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Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Ultritium [1]

A powerful explosive. In 2265 Cervantes Quinn claimed to have rigged a cargo he delivered to Kessik IV with several kilos of ultritium. [1]

As a measure of how powerful an ultritium explosion could be, Chief O'Brien expected ninety isotons of enriched ultritium to be sufficient to destroy a Dominion facility and everything else within eight hundred kilometres of the detonation point. [2]

In 2346, Kira Nerys planted a bomb made from ultritium resin aboard Terok Nor in an attempt to assassinate Gul Dukat. [3]

In 2365, Antedian assassins wore robes lined with ultritium in an attempt to bomb a conference on Pacifica. The attempt failed when Lwaxana Troi read the assassin's minds and exposed the plan. [4]

Romulan scout ships used ultritium-based devices for self-destruct; in 2366 Geordi La Forge detected traces of ultritium residue on a destroyed Romulan ship on Galornden core. [5]

Ultritium-283 was carried by the Enterprise-D, classed as an industrial chemical explosive for use in mining applications. It was intended to be used for precision-charge patterns, detonated with standard microwave pulse ignition devices. Ultritium-342 was also carried, described as a high-yield version of standard industrial ultritium and intended to be used in terraforming applications, when the use of nuclear explosives are not desirable. [6]

The Dominion was mining ultritium from an asteroid in the Gamma Quadrant. The facility was later converted into a prison. [7]

Dominion forces used ultritium concussion shells as a surface bombardment weapon. [8]

In 2374 Captain Sisko used an enriched ultritium explosive to destroyed the Dominion's primary ketracel-white storage facility. [2]

When Captain Picard rebelled against Starleet in 2375 he took seven metric tons of ultritium explosives aboard the Captain's yacht. [9]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
2 DS9 6 A Time to Stand
3 DS9 6 Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
4 TNG 2 Manhunt
5 TNG 3 The Enemy
6 TNG 4 Night Terrors
7 DS9 5 In Purgatory's Shadow
8 DS9 5 The Ship
9 Star Trek : Insurrection One can only wonder what he planned to do with that much explosive, especially given that he never actually uses explosives at any point
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : A Time to Stand
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Manhunt
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Enemy
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Night Terrors
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In Purgatory's Shadow
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ship
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Comment : One can only wonder what he planned to do with that much explosive, especially given that he never actually uses explosives at any point

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,792 Last updated : 1 Jan 1970