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Species List

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Name Description
Haakonian [1] Humanoid species from the Delta Quadrant [1]
Hadrosaur [2] Terran cretaceous dinosaur, ancestor of the Voth [2]
Halanan [3] Species who can project telepathic images, sometimes unconsciously. Halanans mate for life, and would rather die than break up a marriage. [3]
Haliian [4] Haliians are moderately telepathic. [4]
Halkan [5] Pacifist species who refused to sell dilithium to the federation in case it was used for war. [5]
Hanonian Land Eel [6] Large carnivore native to Hanon IV [6]
Hara cat [7] Life form native to the Bajoran system [7]
Haradin [8] Species to be found in the Delphic Expanse in the 21st/22nd century. [8]
Harkonian [9] Delta Quadrant species. A Harkonian woman sold the shuttle Alice to Avidon [9]
Havenite [10] Residents of the planet Haven, which is claimed to have mystical healing powers. [10]
Hawk [11] Bird native to Earth. Captain Janeway once suggested to the holographic Leonardo DaVinci that he model his flying machine on the Hawk. [11]
Hazari [12] An advanced, violent, ruthlessly efficient bounty hunter species which was unwittingly employed by the Think Tank to capture Voyager. Known to the Borg as Species 4228, they make excellent tactical drones  [12]
Hekaran [13] Species which discovered the damaging effect warp drive had on the fabric of space. [13]
Hengrauggi [14] A large ambush predator native to Delta Vega. In 2258 a Hengrauggi killed the Drakoulias which had been chasing James Kirk. The Hengrauggi then attempted to eat Kirk, but was driven off by Spock. [15]
Hierarchy [16] The Hierarchy are a Delta Quadrant species who were encountered by the USS Voyager in 2376. They appear to be raiders, attacking those ships which pass through their space in order to steal resources. They hide vessels in nebulas, from which they conduct long range scans to find potential targets. Once a target comes into range the Hierarchy conduct detailed scans, analysing its defensive capability and usefulness.

Physically the Hierarchy are Humanoid, heavily built with brown hairless skin. They tend to limit their individuality somewhat, passing all information to a hierarchical command structure which makes the decisions. This hierarchy system is so ingrained that they have even adopted the term as their species name, although at least some members of their society resent the degree of control which the Hierarchy has over their lives.

When Voyager came within range of a Hierarchy Attack class ship they initially assessed the Starfleet vessel as being a difficult target. However, one of their operatives was able to gain access to the EHM program to gain an idea of the ships capabilities. Despite some confusion caused by an experimental algorithm the EMH was trying at the time, the Hierarchy decided to attack. One of them, having come to feel a certain friendship for the EMH during his observations, informed Voyager's crew of the impending attack. They were able to bluff the Hierarchy ships into retreating and continue on their way. [17]

Voyager had two further encounters with the Hierarchy, both times with individuals separated from the command structure in some way. [18] The first came when Voyager was trapped within a subspace anomaly, and forged alliances with several other ships in order to escape; a Hierarchy ship was part of this alliance. [19] Later Voyager encountered two rogue Hierarchy members, who kidnapped Captain Janeway to blackmail the EMH into stealing Voyager's warp core for them. [16]

Hill People [20] Primitive hunter-gatherers who warred with the Village People [20]
Hirogen [21] A powerful Nomadic species occupying the Delta Quadrant, the Hirogen are very predatory race. They travel in small ships carrying only two or three persons, seeking out other life forms in order to hunt them. They are obsessed with gathering trophies - usually in the form of body parts or stolen technology - in order to demonstrate their hunting prowess to other Hirogens. Although technologically advanced, they have been forced to disperse themselves over a huge area in order to find new prey for their hunts. [22] This has put considerable strain on the Hirogen culture, and their society is now seriously deteriorating. [21]

Technologically advanced, the Hirogen have even shown themselves capable of defeating an injured member of Species 8472. [23] They were encountered by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2374, when the ship accessed a Hirogen controlled communications array in order to transmit its EMH to the Beta quadrant. [24] A Hirogen hunting vessel subsequently captured Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Seven of Nine. Voyager was able to free the two crewmembers, and was also able to use the array to recieve over a hundred messages from Starfleet command. [22]

Several weeks after this incident the Hirogen captured the USS Voyager itself. They greatly extended the holodecks and forced the crew to participate in a variety of combat-related scenarios, including one set during World War II. [25] Eventually the Voyager crew were able to force a stalemate with the Hirogen, and a ceasefire was agreed. The Hirogen agreed to leave the ship in return for Holodeck technology; they hope to use this in order to allow themselves to continue the traditions of the hunt without spreading themselves unduly across the quadrant, so reversing their recent decline. [21]

Horse [26] Earth animal, a quadruped considerably larger and stronger than a Human being. Horses were historically used as beasts of burden and could be ridden for transportation. Although the necessity of doing this is long past, 24th century humans still ride horses for recreational purposes. [26] Captain Picard was a keen horse rider and had his own saddle. [27]
Horta [28] The Horta are a species native to Janus VI, and one of the few silicon based life forms known. They live underground, burrowing their way through rock by excreting ultra corrosive chemicals. This allows them to move through solid stone as easily as a Human moves through air, and the Horta are amongst the best tunnelers known.

Every 50,000 years or so virtually the entire Horta species dies out, leaving a large number of eggs in a chamber known as the Vault of Tomorrow. This cache is guarded by a single individual until they hatch. On Janus VI the Vault was penetrated by a Federation mining team who destroyed many of the eggs, not realizing what they were. The Horta responded by killing many of the miners, leading to the dispatch of the USS Enterprise to assist with the situation.

Captain Kirk and Commander Spock were able to wound the Horta with phaser fire, and the creature was subsequently cornered by Captain Kirk. The Horta was able to communicate a plea for mercy to Kirk. Spock mind melded with the creature and was able to determine the cause of the conflict. The Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer, Doctor McCoy was able to repair the Hortas wounds by applying some cement to them. Kirk convinced the miners to stop destroying the eggs, and in return the Horta stopped its killing spree. The arrangement proved to be highly beneficial to both sides - once the Horta eggs hatched the first thing the young did was begin to tunnel through the surrounding rock, opening up huge mineral resources to access by the miners. [28]
Humans [29] One of the most influential and important species in the Alpha quadrant, Humans originate from the planet Earth in the Sol system. The early history of the planet was remarkable in many respects - chiefly for the number of contacts with alien civilisations which occurred. All of these proved to be of a very limited type however, [30] and it was not until 2063 that the first official First Contact occured. At this point Earth was suffering the effects of a large scale nuclear war and was at a particularly low point. A group of scientists working under Zefram Cochrane had been working on a method of faster than light drive system for spacecraft when the war occurred. Despite having no official funding and poor living conditions the team pressed on with their project, and by 2063 they where able to launch the Phoenix. [31]

Cochrane's flight attracted the attention of a Vulcan survey vessel which was in the system; the Vulcans subsequently sent a shuttlecraft down to make contact with Cochrane's team. The discovery that they where not alone in the universe had a profound impact on mankind, bringing all the people of the Earth together as never before.

Rapid progress followed, and by 2113 poverty, hunger and war had been abolished from the planet. [31]

In 2151 Humanity launched the NX class, their first true long range interstellar vessels. [32] Their sphere of influence began to expand rapidly as new colonies were established and new trading routes opened. Finally, in 2152 they encountered the Romulan Empire; [33] the two powers subsequently fought a brief but intense war which was ended in when the Romulan Neutral Zone was established in order to provide a buffer zone between the two powers. [34]

The Romulan War proved to Humanity that they had over-reached themselves, and they sought to form an alliance of different civilisations in order to provide for greater stability and prevent further conflicts. The United Federation of Planets was established in 2161 [35] when the Humans and Vulcans signed the Federation Constitution. Although the Federation is regarded as a model of inter-species cooperation, Humans have always tended to dominate it - to the extent that the Klingons once dubbed it a Homo Sapiens only club! [36]

Physically, Humans are bilaterally symetrical bipeds whose skin and hair can vary considerably between individuals. As with most species there are two genders, male and female, but unusually there are several different racial groups. [30] In most other respects Humans are physically close to the average for an Alpha quadrant species.

The Borg designation for humanity is Species 5618; the borg class Humans as originating in Grid 325; they regard Human physiology as inefficient, with below-average cranial capacity, minimal redundant systems and limited regenerative abilities. [37]

Humpback Whale [38] Species of whale native to Earth; hunted to extinction in the past, now repopulated via time travel [38]
humuhumunukunukuapua'a [39] Terran fish [39]
Hunters [40] The second species to travel through the wormhole from the Gamma Quadrant, "Hunters" is the only name ever given for this species. The Hunters are a technologically advanced species who regard the pursuit of prey as the most honourable endeavour in their culture. To this end they have created the Tosk, a sentient being designed to be one of the most difficult quarry possible.

When a Tosk took refuge on Deep Space Nine after his ship was damaged during a hunt, a Hunter ship attacked the station and reversed its shield polarity. This allowed the Hunters to beam aboard, provoking a fire fight on the Promenade. The Hunters proved to be a difficult enemy - their clothing included some form of armour or shielding system located on the right arm which allowed them to intercept much of the fire directed at them. Even when they were hit, they proved highly resistant to phaser energy. Even direct hits at level six did little more than cause a mild stunning effect, although it is not known if this is a result of some protective property of the Hunters clothing or an inherent property of their physique.

Physically, the Hunters are Humanoid but - like the Tosk - have green skin and bony ridges on their foreheads. They differ from the Tosk largely in that their ridges are less extensive and less pronounced, and they have cranial hair.

The Hunters own weapons were highly destructive, but they restricted their fire to only that absolutely necessary and no Federation or Bajoran casualties resulted from this incident. After the incident the Hunters agreed to place the Wormhole out of bounds for future hunts so as to prevent further conflicts with Alpha Quadrant forces. [40]
Hupyrian [41] Species known for their devotion to those who employ them [41]
Hur'q [42] A species which conquered the Klingon homeworld, Qo'noS (Kronos) about 1,000 years prior to The Next Generation. Their name is the Klingon word for "outsider" and is probably not their own name for themselves. The hur'q plundered Qo'noS, stealing the revered Sword of Kahless. They apparently originated in the Gamma Quadrant, and may have travelled through the Bajoran Wormhole to reach our part of the galaxy. [42]
Husnock [43] A species of 'hideous intelligence', rendered extinct by a Douwd [43]

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Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 1 Jetrel
2 VOY 3 Distant Origin
3 DS9 2 Second Sight
4 TNG 6 Aquiel
5 TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror
6 VOY 2 Basics, Part 1
7 DS9 3 Second Skin
8 ENT 3 E2
9 VOY 6 Alice
10 TNG 1 Haven
11 VOY 4 Concerning Flight
12 VOY 5 Think Tank
13 TNG 7 Force of Nature
14 Star Trek XI Audio Commentary
15 Star Trek XI
16 VOY 7 Renaissance Man
17 VOY 6 Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
18 Various Voyager episodes
19 VOY 7 The Void
20 TOS 2 A Private Little War
21 VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part 2
22 VOY 4 Hunters
23 VOY 4 Prey
24 VOY 4 Message in a Bottle
25 VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part 1
26 Star Trek : Generations
27 TNG 6 Starship Mine
28 TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark
29 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before
30 Generic canonical information
31 Star Trek : First Contact
32 Various Enterprise episodes
33 ENT 2 Minefield
34 TOS 1 Balance of Terror
35 TNG 5 The Outcast
36 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
37 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 2
38 Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
39 TNG 6 Rascals
40 DS9 1 Captive Pursuit
41 DS9 1 The Nagus
42 DS9 4 The Sword of Kahless
43 TNG 3 The Survivors
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Jetrel
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Second Sight
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Aquiel
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Mirror, Mirror
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Basics, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Second Skin
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : E2
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Alice
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Haven
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Concerning Flight
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Think Tank
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Force of Nature
Source : Star Trek XI Audio Commentary
Film: Star Trek XI
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Renaissance Man
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : The Void
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Private Little War
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Killing Game, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hunters
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Prey
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Message in a Bottle
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Killing Game, Part 1
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Starship Mine
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Devil in the Dark
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Source : Generic canonical information
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : ENT Season
Episode : Various Enterprise episodes
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Minefield
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Balance of Terror
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 2
Film: Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rascals
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Captive Pursuit
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Nagus
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Sword of Kahless
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Survivors

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,259,877 Last updated : 8 Nov 2003