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Klingon Tanker

Size Comp
Universe : Prime Timeline
Affiliation : Klingons
Class Name : Klingon Tanker
Type : Deuterium tanker - based on D-5 cruiser hull [1]
Unit Run : 10 built in total. 3 have been lost in all. 7 have been retired from service.
Commissioned : 2130 - 2150, remained in service until 2290
Dimensions : Length : 257 m [2]
Beam : 205 m
Height : 58 m
Decks : 11
Mass : 228,000 metric tons
Crew : 20
Armament : 1 x Mark 4 disruptor cannon, total output 500 TeraWatts
Defence Systems : Standard shield system, total capacity 13,500 TeraJoules
Heavy Monotanium Double hull plus 5 cm Dispersive armour.
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
(TOS scale) :
Normal Cruise : 5
Maximum Cruise : 5.5
Maximum Rated : 6 for 2 hours.
Strength Indices :
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 10
Torpedo Firepower : -
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 20
Shield Strength : 5
Hull Armour : 270
Speed : 113
Combat Manoeuvrability : 5,140
Overall Strength Index : 49
Diplomatic Capability : 2
Expected Hull Life : 140
Refit Cycle : Minor : 1 year
Standard : 1 years
Major : 16 years


The D-5 class cruiser was in use by the Klingons in the 22nd and 23rd centuries. [3] These ships were the mainstay of the Klingon fleet during that period, and many variations came into service. This particular model was modified to act as a Deuterium fuel tanker, [4] with eight large tanks affixed to the hull. [5] Various internal re-arrangements were also made to the ship to facilitate its non-combat role.

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Generic canonical information
2 Speculative Approximation, based on window heights. Equal in size to the D-5.
3 ENT 2 Judgment
4 ENT 2 Marauders
5 Visible on the shooting model
Source : Generic canonical information
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation, based on window heights. Equal in size to the D-5.
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Marauders
Source : Visible on the shooting model


The Klingon tanker appeared in Enterprise "Marauders". Normally you would expect a tanker to have no weapons, but given that this is a Klingon ship I have chosen to arm it but make it pretty weak. We learn little about the ship in the episode, but since it is such an old design, and one belonging to a Federation ally, I have avoided mostly "unknowns" in the specs table.

The dispersive armour is mentioned as being present on the Bird of Prey design stolen by Malik; I assume this is standard for Klingon ships of this era.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 53,101 Last updated : 18 Dec 2024