150's this empire came into contact with the rapidly expanding Human sphere of influence. First contact came when the NX class USS Enterprise wandered into a Romulan minefield, sustaining significant damage. A pair of Romulan vessels then forced the Starship to leave the area, despite having a mine still attached to the hull. [429]

Relations between Humans and Romulans continued to be poor, and eventually a brief but intense war resulted. This war was fought entirely in space, without any kind of personal or visual interaction between the two sides; no Human or Vulcan saw a Romulan until 2266, long after the war was ended, when a Romulan Bird of Prey penetrated the Neutral Zone to test Federation defences. Although the ship was destroyed by the USS Enterprise, [430] this action marked a long period of 'cold war' between the two powers. Eventually this culminated in the Tomed Incident of 2311, when thousands of Federation lives where lost to the Romulans. The incident led to the Treaty of Algeron, which forbade the Federation from developing cloaking technology and reaffirmed the existence of the Neutral Zone between the two powers. Subsequent to this the Romulans cut off all contact with the Federation. [151]

Although the Starship USS Enterprise-C engaged several Romulan vessels attacking the Khitomer outpost in 2344, [375] and there were other unofficial contacts, in general the Romulans maintained their isolation until 2364. At this point a Romulan warbird entered Federation space to investigate the loss of several of their border outposts. [151] Although it later emerged that the Borg where responsible for the destruction, [152] the Romulans announced at this time that they would again take a more active role in international relations. [151] They acted in opposition to the Federation for some years, [14] until the emergence of the Dominion threat in 2370. The Romulans responded by allowing the Federation to utilise one of their cloaking devices on the USS Defiant in order to allow it to operate in the Gamma Quadrant. [396]

Subsequently the Romulan Tal'Shiar launched a joint attack on the Dominion with the Cardassian Obsidian Order; the attack failed utterly, devastating the Romulan and Cardassian fleets. [587] After this the Romulan government signed a non-agression pact with the Dominion. [96] The Romulans reneged on this treaty after a successful intelligence operation conducted by Captain Sisko, joining forces with the Federation-Klingon alliance in the war against the Dominion. [134]

After the war there was something of a political upheaval on Romulus. Shinzon, a clone of Captain Picard created as part of a Romulan intelligence operation, had been exiled to Remus early in his life. Here he gained a considerable following, becoming a highly respected military leader during the Dominion war. Shinzon assassinated the Romulan senate after the war and plotted to destroy Earth, but the attempt was foiled by Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E. [486]

Roylan [588] Originating on the planet Royla, the Roylans were first contacted in 2230 by the USS Kelvin. [588] Small in stature by Human standards, the Royla are recognisable by their green skin and small beadlike eyes on short stalks. [213]

A member of the species, Keenser, was on Delta Vega in the year 2258, where he was the sole companion for Montomery Scott whilst he was stationed there. He would later join the Enterprise crew as an Engineer under Mr Scott. [213]

Roylans are capable of producing a large quantity of highly corrosive mucus when they sneeze. Keenser was able to use this ability to corrode through the lock of the cells on Altamid in 2263. [24]
Ruji [403] Sisko and Curzon once encountered a pair of seven foot tall Ruji twin sisters whilst attending the running of the Rujian Steeplechase. [403]
Rukani [589] Delta Quadrant civilisation who featured in a holodeck training program created by Tuvok [589]
Rutian [590] The Rutians suffered years of conflict at the hands of the evil Ansata terrorists. [590]
S'ti'ach [591] Native to the planet S'ti'ach'aas, the S'ti'ach are approximately one metre tall six-limbed, and covered in blue fur. They have large, dark eyes and large, saber-like white incisor teeth, and their bodies have dorsal spines, large and very sensitive ears. Many larger species pervieve them as non-threatening because of their appearence, but in their own environment the S'ti'ach are a top-level predatory species. [591]

The S'ti'ach homeworld, S'tiach'aas, is largely an ocean planet, with islands comprising the only land area. The gravity is also considerably higher than most class M worlds. As a result the S'ti'ach have an extremely dense strong bone structure supporting an otherwise very light low-density biology. [225]

The the Federation contacted the S'ti'ach they sent Alexander as ambassador to the species, as his diminutive stature made him not that much taller than a tall S'ti'ach. Alexander was able to convince the S'ti'ach that their diminutive stature would not lead to discrimination within the Federation. [225]
Sakari [592] Species which was devastated by the Borg and subsequently attempted to hide their existence to avoid further attacks. [592]
Salmon [12] A species of Earth fish which, although they live in the sea, feel an irresistible compulsion to return to their spawning grounds in inland rivers to mate before dying. Spock compared this to the compulsion Vulcans feel to find a mate during Pon'Farr. [12]
Saltah'na [593] Gamma Quadrant species; they produced telepathic objects which could affect the minds of others [593]
Samarian Coral Fish [190] Aquatic lifeform which are sometimes perceived in nebula clouds [190]
Sand Bat [51] Creatures which appear to be inanimate rock crystals, until they attack [51]
Sark [365] An animal native to the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS. Sarks could be ridden much as Earth horses could. A simulation of a Sark was one of the options available for riding on the holodecks of the Enterprise-D. [365]
Sarpeidonian [594] When their planet was threatened by a nova, this species saved themselves by traveling into their past. [594]
Sarthonian [247] Natives of Sarthong V. The Sarthonians strongly opposed any trespassers on their planet [247], though this did not stop Vash from going there. [16]
Satarran [370] A species encountered by the Enterprise-D in 2368. The Satarrans were locked in a war with the Lysians, but had been unable to win. Both cultures were at least a century behind the Federation in technology, so the Satarrans developed a plan to use a memory blanking technology to fool the Enterprise-D crew into believing they were at war with the Lysians. A Satarran agent posed as the Executive officer of the ship to carry out this mission, disguising himself as a Human. The attempt was unsuccessful. [370]
Saurian [66] Saurians were members of the Enterprise crew during the V'Ger incident of 2371. [66]

Saurians had webbed feet. [595]

First Contact between the Saurians and Humanity came in 2157 when the ECS Silk Road reached their system. At the time they had no general name for their species, and were dubbed 'Saurians' by the Silk Road's crew because of their appearance. [464]

Saurians were considered to be a very robust and adaptable people. They could survive conditions that would kill most other species - so much so that some considered that they had not developed a very high level of technology because they had little need of protection from the environment. Contact with the Silk Road prompted great advances in technology, with multiple Saurian nations achieving significant local spaceflight within five years. [464]
Scalosians [596] Humanoid inhabitants of the planet Scalos. The Scalosians were subject to biochemical acceleration by volcanic radiation many generations ago which made them move at many hundreds of times normal speed. The radiation also decreased fertility in females and completely sterilized all males. To continue their species the Scalosians kidnapped crewmembers from passing ships, a process which continued until 2268 when the USS Enterprise arrived at the planet. Captain Kirk was able to defeat the Scalosian's attempts to infiltrate his ship, and subsequently Starfleet warned all nearby species to stay away from Scalos. [596]
Scathos [177] Species who kill any woman under forty who conceives a child [177]
Screetch rhino [417] Creature which could weigh 3,000 tons. Dax promised Sisko that a holographic image projector could make him look like a Screetch rhino. [417]
Sehlat [39] Vulcan animal resembling a Teddy Bear, but with six inch fangs [39] Sehlat's were to be found in the region of desert known as The Forge; they were predatory carnivores who hunted at night. One chased Captain Archer and T'Pol in the region whilst they were there in 2154. [597]

As a child, T'Prynn once encountered a Sehlat whilst in the foothills leading into one of the mountain ranges that formed the perimeters of Vulcan’s Forge. She would long remember the fear that the encounter provoked in her. [598]
Selay [57] Deadly enemies of the Anticans, the Selay were also considered for Federation membership in 2364. [57]
Selkie [225] Also known as Pacificans, the Selkies are an amphibious / aquatic species native to the planet Pacifica. [225]

For the first phase their life Selkies are amphibious, able to operate on land for short periods. After childbearing, their single lung shrinks and changes structure. It can no longer support them out of the water, becoming nothing more than a flotation sac. At this point the Selkie becomes fully aquatic breathing via two gill crests which begin on the head and run down the back. [225] When a Selkie is embarrassed blood flows into the fill crests, darkening their colour in the equivalent of a blush. [216] The breasts of a female Selkie also flatten during the transition from amphibian to aquatic. [225]

During the amphibious phase of their lives Selkies are expected to devote themselves to procreation and parenting [225], having eight children per female on average. [216] Purely recreational sex is frowned upon during this phase, although in practice not all Selkies follow this norm. Amphibious Selkies often seek out sexual contact with aliens who will be unaware of this cultural taboo. [225] In their aquatic phase, are known for having a strong interest in uninhibited recreational sex, though alien species often don't understand that this applies only to the aquatic phase. [216]
Seltan Carnosaur [448] Reptilian lifeform approximately 300 metres tall [448]
Serosian [82] Delta Quadrant species from the planet Seros; the Serosians used isomorphic projections as menial labourers. In 2374 Voyager's crew encountered a projection which had murdered the crew of his ship. [82]
Shedai [286] An ancient and powerful race, in the distant past the Shedai ruled what is now known as the Taurus reach. The species was able to cross interstellar space without the use of spacecraft via a technology referred to a the Conduit. Although they had long ago disappeared, in 2265 a Shedai Wanderer returned to Ravanar IV after an ancient Shedai device there was discovered by Starfleet and subsequently destroyed by the Tholians. [286]

The Shedai Wanderer moved on to Erilon where she attacked the Starfleet outpost there using 'Sentinels', devices with a generalised anthropomorphic shape which were capable of extreme strength, speed and durability. A single Sentinel was able to kill many of the Federation team on Erilon, resisting maximum phaser strikes with little effort. The Wanderer also used a Shedai planetary defence system to attack and badly damage the USS Endeavour. [556]

Subsequently she moved to the Klingon world of Palgrenaxi, where she attacked the Klingon presence with half a dozen Sentinels. The Klingon forces fared better thanks to the presence of heavy disruptor weapons which were able to destroy Sentinels, and a sustained bombardment of the planetary defences by a Klingon Battlecruiser. However, the Shedai Wanderer responded to the battle turning against her by destroying Palgrenaxi. [556]

Research by Starfleet science officers suggested a method of disrupting the Shedai Wanderer's control of her technology, and on the Endeavour's return to Erilon the ship was able to repel an attack by Sentinels and prevent the Shedai from destroying the planet. [556]

The Shedai tended to assume names descriptive of their personalities and roles. As well as the Wanderer, there was the Shedai Herald, Sage, Adjudicator, Warden, Maker, Avenger, and Apostate. [595]
Sheep [224] Earth mammal. In primitive times the milk, meat, and most especially the fleece of sheep were widely used on Earth. The Bringloidi still kept sheep when the Enterprise-D encountered them in 2365. [224]
Sheliak [413] A powerful and mysterious life form, the Sheliak have a tendency to regard other species - especially Humanoid species - as inferior. Classified as type R-3, they are only vaguely Humanoid themselves. Their precise form is not clear, as the Sheliak hide their physical form under a concealing garment when contacting Humanoids. There are indications that they may have at least a slight degree of shape shifting ability - the constant movement of their body under the garment indicates that their external shape is somewhat variable. This, however, is purely speculative at present. [413]

The Federation signed the Treaty of Armens with the Sheliak in 2255. An extensive document, the treaty ceded several worlds to the Sheliak including Tau Cygna V. In 2366 the Sheliak transmitted a message to the Federation indicating that they were about to colonize the planet, and that the Human population would be eradicated if it were not removed. This came as something of a surprise to the Federation, who were not aware of any colony on the planet. [413]

The Enterprise-D was dispatched to deal with the problem, and discovered a colony of many thousands of people on Tau Cygna V. Leaving Lieutenant Commander Data on the planet the ship went to intercept the Sheliak vessel. The Sheliak who spoke to Captain Picard called himself the "Director". He claimed his ship carried "The Membership", part of the Sheliak Corporate. He declined all requests for further time to evacuate the planet, instead threatening to exterminate the Humans on arrival. The Sheliak were determined to stick precisely to the letter of the treaty, claiming the document as an absolute description of the relationship between themselves and the Federation. [413]

Picard was eventually able to find a loophole in the treaty, naming the Grisellas as arbiters of the dispute as allowed one of its articles. Since the Grisellas were at the time in a hibernation period, this gave the Federation all the time needed to evacuate the colony. [413]

The Sheliak are one of several species who prefer that their body temperature is identical to the temperature of the room in which they are standing. [76]
Shepherds [253] A warp civilisation with technology more advanced than the Federation when encountered in 2258. Shepherds believed that the comet known as C/2260-Quentin was actually an "Arbiter of Life", which travelled the galaxy promoting or destroying life as required. [253]
Shib'a lizard [320] Type of animal native to an alien planet. They don't move very fast. [320]
Shivolian [162] Delta Quadrant species, Borg designation Species 521 [162]
Sikarians [599] One of the many species that Voyager has encountered on its journey home, the Sikarians are in some respects significantly more advanced than the Federation. They are renowned in the Delta Quadrant as a friendly and generous people who extend great hospitality to visitors, and were happy to entertain Voyagers crew. Indeed, from the limited contact that Voyager had with the Sikarians it appeared that they had solved all of their material problems and were largely concerned with overcoming the boredom which resulted.

The Sikarians advanced technology is most apparent in their trajector system. This is a form of matter transmission similar in its operation to Federation transporters. However, the Sikarian planet has a mantle of tetrahedral quarts 20 kilometres thick; by using this to amplify their trajector field, the Sikarians have achieved field magnitudes ten orders of magnitude beyond anything the Federation has, allowing them to instantaneously transport objects up to 40,000 light years.

Voyager was naturally keen to use this technology, but the Sikarian culture has a policy similar to the Federations Prime Directive which forbids them from lending such help. Captain Janeway offered the Sikarian ruling council a copy of the Federation literary database in return for the use of the trajector - the Sikarians prize stories greatly, but although this offer was tempting it was ultimately refused. Several of Voyagers crew set up negotiations with dissident Sikarians and purchased a trajector unit in return for the database, an act in direct violation of Janeways orders. Although the trade was successful, the trajector technology proved to be incompatible with Voyagers systems due to its dependence on antineutrinos.

Although Voyager has made several significant leaps forward in her journey since this time, it is still technically within range of the Sikarians trajector system. Nevertheless there have been no further contacts with the Sikarians. [599]
Silgov [286] A sentient humanoid species. The Silgov had skin of pale emerald green. The species was not known for their interest in exploration, though occasional individuals did wander from their world to travel space. A Silgov woman named Manón ran a bar on Starbase 47 (Vanguard) in 2275. [286]
Sinoraptor [343] Creature known for having great fighting spirit. When Kira Nerys wanted to join the Shakaar resistance cell Lupaza said that she should be accepted as she had the heart of a Sinoraptor. [343]
Skagaran [138] Intelligent species native to the Delphic Expanse. The Skagarans abducted groups of Humans from Earth in circa. 1864 for use as slave labour on a colony world in the Expanse. The Humans rebelled against their masters and overthrew them; unfortunately the Humans then established a legal system in which Skagarans had very few rights and were themselves poorly treated. The Humans and Skagarans began to move towards mutual tolerance in 2154 thanks to the intervention of the NX-01 Enterprise. [138]
Skreean [582] A gamma Quadrant species. Fleeing the Dominion, the refugee Skreean mistook Bajor for their promised land in 2370, but were not allowed to settle there by the government. [582]
Sky Spirit [244] Human name for a delta quadrant species which visited Earth tens of thousands of years ago. [244]
Slanikian Oysters [547] A type of oyster enjoyed by humans. [547]
Slijm [556] A non-sentient creature. Slijms resemble a cross between a dog and a walrus. They appear to be encased in blubber, with smooth brown hair. They have spindly front legs which they use to drag themselves around. They have wide nostrils, puffy cheeks, and black, beady eyes. [556]

When threatened, a Slijm could squirt a yellow-green mucus which burned on contact with skin. [556]

The Zakdorn accountant Sakud Armnoj had a pet Slijm which he called Sniffy. [556]
Sloth [35] Earth animal to be found near the Amazon river as of 2151. [35]
Sluggo [35] Slug-like creature, one of the first lifeforms discovered by the NX-01 on its exploration mission. [35]
Snow beetle [600] Creature which Dr. Phlox kept in sickbay to feed to his other animals. [600]
Snowskimmer [243] Animal life form native to the planet Andor. Lieutenant Pava Ek'Noor sh'Aqabaa hunted Snowskimmers as a teen on the planet. She considered them to look rather like Chobliks. [243]
Solanae [376] Existing in a parallel dimension, these beings abducted several members of the Enterprise-D crew to experiment on them. The purpose of the experiments was unclear, but appeared to center around testing the biology of those from our dimension. [212]
Solari [295] The Solari warred for centuries, but were helped towardspeace by the mediator Riva. [295]
Son'a [88] The Ba'ku are a people filled with contradictions. Their home world is unknown, but is believed to be located beyond Federation space. Some three hundred years and fifty years ago the Ba'ku had entered a period of rapidly escalating and uncontrolled technological advancement, to the point where they were on the verge of destroying themselves. A group of Ba'ku left their world to begin again, fearing a catastrophe. Determined not to repeat the mistakes the rest of their people had made, the Ba'ku adopted a philosophy of near total avoidance of high technology. The Ba'ku claimed that when a machine was built to do the work of a person, it took away an essential quality of that person.

For two hundred years the Ba'ku society continued in a pre industrial state; however, in the 2270's a group of young Ba'ku attempted to seize control of the settlement. They planned to abandon the policy on non reliance on technology and become a star faring species once again, but their attempt quickly failed and the group were exiled from the planet in a spacecraft constructed specifically for this purpose.

Renaming themselves the Son'a, the exiled Ba'ku spent almost fifty years building a technologically based culture on a world beyond Federation borders. In the 2320's they conquered two other species and integrated them into their society as a labour class in order to provide themselves with the manpower base needed to turn them into a major power. By the 2370's the Ba'ku were maintaining a fleet of some two hundred warships. Their reputation in galactic affairs was not a good one - in part due to their subjugation of other species, but also because they were widely rumoured to employ subspace weaponry on their warships. For many years the Federation declined to establish diplomatic relations with the Son'a, but after the beginning of the Dominion war it was learned that the Son'a were able to reproduce Ketracel White in large quantities. The Federation immediately moved to isolate the Son'a from the Dominion and establish an alliance with them, a move the Son'a welcomed with open arms.

However, the Son'a had one major problem; without the unique environment of the Ba'ku planet, the original generation of Son'a were reaching the end of their natural lives. Used to immortality, their leaders became obsessed with regaining the youth they had lost. Unable to challenge the Federation directly, the Son'a siezed on the opportunity presented by the offer of an alliance. When they learned that Starfleet had already discovered the Ba'ku settlement and learned of the immortality enjoyed by the natives, the Son'a came to the Federation offering an explanation for the Ba'ku puzzle; high concentrations of metaphasic radiation particles in the planets rings was continually regenerating the genetic structure of the life on the planet. Concealing their Ba'ku heritage, the Son'a offered a method of collecting this radiation via a large orbital vessel they had constructed. The potential was awesome; a whole new medical science would be created, with sufficient radiation present in the rings to treat billions of individuals. However, the collection method involved initiating an isothermic reaction within the rings which would destroy all life on the surface of the planet.

Naturally, the Federation refused this offer as it would contravene the Prime Directive. However, it was agreed to establish a duck blind facility on the surface and conduct covert surveillance of the Ba'ku in an attempt to investigate the planets environment more thoroughly. During this research it became apparent to the Federation that the Ba'ku were not in fact a primitive people; they possessed technological knowledge up to and including warp drive. With Prime Directive considerations considerably eased by the Ba'ku's new status, the Federation decided to proceed with the Son'a plan. The whole Ba'ku population was limited to six hundred people, all living in one small area. The Federation constructed a replica of their village and the surrounding countryside on a suitably similar planet, and a vessel was built which was capable of transplanting the Ba'ku without their knowledge. However, shortly prior to the implementation of the plan Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E discovered the operation and made it public, including the fact that the Son'a and Ba'ku were one and the same people. The Federation halted the entire project while a reappraisal was initiated.

After the failure of the project to relocate the Ba'ku, some of the Son'a decided to return to their people. Others have continued to operate independently. The Federation council is continuing its deliberations on the matter. [88]
Soong-type Android [238] Form of Android based around a positronic network [238]
Soukara Lizard [134] Creature found on the planet Soukara. Worf and Jadzia encoutered one of these whilst on a covert mission to the planet. [134]
Soukaran Snake [134] Reptilian life form from the planet Soukara. Worf and Jadzia saw one of these whilst on a covert mission to the planet. [134]
Space Jellyfish [103] This species were first encountered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. They are spacegoing creatures of immense size, capable of converting matter into energy and back again in almost any form. This allows them to reconfigure their bodies at will into almost any shape or form. One of the creatures had landed on the Deneb IV, injured and desperately short of energy. The Bandi fed the creature enough to keep it alive but not to let it leave the planet, essentially enslaving it. [103]

The Bandi forced the creature to configure itself into a luxurious Starbase, which they offered to the Federation. However, whilst negotiations for the use of the base were in progress the creature's mate arrived, in the form of a large spacecraft, to attack the Bandi for what they had done. Captain Picard was able to uncover the truth of the situation and fed the grounded creature enough energy to return to space, where it reunited with its mate and departed. Counsellor Troi reported that both creatures were extremely grateful for the assistance. [103]

In 2380 the USS Titan encountered large numbers of Space Jellyfish whilst exploring the Gum Nebula region. The avioanoid Pa'haquel hunted the "Jellies", killing them and then using their corpses as spacecraft with which to hunt both more Jellyfish and other, more harmful spacegoing life forms. The Jellyfish were horrified by both the hunt itself and the use of their dead, which they regarded as akin to being hunted by "zombies". The Titan crew were able to broker a deal between the Pa'haquel and the Jellyfish whereby they would co-operate together in herding the more dangerous life forms away from planets inhabited by sentient life and into regions where they could feed without harm. [225]
Space Shrimp [177] Space going life form which Voyager encountered in 2371. [177]
Space Vampire [35] This mysterious species preyed on others, draining biochemicals from their corpses after raiding their ships. The NX-01 encountered the species early in its mission in 2151. [35]
Space Whale [601] Lifeform which lived entirely in space. Data described the creature as an asymmetrical field of intense energy, comprising a mass of plasma energy contained within an outer covering of silicates, actinides, and carbonaceous chondrites. Although sensors had difficulty penetrating the interior, it appeared that there was a coherent system of energy storage and utilization at work. The creatures were able to produce energy discharges to scan its surroundings, but could also produce a damaging energy dampening field and dangerous levels of radiation. The creatures were extremely susceptible to even minimal levels of phaser fire. The creatures were discovered by the Enterprise-D in 2367; the ship was forced to kill the first creature encountered when it attacked the ship. they were subsequently able to free an infant creature from the body. The infant latched onto the ship for a time, drawing energy from it. They were eventually able to dislodge the creature safely. [601]
Spawn Beetle [177] Insect [177]
Sphere Builders [602] The real name of this species is unknown, if indeed they have such a name. They are known to the Xindi as the Guardians [543], to the Triannon as The makers [600], and more generically as simply The Sphere Builders. [602] Existing in a dimension which is completely separate from our own, the Guardians long sought to find a way to colonise our universe. Unfortunately for them the laws of physics in our universe are significantly different from their own, and as a result exposure to our space is rapidly lethal to the Guardians. Approximately a thousand years ago they embarked on an ambitious attempt to 'reconfigure' our space, gradually altering the physical laws so that they could survive here. [40] To this end they built a series of gigantic spheres which interacted with one another to alter the physical laws. By the mid 22nd century this had created the Delphic Expanse, a vast region filled with dangerous anomalies. [77]

Ultimately the Federation led an alliance which defeated the Guardians at the Battle of Procyon V in the the 26th century. Realising that their colonisation efforts would come to nothing the Guardians sought to alter the timeline to erase the Federation from existence. [40] They contacted the Xindi in the aftermath of the destruction of their homeworld, guiding the survivors towards resources and lending assistance. The Xindi came to trust the Guardians utterly, even worshipping them. In the mid 22nd century the Guardians informed the Xindi that in the future Humans would become a deadly enemy of the Xindi and would destroy their new homeworld. In response the Xindi embarked on an ambitious project to build a weapon capable of destroying Earth and any other Human worlds. In this manner the Guardians hoped that the Federation would never be founded and so would be unable to oppose them in the future. [543]

The NX-01 first contacted a Guardian in 2153, when a small pod was discovered within a powerful anomaly in the Expanse. The Guardains had sent a test subject to our universe to test his survivability in the reconfigured space. The starship rescued the man, exposing him to our own space. His body began to disintergrate in response, but before his death he attempted to sabotage the NX-01. His actions gave Captain Archer his first clues as to the origin and purpose of the expanse. [196]

Archer was able to convince some of the Xindi of the Guardian's true intentions , but the Reptilians remained loyal no matter what evidence was presented. In an effort to assist the Reptilians in their theft of the final version of the Xindi weapon the Guardians created vast anomalies around some of the spheres, targeting the effects on the ships trying to stop the weapon. [602] As Captain Archer battled to stop the weapon the NX-01 attacked Sphere 41 in an attempt to disrupt the network and collapse the Expanse once and for all. The Guardians attacked the ship when it entered an anomaly around the sphere, but were unable to prevent it from destroying the sphere. The destruction of the network caused the anomalies of the Expanse to dissipate, ending the Guardian threat once and for all. [603]

Spinners [225] Spacegoing life form encountered by the USS Titan on Stardate 57207.4 (2380). Spinners are non-sentient creatures, each a gigantic sail of fine mesh, many kilometres on a side. The sail rotates, with a set of eighteen relatively massive nodules on the perimeter keeping the structure spread out. The spinners normally act as living solar sails, travelling by light pressure, but the nodules contain maneuvering jets. Their spin also induces a magnetic field which can be use for maneuvering, changing the shape of the mesh, and for gathering hydrogen for the jets in the style of a bussard collector. A spinner is capable of wrapping itself around another spacegoing life form or spacecraft, using the sail to drain energy from it. [225]

Spinners are one of the many species which are hunted by the Pa'haquel. They consider Spinners to be slow-moving, flimsy life forms - though they are difficult to kill. To do so the nodules must be attacked, as these contain the main organs and brains. [225]
Spittlebug [604] Spittlebugs are an insectoid species that are often found infesting grapevines, especially around harvest time. [604]
Squale [216] Squales were an intelligent species native to the planet Droplet, encountered by the USS Titan in 2381. Their name was a portmanteau of "Squid-Whales", based on their physical resemblance to those two species. Squales had a body similar in shape to that of a whale, with four flukes at the rear. The Squales could use these together or in pairs for propulsion. They had four large tentacles projecting forward from their face. These could be folded back against the body for streamlining, allowing the Squales to achieve considerable speed in the water. Their mouth is beaked, with two large eyes above and behind it. [216]

As well as vision, Squales could use a sonar sense to locate objects around them and to communicate. Squale communication carried a tremendous amount of information - they were easily able to 'sing' complex images to one another. [216]

Squales were able to change their skin colour as part of their communication method. Squales, like all life on Droplet, lacked a bony skeleton due to the low mineral content in their environment. Instead their form was maintained by a cartilaginous structure.. [216]

The basic social unit of the Squales was the 'pod', a grouping of related family members or of individuals assembled for a specific task or function. The size and makeup of pods was very flexible, with members able to transfer in or out as needed. The arrival of the USS Titan prompted the creation of a 'Contact Pod' formed from members of three different pods. Many of the contact pod were scientists, but security and other members were also assigned. [216]

Squales have four genders, two analogous to males which donated gametes, and two that were hermaphroditic, which could exchange gametes with one another. These latter genders were responsible for the bearing and rearing of children. [216]

Since Droplet was completely covered in an ocean of water some ninety kilometres deep the Squales had no conception of inanimate matter. Everything in their experience was either directly alive, like themselves, or was a product of such life, like the coral-type floating islands found on the surface. As a result they found the concept of technology as used by the Federation hard to comprehend. This attitude was enhanced by the Squales sensitivity to magnetic fields, which made it disturbing or painful for them to be in proximity to the magnetic fields generated by much Federation hardware. [216]

Squale technology was entirely biological. They were able to manipulate other life forms through selective breeding and other methods, producing animals bred for a variety of uses. These included 'sensors' with augmented vision and other sensory systems, atmospheric probes resembling living weather balloons, and even small orbital spacecraft. Squale biological technology was thus considerably in advance of that of the Federation. [216]

Squales, like all life on Droplet, were uniquely dependent on the planets powerful magnetic field. They perceived the complex variations in this field as a kind of universal song which was the foundation for all life and activity. They refer to this as the 'Song of Life', believing that the song defined the world, gave it form and function, and ultimately made it real. Captain Riker compared this to the Christian view that 'In the beginning was the Word'. [216]

Squales viewed the universe as being divided into three parts; the World Below, referring to the hyper-saline depths of the ocean which were partly responsible for the complexities of the planets magnetic field. The Squales could not venture to this realm, as their organic technology could not survive the enormous pressures here. The World Between was their own part of the ocean, whilst the World Above referred to the sky and space above. [216]

Early in their history the Squales achieved orbital flight via living space capsules which they were able to engineer, but the occupants of the capsule became impaired when removed from the field, causing the Squales to ultimately abandon such efforts. First Contact with the crew of the USS Titan in 2381 promoted renewed interest in space flight amongst the Squales. [216]
Squid [344] Terran water dweller [344]
Squill [507] Plant from the planet Balancar [507]
Srivani [605] Voyager encountered this species in 2374. The Srivani are an advanced race posessing sophisticated cloaking technology resembling the phase cloak developed by renegade Federation officers. They use this technology to infiltrate alien vessels and conduct medical experiments on the crew without their knowledge. The Srivani hold that such experiments are justified as the development of new medical treatments saves more lives than are taken in the experiments. Seven of Nine was able to detect the presence of the Srivani, and Captain Janeway forced them to withdraw by piloting Voyager near-suicidal course between a pair of pulsars. As the Srivani ships docked to Voyager's hull withdrew at least one of them was destroyed. [495]
Starpeelers [225] Photonic beings, starpeelers are composed of coherent energy fields sustained in plasma matrices. They travel from star to star, peeling away the outer layers of each to create plasma vessels to travel in. This often results in great changes to the climates of any M Class planets in the system, along with intense bursts of radiation. It is unknown if the Starpeelers are sentient; if so, they show no concern for the damage done by their feeding. Starpeelers were one of the many spacegoing species hunted by the Pa’haquel. [225]
Straleb A Humanoid species which resided on the planet Straleb in 2365. Along with the inhabitants of Altec, the Stralebs were members of the Coalition of Medina. The species was relatively primitive as compared to the Federation. [27]
Stromatopod larvae [87] The ECS Horizon was delivering a cargo of these creatures to the Demerians in 2153. [87]
Subytt [221] Species. A Subytt first officer was attempting to smuggle defective isolinear rods to Bajor in 2370. He was caught after a tip-off from Quark. [221]
Suliban [26] First encountered by Humanity in 2151, the Suliban are a Humanoid species [26] resident in the Beta Quadrant. They are no more evolved than Humans, but certain parts of the Suliban species have allied themselves with a shadowy figure from the distant future in order to wage a "temporal cold war" on others of their time. This "Cabal" have undergone extensive genetic engineering in order to give them impressive physical abilities. Engineered Suliban can distort their skeletal structure, allowing them to flatten their bodies and fit through tight openings. They can also adhere themselves to many different surfaces, allowing them to crawl across the walls or ceiling. Their skin has a network of subcutaneous pigment sacks which allow them to change colour in a manner reminiscent to the Terran chameleon; their uniform is a biomemetic garment with similar properties.

Internally, the modified Suliban have five bronchial lobes instead of three, and their alveoli clusters have been modified to allow them to breathe various different atmospheres. Compound retinas allow the modified Suliban to see a wide variety of spectra. [26]

The crew of Enterprise had several dealings with the Suliban, notably when Captain Archer returned the Klingon agent Klaang to the Empire with information that the Suliban were attempting to provoke a Klingon civil war. [26]

However, not all Suliban are members of the Cabal; many regard the actions of the more violent members of their species with disgust. Even so they themselves face considerable emnity from other species, and some species such as the Tandarans keep all Suliban captive whether they are active members of the Cabal or not. [606]

Even the actions of the Cabal themselves are not always as clear cut as they seem; a Suliban operative saved the NX class Enterprise from destruction whilst it was investigating a protostar, [331] and the Suliban warned Captain Archer of the origin of the Xindi attack on Earth in 2153. [607]

Sun viper [138] Animal life form native to the Skagaran planet discovered in the Delphic Expanse by the NX-01 Enterprise [138]
Swarm [530] Mysterious species who attack all those who enter their space. [530]
Syrath [591] And intelligent species, the Syrath had an exoskeletal body with a high dome on top containing the primary sense organs, tapering down almost to a point before blooming out into a diamond structure which contained the secondary sense organs. Both sets of organs were dotted with green bioluminescent bulges. The body was supported on four slender intricately joined legs spaced equidistantly around the body, jointed to it at the narrowest point. Four tentacles could emerge from apertures just beneath the upper dome. [591]

At rest, with tentacles retracted, Syrath looked like an inanimate object. [591]

Syrath are almost impossible to permanently kill. Their cells are encoded in piezoelectric crystal units suspended in a liquid silicate solvent, with neural and genetic information, encoded structurally in chains of dislocation loops and electrically in stored potentials, rather than chemically in nucleic acids as was the case for most species. This enabled them to sustain enormous damage and simply regenerate afterwards - individual memories might be lost but the same individual would still survive afterwards. As a result of this, Syrath felt very little in the way of fear. They typically did not reveal this information to other races, not wishing to earn their envy. [216]

The Syrath evolved on the planet Syr, which had a surface pressure of two hundred standard atmospheres. [216]
T'gla [191] Mindless life form, probably native to a Klingon world, which lets itself be slaughtered. Probably non-sentient. [191]
T'Lani [325] Once enemies of the Kellerun, the T'Lani created deadly Harvester weapons and then tried to destroy all knowledge of them once the war ended. [325]
T'stayan [608] Talarian riding animal [608]
T-Rogoran [582] Gamma Quadrant species. The T-Rogorans were enemies of the Skreeans for eight centuries, conquering them and using them as forced labourers. The Skreeans were freed and scattered when the T-Rogorans were in turn conquered by the Dominion. [582]
Tagran [609] Natives of Tagra IV. [609]
Taguan [16] Culture whose pottery resembles both Marlonian and Buranian work. [191] Natives of Tagua III. Little known of the origins of the Taguans and they no longer allow archeological research on their planet. Q claimed that the Taguans really knew how to party two billion years ago. [16]
Tahal-Isut [610] This Delta Quadrant species inhabited a planet which was in an accelerated timeframe compared to the rest of the universe; Voyager was trapped in orbit of the world for a short period and was able to watch thousands of years of civilisation unfold on the planet. [611]
Tairenian Ant [187] A type of ant. Mezoti made a Tairenian Ant colony for her science project in 2376. The drones produce a flourescent enzyme which is activated by the queen. [187]
Tak Tak [406] A delta quadrant who communicates via ritualistic posses. They are quick to take offence. [406]
Takaran [612] Takarans are an unusual species with an anatomy, their organs were not distinct entities as they are in most humanoid species, but instead dispersed around their body. This allows them the unique ability to be shot by energy weapons without harming them to any great degree. [612]
Takarian [613] A humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant. The Takarian's where a pre-industrial species. [613]

In 2366, two Ferengi, Arridor and Kol, landed on Takar after being stranded in the Delta Quadrant when they went through the Barzan wormhole. Taking advantage of the primitive species the Ferengi set themselves up as the Takarian's deities. [613]

USS Voyager came across the Ferengi in 2373 and had to decide whether it was better to keep to the prime directive, leaving the Ferengi to their con or remove them from the planet. [613]
Takret [371] Likely name for the species which attempted to steal the NX-01 Enterprise in 2152. The species was not named specifically, but they came from the Takret system and the force which boarded Enterprise was called the Takret Militia. [371]
Talarian [608] The Talarians once fought a war in which they kidnapped a Human child and raised him as one of their own species. [608]
Talarian Hook Spider [608] Arachnid with legs half a metre long [608]
Talavian [614] Talavians are a warp-capable species. Romulan agent Captain Livara posed as a Talavian smuggler whilst working in the Bajoran sector in 2367.14 Talvian freighters would stop at Deep Space Nine from time to time. [614]
Talaxians [332] A humanoid civilisation native to the planet Talax in the Delta Quadrant. Externally Talaxians are identifiable by the distinctive yellow colouration of their skin and the ridges of bone on their skulls.2 Internally, a major difference between Talaxians and Humans lies in the lung system; Talaxian lungs are directly linked to the spinal column at multiple points. [580]

Talaxians tend to be a very enthusiastic and friendly people, quick to trust others and easy to get along with.4 They have few enemies, although in 2346 they entered into a war with the Haakonian Order. After ten years of fighting the Hakkonians used a Metreon Cascade weapon on Rinax, killing some 300,000 Talaxian colonists of that moon and prompting the Talaxians to surrender. Many Talaxians who came into contact with the fallout of the weapon subsequently developed metremia, a fatal blood disease. [414]

Talaxians have had relatively little contact with Humans, although one individual has served as Morale Officer for some years aboard the USS Voyager. [153]

The borg designation for the Talaxians is Species 218; the Borg once assimilated a small freighter crewed by 39 Talaxians in the Dalmine sector. Their dense musculature made them excellent drones. [85]
Talosians [615] One of the more mysterious species the Federation has encountered, the Talosian culture dates back hundreds of thousands of years. In the distant past they waged a terrible war which rendered the surface of their planet uninhabitable, forcing the few Talosian survivors to retreat underground. They found this life highly restrictive, and so devoted themselves to developing a tremendous level of telepathic ability. They are able to project utterly convincing images into the brain of another species across distances of at least several light years, apparently at speeds greatly in excess of light. However, this ability proved to be the downfall of their race. The Talosians enjoyed sharing the experiences of those aliens they had collected prior to the war, but this became a dangerous narcotic for them. They came to rely on their fantasy life more and more, eventually losing almost all touch with reality. Meanwhile, their technology crumbled and decayed around them to leave them all but helpless. [615]

The Talosian response was to bring aliens to their world, hoping to select appropriate specimens and use them to breed an entire race of slaves to maintain their society whilst they continued to enjoy their telepathic fantasy lives. The first encounter between Talosians and Humanity came when the SS Columbia crashed on Talos IV in 2236. All the crew were killed except for one woman, Vina, who was badly injured. The Talosians repaired her injuries, but although they found Humans to be an ideal physical choice for their slaves they were not able to proceed with their plans for a further 18 years due to the lack of any male candidate. [615]

In 2254 the USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Pike, encountered a radio distress call sent by the Columbia and proceeded to Talos. The Talosians kidnapped several crewmembers, including the Captain, in order to start their slave race. Pike made every effort to escape, but the Talosians mental abilities made it all but impossible - so complete were their abilities that they could easily destroy the starship just by tricking the crew into pressing the wrong buttons. [615]

Ultimately, Pikes first officer threatened to kill all of the captives rather than submit to slavery. Realizing that the Humans would never accept captivity, the Talosians allowed them to leave. [336]

Starfleet quarantined the planet, forbidding any Starfleet ship to approach under penalty of death for its Captain. Yet in 2267 the USS Enterprise was hijacked by its first officer, Spock, and taken to Talos. Captain Pike had recently suffered devastating injuries from exposure to delta rays, leaving him permanently crippled. Spock was convinced that Pike could live out the rest of his days more comfortably on Talos, where his mind could be convinced that his body was once again healthy. Starfleet ultimately allowed the mission due to the special circumstances. [616]

Since this time there has been no further contact with the Talosians. Presumably their society is still decaying, although the presence of a Human male and female may mean that a small group of Humans was produced after all.
Tamarians [374] For many years the Children of Tamar were regarded as one of the more enigmatic of Alpha Quadrant species. First contact occurred in 2268, but it proved to be impossible to establish communications with the Tamarians. The Universal Translator seemed to work well enough on the Tamarian language, translating it into english perfectly. However, the english words and phrases which came from the translator made no sense. [374]

Over the next century every attempt to communicate with the Tamarians similarly failed. Finally, it appears that the Tamarians decided to take more desperate measures. In 2368 a Tamarian vessel took up a position in the El Adrel system and began transmitting a signal towards the Federation. The Enterprise-D was ordered to respond. When they arrived in the system, the Tamarians transported both their own Captain Dathan and Captain Picard down to the surface of the planet, trapping them there. [374]

Dathan and Picard stayed on the planet for a day while the latter gradually learned the Tamarian language. Picard realized that the Tamarians communicate entirely by citing examples from their history, speaking in metaphors. Picard managed to learn enough of the metaphors to communicate with the Tamarians on a basic level, establishing the basis for further communication. Unfortunately, Captain Dathan lost his life on the planet. [374]

Since this time the Federation has had several contacts with the Tamarians. A team of specialist historians and linguists are learning the huge Tamarian language, a process which is expected to take several decades.
Tandaran [606] The Tandarans were enemies of the Suliban, and interned the Suliban people who lived within their territory. [606]
Tanugan [617] The Tanugans have a legal system in which one must prove one's innocence. [617]
Tarascan [286] Sentient humanoid species. Tarascans are an amphibious people with bulbous eyes and a tapirlike snout which waggled when they spoke. They are capable of feats of considerable strength. Their blood is jet black. Qoheela was a Tarascan hit man. [286]
Tarchannen parasites [618] The planet Tarchannen II was the site of a Federation outpost, but in 2362 all 49 members of the outpost crew vanished mysteriously. The Starship USS Victory was sent to investigate, and sent down a five person away team. No trace was found of the outpost crew, and the search was abandoned. [618]

Five years later the members of the away team began to disappear one by one, apparently suffering an irresistible urge to return to the planet. The Enterprise-D was assigned to investigate; the ships chief engineer, Geordi laForge, had been a member of the Victory's away team and the final unaffected member, Susanna Leitjen, joined the ship for the mission. [618]

Once at the planet both Leitjen and LaForge began to be affected by a mysterious metamorphosis which began to transform their entire bodies. Doctor Crusher discovered that they had both been infected by a strange parasite on the planet. The Parasite, which lives on Tarchannen, injects a strand of DNA into a host body. Years later the strand becomes active and begins to take over the host body, converting its DNA into an alien form. The host metamorphoses into a Humanoid lizard like form. The entity is non sentient, and has an instinctive fear of other life forms. Photoactive cells on the skin allow a chameleon like camouflage effect, rendering the entity almost completely invisible. [618]

Doctor Crusher was able to remove the DNA from Leitjen, but LaForge beamed down to the planet under its influence and joined the others on the surface. The Enterprise crew was able to find a method of rendering the aliens visible, and with this Leitjen was able to appeal to the remaining shreds of LaForge's Humanity and convince him to return to the Enterprise. He was also subsequently cured, and Captain Picard placed warning beacons in orbit of the planet to prevent any further contact. [618]
Tarchee Cat [541] Species indigenous to Nechani home world [541]
Tarellian [9] The Tarellian species virtually wiped itself out with biological warfare. The few survivors wandered as outcasts for many years. [9]
Taresian [358] Taresians reproduce by abducting males from other species and denucleating their cells. [358]
Targ [275] A Klingon animal, Targs served many different roles in Klingon society. Many were kept as pets by Klingons - Lieutenant Worf had one as a child. [619] General Martok had a pet Targ which he recalled fondly as a filthy, mangy beast - but one which had the heart of a warrior. His wife Sirella loathed the creature, and it escaped and returned to the wild when she 'accidentally' left the front door open. [620]

Targs were also used as food beasts, kept in the kitchen area of Klingon warships. [621] Wistan Gagh was kept packed with Targ's blood. [622] Food use crossed over into ceremonial purposes - the Day of Honour ceremony involved eating of the heart of a Targ, [194] whilst the preparations for Klingon weddings involved the bride carrying out an elaborate ritual which involved capturing three Targs in the Hamar mountains, making a ritual sacrifice at dawn, boiling their shoulders into tallow, and then moulding them with bare hands into var'Hama candles. Dax, preferred to simply replicate substitutes. [90] A Targ was also ritually sacrificed before the wedding feast. [623]

When Odo trashed his own quarters in 2372, Quark wondered if he might have done so in the form of a Targ. [174] When he was forced to fight an honour duel with a Klingon, Quark suggested that he could throw down his sword, kneel before his opponent, and then dare him to execute him - which he thought might make his opponent 'slink away like a scalded Targ'. Worf informed him that this was not in fact the case. [202]

In the wild, Targs were commonplace in the Hamar mountains. [90] So common were Targs in some areas that they could be something of a nuisance to the Klingons - Klingon assault vehicles were fitted with 'Targ scoops' to clear them out of the way during operations. [177] Klingons would hunt wild Targs for recreation - Martok was delighted with Worf's appointement as Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire as the two would be able to go Targ hunting together. [101]

References to Targs had also become part of popular culture in both the Klingon Empire and the Federation. The character of Toby the Targ was the pen name of the author of a series of children's books published in the Federation by Broht & Forrester. [624] B'Elanna Torres had a stuffed Toby the Targ toy which she always took it with her whenever she was away from home for more than a day, even as an adult. [170] Molly O'Brien also had a toy Targ as a child, which she called 'Piggy'. [625]

The 8472 replica of Boothby used the term 'Targ manure' to refer to a statement he considered to be untrue, [3] whilst B'Elanna Torres informed Ensign Kim that he looked like a speckled Targ when a viral infection left his skin covered with spots in 2373. [358] Voyager's EMH also compared Kim's saxophone playing to the cries of a wounded Targ, though he later apologised for this. [420] Even Q considered assuming the form of a Targ and mating with one in order to produce a child, though in the end he decided to mate with Captain Janeway instead. [572] When Captain Sisko needed to infiltrate the Klingon fortress of Ty'Gokor, he wished that Odo could do so disguised as a Targ - something that was no longer possible as Odo had recently lost his shapeshifting ability. [33]
Targhee Moonbeast [285] Life form noted for its loud call [285]
Tarkalean [626] Species which posessed replicator technology as of 2152. [627] A Tarkalean ship was attacked by Borg drones in 2153. [626] The Tarkaleans are known for their tea. [397] In 2372 one of the many additional charges the Ferengi imposed on their business dealings with the Karemma was claimed to be to cover the lost income of Tarkalean sheep herders. [452]
Tarkalean Condor [519] Large bird [519]
Tarkalean Field Mouse [170] Animal known for its small size [170]
Tarkalean Hawk [31] Predatory bird [31]
Tarkannan [363] Civilisation [363]
Tarkassian Razorbeast [190] Animal. Guinan had a Tarkassian Razorbeast as an imaginary friend [190]
Tarlac [88] Species which was conquered by the Son'a and converted into a working class. [88]
Tarmelite [286] A sentient Humanoid species. [286]
Taurean [628] These large ape-like creatures are inhabitants of Taurus II. They are primitive creatures, 12 feet or more in height and possessed of great strength but with only the most rudimentary technology - spears made of stone and wood, shields of leather. Their culture was believed to comprise family groups or tribes. They were highly aggressive, prone to attacking intruders and responding to any attack upon themselves with considerable anger. [628]
Tavnian [312] In Tavnian weddings the husband must convince every person present that he is truly in love with his fiancee before he can marry her. Tavnian men own their male offspring. [312]
Teenaxi [24] Alien species encountered by the USS Enterprise in 2363. The Teenaxi were a belligerent, aggressive species engaged in a conflict with their neighbours, the Fibonan Republic. Captain James T. Kirk agreed to act as a neutral representative of the Republic, carrying a ceremonial gift to the Teenaxi leaders. The gift was a piece of the Abronath, an ancient weapon originating on the planet Altamid. In the Fibonan culture, to surrender any weapon was considered an offer of truce. The gift was rejected, and the Teenaxi attacked Captain Kirk. [24]

Fortunately their short stature - the average Teenaxi is approximately eight inches tall - made the attack more of an annoyance than a danger, and Captain Kirk was able to beam out without serious injury. [24]
Tellarites [39] An Alpha Quadrant species, [629] Tellarites are renowned to be rude, impatient people. They love a good argument, and on first meeting a Tellarite it is expected that complaints and insults will be traded [44] - argument is even considered to be a sport by the Tellarites. [261] Tellarites consider dog to be a delicacy. They enjoy bathing in mud, and prefer a warmer environment than Humans do. [44]

Tellarites have been in space since at least the mid 20th century, when they informed the Vulcan high command that a Vulcan ship had crashed on Earth. [251] They were one of the many species encountered by Humanity in the first century after warp travel was discovered; in 2152 a Tellarite vessel directed the badly damaged NX-01 to an advanced alien repair station. [627]

In 2153 a Tellarite bounty hunter abducted Captain Archer to return him to the Klingons [261] after his earlier escape from Rura Pente [476] Archer managed to convince the Tellarite to assist in his escape from the Klingons. [261]

In 2154 the NX-01 transported a Tellarite negotiating team to the planet Babel so that they could resolve a long-running trade dispute with the Andorians. [44] Archer managed to forge an alliance between the Humans, Tellarites, Andorians and Vulcans in order to respond to a Romulan plot to destabilise the region. [45] The conference ultimately proceeded as planned. [43]

Tellarites were one of many species to attend the major inter-species conference held on Earth in 2155 [46], and were one of the founder members of the United Federation of Planets in 2161, alongside Humans, Vulcans and Andorians. [603] Tellarites served on the Federation Council [63] and in Starfleet. [33]

In 2267 Tellarites again travelled to a conference at Babel aboard the Enterprise, this time the NCC 1701. The conference was held to discuss the admission of Coridan to the Federation, a controversial topic at the time. The Tellarite ambassador Gav was murdered aboard the ship, and for a time the Vulcan ambassador Sarek was suspected of the crime. If fact Gav was killed by an Orion agent as part of a plan to disrupt the conference. [39]

In the 2370s Tellarite freighters occasionally visited Deep Space 9. [630] Garak suggested that Leeta might like to wear a Tellarite dress at her wedding in 2373. [96]

In the Mirror universe, Tellarites were one of the species which the Terran Empire conquered during its first century. Tellarites were regarded as second class citizens in the Empire, often punished for no particular reason on the basis that every Tellarite was probably guilty of something. [284]
Telsian [274] Delta Quadrant species which ran a mining facility on Telsius Prime. A group of confidence tricksters stole ten kilotons of bolomite ore from them whilst masquerading as Voyager crewmembers. [274] A Telsian miner was duped by Gar as part of his network of cons in 2377. [271]
Temporal parasite [631] Creatures from a domain outside normal space-time, which exist in a state of interspatial flux. They could infect a Human host, causing an inability to form long term memories. When one was killed, it vanished from the host's brain as if it had never existed in the first place. [631]
Tenebian skunk [538] Animal possibly kept as a pet aboard the Human cargo vessel Fortunate. [538]
Terellian [444] Four limbed species [444]
Terkellian [297] Civilisation with whom Voyager signed a non agression pact. [297]
Terrelian seapod [53] Life form which Chakotay once learned to speak with. He believed that communicating with nucleogenic life forms could be no harder. [53]
Terrellian [357] A Humanoid species. Chakotay used to spar with a Terrellian in a holodeck boxing simulation whilst he was at Starfleet Academy. [632] In 2371 Nog encountered three Terrellians on Deep Space Nine. The three considered themselves to be expert dom-jot players, prompring Nog to arrange a game. [357] Doctor Phlox detected some Terrellian DNA in the corpse of a 31st century individual the NX-01 encountered, proving that the man had at least one Terrellian in his ancestry. [86]
Tesnian [633] Species encountered by the NX-01 Enterprise. Tesnians can breathe an Earth-standard atmosphere, but only if it is supplemented by boron gas for at least six hours each day. [633]
Thasian [409] Thasians are a non-corporial life form with powerful psychokinetic abilities. When a Federation ship crashed on their planet the only survivor was a young child, Charlie Evans. To enable him to survive the Thasians granted him their powers. [434]

When he was rescued he found it difficult to fit in to human society, having little experience with other humans. Eventually, he started using the Thasian powers to change things that upset him. Eventually, the Thasians realised he was no longer on the planet and tracked him down. They took him back to the planet and restored all of the people and events that he had caused to vanish. [434]
The Cloud [248] Encountered by the USS Voyager on Stardate 48546.2, the cloud is the largest living thing ever discovered by the Federation at approximately one billion kilometres in diameter. [248]

The cloud was at first thought by the Starship crew to be a nebula. It was composed largely of hydrogen, helium hydroxyl radicals and some local dust nodules. The nebula was giving off gamma and thermal emissions, but was not judged a hazard to the ship. It also contained unusually high levels of omicron particles, which Voyagers crew were eager to use to supplement their energy systems. Captain Janeway ordered the ship inside. [248]

Once within the perimeter, Voyager encountered strong currents in the outer layers on the nebula. Beyond this there was an energy barrier which blocked the ships progress, although they were able to force their way through with a sustained thruster burst. Beyond there was a huge region filled with a blue substance which began to pass through the shields and attach itself to the hull, draining energy through the shield grid. Voyager retreated back to the energy barrier, only to find that it had thickened behind them and trapped them inside. Janeway used phasers and a photon torpedo break through and escape the cloud, having lost some 11% of the ships energy reserves in the process. [248]

Subsequent analysis of the material attached to the ship showed that the cloud was in fact a single living being. Concerned that the photon torpedo may have injured it, Voyager returned to the breach they had created to repair it. The cloud used multi-polar charges to attack the ship, but Voyager was able to divert it long enough to insert itself in the wound and use nucleonic beams to act as a suture, promoting rapid healing. [248]

With the wound well on the way to closing Voyager escaped the nebula and continued on its way. No further encounters with life forms of this type have occurred. [248]
Tholians [634] An alpha quadrant species [635], the Tholians are one of the relatively few major non-Humanoid races in our section of the galaxy. In appearence they are multifaceted solids [634] with two upper limbs and six lower ones. [284] They are accustomed to a very high temperature [86], and are comfortable in well over two hundred degrees celsius. Anything less than one hundred and fifty degrees is very painful to a Tholian, and temperatures below one hundred are fatal within seconds. All Tholians has aspects of both male and female physiology, and gender pronouns should not be used when talking to or about them. [284] Tholians tend to be agressive, territorial and extremely punctual beings who do not welcome intrusions into their space. [634]

The USS Enterprise encountered the Tholians in 2268 whilst it was investigating the loss of the USS Defiant in an interphase region. The Tholians demanded an explanation for the Starship's presence, and initially agreed to allow the Enterprise to remain in the area. When the ship was unable to provide proof of the Defiant's presence in the area the Tholians attacked the ship. The Enterprise proved militarily superior to the Tholian vessels, but was almost trapped within one of the forcefield webs - a system designed to enclose a vessel within a network virtually unbreakable strands. [634]

In 2353 the Tholians attacked and nearly destroyed a Federation starbase, killing all but one of its complement. [581] As recently as 2355 tensions remained high enough that Starfleet routinely trained against Tholian warships in simulations. [636] Tensions remained sufficiently high that it was feared that they might become involved in the Klingon civil war, [637] but eventually relations with the Federation were established and in 2371 a Tholian Ambassador visited Deep Space Nine. [357] A Tholian observer was present at the ill fated Antwerp conference on Earth in 2372 when a bomb destroyed the conference hall. [412] Tholian silk is highly prized and difficult to obtain. [207]

Tholians are capable of emitting communications signals directly from their body, though these can only be detected over a very small range. [284]

In 2155 the Tholians of the Mirror universe used a tri-cobalt device to open up an interphase rift, hoping to use a distress call to lure a ship from a parallel dimension - and even another time - through to their own space so that they could capture it. The plan succeeded, and the Tholians captured Starfleet's USS Defiant. [284] However, before they were able to make use of the ship the Mirror NX-01, ISS Enterprise, was able to capture the Defiant. The Empire benefitted greatly from the advanced technology of the Federation starship. [47]
Tiberian Bat [215] Avian life form known for staying together. [215]
Tiburonian [605] Federation members. Dr Sevrin belonged to this species. [310] One of the officers killed during Captain Sisko's attempt to sieze a crashed Dominion attack ship was a Tiburonian. [638]
Tiger [305] Large Terran feline [305]
Tika Cat [639] Small animal not known for its bravery [639]
Tilonians [640] The Tilonians once kidnapped Commander Riker and attempted to coerce information out of him. [640]
Tkon [390] The Tkon were a vast and powerful empire which existed some 600,000 years ago. The Empire was known to contain trillions of people and to be highly advanced, reputedly having the ability to move entire stars. The empire collapsed shortly after the age of Makto, as a result of the star in their home system becoming a supernova. [390]

The empire left behind at least one remnant, a planetary outpost in the Delphi Ardu system that was home to a "Guardian" whose task it was to assess potential members of the Tkon empire. He was encountered by the Enterprise-D in 2364. Although the Enterprise crew were deemed acceptable candidates by the being, he was less than impressed with the Ferengi representatives who were also present. [390]
Torga [641] Animal native to the planet Gaia [641]
Tosk [356] A Tosk had the honour of being the first Gamma Quadrant inhabitant to travel through the wormhole into Bajoran space. The individual arrived in a damaged vessel, claiming that it had been incapacitated while passing through the wormhole. In fact it soon became clear that the ship had been deliberately attacked. [356]

Tosk are Humanoid, but with green skin and bony ridges across their head and neck. They are remarkably self sufficient; a Tosk requires only 17 minutes of sleep per day, and has no concept of rest or recreation. Their bodies have plastic fibres distributed without them which store liquid nutrients, allowing them to go for long periods with little or no food. The individual on Deep Space Nine claimed to have no vices of any kind. Perhaps most curiously, the Tosk have a natural ability to cloak or shroud themselves, becoming invisible to the naked eye. [356]

Tosk continued to refuse to disclose any facts about his reasons for being on the station, and shortly after arriving was caught trying to access a security console and imprisoned by the stations security chief Odo. When the Hunters arrived they revealed that the Tosk had been artificially created to serve as the prey in their hunts. The Tosk had been raised with a strong honour code which valued a "good" death above all else - to be taken captive alive was one of the ultimate crimes that any Tosk could commit, resulting in a life of imprisonment and humiliation. The Tosk code also forbade them from revealing the existence of the hunt to any outsiders, although they were allowed to enlist the aid of others if they could do so without revealing the reason why it was required. [356]

With the assistance of Chief O'Brien Tosk was able to escape captivity and flee the station, leading to a resumption of the hunt. Before leaving the Hunters promised that the wormhole would be placed out of bounds for any future hunt so as to avoid further contact between themselves and the Federation. [356]

The artificial nature of the Tosk combined with their ability to cloak and almost complete lack of need for food and sleep has led some to speculate that the Tosk served as the basis for the Dominion's genetically engineered Jem'Hadar soldiers. It is not known if this is true, and with the end of the Dominion war the question has become largely academic.
Trabe [326] Former masters of the Kazon, now reduced to nomadic wanderings after being overthrown. [326]
Transcended Lifeform [66] A new form of life created by the merger of the machine entity V'Ger and the Human Will Decker. [66]
Traveller [619] Natives of Tau Alpha C who manipulate time and space with their thoughts. [619]
Trayken Beast [161] Large and powerful alien life form [161]
Trelane [306] Member of a powerful species similar to the Q [306]
Trellan Crocodile [174] Large animal known for its strength and destructiveness [174]
Triannon [600] Inhabitants of the planet Triannon in the Delphic Expanse. The Triannons were religious fanatics. [600]
Tribbles [257] One of the more peculiar species encountered, the defining characteristic of the Tribbles is their extreme reproductive rate. Over half of a Tribbles metabolism is devoted to reproduction, allowing them to bear a litter of young every twelve hours. Their young are born pregnant, and can produce young of their own in step with their parents. With an average litter of ten, a single Tribble can therefore create a population of 1,771,561 within three days, and an amazing 304,481,639,541,400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in thirty days! [257]

Fortunately, Tribbles can only breed if they have sufficient food. On their home planet their incredible reproduction is kept in check by a combination of a very limited food supply and some effective predators. If they are transported into an environment which lacks these checks, the effect can be devastating - there are examples of whole planets which have been practically overwhelmed by the Tribble. [257]

As a result the Tribble was illegal on most planets in the mid 22nd century. Despite this, Doctor Phlox kept Tribbles in the sickbay of the NX-01, using them as food for some of his other animals. [55] The species first came to the notice of the Federation in 2267 when Cyrano Jones, a trader in gemstones, Kivas and Trillium, transported several Tribbles to Space Station K-7. The small limb less balls of fur generate a purring sound when stroked which many species find pleasing, and quickly became a popular choice as pets. They quickly infested both the station and the USS Enterprise, which was there to safeguard the station's attempt to colonize Sherman's planet in competition with the Klingons. The Tribbles invaded the station's stock of Quadrotriticale, consuming it entirely. As luck would have it the grain had been poisoned by Klingon agents; the death of the Tribbles saved the Federation from a costly blunder which would have seen the planet ceded to its opponents. Captain Kirk was also able to use the Klingons violent allergy to Tribbles to reveal the identity of the agent who had poisoned the grain. [257]

The Enterprise cleared out its own infestation of Tribbles by beaming them into the engine room of a Klingon battlecruiser, a move which caused the crew considerable distress on their trip home. [257] The Klingon empire responded by launching a major assault on the species, and the Tribbles were eventually wiped out completely. [471]

In 2373 Arne Darvin, the Klingon Agent who had been uncovered by Kirk, travelled back in time in an attempt to assassinate the Captain. Captain Sisko and the crew of the Defiant was able to prevent the attempt, but on their return they accidentally brought some Tribbles with them. Deep Space Nine was quickly over-run, [471] and although the infestation was eventually cleared several ships had already carried Tribbles away from the station. Today the species has been firmly established on several dozen worlds.
Trill [560] Trills are one of the very few joined species known in the alpha quadrant. Two separate intelligent species have evolved on the Trill home world - the hosts and the symbionts. [560] The hosts have two distinct races. The first, or alpha race, comprises approximately 10% of the Trill population; these are distinguishable by their pronounced forehead ridges. [560] The second, or beta race, comprise the remaining 90% of the population. Betas are easily identifiable by a pattern of skin markings which extend from the forehead down the side of the face [642] and all the way down the body. [351] These spots move and change gradually over time, although they remain in the same region of the body. [643] Both of these races are known as the Trill Hosts. [136]

The Symbionts are small, sluglike creatures who live underwater for most of their life. The Symbionts are extremely long lived and very intelligent, but lack any kind of limbs or tool-using ability. [644]

Some thousands of years ago the Trill began living as a joined species - the Hosts developed the ability to physically join with the Symbionts, linking their nervous systems together. [136] The effects of this are different between the two races of Host; with the alphas the Symbiont totally submerges the Hosts personality upon joining, essentially using the body as a home for its own mind. Alphas tend to be less physically robust than betas; for example, many alphas are extremely sensitive to the energy processes involved in transporters, and using this technology would cause fatal damage to the Symbiont. [560] For this reason betas are the preferred recipients in the joinings.

Betas also have some difficulties due to the joining process. Betas become physically dependant on the Host within 93 hours of the joining; after this period, removing the Symbiont is fatal to the Host. [462] After a joining the mind of a beta is not submerged by the Host; the two separate minds merge, forming a new personality who is a combination of both the Host and Symbiont. [73] This can cause severe psychological problems if the two minds are incompatible, resulting in rejection of the Host after only a few days - a rejection which often causes the death of the Host. Only one in every few thousand Hosts are suitable to be joined, and these must go through an exhaustive series of tests and training in order to qualify. [644]

After the death of the Hosts the Symbiont is removed and placed into a new Host, carrying into the new joining all the personality and memories of the old. Many Symbionts have lived in this manner for centuries, accumulating experiences from many different lifetimes. [136]
Troyian [378] The Troyians were deadly enemies of the Elasians until a peace treaty in 2268. [378]
Tsetse Fly [645] Insect from the African continent on Earth [645]
Tube Grub [399] Ferengi worm like creature, a favourite snack for Ferengi [399]
Turei [646] A delta quadrant species encountered by USS Voyager in 2376. At that time they were the keepers of the Vaadwaur underspace corridors. The Turei had lead the coalition that attacked the Vaadwaur causing them to go into hiding. [646]
Two-Dimensional Creature [178] Species encountered by the Enterprise-D [178]
Two-Headed Malgorian [17] Life form famed for its indecision [17]
Two-tailed Talchok [414] Animal native to the planet Rinax. Talchoks have sharp claws and dripping fangs and are considered to be vermin by the Talaxians. When he was a child Neelix devised a fool-proof Talchok trap. When he found one of the creatures pinned in the trap squealing and squirming in agony, he realised that in fact it was just an innocent animal like any other. [414] Since Neelix specified the number of tails, it is possible that there are other variants of the Talchok with different numbers of tails.
Tygarian [221] A humanoid species often seen around the Federation. In 2370 Li Nalas tried to sneak off Deep Space Nine by disguising himself as a crewmember on a Tygarian freighter. [221] A Tygarian was present in the bar on Dessica II when the Enterprise-D senir officers searched it for evidence of Captain Picard. [166] Tygarians were also a frequent sight on Deep Space Nine. [92] At least some Tygarians are fond of tribbles. [471]
Tyran [387] The Tyrans developed a revolutionary mining technology which the Federation considered using in 2369. [387]
Tzenkethi [647] Alpha Quadrant Species [647]
U'tani [282] Species to be found in the Delphic Expanse. U'tani serpent women were sold at a slave market in the area. [282]
Ullian [229] An Ullian once used his telepathic power to forcibly extract memories from the crew of the Enterprise-D.  [229]
Ux-Mal [648] The Ux-Mal confined the disembodied 'souls' of their criminals to the Mab-bu IV, where some of them took over the bodies of Enterprise-D crew members. [648]
Uxali [649] A species first contacted by the Friendship One probe in the twenty third century. The probe gave them all the technology needed to build antimatter technology. Unfortunately, the reactor they constructed underwent a catastrophic failure and the planet was heavily polluted with antimatter radiation. They struggled to survive for over a century until Voyager arrived in 2377. The ship managed to reapir most of the damage to the planet. [650]
V'Ger [66] Powerful machine lifeform based on the NASA probe Voyager 6 [66]
V'radian [282] A V'radian scientist gave the NX-01 Enterprise crew a method of creating Trellium D in 2153. [282]
Vaadwaur [646] Encountered by Voyager in the Delta Quadrant in 2376, the Vaadwaur were a significant power in the region approximately one thousand years ago. The basis of their power was the network of underspace corridors which they had discovered, allowing travel at speeds in excess of twenty million times the speed of light. The Vaadwaur used this network to travel over great distances, both trading and warring with many other races.

Unfortunately, the Vaadwaur warred far more than they traded. They were hated by many species, and almost nine hundred years ago an alliance of various species - including the Turei - attacked and virtually destroyed the Vaadwaur. Their home world was heavily bombed by plasma charges and rendered highly radioactive, and for many centuries it was thought that they had become extinct.

In fact, the Vaadwaur preserved some of their population in stasis on their home world. They had planned to re-emerge in five years, at which time they expected the alliance which had defeated them to have collapsed. Unfortunately, damage to the control system of their stasis tubes kept them in suspended animation until Voyager freed them.

The Vaadwaur continued their aggressive policies once revived, planning to seize Voyager and use it to help them rebuild their forces again. This resulted in a brief but fierce battle in the atmosphere of their home world in which Voyager destroyed several Vaadwaur attack ships and assisted the Turei in destroying many more. However, some Vaadwaur ships did escape into the underspace corridors and remain at large. [646]
Vaalian [651] Subjects of the computer god Vaal, these people lived for thousands of years. [651]
Vakol Fish [456] Delta Quadrant life form [456]
Valakian [260] This primitive Humanoid species were not capable of warp flight as of 2151, and sought the help of more advanced races to cure a plague which was threatening them. [260]
Valerian [593] Spacefaring species. The Valerians were thought to have traded weapons grade Dolamide to the Cardassians during the Bajoran occupation. [593]
Valtese [285] Species native to the Vault Minor system [285]
Vanoben [28] A pair of twinned Miradorn were suspected of stealing an artefact from a Vanoben transport two light years from Deep Space Nine in 2369. [28]
Varalan [347] Sentient species native to the planet Varala. The Changeling Laas grew up on Varala after being sent out into the Galaxy by his people as an infant. His name is the Varalan word for "changeable". As of 2375 no Federation ship had ever been to Varala. Laas described it as "just the same as any other planet overrun with humanoids... cities and farms everywhere, other lifeforms displaced from their habitats." He noted that he had spent some time on the southern continent living with a herd of Volg; when the Volg breeding grounds were fenced off, the herd died out within two generations. [347]
Varro [652] Species which wandered the stars for centuries in a multi-generational ship. [652]
Vaskan [496] Species which was attacked by the Kyrians whilst Voyager was in the area. Voyager would be blamed for the war by the Kyrians centuries later. [496]
Vayan horn flies [382] Creatures known for their tendency to swarm aggressively. O'Brien once compared the response of defence satellites to attack as being similar to a swarm of Vayan horn flies. [382]
Vek [37] Civilisation. During his time as an arms dealer Quark falsely informed Hagath that he couldn't supply him with a mutagenic retrovirus because he had sold it all to the Minnobia for use in their war against the Vek. [37]
Vencidian [170] Delta Quadrant species. [170]
Vendikaran [380] Species who fought a war with the neighbouring planet Eminiar entirely by computer. [380]
Ventaxian [300] Species which believed that their version of the devil had come to claim posession of their planet. [300]
Ventu [160] Primitive Delta Quadrant species which lived on the Ledosian homeworld. The Ventu were unable to gain the benefits of Ledosian technology because they were imprisoned behind a force field which had been set up on the planet in the distant past, possibly by Species 312. [160]
Verathian [311] A species which flourished in the Gamma Quadrant Gamma Quadrant some 30,000 years ago. At its peak their civilisation spanned over two dozen systems, and was interconnected by a highly developed trade and communications network. [311]
Verillian [37] Species which bought weapons off Quark [37]
Vhnori [405] The Vhnori send their dead to a planetary ring in the Delta Quadrant via naturally occurring subspace vacuoles. [405]
Vian [51] Mysterious species which tested others to determine their worth. [51]
Vicarian Razorback [587] Animal noted for its viciousness [587]
Vidiians [580] Encountered by USS Voyager in 2371, the Vidiians suffer from a disease known as "the Phage" which attacks every part of their bodies. The Vidiians have no cure for the Phage, and are forced to replace body parts on a regular basis. Despite possessing advanced medical knowledge, including genetic engineering, the Vidiians apparently lack the ability to clone bodies for replacement parts. They therefore frequently attack other species and steal their organs for transplants.

This has led to the average Vidiian having a wide variety of alien organs and skin on their body, resulting in a hideous 'Frankenstein' appearance. Voyager first encountered the species when two Vidiians stole a lung of Neelix whilst he was on an away mission, [580]
and have subsequently attacked the ship or crew on several occasions. [153] Vidiian technology is generally in advance of that of the Federation, making them formidable opponents. [639]

Voyager passed out of Vidiian space sometime after late 2372 but although there was no further direct contact, this was not the last the Federation ship has heard of the species. In 2375 Voyager was contacted by the "Think Tank", a small group of aliens who specialize in solving problems for other species. The Think Tanks representative, Kurros, informed Captain Janeway that his group had recently found a cure for the Vidiian Phage. [292] It can only be hoped that with the end of this great burden on their civilization, the Vidiians returned to a more peaceful lifestyle.

Violacean [376] Humanoid species noted for their purple skin. In 2267 a diplomat of this species travelled aboard the USS Enterprise to the planet Babel in order to debate the admission of Coridan to the Federation. [39]
Vissians [584] A species first encountered by Humanity in 2152, the Vissians were much more advanced technologically than Humanity of this period, but tended to be much slower in their rate of progress. Although largely Humanoid in appearence, the Vissians are distinguishable by two large ridges around the eyes. Vissians have three genders; the normal male and female genders and a 'cogenitor' intermediate. Cogenitors make up about 3% of the Vissian population, which is just sufficient in terms of their availability to assist in procreation. Vissian culture treats the cogenitors as second class citizens; they are not named and have no access to education or any interests outside of their biological role. Despite this, the cogenitors have just as much mental ability as the males and females. [584]

Vissians culture had other significant differences beyond their treatment of the cogenitors. The appreciated the aroma of food far more than the taste. When developing a romantic relationship, a Vissian woman would share her bed with a man early in the relationship; she would only dine with him if she enjoyed sleeping with him. [584]

The Vissians developed warp drive some time prior to 1152, but although they had developed significant advances in warp technology, their ships had largely stayed relatively close to their own planets. [584]

Void Alien [302] Delta Quadrant species which lived within a subspace void which trapped ships that approached it. The Void aliens were highly intelligent, but were unable to talk. They had a natural stealth ability which allowed them to stow away on the ships within the void. [302]
Vok'sha [563] Civilisation from Rakella Prime [563]
Volg [347] Species native to the planet Varala. The Volg were herd creatures which lived on the southern continent of the planet. The Changeling Laas spent some of his developmental period with a herd of Volg, only to find that the Varalans fenced off their breeding grounds, leading the herd to die out within two generations. [653]
Vorgon [247] In the future, two criminals of this species will use time travel in an attempt to locate the Tox'utat. [247]
Vori [488] Species which used brain washing techniques to convince aliens to fight for them in their war with the Kradin. [488]
Vorian Pterodactyl [654] Large flying animal. When Odo and Quark had to carry a subspace transmitter up a mountain, Odo commented that a Vorian Pterodactyl could have carried it up there easily. [654]
Vorta [399] Originating from the gamma quadrant, the Vorta are a member species of the Dominion. [399] The Founders use the Vorta to supervise the day-to-day running of the Dominion; in this capacity they are leaders and administrators of many Dominion worlds. [92] They also serve as the handlers of the Jem'Hadar, whom they control via the formers addiction to the drug Ketracel White. [446] The Jem'Hadar First is required to swear an oath of loyalty on behalf of his men before receiving each dose of white. [179]

Although initial contacts revealed comparatively little about this species, the capture of a Vorta prisoner by Captain Sisko allowed Starfleet Medical to gather detailed information. [447] Like many Gamma quadrant species they have been genetically modified by the Founders to increase their usefulness to the Dominion. According to Weyoun, in the distant past the Vorta were primitive forest dwellers, timid ape-like creatures who lived in hollowed out trees. A Vorta family helped an injured Founder to hide from an angry mob which was chasing it. In return for this act of kindness, the Founder promised that the Vorta's species would become an important part of a great new empire - a promise which was duly kept. [398] The Vorta do not breed by themselves - instead the Founders clone the Vorta as required, often creating several successive copies of an individual who has demonstrated particular value. All Vorta are naturally immune to a very wide variety of poisons, useful in a species bred to serve partially as political leaders! [110] The Vorta are known to suffer from weak eyes, although their hearing is excellent by Human and Cardassian standards. Vorta lack any sense of aesthetic, since the Founders did not consider this an important feature for them, and cannot sing well. [655] Vorta operatives carry a termination implant which they are expected to use to commit suicide rather than allow themselves to be captured. [398]

One interesting ability continues to puzzle Starfleet. The first known encounter between Vorta and a Federation citizen was when the woman known as Eris met Captain Sisko in 2370. Eris demonstrated a form of Telekinesis several times during the encounter [399], an ability that no other Vorta has ever demonstrated. It is possible that the Eris possessed some form of artificial implant which permitted this, but it seems more likely that the Founders have engineered a sub-breed of Vorta with this faculty - and possibly with other PSI abilities also. If true this would considerably enhance the Vorta's usefulness as intelligence agents. Further studies of the very few captured Vorta are underway in an attempt to resolve this mystery.

Besides Eris, notable Vorta have included Borath, who took part in a virtual reality experiment designed to find out the degree of resistance to a Dominion foothold in the Alpha Quadrant prior to the war [61], Kilana, the Vorta who negotiated with Sisko over a crashed Dominion ship which he retrieved in the Gamma Quadrant [120], Deyos, who ran an internment camp in the Gamma Quadrant [176], Keevan, the Vorta who surrendered to Captain Sisko during the war [447], and was later killed whilst taking part in a prisoner exchange [507], Yelgrun, the Vorta who negotiated for Keevan's release [507], Gelnon, who was in command of a Jem'Hadar unit which briefly captured the USS Defiant during the war [448], and Weyoun, administrator of all Dominion activity in the Alpha/Beta quadrant during the war with the allies. [92]
Vostigye [656] Delta Quadrant species who contacted Voyager in 2373. Unfortunately, the station which hailed Voyager was destroyed by a natural phenomenon shortly afterwards. [656]
Voth [384] Encountered by USS Voyager in 2373, the Voth are descendants of the Dinosaur species which dominated life on Earth many millions of years ago. They are believed to have evolved from the Hadrosaur on some remote portion of the globe some millions of years prior to the asteroid impact which destroyed the Dinosaurs. The Voth developed spaceflight to interstellar capability, but for some reason they did not appear to establish permanent offworld colonies. Although details are unknown, it appears that a natural disaster destroyed the Voths habitat on Earth and forced them to abandon the planet. They remained unwilling to colonise nearby systems, and instead embarked on a trek across the galaxy to find a home they deemed suitable.

After a journey of some 70,000 light years the Voth arrived in the Delta Quadrant and settled there approximately sixty five million years ago. Technologically the Voth are in advance of the Federation, with "city ships" many miles long capable of transwarp speeds. Voth transporters are powerful enough to rate as weapons by Federation standards, and are capable of beaming hundreds of thousands of tons at a time. The Voth also posess phase-cloak technology which has been miniaturized down to a size which makes it perfectly practical for personal use.

However, even this level of sophistication is at best a few centuries or millennia beyond the level of the Federation. Given thier millions of years of history, it appears that the Voth advance their technology only at a very low rate. Voyagers encounter indicated one possible reason; Voth culture is heavily influenced by their image of themselves as superior to all other life, and by their 'doctrine', a set of semi-religious scientific and cultural dictates which few Voth ever dare to question and which their ruling classes enforce ruthlessley. There is therefore relatively little oppurtunity for a Voth scientist to challange these fundamental assumptions, and so scientific innovation tends to be slow, if it exists at all.

One aspect of Voth doctrine is their firm belief that they originated in the Delta Quadrant; when this doctrine was contradicted by two of their scientists, with the DNA of the crew of Voyager as proof, the Voth authorities responded by threatening to banish the scientists and destroying all of the evidence. Only after those involved in the "Distant Origin" theory retracted their statements did the Voth agree to release Voyager, on the understanding that there would be no further contact between the two sides. [384]
Vulcan Mollusk [330] Animal life form native to Vulcan. Large mollusks were considered a delicacy - they are likely to be rare given the scarcity of surface water on Vulcan. [330] Diego Reyes was fond of fried Vulcan Mollusks with a pepper-aioli dip. [595]
Vulcan sandworm [626] Animal lifeform native to the planet Vulcan. Phlox fed them to his Pyrithian bat. [626]
Vulcans [570] The planet Vulcan orbits a red star sixteen light years from the Sol system. [265] The climate is generally harsh, with much of the surface consisting of large deserts [71] or mountain ranges. [275] Vulcan has a considerably higher gravity and thinner atmosphere than Earth. [12] This gives Vulcans three times the strength of a Human. [657] While externally similar to Humans, Vulcan anatomy differs radically - for instance, their heart is where a Human's liver would normally be, and beats several hundred times per minute, [422] while their blood is distinctly green in colour. [552] Vulcans have very sensitive ears, and their eyes have an inner eyelid which has evolved as a defence against the harsh Vulcan sun. [258]

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Vulcan physiology is the brain. The Vulcan brain is in direct control of most of the bodily functions, acting as a control unit for many organs. Vulcans have learned to gain concious control of many of these functions, allowing them to regulate their bodies to a high degree by simple willpower. [533] When injured a Vulcan can go into a trance-like state, using this ability to concentrate all of his or her energy onto repairing the injury. [422] Most Vulcans also have almost complete control of automatic responses such as generated by intense pain. [542] The Vulcan immune system is highly developed and enables them to resist most known forms of infection or illness.

Of course the most famous aspect of the Vulcan brain is the inherent telepathic ability. Many Vulcans are natural touch-telepaths, while stronger minds are capable of non-contact telepathy, usually over short distances and in a limited fashion; [458] occasionally Vulcans have emerged whose telepathic abilities are far stronger than the norm. The rigorous mental training all Vulcans are given often allows such individuals to develop such abilities as emotional compulsion and psychic image projection. [276]

Culturally one of the most fascinating species in the Beta Quadrant, the Vulcans were once an extremely violent and emotive people who waged almost constant warfare on one another. [518] As their level of technology improved, the Vulcans eventually reached a point where their violent nature threatened species extinction. In an effort to avoid this fate, a Vulcan named Surak developed a new philosophy; Surak maintained that the root cause of all the problems on Vulcan lay in the uncontrolled outpouring of the peoples emotions. His followers swore to live their lives by an ethical system devised devised by Surak and based purely on logical principles. All expression of emotions, negative or positive, was completely forbidden. [386] Although this new philosophy spread rapidly across Vulcan, a minority rejected Surak's ideals. They left Vulcan and founded colonies elsewhere - most notably on the planet Romulus, where they founded what eventually became the Romulan Star Empire. [430]

One of the first of the current powers to discover warp drive, the Vulcans conducted a series of survey missions in the mid 2000's. First Contact between Vulcans and Humans came in 2063 when a Vulcan survey ship detected the warp flight of Zefram Cochrane. The Vulcans met with Cochrane at his launch site on the day following the flight, and a strong relationship was quickly built up between the two species. [149] Vulcan has a long history of enmity with Andoria, though the two achieved peace in 2152 thanks to Captain Archer's mediation. [42] Although the Vulcans almost launched a full scale war against Andoria in 2154 the situation was again resolved in large part thanks to the efforts of Captain Archer and the NX-01 crew. [658] Cooperation was furthered when Vulcan joined with the Human, Andorian and Tellarite fleets to counter a drone ship which was targeting shipping from all four species in 2154. [45] In early 2155 the Vulcans were amongst those who attended an inter-species conference held on Earth with the aim of building a true alliance between the many different species. [46] After the Earth-Romulan war, the Vulcans joined with their allies to form an alliance - the United Federation of Planets. The Federation was formed in 2161, [431] with Vulcans, Humans, Andorians and Tellarites as the founding members. [603]

Today Vulcan remains one of the principal Federation members, and is deeply involved in all levels of that society. [41] Despite the enmity between the Federation and the Romulan Empire, Vulcans have been attempting to forge a more cordial relationship with their cousins - ultimately hoping to reunify the two cultures. So far these efforts have met with little success. [109]

The Borg designation for Vulcans is Species 3259. The Borg considered their superior analytical capabilities to be a result of an enlarged neocortex. [85]

In the Mirror universe the first contact between Humans and Vulcans was also initiated when a Vulcan ship detected Zefram Cochrane's warp flight and landed the shortly afterwards. However, Cochrane and his accomplices immediately murdered the crew and seized the ship. Access to Vulcan equipment helped Humanity to gain a significant technological leap, conquering both the Vulcans and Tellarites within less than a century. Vulcans were treated as second class citizens in the Empire but had more freedom than simple slaves [284], for instance they were still allowed to design their own ships. Vulcans were involved in the rebellion which threatened the Empire in 2155. The tide was turned when the Empire acquired the USS Defiant from our own universe. [47]

Wadi [659] One of the first Gamma Quadrant species to come through the wormhole, the Wadi are very interested in games. [659]
Wanoni Tracehound [60] Predator noted for its persistence [60]
Web Creature [368] This creature lived on an alpha quadrant planet. The hole being was enourmous, but any part of it could operate as an individual life form. [368]
Wentlian Condor Snake [37] Life form known as a delicacy [37]
White Rhino [102] Terran animal [102]
Wisp [660] Non corporeal species encountered by the NX-01 Enterprise in 2152. The Wisps were once corporeal beings much like Humans, and were able to posess Human bodies. They lived in subspace and could pass through most solid substances, but not Osmium alloy. [660]
Wogneer Creatures [141] Creatures which reside in the Ordek Nebula. Captain Picard once risked his life to help the Wogneer creatures. [141]
Wompat [506] Rodent native to Cardassia [506]
Wraith [145] These shape-shifting creatures lived on a rogue planet. They were sentient telepaths, but the Eska hunted them for sport. [145]
Wysanti [346] Delta Quadrant species encountered by Voyager. [346]
Xahean [551] Xaheans are known for their amazing intuition. They have an inner eyelid which closes horizontally when they blink, which some humans find facinating. [551]
Xanthan marmot [282] Species to be found in the Delphic Expanse. They make excellent pets and are also very tasty. [282]
Xantoras [55] Species which inhabited the planet Xantoras. The Xantoras government tended to be quite unstable, and rapid changes in the political structure were not unusual. In 2153 a military government demanded that all aliens leave the planet at once; the NX-01 Enterprise rescued a party of Denobulan geologists from the planet. [55]
Xarantine [661] Alien who was on Rigel X. He could arrange a "meeting" with dancers there. [26]
Xarantine [621] Species which the Klingons raided in 2151. [621]
Xelatian [662] Species present in the Federation council in 2285. [63]
Xenon based life form [156] Life form whose chemistry is based on the element xenon [156]
Xepolite [317] Humanoids who smuggled weapons into the demilitarised zone for the Cardassians. [317]
Xindi Aquatics [280] The alien probe which launched a devastating attack on earth was, initially at least, a total mystery. No trace of it's area of origin could be found, and no clue as to who had sent it.

Fortunately, the mystery was soon resolved at least in part. Information from the Suliban indicated that a species called the Xindi had sent the probe. The NX class Enterprise was sent to locate the Xindi in a region of space called "The Expanse", a dangerous area filled with anomalies. [607]

The Xindi proved to be not one but five separate intelligent species, all of which had evolved on a single planet. [280] The five had evolved a complex relationship over time, with alliances forming and shifting constantly. Wars between two or more members were not unknown, and indeed one such war had resulted in the destruction of the Xindi homeworld - and the extinction of a sixth branch of the species, the Avians. [663]

Xindi Aquatics were one of the few known sentient species which were more comfortable underwater than on land. They were somewhat mysterious, often holding back and letting the other species make decisions. [280]
Xindi Arboreals [663] The alien probe which launched a devastating attack on earth was, initially at least, a total mystery. No trace of it's area of origin could be found, and no clue as to who had sent it. [607]

Fortunately, the mystery was soon resolved at least in part. Information from the Suliban indicated that a species called the Xindi had sent the probe. The NX class Enterprise was sent to locate the Xindi in a region of space called "The Expanse", a dangerous area filled with anomalies. [607]

The Xindi proved to be not one but five separate intelligent species, all of which had evolved on a single planet. [280] The five had evolved a complex relationship over time, with alliances forming and shifting constantly. Wars between two or more members were not unknown, and indeed one such war had resulted in the destruction of the Xindi homeworld - and the extinction of a sixth branch of the species, the Avians. [663]

Xindi Arboreals were one of the more Humanoid of the Xindi. Rather hirsute in appearance, the Arboreals tended to be more peaceful than the Reptilians and Insectoids. Some of the Arboreals proved to be allies of the Human effort to end hostilities with the Xindi. [663]
Xindi Avians [663] The alien probe which launched a devastating attack on earth was, initially at least, a total mystery. No trace of it's area of origin could be found, and no clue as to who had sent it.

Fortunately, the mystery was soon resolved at least in part. Information from the Suliban indicated that a species called the Xindi had sent the probe. The NX class Enterprise was sent to locate the Xindi in a region of space called "The Expanse", a dangerous area filled with anomalies. [607]

The Xindi proved to be not one but five separate intelligent species, all of which had evolved on a single planet. [280] The five had evolved a complex relationship over time, with alliances forming and shifting constantly. Wars between two or more members were not unknown, and indeed one such war had resulted in the destruction of the Xindi homeworld - and the extinction of a sixth branch of the species, the Avians. [663]
Xindi Insectoids [664] The alien probe which launched a devastating attack on earth was, initially at least, a total mystery. No trace of it's area of origin could be found, and no clue as to who had sent it.

Fortunately, the mystery was soon resolved at least in part. Information from the Suliban indicated that a species called the Xindi had sent the probe. The NX class Enterprise was sent to locate the Xindi in a region of space called "The Expanse", a dangerous area filled with anomalies. [607]

The Xindi proved to be not one but five separate intelligent species, all of which had evolved on a single planet. [280] The five had evolved a complex relationship over time, with alliances forming and shifting constantly. Wars between two or more members were not unknown, and indeed one such war had resulted in the destruction of the Xindi homeworld - and the extinction of a sixth branch of the species, the Avians. [663]

Resembling a Humanoid version of an ant, the Xindi Insectoids were typically arrogant and aggressive. They were one of the groups which pushed strongly for the attack on Earth, and on the Enterprise during it's mission to make contact with them. [280] Insectoids live for only about 12 years. They are genderless, and all Insectoids are capable of laying eggs. The eggs have an unusual defence mechanism - they can spray a substance on anybody who approaches which causes the person to become 'imprinted' on the eggs, developing a highly exaggerated sense of protectiveness towards them. [664]
Xindi Primates [280] The alien probe which launched a devastating attack on earth was, initially at least, a total mystery. No trace of it's area of origin could be found, and no clue as to who had sent it.

Fortunately, the mystery was soon resolved at least in part. Information from the Suliban indicated that a species called the Xindi had sent the probe. The NX class Enterprise was sent to locate the Xindi in a region of space called "The Expanse", a dangerous area filled with anomalies. [607]

The Xindi proved to be not one but five separate intelligent species, all of which had evolved on a single planet. [280] The five had evolved a complex relationship over time, with alliances forming and shifting constantly. Wars between two or more members were not unknown, and indeed one such war had resulted in the destruction of the Xindi homeworld - and the extinction of a sixth branch of the species, the Avians. [663]

The most closely Humanoid of the Xindi, the Xindi Primates were also less overtly aggressive than some of the others but did tend to be more cunning and somewhat devious in nature. They were also one of the driving forces behind the attack on Humanity. [280]
Xindi Reptilians [663] The alien probe which launched a devastating attack on earth was, initially at least, a total mystery. No trace of it's area of origin could be found, and no clue as to who had sent it. [607]

Fortunately, the mystery was soon resolved at least in part. Information from the Suliban indicated that a species called the Xindi had sent the probe. The NX class Enterprise was sent to locate the Xindi in a region of space called "The Expanse", a dangerous area filled with anomalies. [607]

The Xindi proved to be not one but five separate intelligent species, all of which had evolved on a single planet. [280] The five had evolved a complex relationship over time, with alliances forming and shifting constantly. Wars between two or more members were not unknown, and indeed one such war had resulted in the destruction of the Xindi homeworld - and the extinction of a sixth branch of the species, the Avians. [663]

Rivalling the Xindi Insectoids for aggressiveness, the Xindi Reptilians tended to be paranoid to the point of Xenophobic. It was the Reptilians and Insectoids who detonated the weapons which destroyed the Xindi homeworld at the end of a war which had lasted for a hundred years. [663]
Xyrillian [665] Advanced species discovered by Enterprise in 2151. The Xyrillians pass a mild electrical charge when touched. Their males carry the offspring, who only have DNA from the mother. [665]
Xyrillian Eels [665] These creatures were kept on board Xyrillian ships. [665]
Yadera [630] The Yadera are a holographic race created by an unknown species. They were unaware of their true nature until the holographic generator began to break down. [630]
Yak Bear [641] Large animal native to the planet Gaia [641]
Yallitian [580] Species native to the Delta Quadrant [580]
Yalosian [394] Sentient life forms [394]
Yang [309] Humanoids native to Omega IV; enemies of the Khoms [309]
Yattho [666] Beta Quadrant civilisation [666]
Yridian Yak [318] Grazing animal known for its size [318]
Yridians [667] A warp capable humanoid species, Yridians are recognizable by their greyish skin and by a ridge which runs from their nose across the top of their heads. [667]

Contact between the Vulcans and the Yridians was made at least as early as the 2150s. [631] However at some point subsequent to this it was thought that the Yridian species had become extinct, a belief so widespread that even the Borg, who had designated the Yridians as Species 6291, shared in it. Eventually a Starfleet exo-biologist named Rudolph Ransom discovered that species was still in existence and made contact with them, an act which led to his promotion to Captain. [52]

The Yridians are widely known as dealers in information, in which capacity they are willing to work with almost any other species. In 2369 a group of Yridians working for the Cardassians attacked the shuttle of Professor Galen in an attempt to steal his data on the ancient DNA code found in many Alpha Quadrant species. The Professor was killed in the action, as were the Yridians when the Enterprise-D fired upon them. Romulan monitoring of the Yridians actions led to their own involvement in the incident. [8] In 2369, whilst the Enterprise-D visited Deep Space Nine, a Yridian named Jaglom Shrek informed Lieutenant Worf that his father Mogh was still alive and in a Romulan prison camp. Worf forced the Shrek to accompany him into Romulan space to search for his father, only to find that although Mogh had indeed survived the Khitomer massacre he died some time previously. [667]

Their habit of collecting and selling information made them regulars in many varied locations such as Deep Space Nine [667], Dessica II [166], and Earth. [352]

The Yridians were not solely concerned with information trading, however. The Duras sisters stole a quantity of Magnesite ore from a Pakled mining colony in the Kalla system in 2370 and subsequently sold it to a group of Yridians. [555] The Yridians also ran convoys of supplies into the Federation-Cardassian demilitarised zone in 2370, carrying items such as hypos, plasma flares, quarantine pods. These convoys were targets for the Maquis terrorist group. [668]

At least some Yridians were known to be involved in shady dealings. The Enterprise-D crew encountered one who was wanted on charges within the Klingon Empire [166], whilst Elim Garak knew a Yridian whom he claimed wanted him dead. [394] In 2373 a pair of Yridians attempted to cheat on dabo in Quark's bar [519], though Quark didn't hold this against their species and employed a Yridian himself. [37]

The Rings of Paltriss were a set of 80 rings, Yridian artifacts which were considered to be extremely valuable works of art. In 2370 Quark came into possession of 42 of these rings, which he hoped to sell to the Yridian Ashrock for one hundred and ninety nine bars of gold-pressed latinum. [330]

Zabathu [365] An animal native to the planet Andoria. Zabathus could be ridden much as Earth horses could. A simulation of a Zabathu was one of the options available for riding on the holodecks of the Enterprise-D [365]
Zahl [23] Delta Quadrant civilisation eradicated by the Krenim in an alternate timeline [23]
Zakdorn [636] The Zakdorn are considered master strategists, a reputation so fearsome that nobody dares to attack them. [636]
Zaldan [118] The Zaldan have webbed fingers and are infuriated by courtsey, which they believe is a form of dishonesty. [118]
Zalkonians [669] In 2366 the Enterprise-D located a small single-person crashed spacecraft on the surface of an uninhabited. The badly wounded pilot had lost all memory of his part life as a result of his injuries - he could not even remember his own name. Although he responded to treatment by Dr. Crusher, the man exhibited several unusual traits - his cells were apparently mutating at an ever-accelerating rate, and his body was able to produce strange energy discharges. None of this seemed to be particularly harmful to the man, who the crew dubbed "John Doe", and he even demonstrated an ability to heal injuries with these energy pulses.

Analysis of parts from John's crashed ship provided some clues as to his origins, and the Enterprise began to investigate this. Eventually they came across a Zalkonian ship - a species previously unknown to the Federation. The Zalkonian commander, Sunad, claimed that John was a dangerous criminal and demanded that he be returned. John, on the other hand, claimed that he was beginning to remember enough about his past to know that Sunad was a dangerous and dishonest character not to be trusted.

The standoff ended when Sunad used an unknown technology to incapacitate the crew of the Enterprise-D in an attempt to retrieve John. John was able to use his growing energy abilities to prevent the attack. In the process he regained his memory.

John explained that individuals amongst his people had been undergoing this transformation for some time now. The authorities, fearful of something which they did not understand, had labeled the changes as a dangerous disease and had "destroyed" those exhibiting the signs. John and some others had chosen to believe that the changes were not harmful, and had escaped their home world in order to allow the process to run its course. He completed the transformation on the bridge of the Enterprise-D, becoming a being of pure energy. With his greatly increased abilities John assured Captain Picard that he would now be able to return to his home world and show the remainder of his people the truth, allowing those who wished to be transformed themselves.

The Federation has had considerable experience with non-corporeal species, and this seems to be an evolutionary stage reached by many life forms in the fullness of time. Notable examples include the Organians discovered by Captain Kirk. This incident was a rare chance to see the transformation from the physical state to the energy state actually in progress. [669]
Zan Periculi [15] Species native to the Ferengi planet Lappa IV [15]
Zaranite [75] Members of the United Federation of Planets, the Zaranites are from the planet Zaran II. [75] A Zaranite was present in the Federation Council chamber in 2285 during the Cetacean probe crisis. [63]
Zelonite [670] A member of this species was present at the Camp Khitomer peace conference in 2293. [215]
Zeon [373] The Zeons where pesicuted by the Ekosians. [373]
Zeosians [671] A member of this species served on board the USS Enterprise in 2293. The species are notable for their extremely large feet, which make it impossible to wear shoes that are suitable for Humans. [215]
Zetarian [337] Non-corporeal species whoattacked the Federation databank at Memory Alpha.  [337]
Zevian [345] Civilisation who requested some information on a smuggling ring from DS9 [345]
Zibalian [298] Humanoid civilisation noted for facial tattooing. A Zibalian once attempted to kidnap Data. [298]
Zylo [192] Life form which is known to lay eggs. Data attempted to paint Zylo eggs as a test of his creativity. [192]

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 4 Scorpion, Part 2
2 VOY 3 Scorpion, Part 1
3 VOY 5 In the Flesh
4 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor
5 ENT 1 Civilization
6 VOY 3 The Chute
7 VOY 7 Drive
8 TNG 6 The Chase
9 TNG 1 Haven
10 TNG 1 When the Bough Breaks
11 TNG 1 Hide and Q
12 TOS 2 Amok Time
13 ENT 3 Anomaly
14 Various Next Generation episodes
15 TNG 3 Menage a Troi
16 TNG 4 Qpid
17 DS9 1 Progress
18 DS9 2 The Wire
19 ENT 1 Desert Crossing
20 VOY 5 Gravity
21 TNG 2 The Dauphin
22 TOS 1 The Enemy Within
23 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 1
24 Star Trek Beyond
25 Star Trek Beyond Note : the species was never specifically named, so 'Altamidians' follows the general convention of naming for the planet of origin. However, variations such as Altamid, Altamidan, or some other name unconnected to the planet could also be valid.
26 ENT 1 Broken Bow
27 TNG 2 The Outrageous Okona
28 DS9 1 Vortex
29 DS9 5 Rapture
30 DS9 4 The Sword of Kahless
31 DS9 5 The Begotten
32 ENT 2 A Night In Sickbay
33 DS9 5 Apocalypse Rising
34 TOS 2 The Immunity Syndrome
35 ENT 1 Fight or Flight
36 TNG 7 Sub Rosa
37 DS9 5 Business as Usual
38 VOY 2 Tuvix
39 TOS 2 Journey to Babel
40 ENT 3 Azati Prime
41 Generic canonical information
42 ENT 2 Cease Fire
43 ENT 4 The Aenar
44 ENT 4 Babel One
45 ENT 4 United
46 ENT 4 Demons
47 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
48 TNG 1 Angel One
49 TNG 3 The Hunted
50 Strange New Worlds II - The Healing Arts
51 TOS 3 The Empath
52 VOY 5 Equinox, Part 1
53 VOY 6 Equinox, Part 2
54 VOY 7 Nightingale
55 ENT 2 The Breach
56 TNG 2 Manhunt
57 TNG 1 Lonely Among Us
58 DS9 2 The Alternate
59 TNG 7 Genesis
60 DS9 1 The Forsaken
61 DS9 3 The Search, Part 2
62 The Art of Star Trek
63 Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
64 ENT 1 Strange New World
65 The Making of Star Trek : The Motion Picture
66 Star Trek : The Motion Picture
67 The Making of Star Trek : The Motion Picture The cloned and militaristic nature of the Arcturians was reaffirmed in the 2002 Star Trek : The Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 9
68 TOS 1 The Conscience of the King Kirk referred to "An Arcturian Macbeth", apparently referring to Karidian as an Arcturian. This would imply Arcturians looked entirely Human. However, we can rationalise that Kirk referred to the production rather than the individual
69 TOS 3 The Cloud Minders
70 ENT 2 Precious Cargo
71 VOY 3 Displaced
72 TOS 2 Wolf in the Fold
73 DS9 1 Dax
74 DS9 4 Hard Time
75 Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
76 TNG 6 Starship Mine
77 Various Enterprise episodes
78 ENT 2 Canamar
79 ENT 2 Dawn
80 TNG 1 Skin of Evil
81 TOS 2 Return to Tomorrow
82 VOY 4 Revulsion
83 TNG 7 Inheritance
84 Star Trek Into Darkness
85 VOY 4 The Raven
86 ENT 2 Future Tense
87 ENT 2 Horizon
88 Star Trek : Insurrection
89 VOY 6 Riddles
90 DS9 6 You are Cordially Invited...
91 TNG 5 Ensign Ro
92 Various Deep Space Nine episodes
93 DS9 4 Body Parts
94 DS9 3 Explorers
95 DS9 1 Emissary
96 DS9 5 Call to Arms
97 DS9 6 Sacrifice of Angels
98 DS9 7 Shadows and Symbols
99 DS9 6 Tears of the Prophets
100 DS9 7 Image in the Sand
101 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 2
102 TNG 5 New Ground
103 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
104 VOY 1 Ex Post Facto
105 DS9 1 If Wishes Were Horses
106 TNG 5 Unification, Part 1
107 DS9 2 The Maquis, Part 1
108 TNG 7 Thine Own Self
109 TNG 5 Unification, Part 2
110 DS9 5 Ties of Blood and Water
111 Day of the Vipers
112 TNG 3 The Price
113 DS9 6 The Reckoning
114 TOS 1 The Man Trap
115 TNG 3 Deja Q
116 VOY 7 Repentance
117 VOY 4 Vis-a-Vis
118 TNG 1 Coming of Age
119 TNG 2 A Matter of Honor
120 DS9 5 The Ship
121 TNG 5 Redemption, Part 2
122 TNG 5 Redemption, Part 2 He may be correct about this, though it could well just be an example of bigotry on his part
123 DS9 3 The Abandoned
124 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise
125 ENT 4 Bound
126 DS9 5 Let He Who Is Without Sin...
127 STP 1 Stardust City Rag
128 TOS 3 Day of the Dove
129 TNG 7 Dark Page
130 TNG 3 Tin Man
131 Example : Deanna Troi
132 TNG 1 The Battle
133 TNG 4 Half a Life
134 DS9 6 In the Pale Moonlight
135 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 1
136 Generic official information
137 Generic official information Information devised by Fred Phillips and Robert Fletcher as background for TMP
138 ENT 3 North Star
139 DS9 5 Soldiers of the Empire
140 TNG 1 Conspiracy
141 TNG 3 Allegiance
142 VOY 3 Flashback
143 TNG 7 Homeward
144 DS9 4 The Quickening
145 ENT 1 Rogue Planet
146 TNG 2 Q Who
147 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 1
148 TNG 5 I, Borg
149 Star Trek : First Contact
150 TNG 4 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
151 TNG 1 The Neutral Zone
152 TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
153 Various Voyager episodes
154 VOY 7 Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
155 VOY 7 Endgame, Part 2
156 VOY 4 Hope and Fear
157 VOY 4 Mortal Coil
158 VOY 4 The Gift
159 VOY 4 The Omega Directive
160 VOY 7 Natural Law
161 VOY 4 Hunters
162 VOY 6 Survival Instinct
163 VOY 6 The Haunting of Deck Twelve
164 VOY 5 Infinite Regress
165 DS9 4 The Sons of Mogh
166 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 1
167 ENT 4 Borderland
168 DS9 1 Babel
169 DS9 6 Sons and Daughters
170 VOY 6 Tsunkatse
171 VOY 2 Persistence of Vision
172 VOY 3 Fair Trade
173 TNG 5 Hero Worship
174 DS9 4 Crossfire
175 DS9 7 The Changing Face of Evil
176 DS9 5 In Purgatory's Shadow
177 VOY 2 Elogium
178 TNG 4 The Loss
179 DS9 4 To the Death
180 DS9 4 Indiscretion
181 DS9 5 By Inferno's Light
182 DS9 7 'Til Death Do Us Part
183 DS9 7 Tacking into the Wind
184 TNG 1 Symbiosis
185 VOY 5 Counterpoint
186 VOY 2 The 37's
187 VOY 6 Child's Play
188 Star Trek - The Lost Years 7 : The Buried Age
189 STP 1 Nepenthe
190 TNG 5 Imaginary Friend
191 TNG 6 Rascals
192 TNG 1 11001001
193 DS9 3 Defiant
194 VOY 4 Day of Honor
195 TNG 7 Bloodlines
196 ENT 3 Harbinger
197 TOS 2 Friday's Child
198 DS9 2 Playing God
199 DS9 3 Destiny
200 DS9 3 Through the Looking Glass
201 DS9 5 Ferengi Love Songs
202 DS9 5 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
203 DS9 5 The Assignment
204 TNG 4 The Wounded
205 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 2
206 TNG 6 Realm of Fear
207 DS9 4 The Way of the Warrior
208 DS9 4 For the Cause
209 DS9 6 Statistical Probabilities
210 DS9 7 The Dogs of War
211 TNG 4 Data's Day
212 TNG 6 Schisms
213 Star Trek XI
214 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
215 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
216 Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
217 TNG 6 Tapestry
218 DS9 1 The Nagus
219 DS9 1 The Storyteller
220 DS9 1 In the Hands of the Prophets
221 DS9 2 The Homecoming
222 DS9 4 Bar Association
223 TOS 3 Let that be Your Last Battlefield
224 TNG 2 Up The Long Ladder
225 Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
226 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
227 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
228 VOY 7 Q2
229 TNG 5 Violations
230 TNG 6 Aquiel
231 TOS 2 Metamorphosis
232 VOY 3 Coda
233 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 53
234 ENT 1 Shadows of P'Jem
235 TNG 6 Face of the Enemy
236 TNG 4 Brothers
237 VOY 2 Prototype
238 TNG 1 Datalore
239 TNG 5 Silicon Avatar
240 TNG 4 In Theory
241 TAS 1 The Time Trap
242 TOS 2 Obsession
243 Star Trek : Titan, Book 6 - Synthesis
244 VOY 2 Tattoo
245 TNG 4 The N'th Degree
246 TNG 7 Masks
247 TNG 3 Captain's Holiday
248 VOY 1 The Cloud
249 TNG 7 Parallels
250 VOY 6 Good Shepherd
251 ENT 2 Carbon Creek
252 ENT 2 Stigma
253 SNW 1 Children of the Comet
254 VOY 4 Demon
255 VOY 5 Course: Oblivion
256 TOS 2 I, Mudd
257 TOS 2 The Trouble With Tribbles
258 TOS 1 Operation: Annihilate!
259 ENT 1 Breaking the Ice
260 ENT 1 Dear Doctor
261 ENT 2 Bounty
262 ENT 3 Doctor's Orders
263 ENT 3 Exile
264 ENT 1 Two Days and Two Nights
265 ENT 4 Home
266 TNG 5 Time's Arrow, Part 1
267 TNG 6 Time's Arrow, Part 2
268 ENT 1 Terra Nova
269 The Worlds of the Federation
270 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before It is not clear whether the rodents fashion the darts and throw them as weapons, or whether they can shoot darts as an inherent part of their biology
271 VOY 7 Critical Care
272 TNG 4 Clues
273 VOY 2 Twisted
274 VOY 6 Live Fast and Prosper
275 Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
276 Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
277 Star Trek : Generations
278 TNG 4 Night Terrors
279 ENT 2 The Seventh
280 ENT 3 The Xindi
281 ENT 3 Extinction
282 ENT 3 Rajiin
283 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages...
284 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly
285 TNG 5 The Perfect Mate
286 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
287 SNW 1 The Serene Squall
288 SNW 1 All Those Who Wander
289 VOY 4 Concerning Flight
290 VOY 5 Nothing Human
291 VOY 5 Bliss
292 VOY 5 Think Tank
293 VOY 3 Basics, Part 2
294 TNG 2 The Child
295 TNG 2 Loud as a Whisper
296 VOY 6 Alice
297 VOY 6 The Voyager Conspiracy
298 TNG 3 The Most Toys
299 TNG 4 Future Imperfect
300 TNG 4 Devil's Due
301 TNG 4 The Drumhead
302 VOY 7 The Void
303 TOS 2 The Gamesters of Triskelion
304 TOS 2 Catspaw
305 TOS 1 Shore Leave
306 TOS 1 The Squire of Gothos
307 TOS 1 Miri
308 TOS 1 The Return of the Archons
309 TOS 2 The Omega Glory
310 TOS 3 The Way to Eden
311 DS9 1 Q-Less
312 DS9 4 The Muse
313 DS9 5 A Simple Investigation
314 DS9 6 Honor Among Thieves
315 DS9 1 Duet
316 DS9 2 Rules of Acquisition
317 DS9 2 The Maquis, Part 2
318 DS9 4 Accession
319 DS9 6 Who Mourns for Morn?
320 ENT 2 Marauders
321 ENT 2 The Communicator
322 VOY 5 Latent Image
323 VOY 1 Time and Again
324 VOY 3 Alter Ego
325 DS9 2 Armageddon Game
326 VOY 2 Alliances
327 VOY 2 Parturition
328 VOY 2 Resistance
329 VOY 6 Muse
330 DS9 2 Melora
331 ENT 1 Cold Front
332 VOY 1 Caretaker
333 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 2
334 VOY 7 Inside Man
335 VOY 7 Homestead
336 TOS 1 The Cage
337 TOS 3 The Lights of Zetar
338 VOY 5 Relativity
339 DS9 2 Cardassians
340 DS9 2 Second Sight
341 DS9 3 Facets
342 DS9 4 Shattered Mirror
343 DS9 5 The Darkness and the Light
344 DS9 5 Blaze of Glory
345 DS9 6 His Way
346 VOY 7 Imperfection
347 DS9 7 Chimera
348 VOY 6 Memorial
349 DS9 2 Rivals
350 ENT 1 Oasis
351 DS9 3 Meridian
352 VOY 2 Non Sequitur
353 DS9 3 Prophet Motive
354 TNG 7 Eye of the Beholder
355 DS9 7 Prodigal Daughter
356 DS9 1 Captive Pursuit
357 DS9 3 Life Support
358 VOY 3 Favorite Son
359 TNG 7 Interface
360 TNG 3 The Survivors
361 Star Trek XI Audio Commentary
362 DS9 2 Crossover
363 VOY 2 Innocence
364 VOY 4 Waking Moments
365 TNG 2 Pen Pals
366 VOY 5 Warhead
367 TOS 2 Who Mourns for Adonais?
368 ENT 1 Vox Sola
369 TNG 1 Justice
370 TNG 5 Conundrum
371 ENT 2 The Catwalk
372 Publicity photographs for "Star Trek IV : The Voyager Home"
373 TOS 2 Patterns of Force
374 TNG 5 Darmok
375 TNG 3 Yesterday's Enterprise
376 Star Trek Online
377 ENT 1 Silent Enemy
378 TOS 3 Elaan of Troyius
379 TNG 7 Emergence
380 TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon
381 VOY 3 Remember
382 DS9 1 Battle Lines
383 VOY 4 Retrospect
384 VOY 3 Distant Origin
385 VOY 3 Rise
386 TOS 3 The Savage Curtain
387 TNG 6 The Quality of Life
388 TOS 3 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
389 VOY 3 Unity
390 TNG 1 The Last Outpost
391 DS9 7 The Siege of AR-558
392 Star Trek Seekers 1 : Second Nature
393 TOS 1 The Corbomite Maneuver
394 DS9 3 Improbable Cause
395 DS9 2 Profit and Loss
396 DS9 3 The Search, Part 1
397 DS9 1 Past Prologue
398 DS9 7 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
399 DS9 2 The Jem'Hadar
400 DS9 7 When it Rains...
401 DS9 7 Extreme Measures
402 TNG 4 Final Mission
403 DS9 1 A Man Alone
404 ENT 3 Similitude
405 VOY 1 Emanations
406 VOY 3 Macrocosm
407 ENT 1 Acquisition
408 TOS 3 The Mark of Gideon
409 TOS 3 And the Children Shall Lead
410 TOS 1 Arena
411 VOY 2 Death Wish
412 DS9 4 Homefront
413 TNG 3 The Ensigns of Command
414 VOY 1 Jetrel
415 TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror
416 VOY 2 Basics, Part 1
417 DS9 3 Second Skin
418 ENT 3 E2
419 TNG 7 Force of Nature
420 VOY 7 Renaissance Man
421 VOY 6 Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
422 TOS 2 A Private Little War
423 VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part 2
424 VOY 4 Prey
425 VOY 4 Message in a Bottle
426 VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part 1
427 TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark
428 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before
429 ENT 2 Minefield
430 TOS 1 Balance of Terror
431 TNG 5 The Outcast
432 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 2
433 TNG 2 Contagion
434 TOS 1 Charlie X
435 VOY 3 Warlord
436 VOY 1 Cathexis
437 ENT 3 Damage
438 SNW 1 Ghosts of Illyria
439 ENT 2 Vanishing Point
440 TNG 7 Phantasms
441 TOS 2 A Piece of the Action
442 Enterprise : Terra Prime (Deleted Scene)
443 TOS 2 Journey to Babel Star Trek Magazine Issue 11 identifies this species as the Dayen
444 TNG 7 Liaisons
445 TNG 1 The Big Goodbye
446 DS9 4 Hippocratic Oath
447 DS9 6 Rocks and Shoals
448 DS9 6 One Little Ship
449 Star Trek : The Magazine
450 VOY 5 Someone to Watch Over Me
451 TOS 3 That Which Survives
452 DS9 4 Starship Down
453 TNG 5 The Inner Light
454 VOY 1 Learning Curve
455 VOY 2 Initiations
456 VOY 1 State of Flux
457 VOY 2 Maneuvers
458 TOS 2 By Any Other Name
459 STP 3 Disengage
460 TNG 6 Lessons
461 TNG 7 Attached
462 DS9 2 Invasive Procedures
463 SNW 1 Strange New Worlds
464 Star Trek : Rise of the Federation - A Choice of Futures
465 TOS 1 Errand of Mercy
466 VOY 6 Barge of the Dead
467 TNG 6 Rightful Heir
468 TNG 6 Birthright, Part 2
469 ENT 4 Affliction
470 ENT 4 Divergence
471 DS9 5 Trials and Tribble-ations
472 TNG 5 Ethics
473 TNG 1 Heart of Glory
474 DS9 2 Blood Oath
475 TNG 3 The Bonding
476 ENT 2 Judgment
477 TNG 3 Sins of the Father
478 TNG 4 First Contact Picard stated that first contact led to decades of war, although the actual contact we see in Enterprise is peaceful and quite positive
479 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country Spock stated that there had been 70 years of unremitting hostility as of the movie. But hostility does not necessarily mean open warfare, of course
480 TOS 3 Day of the Dove Kang states that his people have followed the treaty, and the Enterprise officers discuss the possible violations
481 TOS 3 The Enterprise Incident
482 TNG 4 Redemption, Part 1
483 VOY 6 Ashes to Ashes
484 DS9 1 The Passenger
485 VOY 2 The Thaw
486 Star Trek : Nemesis
487 TNG 5 Cost of Living
488 VOY 4 Nemesis
489 DS9 2 The Circle
490 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 63
491 TNG 4 The Mind's Eye
492 TNG 5 The Game
493 VOY 2 Deadlock
494 Example : Naomi Wildman
495 VOY 4 Scientific Method
496 VOY 4 Living Witness
497 TAS 1 The Slaver Weapon
498 TNG 7 All Good Things
499 TNG 3 Sarek
500 TNG 1 Code of Honor
501 TNG 1 We'll Always Have Paris
502 VOY 7 Body and Soul
503 TNG 6 Man of the People
504 Example : Morn
505 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice
506 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 1
507 DS9 6 The Magnificent Ferengi
508 SNW 1 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
509 Star Trek : Department of Temporal Investigations 2 - Forgotten History
510 TOS 2 Journey to Babel This species is also referred to in Star Trek Online as Zambeans
511 TNG 4 First Contact
512 VOY 5 Night
513 VOY 5 Extreme Risk
514 VOY 5 Juggernaut
515 ENT 3 Stratagem
516 TOS 2 The Changeling
517 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 60
518 VOY 4 Random Thoughts
519 DS9 5 ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
520 DS9 6 Time's Orphan
521 ENT 1 Fallen Hero
522 TOS 3 Is There in Truth no Beauty?
523 TOS 3 Spectre of the Gun
524 TNG 3 Booby Trap
525 VOY 6 One Small Step
526 TNG 1 Home Soil
527 VOY 3 Darkling
528 TNG 3 Hollow Pursuits
529 TNG 3 Who Watches The Watchers?
530 VOY 3 The Swarm
531 VOY 5 Thirty Days
532 TNG 1 Too Short a Season
533 TOS 3 Spock's Brain
534 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part 2
535 VOY 2 Cold Fire
536 TNG 2 Where Silence Has Lease
537 TNG 3 Evolution
538 ENT 1 Fortunate Son
539 DS9 3 Heart of Stone
540 SNW 1 The Elysian Kingdom
541 VOY 3 Sacred Ground
542 TOS 2 Bread and Circuses
543 ENT 3 The Council
544 The Sundered
545 Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
546 Speculative Worf said these plants were from "back home". I presume he meant it is from Gault, the Human colony where he grew up, but he might have meant the Klingon Khittomer colony where he lived for a while as a child, or even Qo'noS where he was born
547 SNW 1 Spock Amok
548 VOY 7 Flesh and Blood, Part 1
549 TOS 1 What Are Little Girls Made Of?
550 ENT 3 Rajiin It is, of course, possible that Rajiin was simply lying about her backstory
551 STP 1 Remembrance
552 Various Original Series episodes
553 DS9 7 Covenant
554 TNG 2 Samaritan Snare
555 TNG 7 Firstborn
556 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
557 DS9 2 The Siege
558 ENT 1 Shockwave, Part 1
559 DS9 2 Whispers
560 TNG 4 The Host
561 TNG 5 The First Duty
562 DS9 3 Family Business
563 VOY 1 Heroes and Demons
564 VOY 5 Bride of Chaotica!
565 TOS 3 Plato's Stepchildren
566 DS9 2 Rivals Presumably, the Plygorian Mammoth is a particularly large creature
567 TOS 3 The Paradise Syndrome
568 DS9 6 Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
569 DS9 5 In the Cards
570 TOS 1 The Naked Time
571 TNG 1 The Naked Now
572 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey
573 VOY 6 Virtuoso
574 TNG 6 Timescape
575 VOY 7 Workforce, Part 1
576 VOY 7 Workforce, Part 2
577 VOY 2 Dreadnought
578 VOY 4 Unforgettable
579 DS9 4 Little Green Men
580 VOY 1 Phage
581 TNG 2 The Icarus Factor
582 DS9 2 Sanctuary
583 Design Notes
584 ENT 2 Cogenitor
585 TNG 2 The Schizoid Man
586 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 2
587 DS9 3 The Die is Cast
588 IDW Star Trek Comic Book, Issue 14
589 VOY 3 Worst Case Scenario
590 TNG 3 The High Ground
591 Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
592 VOY 3 Blood Fever
593 DS9 1 Dramatis Personae
594 TOS 3 All Our Yesterdays
595 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
596 TOS 3 Wink of an Eye
597 ENT 4 The Forge
598 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
599 VOY 1 Prime Factors
600 ENT 3 Chosen Realm
601 TNG 4 Galaxy's Child
602 ENT 3 Countdown
603 ENT 3 Zero Hour
604 STP 1 Maps and Legends
605 From the episode script
606 ENT 1 Detained
607 ENT 2 The Expanse
608 TNG 4 Suddenly Human
609 TNG 6 True-Q
610 Star Trek : Voyager - Distant Shores
611 VOY 6 Blink of an Eye
612 TNG 6 Suspicions
613 VOY 3 False Profits
614 DS9 5 Things Past
615 TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part 1
616 TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part 2
617 TNG 3 A Matter of Perspective
618 TNG 4 Identity Crisis
619 TNG 1 Where No One Has Gone Before
620 DS9 7 Strange Bedfellows
621 ENT 1 Sleeping Dogs
622 DS9 7 Field of Fire
623 DS9 6 A Time to Stand
624 VOY 7 Author, Author
625 DS9 3 Fascination
626 ENT 2 Regeneration
627 ENT 2 Dead Stop
628 TOS 1 The Galileo Seven
629 Speculative
630 DS9 2 Shadowplay
631 ENT 3 Twilight
632 VOY 5 The Fight
633 ENT 1 Shuttlepod One
634 TOS 3 The Tholian Web
635 Star Trek : Star Charts
636 TNG 2 Peak Performance
637 TNG 4 Reunion
638 DS9 5 The Ship The species name was revealed in the script of this episode only
639 VOY 1 Faces
640 TNG 6 Frame of Mind
641 DS9 5 Children of Time
642 Example : Jadzia Dax
643 The spot pattern painted onto Ms. Farrel was different each time
644 DS9 3 Equilibrium
645 TNG 6 Ship in a Bottle
646 VOY 6 Dragon's Teeth
647 DS9 3 The Adversary
648 TNG 5 Power Play
649 Star Trek : Star Charts
650 VOY 7 Friendship One
651 TOS 2 The Apple
652 VOY 5 The Disease
653 DS9 7 Chimera It is not stated whether the Volg are sentient, but the implication of the story is that they are not.
654 DS9 5 The Ascent
655 DS9 6 Favor the Bold
656 VOY 3 Real Life
657 DS9 7 Take Me Out to the Holosuite
658 ENT 4 Kir'Shara
659 DS9 1 Move Along Home
660 ENT 2 The Crossing
661 Star Trek : Enterprise - A Choice of Futures
662 Star Trek role playing game
663 ENT 3 The Shipment
664 ENT 3 Hatchery
665 ENT 1 Unexpected
666 VOY 3 Before and After
667 TNG 6 Birthright, Part 1
668 TNG 7 Preemptive Strike
669 TNG 3 Transfigurations
670 Continuity photographs
671 Novelization of Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Scorpion, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Scorpion, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : In the Flesh
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Civilization
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Chute
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Drive
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Haven
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : When the Bough Breaks
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Hide and Q
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Anomaly
Series : TNG Season
Episode : Various Next Generation episodes
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Menage a Troi
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Qpid
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Progress
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Wire
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Desert Crossing
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Gravity
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Dauphin
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Enemy Within
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 1
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Comment : Note : the species was never specifically named, so 'Altamidians' follows the general convention of naming for the planet of origin. However, variations such as Altamid, Altamidan, or some other name unconnected to the planet could also be valid.
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Outrageous Okona
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Vortex
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Rapture
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Sword of Kahless
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Begotten
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : A Night In Sickbay
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Apocalypse Rising
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Immunity Syndrome
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fight or Flight
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Sub Rosa
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Business as Usual
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Tuvix
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Source : Generic canonical information
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Aenar
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Babel One
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : United
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Demons
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Angel One
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Hunted
Novel : Strange New Worlds II - The Healing Arts
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Empath
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Equinox, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Equinox, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Nightingale
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Breach
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Manhunt
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Lonely Among Us
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Alternate
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Genesis
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Forsaken
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 2
Book : The Art of Star Trek
Film: Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Strange New World
Source : The Making of Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Film: Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Source : The Making of Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Comment : The cloned and militaristic nature of the Arcturians was reaffirmed in the 2002 Star Trek : The Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 9
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Conscience of the King
Comment : Kirk referred to "An Arcturian Macbeth", apparently referring to Karidian as an Arcturian. This would imply Arcturians looked entirely Human. However, we can rationalise that Kirk referred to the production rather than the individual
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Cloud Minders
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Precious Cargo
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Displaced
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Wolf in the Fold
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dax
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Hard Time
Source : Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Starship Mine
Series : ENT Season
Episode : Various Enterprise episodes
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Canamar
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Dawn
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Skin of Evil
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Return to Tomorrow
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Revulsion
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Inheritance
Film: Star Trek Into Darkness
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Raven
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Future Tense
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Riddles
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : You are Cordially Invited...
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Ensign Ro
Series : DS9 Season
Episode : Various Deep Space Nine episodes
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Body Parts
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Explorers
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Call to Arms
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sacrifice of Angels
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Shadows and Symbols
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Tears of the Prophets
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : New Ground
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Ex Post Facto
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : If Wishes Were Horses
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Unification, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Maquis, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Thine Own Self
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Unification, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Ties of Blood and Water
Novel : Day of the Vipers
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Price
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Man Trap
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Deja Q
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Repentance
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Vis-a-Vis
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Coming of Age
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : A Matter of Honor
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ship
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Redemption, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Redemption, Part 2
Comment : He may be correct about this, though it could well just be an example of bigotry on his part
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Abandoned
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Bound
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Stardust City Rag
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Day of the Dove
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Dark Page
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Tin Man
Source : Example : Deanna Troi
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Battle
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Half a Life
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : In the Pale Moonlight
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 1
Series : Season
Episode : Generic official information
Series : Season
Episode : Generic official information
Comment : Information devised by Fred Phillips and Robert Fletcher as background for TMP
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : North Star
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Soldiers of the Empire
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Conspiracy
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Allegiance
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Homeward
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Quickening
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Rogue Planet
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Q Who
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : I, Borg
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Neutral Zone
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Endgame, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hope and Fear
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Mortal Coil
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Gift
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Omega Directive
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Natural Law
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hunters
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Survival Instinct
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : The Haunting of Deck Twelve
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Infinite Regress
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Sons of Mogh
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 1
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Babel
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sons and Daughters
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Tsunkatse
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Persistence of Vision
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Fair Trade
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Hero Worship
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Crossfire
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Changing Face of Evil
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In Purgatory's Shadow
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Elogium
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Loss
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : To the Death
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Indiscretion
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : By Inferno's Light
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Tacking into the Wind
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Symbiosis
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Counterpoint
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The 37's
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Child's Play
Novel : Star Trek - The Lost Years 7 : The Buried Age
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Imaginary Friend
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rascals
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : 11001001
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Defiant
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Day of Honor
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Bloodlines
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Harbinger
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Friday's Child
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Playing God
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Destiny
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Through the Looking Glass
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Ferengi Love Songs
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Assignment
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Wounded
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Realm of Fear
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Way of the Warrior
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : For the Cause
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Statistical Probabilities
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Dogs of War
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Data's Day
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Schisms
Film: Star Trek XI
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Tapestry
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Nagus
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Storyteller
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : In the Hands of the Prophets
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Homecoming
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Bar Association
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Up The Long Ladder
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Q2
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Violations
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Aquiel
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Metamorphosis
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Coda
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 53
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shadows of P'Jem
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Face of the Enemy
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Brothers
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Prototype
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Datalore
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Silicon Avatar
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : In Theory
Series : TAS Season 1
Episode : The Time Trap
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Obsession
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 6 - Synthesis
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Tattoo
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The N'th Degree
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Masks
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Captain's Holiday
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : The Cloud
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Parallels
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Good Shepherd
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Carbon Creek
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Stigma
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Children of the Comet
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Demon
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Course: Oblivion
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : I, Mudd
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Trouble With Tribbles
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Operation: Annihilate!
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Breaking the Ice
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Dear Doctor
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Bounty
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Doctor's Orders
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Exile
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Two Days and Two Nights
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Home
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Source : The Worlds of the Federation
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Comment : It is not clear whether the rodents fashion the darts and throw them as weapons, or whether they can shoot darts as an inherent part of their biology
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Critical Care
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Clues
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Twisted
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Live Fast and Prosper
Film: Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
Film: Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Night Terrors
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Seventh
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Xindi
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Extinction
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Rajiin
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Perfect Mate
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Serene Squall
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : All Those Who Wander
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Concerning Flight
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Nothing Human
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Bliss
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Think Tank
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Basics, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Child
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Loud as a Whisper
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Alice
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : The Voyager Conspiracy
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Most Toys
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Future Imperfect
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Devil's Due
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Drumhead
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : The Void
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Gamesters of Triskelion
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Catspaw
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Shore Leave
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Squire of Gothos
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Miri
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Return of the Archons
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Omega Glory
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Way to Eden
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Q-Less
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Muse
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : A Simple Investigation
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Honor Among Thieves
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Duet
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Rules of Acquisition
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Maquis, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Accession
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Who Mourns for Morn?
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Marauders
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Communicator
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Latent Image
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Time and Again
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Alter Ego
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Armageddon Game
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Alliances
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Parturition
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Resistance
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Muse
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Melora
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Cold Front
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Inside Man
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Homestead
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Cage
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Lights of Zetar
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Relativity
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Cardassians
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Second Sight
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Facets
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Shattered Mirror
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Darkness and the Light
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Blaze of Glory
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : His Way
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Imperfection
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Chimera
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Memorial
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Rivals
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Oasis
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Meridian
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Non Sequitur
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Prophet Motive
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Eye of the Beholder
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Prodigal Daughter
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Captive Pursuit
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Life Support
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Favorite Son
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Interface
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Survivors
Source : Star Trek XI Audio Commentary
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Crossover
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Innocence
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Waking Moments
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Pen Pals
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Warhead
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Vox Sola
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Justice
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Source : Publicity photographs for "Star Trek IV : The Voyager Home"
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Patterns of Force
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Darmok
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Yesterday's Enterprise
Source : Star Trek Online
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Silent Enemy
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Elaan of Troyius
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Emergence
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : A Taste of Armageddon
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Remember
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Battle Lines
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Retrospect
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Rise
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Savage Curtain
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Quality of Life
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Unity
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Last Outpost
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Siege of AR-558
Novel : Star Trek Seekers 1 : Second Nature
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Corbomite Maneuver
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Improbable Cause
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Profit and Loss
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Past Prologue
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Jem'Hadar
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : When it Rains...
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Extreme Measures
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Final Mission
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : A Man Alone
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Similitude
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Emanations
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Macrocosm
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Acquisition
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Mark of Gideon
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : And the Children Shall Lead
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Arena
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Homefront
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Ensigns of Command
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Jetrel
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Mirror, Mirror
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Basics, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Second Skin
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : E2
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Force of Nature
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Renaissance Man
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Private Little War
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Killing Game, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Prey
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Message in a Bottle
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Killing Game, Part 1
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Devil in the Dark
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Minefield
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Balance of Terror
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Contagion
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Charlie X
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Warlord
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Cathexis
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Damage
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Ghosts of Illyria
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Vanishing Point
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Phantasms
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Piece of the Action
Source : Enterprise : Terra Prime (Deleted Scene)
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Comment : Star Trek Magazine Issue 11 identifies this species as the Dayen
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Liaisons
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Big Goodbye
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Hippocratic Oath
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Rocks and Shoals
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : One Little Ship
Source : Star Trek : The Magazine
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Someone to Watch Over Me
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : That Which Survives
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Starship Down
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Inner Light
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Learning Curve
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Initiations
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : State of Flux
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Maneuvers
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : By Any Other Name
Series : STP Season 3
Episode : Disengage
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Lessons
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Attached
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Invasive Procedures
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Strange New Worlds
Novel : Star Trek : Rise of the Federation - A Choice of Futures
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Errand of Mercy
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Barge of the Dead
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Birthright, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Affliction
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Divergence
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Trials and Tribble-ations
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Ethics
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Heart of Glory
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Blood Oath
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Bonding
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sins of the Father
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : First Contact
Comment : Picard stated that first contact led to decades of war, although the actual contact we see in Enterprise is peaceful and quite positive
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Comment : Spock stated that there had been 70 years of unremitting hostility as of the movie. But hostility does not necessarily mean open warfare, of course
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Day of the Dove
Comment : Kang states that his people have followed the treaty, and the Enterprise officers discuss the possible violations
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Enterprise Incident
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Redemption, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Ashes to Ashes
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Passenger
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The Thaw
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Cost of Living
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Nemesis
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Circle
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 63
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Mind's Eye
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Game
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Deadlock
Source : Example : Naomi Wildman
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Scientific Method
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Living Witness
Series : TAS Season 1
Episode : The Slaver Weapon
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sarek
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Code of Honor
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : We'll Always Have Paris
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Body and Soul
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Man of the People
Source : Example : Morn
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Magnificent Ferengi
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
Novel : Star Trek : Department of Temporal Investigations 2 - Forgotten History
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Comment : This species is also referred to in Star Trek Online as Zambeans
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : First Contact
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Night
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Extreme Risk
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Juggernaut
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Stratagem
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Changeling
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 60
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Random Thoughts
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Time's Orphan
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fallen Hero
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Is There in Truth no Beauty?
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Spectre of the Gun
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Booby Trap
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : One Small Step
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Home Soil
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Darkling
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Hollow Pursuits
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Who Watches The Watchers?
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Swarm
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Thirty Days
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Spock's Brain
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Cold Fire
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Where Silence Has Lease
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Evolution
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fortunate Son
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Heart of Stone
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Elysian Kingdom
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Sacred Ground
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Bread and Circuses
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Council
Novel : The Sundered
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
Source : Speculative
Comment : Worf said these plants were from "back home". I presume he meant it is from Gault, the Human colony where he grew up, but he might have meant the Klingon Khittomer colony where he lived for a while as a child, or even Qo'noS where he was born
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Spock Amok
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Flesh and Blood, Part 1
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Rajiin
Comment : It is, of course, possible that Rajiin was simply lying about her backstory
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Remembrance
Series : TOS Season
Episode : Various Original Series episodes
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Covenant
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Samaritan Snare
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Firstborn
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Siege
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shockwave, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Whispers
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Host
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The First Duty
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Family Business
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Heroes and Demons
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Bride of Chaotica!
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Plato's Stepchildren
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Rivals
Comment : Presumably, the Plygorian Mammoth is a particularly large creature
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Paradise Syndrome
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In the Cards
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Naked Time
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Naked Now
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Virtuoso
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Timescape
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Workforce, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Workforce, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Dreadnought
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Unforgettable
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Little Green Men
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Phage
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Icarus Factor
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Sanctuary
Source : Design Notes
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cogenitor
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Schizoid Man
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Die is Cast
Source : IDW Star Trek Comic Book, Issue 14
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Worst Case Scenario
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The High Ground
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Blood Fever
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dramatis Personae
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : All Our Yesterdays
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Wink of an Eye
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Prime Factors
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Chosen Realm
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Galaxy's Child
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Countdown
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Maps and Legends
Source : From the episode script
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Detained
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Expanse
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Suddenly Human
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : True-Q
Novel : Star Trek : Voyager - Distant Shores
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Blink of an Eye
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Suspicions
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : False Profits
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Things Past
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Menagerie, Part 1
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Menagerie, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : A Matter of Perspective
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Identity Crisis
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Where No One Has Gone Before
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Strange Bedfellows
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Sleeping Dogs
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Field of Fire
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : A Time to Stand
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Author, Author
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Fascination
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Regeneration
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Dead Stop
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Galileo Seven
Source : Speculative
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Shadowplay
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Twilight
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : The Fight
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shuttlepod One
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Tholian Web
Series : Season
Episode : Star Trek : Star Charts
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Peak Performance
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Reunion
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ship
Comment : The species name was revealed in the script of this episode only
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Faces
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Frame of Mind
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Children of Time
Series : Season
Episode : Example : Jadzia Dax
Series : Season
Episode : The spot pattern painted onto Ms. Farrel was different each time
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Equilibrium
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Ship in a Bottle
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Dragon's Teeth
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Adversary
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Power Play
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Friendship One
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Apple
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : The Disease
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Chimera
Comment : It is not stated whether the Volg are sentient, but the implication of the story is that they are not.
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ascent
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Favor the Bold
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Real Life
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Kir'Shara
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Move Along Home
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Crossing
Novel : Star Trek : Enterprise - A Choice of Futures
Source : Star Trek role playing game
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Hatchery
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Unexpected
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Before and After
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Birthright, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Preemptive Strike
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Transfigurations
Source : Continuity photographs
Novel : Novelization of Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country

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