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Science and Technology List

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Name Notes
Safety protocols [1] Set of programming included into most holoprograms which prevent persons within the program from experiencing any harm. [1]
Sarium micro-cells [2] Energy cells used aboard the NX class starship for charging torpedo weapons. The Vissians used the same basic technology for their much more advanced photonic warheads. [2]
Saucer separation [3] Term used for the separation of a Federation Starship into two parts - the Saucer section and Engineering section. For some ships this is a relatively catastrophic act, requiring a Starbase to reconnect the two parts. For others, such as the Galaxy and Prometheus classes, separating and reconnecting is a relatively mundane procedure. [3]
Scanner [4] Name used for any device which collects information by directing emissions towards the subject and analysing the return. Scanners are distinct from sensors, which gather information by detecting the emissions the subject gives off itself. [4]
Secondary phase modulator [5] An element of the power system on Deep Space Nine. Problems with a secondary phase modulator may have been responsible for a malfunction in Dax's laboratory in 2369. [5]
Secondary plasma vent [6] System on board an NX class starship. [6]
Selenium isotopes [7] Naturally occurring substance which can disrupt sensor systems and impulse engines. [8]
Self-destruct [9] A self-destruct system has been built into Starships from the earliest days of space travel. It can be used to prevent such powerful ships falling into the wrong hands. The sequence required three ships officers into order to initiate the countdown. The count down is used to allow the crew time to evacuate the ship. [9]

Captain Kirk used the self-destruct system on board the USS Enterprise, which had been previously badly damaged in an encounter with Khan. When the ship subsequently came under attack from a Klingon Bird of Prey and was disabled. [9]
Self-sealing stem bolt [10] Device used in the construction of reverse-ratcheting routing planers. [11] In 2369, Nog and Jake made a deal with a Lisseppian ship's captain in which they bartered five thousand wrappages of Cardassian Yamok sauce for a hundred gross of self-sealing stem bolts. They then bartered the bolts for seven tessipates of land on Bajor. They then made a deal with Quark to sell the land to the Bajoran government. [10]

In 2371 Quark had another hundred gross of self-sealing stem bolts in a cargo bay on Deep Space Nine. He tried to sell them to a buyer Emi for ten bars of gold-pressed latinum. Emi was pleased with the trade, as the bolts would allow her family to greatly increase their production of reverse-ratcheting routing planers. Unfortunately for Quark, the Grand Nagus told Emi where she could buy the bolts wholesale. [11]

Whilst Bashir was being held in captivity in a Dominion prison camp in 2373, a guard who discovered a makeshift metal tool the prisoners had made asked him what it was. Bashir responded that it was either a self-sealing stem bolt or a reverse ratcheting router. [12]

In 2375 O'Brien joked that he was taking a post at Starfleet academy so that he could teach the officers the difference between a warp matrix flux capacitor and a self-sealing stem bolt. [13]

In 2265 Cervantes Quinn falsely claimed that his cargo included stem bolts, though they may not have been of the self-sealing kind. [14]
Semi-fluidic alloy [15] Substance used in the construction of 31st century vessels. [15]
Sensor [16] Name used for any device which collects information by detecting emissions given off by the subject. Sensors are distinct from scanners, which gather information by directing their own emissions towards the subject and analysing the return. [16]
Seofurane [17] A material used to make bio-sample containers. [17]
Shields [18] The primary defensive system of a Starship. Also known as a deflector shield. [18]
Shuttle bay [19] Facility on board a space vessel which is dedicated to storing, launching and landing shuttlecraft. [19] Most Federation shuttle bays are equipped with a forcefield which allows shuttles to pass through whilst holding the atmosphere inside, thus allowing the bay to operate without having to depressurise. [20] Standard practice is to bring shuttles aboard via a tractor beam rather than under their own power, although this can be done in an emergency. [21]
Shuttlecraft [19] A small spacecraft carried by most Starships. Smaller shuttles generally carry people down to planetary surfaces in situations where transporters are not available, but larger or more modern ones can undertake interplanetary or short interstellar journeys. [19]
Sickbay [22] Name given to the medical facility on a Federation Starship or Starbase. [22]
SIF [23] Structural Integrity Field, a forcefield which holds the structure of a Starship in an extremely rigid state, allowing it to resist great forces. Structural Integrity Fields can also resist weapons fire to a significant degree. [23]
Slingshot effect [24] A method of time travel employed by the Federation which involves a close approach to a large mass such as a star whilst at high warp velocity. The course must be precisely calculated in order to ensure success. [24]

The crew of the CSS La Sirena used the slingshot effect to travel from 2401 to 2024 in order to correct a modified timeline manipulated by Q. [25]
Soliton wave [26] A technology which allows objects to travel at warp speeds without having a warp drive on board. A soliton wave generator produces a large energy wave which impacts the vehicle, accelerating it to warp speed. Another generator at the opposite end of the trip disperses the wave to bring the object back to rest. Unfortunately, the first test of the system went disastrously wrong when the wave grew massively in energy, to the point where it threatened to devastate the planet on which the second generator was mounted. [26]
Soliton Wave Drive [26] Created by Doctor Ja'Dar, the soliton wave system offered the promise of a unique new technology for the Federation - warp speed travel without warp drive. The system involved a set of field generators located on or near a planet which would generate a self-sustaining subspace field wave. This would push a vessel into warp speed, carrying it in a straight line at constant speed. At the other end of the journey another group of field generators would disperse the wave, causing the vessel to drop back out of warp.

The benefits of the system would have been enormous. The drive can only be used between star systems where there is already a set of field generators in place, and so would not have replaced warp drive equipped ships in their exploratory roles. However, all traffic between already settled systems could have been accomplished via vessels with no warp drive, vessels which would therefore have been far easier to construct and maintain. In addition, the soliton system is 450% more efficient than a normal starship warp drive, offering considerable energy savings.

Unfortunately, the first test of the soliton wave was only partially successful. After some time at warp speeds the unmanned test vehicle was destroyed by shear forces. The wave began to accelerate and grow in size and power, to the extent that it would destroy most of the planet when it arrived at its destination. Fortunately the Enterprise-D, which was monitoring the test, was able to to disperse the wave using a photon torpedo salvo. The Federation was continuing research into this system, but as of yet there is no reported success. [26]
Sonic screwdriver [27] A tool used by the Federation in the 2260s. In 2265 Cervantes Quinn falsely claimed that his cargo included sonic screwdrivers. [28]
Sonic Shower [29] The sonic shower is a technology used by Federation citizens for personal grooming. The system uses sonic vibrations to dissolve dirt, removing it from the skin in the process. Many consider taking a sonic shower to be a relaxing experience [30], and Dax thought it could make people feel better. [31]

Earth ships of the 2150s used water-based cleaning systems [32], but sonic showers were in use aboard Federation Starships by the 2271. [29] Federation sonic shower systems used an acoustic inverter; if this malfunctioned the effect on the user was considered to be unpleasant. [33]

Humans of the 2370s regarded sonic showers as almost a basic necessity, to the point where Quark considered that the removal of showers and other such comforts over a prolonged period would make most Humans become "as nasty and violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon". [34]
Space frame [4] The structural support members of a Starship. [4]
Space suit [29] A suit which protects the wearer against the hazardous environment of space. [29]
Spatial Anomalies The following is a very small selection of the anomalies which Federation Starships have encountered during their travels through our galaxy.
Spatial Anomalies A region located near to Cardassian and Bajoran space, the Badlands is a dangerous place with a very heavy concentration of plasma storms. The storms are extremely difficult to navigate, most especially for large ships. During the Cardassian occupation the Bajoran resistance took to hiding in the Badlands, since the large Cardassian warships were unable to follow the much smaller Bajoran craft into the region. [35]

After the end of the occupation the Maquis also took to hiding in the Badlands in order to hide from both the Cardassians and Starfleet. The Intrepid class was considered to be capable of safely navigating the plasma fields, although the Intrepid class USS Voyager was thought to have been lost when it attempted to pursue a Maquis Raider into the area in 2371. It later transpired that Voyager had been deliberately abducted from the Badlands by an advanced alien being, rather than having been lost to the storms. [36]
Spatial Anomalies An area which surrounds the Ba'ku planet, the Briar patch is characterized by anomalies and pockets of metreon gas. Warp travel is impossible within the Briar patch, and Starships in the area need special modification in order to operate effectively. In 2375 the Enterprise-E was forced to enter the patch without modification. Whilst there the ship engaged in battle with two Son'a battleships. The Enterprise experienced significant difficulties, damaging its impulse manifolds. Nevertheless the Enterprise was able to use its Bussard collectors to scoop up some of the Metreon gas and detonate it in proximity to the Son'a ships, destroying one and damaging the other. [37]
Spatial Anomalies A type of matter which is difficult to detect with normal sensor or scanner systems. Dark matter tends to be concentrated in nebulas [38], although by some cosmological models the amount of dark matter in the universe as a whole is greater than the amount of normal matter. [39]

High concentrations of dark matter can create small gaps in the fabric of normal space. Normal matter passing through these areas can become momentarily phased in unpredictable ways, creating transient electrical currents similar to those created by a subspace distortion but without any trace of a subspace field. [38]

Dark matter can also act to degrade the performance of sensors against normal matter, making dark matter nebulas a good choice for hiding oneself. In 2374 Captain Sisko piloted his damaged Jem'Hadar vessel into a dark matter nebula in order to hide it from detection. Within he found an entire class M world which was undetectable from outside the nebula. [40]

Dark matter is also found outside nebulas. It has been speculated that a tertiary product of stellar consolidation could be a comet-like assemblage of dark matter. This would be strongly attracted to antimatter, which it would neutralize upon contact. Such a contact can lead to displaced protons in the materials involved and can induce forces sufficient to badly damage a Starship hull. In 2376 one of Voyagers shuttles encountered a phenomena which behaved initially in a manner similar to the proposed dark matter proto comet. On further investigation the crew discovered a new form of life composed of dark matter, although no significant degree of contact was established. [41]
Spatial Anomalies In 2368 the USS Enterprise investigated FGC-47, a nebula which had formed around a neutron star. The nebula was composed of hydrogen, helium and trionium. On entering the nebula the ship experienced a strange drag effect which gradually reduced their speed. The effect was minor and the ship pressed on with its investigation of the area. On collecting samples of the nebula gas, the crew discovered that the nebula was permeated with filaments composed of a highly cohesive form of plasma. These filaments, which became visible when exposed to a high frequency warp field, created a resonant effect when they hit the ships shields, thus increasing the drag coefficient and reducing the ships speed for a given power output.

The Enterprise was able to chart the filaments within the nebula by running the warp field generators through the ships deflector grid to make them all visible, allowing it to make its way out of the nebula. [42]
Spatial Anomalies A phenomenon which travels through subspace, occasionally moving into normal space for a time before returning. While in normal space subspace ellipses tend to sweep up various objects which are then carried along inside them. The ellipses can be billions of years old, and extremely ancient artefacts are sometimes discovered within them. The anomalies have only been encountered a handful of times; on October 19th, 2032, a subspace ellipse passing by Mars collided with and absorbed the Aries 4, one of the first manned spacecraft Mankind sent to the planet. This marked mankind's first encounter with a spatial anomaly, and almost derailed the Mars program entirely.

In 2376 USS Voyager encountered the same ellipse. The emergence of the phenomenon caused level 9 gravimetric distortions to emenate from subspace, and Voyager measured its total energy at 30 million Terajoules. The ellipse was strongly attracted towards Voyager, approaching at sufficient speed to prevent the starship from outrunning it at impulse and produced interference which disrupted the ships warp drive, making escape extremely difficult. The gravimetric stresses created are sufficient to rip the hull plating off a Starship, and no vessel which has passed close to a graviton ellipse has survived the encounter. [43]

Fortunately, Seven of Nine recognized the ellipse as Borg spatial anomaly 521 and recalled that it was attracted to objects which emit electromagnetic energy. She advised cutting power and reversing shield polarity, measures which prevented further pursuit and allowed Voyager to escape the anomaly.

Upon scanning the ellipses interior, Voyager detected a stable region within which gravimetric disturbances were negligible. The scans located some 2.8 billion compounds inside, including the hull materials of the Aries 4. Voyagers crew modified the shields of the Delta Flyer to allow it to penetrate the ellipse and discovered the space craft nearly intact within. Whilst the Flyer was within the ellipse the anomaly collided with a dark matter asteroid, badly damaging the shuttlecraft. Although this made retrieving the Aries impossible, they were able to recover the body of Lieutenant John Kelley from the capsule and give it a proper burial. [43]
Spatial Anomalies A relatively common phenomena, ion storms can present a significant hazard to ships which encounter them. The storms can cause damage to various systems, depending on their strength. [44] Level 5 ion storms are not regarded as much of a threat to ships, while level 7 storms are sufficient to badly damage shuttlecraft. A level 8 storm is sufficient to present a danger to starships such as the Intrepid class. [45]

The NCC-1701 Enterprise carried a pod which had to be ejected during ion storms. In 2267 the ship ejected its pod apparently with engineer Ben Finney still within it, causing Captain Kirk to be court martialled. Kirk was cleared when it was revealed that in fact Finney had faked his own death to gain revenge on Kirk for reporting a mishap he had made some time previously. [44] When the Enterprise visited the Halkan planet later in the same year, an ion storm disrupted the ship's transporter system and caused several of its officers to be swapped with crew members of an Enterprise from an alternate universe. [46]

In 2375 the Delta Flyer was badly damaged by an ion storm and crash landed on an M class planetoid. Voyager managed to weather a level 5 storm and rescue the Flyer, shortly before a level 8 storm arrived. [45]
Spatial Anomalies A neutronic wavefront is a phenomenon which is produced when two neutron stars collide. The collision forms a ring structure which expands outwards at a significant fraction of the speed of light, presenting a danger to spacecraft which encounter it. [47]

Prior to 2052 the Vulcan science vessel T'Plana was destroyed when it was caught in a Class 5 neutronic wavefront. In 2151 the NX-01 encountered a neutronic storm; unable to outrun it even at maximum warp speed, the crew were forced to shelter in a heavily shielded catwalk in one of the ship's nacelles to shield themselves from the radiolytic isotopes in the storm. The ship was almost captured by members of the Takret militia, who are naturally immune to the radiation carried by these storms. [8]

In 2376 Dala told two Telsian miners that she had to leave orbit because of an approaching neutronic storm; the deception was part of her plot to swindle the miners out of a cargo of Bolomite [48]

In 2376 USS Voyager encountered a Class 9 neutronic wavefront which was expanding at 200,000 kilometres per second, approximately 66% of light speed. The phenomena extended for 3.6 light years, indicating that the collision had taken place several years previously. Voyager was unable to escape the wavefront at warp speeds as the neutron radiation it was emitting was disrupting plasma flow within the ships systems. Lacking sufficient impulse speed to escape the wavefront, Voyager generated an inverse warp field in order to lock itself within position, inoculated the crew against the expected radiation increase, and attempted to ride the storm out. [47]

While the ship was able to weather the majority of the wavefront successfully, the neutronic gradient increased towards the trailing edge. The ship experienced energies of well over 90 million terajoules. The inverse warp field destabilized and Voyager was dragged along with the wavefront, inflicting significant damage on the ship. Fortunately Voyager was able to use its main deflector dish to cut a path through the front and escape. [47]
Spatial Anomalies Encountered by the Enterprise in 2267, Murasaki 312 is a quasar like phenomenon of great size and power. Following their standing orders, the Enterprise investigated the anomaly and discovered that it had a negative ionic concentration at 1.64x109 metres and was emitting radiation at a wavelength of 370 Angstroms, with harmonics upward along the entire upper spectrum. The effect had ionized an entire sector, covering at least four solar systems in the vicinity of the ship. The effects of Murasaki badly compromised the performance of both communications and sensor systems across this region.

The Enterprise launched a shuttlecraft to investigate the phenomenon, but the craft was disabled and dragged into the centre of Murasaki 312 where it crash-landed on Tarsus II. The shuttles crew were able to repair it sufficiently to launch again and make a brief orbital flight. Fortunately the Enterprise was still in the area and was able to recover those crew members who had survived the planet.

Although Murasaki 312 began to dissipate somewhat as the Enterprise left, the anomaly continued to exist for at least the next century. In 2367 the Enterprise-D conducted some sensor scans of Murasaki 312 whilst passing by. [19]
Spatial Anomalies Encountered by Voyager in 2371, the region of twisted space initially caused various minor systems failures on board the ship, most notably in the communications system. When the captain attempted to send officers to the strategic portions of the ship it quickly became clear that something much stranger was happening. The vessels layout had changed radically. Worse, the layout was continuing to change on a second by second basis, without the crew being at all aware of the changes.

Captain Janeway and Ensign Kim attempted to access the bridge via the Jefferies tube system, but instead encountered some form of field which appeared to be distorting space itself. Janeways arm became enveloped in the field and although Kim was able to free her, the after-effects resulted in severe delirium.

All of the crews attempts to free the ship from the effect or to counter or even slow it failed, and eventually they resigned themselves to allowing the effect to take its course. The distortion enveloped the entire ship then vanished of its own accord, leaving Voyager and her crew completely undamaged. After the distortion had ended, Voyagers crew discovered that 20 million gigaquads of new information had been downloaded into the ships computer systems.

Even now it is unclear exactly what the nature of the distortion effect was. It may have been caused by a vessel occupying multidimensional space, or indeed may have been a vessel of some form in itself. It is even possible that the field was a life form in its own right. It seems that an answer may well lie in the information Voyager collected, and this will likely be the subject of much intensive study when and if the ship is able to return home. [49]
Spatial Anomalies A region of space which extended over approximately 2,000 light years, encompassing many solar systems. The edge of the expanse came within 50 light years of Earth as of 2153. It was surrounded by thermobaric clouds which made it dangerous to enter [50], and impossible to leave. [51] The age of the Expanse is uncertain, though the Triannon believed that it was a supernatural phenomena which had been created in approximately 1153. [52] Both Vulcans and Klingons were extremely reluctant to enter the expanse; in 2133 a Klingon ship emerged from the Expanse with the entire crew 'anatomically inverted', their bodies splayed open - and still alive despite their horrific injuries. [50] The Vulcan ship Seleya entered the Expanse in 2152; all contact was lost with the ship, and when the Vaankara was sent to investigate the crew rapidly went insane and murdered one another. [53]

In 2152 the NX-01 Enterprise received information that the recent attack on Earth had been carried out by the Xindi, a species native to the Delphic Expanse. [50] The ship spent almost ten months searching the area, and eventually managed to prevent a further attack. [54] During the mission, Captain Archer learned that the Expanse was being maintained by a network of huge artificial spheres [55] - at least 78 in all. [56] The spheres were created deliberately in order to reconfigure the nature of space in the Milky Way galaxy to pave the way for an invasion by an alien species from another dimension. [57] The various anomalies of the Expanse occurred where the intense gravimetric waves generated by different spheres interacted. [58] These anomalies varied in type and effect; some merely interfered with artificial gravity fields in unusual ways [55], others could be massvely damaging to any ship passing through them. [59]

In 2154 the NX-01 was able to destroy Sphere 41, a key element in the network. This action instigated a chain reaction which destroyed all the spheres. Freed of their influence, the region began to rapidly return to normal space. [54]
Spatial Anomalies An energy wave which passes through our galaxy every 39.1 years, the Nexus was encountered by the Enterprise-B in 2293 when the ship moved to assist some El Aurian refugee ships which had become caught in it. The ships were destroyed, although the Enterprise managed to rescue several dozen survivors first. The Starship was badly damaged in the mission, leading to the apparent death of Admiral Kirk. [60]

In 2371 the Nexus returned. Captain Picard of the Enterprise-D discovered a plot by Dr. Soren, one of the original El Aurian survivors of the Nexus, to return to the anomaly by altering its course to take it near to a habitable planet. Soran was destroying stars using a trilithium torpedo in order to change gravitational fields and so alter the course of the Nexus. He successfully destroyed the Amagosa system, but was ultimately prevented from destroying the Veridian system by Picard's intervention. [60]

Picard was able to enter the Nexus himself during the mission. He discovered that it was some form of inter-dimensional vortex whose physical characteristics were shaped by the thoughts of the inhabitant into a perfect universe - one in which every fantasy could be fulfilled, forever. Soran had been determined to return in order to live out his own perfect life, and even Picard himself found it difficult to leave once he had entered. [60]
Spatial Anomalies A type of anomaly which is considered high dangerous by the Federation after a dozen Starships were lost whilst investigating one in the Alpha Quadrant. Voyager encountered a Particle Fountain in the Delta Quadrant when the artificial intelligence system aboard the shuttle Alice attempted to force Tom Paris to pilot her into it. Alice claimed that the Fountain was a way for her to reach home, indicating that they may be gateways to another dimension of wormhole-like phenomena. [61]
Spatial Anomalies A type of anomaly which was believed to be purely theoretical until 2368. Null space pockets form during the creation of a star system when clouds of interstellar dust and gas coalesce. Turbulent regions of magnetic and gravitational fields can develop, and if certain conditions occur these fields can form null space. The J'naii lost a shuttle into a pocket of null space in 2368, though the crew was subsequently recovered with the help of the Enterprise-D. [62]
Spatial Anomalies A phemonenon which Voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant. A plasma drift could occupy half of an entire sector. Interference from them could cause problems with at least some sensor systems. Federation ships could safely enter a plasma drift, though turbulence was possible. [63] When Neelix was a child a huge plasma drift passed through the Talaxian system, blocking out the stars and moons for months. [64]
Spatial Anomalies Phenomenon encountered by Voyager in 2377. The rift emits high levels of neutrinos and chronotons and a gravimetric surge which is capable of overloading a Starship's inertial dampers. Should a chrono-kinetic surge interact with the ship's warp core it can cause it to destabilise, resulting in different sections of a nearby object to become dislocated in time - so for instance a person hit with a burst may have organs which are radically different ages or a ship may have different parts located in different "time zones". Voyager was fractured into thirty seven different zones when it encountered a spatial rift. [65]
Spatial Anomalies Located at the edge of our galaxy, the galactic barrier is a vast energy field which was first encountered by Humans in the year 2065 by the SS Valiant. The ship was lost during the encounter; the loss remained a mystery until two centuries later when the USS Enterprise recovered a distress beacon from the Valiant with some fragmentary records of the encounter. [16]

The Enterprise proceeded to its own encounter with the barrier, where it was badly damaged. In the aftermath two members of the crew, Gary Mitchell and Elizabeth Dehner, experienced strange side effects; silvered eyes and geometrically increasing ESP powers. Both had scored rather highly on ESP tests in the past, and apparently the encounter with the barrier had some effect on them which led their powers to increase hour by hour afterwards, although Mitchell's the effects on Dehner were rather delayed compared to Mitchell. [16]

Captain Kirk, faced with an officer who was coming to regard his shipmates as little more than entertaining pets, decided to maroon Mitchell on a nearby planet. Mitchell used his powers to escape, and Kirk was forced to kill him with some help from Dehner. [16]

The Enterprise encountered the galactic barrier again in 2268 whilst carrying the Medusan Ambassador Kollos. A passenger, driven mad when he saw Kollos, took the ship through the barrier to the energy void beyond. The ship was able to return with Kollos's help. [66]
Spatial Anomalies A cosmic string is an extremely narrow filament, no wider than a single proton but capable of generating gravitational fields as strong as a black hole. They are normally invisible to sensors directly, though they can be detected by the hyper-acceleration effect they have on interstellar gas nearby. They also emit a characteristic range of subspace frequencies due to the decay of particles on their event horizon. [67]

A species of two dimensional creatures live within cosmic strings; in 2367 the Enterprise-D was immobilised within a swarm of such creatures as they returned to their home, a 107 km long cosmic string. The ship was able to confuse the creatures enough to escape. [67]

A cosmic string is notably different to a quantum filament. [68]
Spatial Anomalies A massive energy field located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the Great Barrier was for many years a complete mystery. It was clearly visible to the naked eye, yet sensors reported nothing there at all. Yet no probe sent into the barrier had ever returned from it, indicating that something dangerous lay inside. [21]

In 2285 the Starship Enterprise finally penetrated the Great Barrier after the ship was hijacked by Sybock and his followers. A Klingon Bird of Prey was able to follow the Enterprise through. Within, they discovered the fabled planet of Sha'ka'ree, which was the home to a malevolent energy being - although perhaps prison would be a better term. The barrier thus apparently served to isolate this being and prevent it from injuring others; prison walls, in effect. [21]
Spatial Anomalies An artificially created spatial anomaly produced by the Borg as a form of transport from one universe to another. [69]
Spatial compression index [70] Factor which had to be taken into account when starting up the warp drive of an NX class starship. The output of the core had to be within 300 and 312 millicochranes unless the spatial compression index was greater than 5.62%. [70]
Spatial discriminators [71] Part of the stabilisers of a J class cargo vessel. [71]
Spatial gradient [55] A feature of warp flight which became distorted when the quantum variables of the Cochrane equation were not as expected. [55]
Special Powers Telepathy refers to the ability to communicate thoughts and ideas from one person to another without the use of conventional biological mechanisms or technology. Many species have telepathic abilities; in some cases, such a Humans, the ability is rare, limited to a few selected individuals. [16] Most Humans have some degree of PSI ability, but it is usually very limited. Miranda Jones, an Earth woman of the 23rd century, was an example of a powerful Human telepath who was part of the project to use Medusans as navigators on Federation Starships. [66] In 2265, two members of the Enterprise crew had their ESP powers vastly increased as a result of an encounter with the energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy. Their powers continued to escalate to astounding and even dangerous levels, and both had to be abandoned on an uninhabited planet by the Enterprise crew. [16]

In other species, such as Betazoids, most or all people have telepathic ability. Betazoid telepathic ability is created by a pattern of neural cells throughout the cerebellum and cerebral cortex. [67] The neurotransmitter psilosynine is also involved in Betazoid telepathy. [72] Most Betazoids are full telepaths, with their abilities developing durind adolescence. However in a few cases a child is born with the telepathic ability already formed. Since such children have no opportunity to develop the mental barriers against the thoughts of others that older Betazoids do, they often experience psychological difficulties as a result. [23] Betazoids are able to cross breed with Humans; in such cases, the offspring is often displays reduced capabilities, often empathic in nature, with telepathy either limited to those with whom the person shares a close mental bond [3], or absent altogether. [73]

The precise nature of telepathic ability varies from species to species. Amongst the more capable are the Melkotians. Encountered in 2268, this non-Human species were capable of transmitting detailed thoughts and images to several members of the Enterprise crew. Indeed the Melkotians were able to ‘interlink’ the minds of these officers so that they existed within the same shared illusion, which appeared to be utterly real and convincing to them. The illusion was only broken when they realised the nature of their situation and convinced themselves of the unreality of the illusion – ironically through another form of telepathy. [74]

The Talosians also had this form of telepathy; they were able to construct and project detailed illusions so convincing that they were impossible to tell from the real thing. The ability had led to the virtual disintegration of Talosian society; most Talosians became so addicted to living vicariously through the memories and experiences of others that they took little interest in the day to day function of their society. The Federation was so concerned with the power of the Talosians that they forbade any further contact with the planet after the original visit of the Enterprise in 2254, with violation of this order carrying an automatic death penalty. [75]

Although most Vulcans have a limited form of telepathy, some individuals have demonstrated much higher order abilities. In particular Sybok, the 23rd century rebel, was able to telepathically scan the minds of others and produce interactive illusions which they could take part in whilst others watched. Sybok used this ability to produce catharctic experiences in order to convince people to join his quest for the mythical planet Sha’ka’ree. [21]

Other variations on this ability include the psychoprojective telepathy which the Halanans posess, that allows them to project the image of an alter-ego personality to others at a distance [76] and the telepathic attacks which can be launched by the Letheans. [77]
Special Powers A more limited form of telepathy, empathy is the ability to sense feelings and emotions in others rather than detailed thoughts or images. An empathic individual would for instance be able to tell that another was upset, but not the specifics of why. Betazoids of mixed race tend to have empathic rather than telepathic abilities, though at least some telepathic ability is often present. [3]
Special Powers Another form of telepathy, the mind meld is a Vulcan method of linking two minds together. The meld is generally established by the Vulcan touching the fingers of his or her hands to the face of the participant; the process could be compared to a linkage between the nerve systems of both individuals. Traditionally the incantation “My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts” is used when a meld is being established, though this is purely ceremonial and not necessary to the process. The process of melding involves inducing pressure changes in the blood vessels and nerves. [78]

As the name suggests, a mind meld is not a simple transmission of thoughts or images but rather a true merging of the two personalities. It is common for those involved in a meld to either complete one another’s sentences [9] or even speak simultaneously. It is also common for both individuals to refer to themselves as “we” during the meld. [78] Mind Melds can be used by a Vulcan to assist another in overcoming mental damage or blocks, for example retrieving lost memories. [79] Melds have been used by Vulcans with a variety of alien species, including silicon-based life [80] and even a computerised probe. [81]

It is possible for a limited meld to be established without direct contact, and this can be used to influence the actions of others. Commander Spock of the Enterprise was able to accomplish this feat on several occasions, for instance convincing an Eminian guard to open the door of a cell [82], or a Yang woman to open a communicator. [83]
Special Powers Psycokinesis is the ability to use the power of the mind to physically manipulate objects at a distance. The ability is relatively rare compared to telepathy, and few cases have been recorded. Psycokinesis was one of the abilities developed by Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell and Doctor Elizabeth Dehner after their encounter with the energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy in 2265. [16] In 2268 the Enterprise encountered a group of Platonians, members of an alien species who had developed enourmous psychokinetic powers after settling on an alien planet. A Platonian was able to exert influence over the Enterprise in orbit, at a distance of at least hundreds of miles. However, as often seems to be the case, the possession of such power had led the Platonians to neglect other aspects of life badly. [84]

The abilities developed as a result of exposure to kironide, an element of the planet’s environment. Captain Kirk and his senior officers were able to develop psychokinetic powers of their own after ingesting doses of kironide. Although this offers Humans a quick and simple way to become strongly psychokinetic [84], it has apparently not been followed up.

Humanity has flirted with developing these abilities in other ways. The Darwin genetic research project included psychokinetic abilities as one of the supposed improvements in Humanity which they were attempting in the 2360s. The psychokinetic portion of the project was apparently successful, though other aspects were not. [85]
Special Powers Certain life forms are capable of generating electrical shocks with their own body. This ability is usually used for self defence or offensive attacks, delivered via physical contact with the victim. The ability is very uncommon amongst intelligent life forms, but one recorded case is that of the Brekkians and Ornarans. These humanoids, originating from different planets in the same solar system, were able to generate considerable electrical shocks with their hands, sufficient to paralyse or kill a human being. The could sustain the discharge for at least several tens of seconds. It is possible that their ability is linked to the unusual electromagnetic disturbances which occur on their home star. [86]
Starbase [44] A Federation facility which serves as a centre for scientific research, trade, Starship manufacture or maintanence and military strength. Starbases can be located on planetary surfaces, in orbit, or in deep space. [44]
Stardate [16] A system of time in use within the Federation. [16]
Starship [22] A Federation Starfleet vessel capable of undertaking interstellar missions. Most Starships are more than 100 metres long; smaller vessels tend to be classed as Runabouts or Shuttlecraft. [22]
Stellar Cartography [87] The ability to navigate a path between the stars to a high degree of accuracy is a vital requirement for even the most primitive of interstellar vessels. It is rarely realised by the general public just how difficult such a feat is. Every object in the Milky way galaxy is in a state of motion relative to every other object. Even extra-galactic objects are moving, meaning that there is no universal fixed point of reference for a starship to use as a basis for charting a course.

Starfleet has long striven to fit their ships with the very latest and most advanced sensor and scanner systems. Stellar Cartography uses these systems both for navigational purposes, and for scientific research. For instance, the Stellar Cartography department of a Galaxy class starship includes on the one hand a laboratory which can model planetary formation far in advance [87], and on the other a large holographic imaging chamber capable of displaying galactic maps of a high resolution. [60]

USS Voyager used a combination of Starfleet and Borg technology to expand her Stellar Cartography section to include an astrometrics laboratory. Somewhat similar in fuction to the holographic chamber of the Galaxy class, astrometrics used new-generation sensors to allow detailed information to be obtained across thousands of light years and displayed it on a large viewscreen. [88]

Whilst lacking the glamour of weapon and shield systems, it seems clear that Stellar Cartography will remain a key component of Federation Starships for the forseeable future.
Stellar Re-Ignition [89] The Federation has several times experimented with or encountered technologies capable of affecting the function of an entire star. The first time that Federation personnel were directly involved in such efforts was in 2367, when the USS Enterprise-D assisted Dr. Timicin in his efforts to modify the Kaelon star. The star had been gradually shutting down for generations, and Timicin believed that he had a method of revitalising itusing helium fusion enhancement. Although the Federation had little hand in developing the science behind the effort, they did provide the method of applying the process to a star on a practical scale, and located a suitable star to test the process on. [89]

On Stardate 44805.3 the test was carried out; a series of photon torpedoes was fired into the star's core, boosting the fusion reaction back to normal levels. Although initial results seemed promising, the star quickly ran out of control and went supernova shortly afterwards. Timicin's subsequent analysis showed that the problem was caused by significant neutron migration within the inner core, a problem he thought would be quite correctible given enough time to work on it. Unfortunately Timicin was not able to follow up on his work as he died shortly afterwards. [89]

The Federation had its own attempt at controlling stars in 2370. Professor Gideon Seyetik planned to re-ignite the dead star using a protomatter device. He planned to use a shuttlepod to deliver the protomatter into the star, which he believed would start a cascade effect that would transforming the star carbon and oxygen into elemental hydrogen. In the event, Seyetik chose to pilot the shuttlepod himself, committing suicide because of family issues. The process was successful, and Epsilon-119 did indeed re-ignite. Seyetik's last words were "Let there be light!" [76]
Subdermal transceivers [90] Communications device used by the Military Assault Command Operatives in the mid 2150s. The device was an implant which was placed under the skin to allow covert communication. [90]
Subquantum imprint [91] A characteristic 'fingerprint' of materials. Matching subquantum imprints from two different samples proves that they have the same origin. [91]
Subspace [92] A type of spacetime which is outside our own. Much Federation technology is based around the properties of subspace, most especially warp drive. [92]
Subspace Amplifier [93] The subspace amplifier was used by Earth's Starfleet in the 2150s in order to facilitate communication between Earth and distant ships and outposts - essentially the same role played by the later Federation subspace relay network. The deployment of amplifiers was a regular task of the NX class vessels, and was a major factor in allowing Earth to maintain regular contact across its growing sphere of influence in this time. [93]
Subspace Compression [94] Effect which results when an object is partially encased in a subspace field. Subspace compression can cause forces sufficient to tear such an object apart. [94]
Subspace Field [95] A field generated by the warp coils of Federation starships and related to subspace. Subspace fields allow objects to circumvent the Einsteinian limitations which normally apply within our universe. They are measured in Cochranes; a subapce field with a value of 1 Cochrane or more is known as a warp field. [95]
Subspace Field Distortions [95] Effect which is generated by active warp drives. [95]
Subspace Funnel [96] A link through subspace which connects two distant points together in a manner similar to a wormhole. [96]
Subspace implosion [97] In an alternate timeline, Denobulan specialists suggested this as a method of killing temporal parasites infecting Captain Archer. Creating the implosion involved overloading three of the plasma injectors so as to send a feedback pulse through the warp reactor. Unfortunately the procedure involved vapourising the captain as well. [97]
Subspace Instabilities [92] An area in which warp drive has caused damage to the fabric of space. In extreme cases this can lead to a subspace rift. [92]
Subspace Interphase Pocket [98] An area of overlap between our universe and one of the others normally separated from it by the phase difference between them. [98]
Subspace phase inverter [99] A device not normally carried aboard Galaxy class starships as of 2365. A subspace phase inverter can produce Eichner radiation. [99]
Subspace Phenomena Subspace is a mysterious and complex region which offers both great benefits and great perils to those who utilize it. The major benefits are obvious - interstellar civilizations such as the Federation would be all but impossible without the faster than light travel offered by warp drives which utilize subspace. On the other hand, subspace phenomena can be diverse, unpredictable and almost unbelievably destructive. The following is a brief list of some of the major subspace phenomena encountered by the Federation since its formation. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, simply a selection. [4]
Subspace Phenomena A phenomenon caused when an object is partially encased in a subspace field, thus altering the gravitational constant of the encased portion and giving the different parts different inertial densities. Subspace compression causes stress to be placed on the object, and in extreme cases can cause it to be destroyed on an atomic level. In addition to this danger there is considerable risk of damage to the platform projecting the subspace field, although a modern Starship is capable of withstanding a considerable degree of subspace compression. The Enterprise-D once attempted to correct the orbit of a moon orbiting Bre'el IV by wrapping a subspace field around part of it, thus resulting in subspace compression. The attempt failed, but as a result of non technical factors rather than any problems with the method employed. [94]

A rare and highly unusual subspace compression phenomenon was discovered in 2374. The anomaly caused an object which passed through it to be greatly reduced in physical size; the Danube class runabout Rubicon was shrunk to a size of approximately a dozen centimetres while investigating the anomaly, although it was eventually able to return to its normal size. It was hoped that study of the anomaly would enable a better understanding of the mechanisms behind transwarp conduits to be gained. [100]
Subspace Phenomena A phenomenon which indicates the presence of a functioning warp drive system. The Cytherian probe encountered by the Enterprise-D in 2367 did not generate any subspace field distortions even though it was capable of travelling at faster than light speeds. The nature of the probes drive system remains a mystery to Federation science. [95]
Subspace Phenomena A subspace link between two points in normal space through which, theoretically, matter and energy can pass. Subspace funnels thus bear some superficial similarity to wormholes. Lieutenant La Forge suggested that the mysterious disappearance of the USS Hera may have been a result of the ship being transported to Marijne VII when trionic initiators in the ships warp core created a subspace funnel. Unfortunately no evidence was discovered to support the theory and the ships loss remains a mystery. [96]
Subspace Phenomena An area in which the fabric of space is weakened, making it especially vulnerable to the damaging effect of certain types of warp drive. The effect is cumulative, and excessive use of warp drive spacecraft in regions containing subspace instabilities can result in the formation of a subspace rift.

The region around the Hekaras corridor is rife with subspace instabilities and it was here that the damaging effect of warp drives was proven when Dr. Serova created a warp core breach in her ship, resulting in a subspace rift. As a result the local inhabitants feared that they would have to abandon warp drive altogether, but in fact a modification to warp engine design has allowed vessels to operate without damaging space in this manner. [92]
Subspace Phenomena Our universe coexists with a multitude of others which occupy the same physical space but are separated by the phase difference between them. Occasionally our universe overlaps one of these others, creating a region of interphase. Such interphase pockets are highly dangerous; vessels entering them are likely to find themselves marooned in another universe with little chance of returning. Being in close proximity to an interphase pocket has drastic effects on the brain function of Humanoid life forms, while being trapped inside one is generally fatal.

In 2268 the USS Defiant wandered into an interphase pocket. The effect of the pocket induced intensely violent behaviour patterns in the crew, causing them all to kill each other. When the USS Enterprise investigated the phenomenon Captain James Kirk led a team onto the Defiant. The Defiant began to shift into another universe and Kirk became trapped inside the interphase pocket as his team was beamed back to the Enterprise. He survived for several hours in the pocket, having been protected during the transition by the cushioning effect of the transporter beam, and was eventually recovered. Unfortunately the Defiant herself could not be salvaged.

Interphase pockets are highly sensitive to disturbances in space and any use of energy in their vicinity can cause them to shift position and alter the timing of the periods of interphase significantly. [101]
An interphase pocket can be produced by detonating a tri-cobalt warhead in a sufficiently large gravitational field, such as that found near to a dead star. Under the right conditions, the pocket can act as a gateway which can allow objects to move both between parallel universes and through time. [102]
Subspace Phenomena An opening in the fabric of normal space through which subspace protrudes. High level exposure of space containing subspace instabilities to warp fields can result in a subspace rift, causing vessels to become trapped. The rifts are extremely sensitive to any use of subspace technology, most especially to warp drive - any use of a warp drive system within a rift causes it to expand greatly.

In 2370 the USS Enterprise was present at the formation of a subspace rift in the Hekaras corridor, and was subsequently trapped within it when the USS Flemming activated its warp drive. The Enterprise managed to escape the rift, but was unable to do anything to repair it. For a time all Starfleet vessels were limited to speeds of no more than Warp 5 in order to prevent the cumulative damage to the fabric of space from creating more rifts, but new models of warp engine are able to operate safely at any speed and the warp 5 limit has been abandoned. [92]
Subspace Phenomena A large anomaly which acts in a manner similar to a whirlpool, sucking matter into it over a large scale. In 2169 a Vulcan vessel discovered a subspace rupture in the Hanoli system. The Vulcans detonated a pulse wave torpedo in the rupture, setting off a chain reaction which destroyed the entire system.

In 2369 the crew of Deep Space Nine believed that a subspace rupture had formed near the station, but the anomaly proved to be a manifestation of their imaginations created by an alien species investigating Humanoid mental processes. [31]
Subspace Phenomena A phenomenon which prevents the use of warp drive, effectively tying a spacecraft in place. Essentially, a region with a Cochrane factor of zero. In 2375 USS Voyager was marooned on a subspace sandbar which was created when a species of Photonic beings from another universe created gateways into our dimension. Voyagers crew was able to convince the beings to return to their own space and close the gateways, after which the sandbar dissipated and the ship was able to continue on its way. [103]
Subspace Phenomena A shock wave produced by certain types of explosion, most notably those involving dilithium ore. Subspace shock waves tend to propagate across an almost flat plane rather than in the three dimensional manner of a normal explosion. The shock wave propagates through normal space and can interact with objects within our universe, but its subspace nature allows it to travel at high multiples of the speed of light. The near destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis in 2293 produced a large subspace shock wave with a double wave front which extended out of Klingon territory altogether and hit the USS Excelsior, which was patrolling in the area at the time. [104]
Subspace Phenomena A subspace tear can be created by an isolytic subspace weapon. It allows a portion of subspace to intrude upon normal space, presenting a threat to Starships in the vicinity. The tear can be attracted to a Starships warp core, which drags it across space like a zipper. Detonating such a warp core within the tear can cause it to close up again, although this is not guaranteed. Such a tactic was successfully employed by the Starship Enterprise-E when a Son'a vessel used a subspace weapon against it during the Ba'ku crisis. [37]
Subspace Phenomena A phenomenon associated with the dimensional shift transport technology employed by the Ansata terrorists on Rutia IV. Virtually undetectable by conventional sensor systems, the effect can be scanned with accuracy by an adaptive subspace echogram. In 2366 the USS Enterprise used such a scan to locate the Ansata headquarters and score a major victory over the Ansata. [105]
Subspace Phenomena A natural subspace phenomenon which links two points in space time and causes matter and energy located at each point to switch places with its counterpart. The two points can be separated by virtually any distance, or for that matter could even exist within other dimensions. Subspace vacuoles are attracted to the warp cores of a Federation Starship.

In 2371 USS Voyager encountered a planet whose rings were riddled with subspace vacuoles which linked it to the Vhnori home world. The Vhnori had been sending their corpses through the vacuoles for a long time, believing that the phenomena were conveying their dead to the afterlife. When Ensign Kim was accidentally transported through a vacuole to their world he revealed the true destination of the vacuoles and revealed that he had seen the bodies of the Vhnori dead before being transported to their world, confirming that this aspect of their religion was in fact false. This prompting something of a religious crisis on the planet. When he - eventually - realized that such revelations were a prime directive violation Kim effected an escape through another vacuole back to Voyager.

Captain Janeway subsequently noted that the Vhnori beliefs may in fact have had some slight basis in reality, since the planet the dead were being transported to was surrounded by a very complex energy field which might contain the neural patterns of the dead Vhnori. Whilst it may be true that the Vhnori experience an afterlife of sorts, existence as disembodied energy remains fundamentally at odds with Vhnori beliefs as revealed to Ensign Kim. [106]
Subspace Phenomena A phenomena encountered by Voyager in 2375; the sinkhole produced considerable gravimetric shear, which prevented a warp drive from functioning in the vicinity of the entrance. It was also strong enough to pull small vessels inside, though venting plasma and reversing shield polarity could counter this effect. The entrance to the sinkhole was some 600 metres across, but since it was out of phase with normal space it was extremely difficult to detect. Inside the distortion was much larger - the one Voyager encountered contained an entire solar system comprising a star and three planets. Time passed more slowly inside the sinkhole than outside - more than 126 times slower. Much of the theory regarding subspace sinkholes indicated that they were mono-directional, but Voyager was able to beam out crewmembers who were trapped inside the phenomenon by using a probe as a relay. Sinkholes can collapse naturally, destroying everything inside them, but the one encountered by Voyager was sealed by an alien vessel using anti-graviton beams before this could happen. [107]
Subspace Phenomena A naturally occurring bubble of curved space-time, subspace nodes can be huge in size - there is one near Earth which is over a hundred light years across. They prevent star formation, and appear as an empty region of space. The lack of matter and energy phenomena allows certain experiments to be performed in these regions. In 2139 an attempt at a sub-quantum transport left the transporter pattern of a man stranded in the bubble. Fluctuations in the node caused the signal to partially re-appear on occasion, though an attempt to recapture and rematerialise the pattern was unsuccessful and resulted in the death of the man. [108]
Subspace Phenomena A phenomenon encountered by the Starship Voyager in 2373, astral eddys form at the confluence of space and subspace. They are highly charged with plasma, which causes them to leave an easily detectable particle wake behind them. The plasma makes them a good source of energy for Starships which are otherwise short on such resources. Astral eddys throw off graviton waves which cause considerable turbulence in their vicinity. Within the eddy massive discharges of plasmatic energy are found, and temperature gradients can exceed nine million kelvins. However the centre of an eddy has a perfectly calm region akin to the eye of a hurricane. [109]

Astral eddys are only partially subspace phenomenon. Matter within the eddy is exchanged between normal space and subspace, and an unstable interfold layer which is not in space or subspace exists between the two. This region is the source of the eddys, which form when subspace is ruptured within the anomaly. Approaching an eddy is dangerous both because of the extreme turbulence and because of the considerable radiation they emit. Vessels in the wake of an eddy can be drawn into the interfold region, as happened to one of Voyager's shuttlecraft. Escape is possible by passing through one of the subspace ruptures which spawns a new eddy, though this is somewhat dangerous because of the turbulence eddys cause. [109]
Subspace Phenomena A phenomena encountered by Voyager in 2377, these Voids are capable of emitting a graviton surge which could drag ships off course. The void itself is a closed structure encased in an inert layer of subspace which neither matter nor energy can penetrate - only funnels which form periodically for a brief duration pull matter into the void. The funnels appeared at irregular intervals, though Borg sensors used with fractal algorithms allowed a ship to predict when and where they would form. There was little in the way of matter or energy in the void, and no deuterium which ships could use for fuel. Worse, the same graviton surge which dragged ships inside drained energy from their power systems, resulting in at least a tenfold increase in fuel useage. The void Voyager encountered was nine light years in circumference. [110]
Subspace Radio [111] Method of communicating at faster than light speeds. Subspace radio allows virtually instantaneous communication over long ranges if the signal is sent via relay stations. Without relay stations, the speed of a signal drops to approximately 50,000 times that of light. [111]
Subspace Rift [92] A break in the fabric of space through which the fabric of subspace can intrude into our universe. [92]
Subspace Sandbar [103] A region of space in which a warp drive will not function. [103]
Subspace Shockwave [104] A blast effect produced by certain types of explosion which propogates at a velocity greater than that of light. [104]
Subspace Tear [37] A rip which can be caused by an isolytic subspace weapon which allows subspace to protrude into our own universe. The tear is strongly attracted to warp cores. [37]
Subspace Transition Rebound [105] An effect which is associated with dimensional shifting. [105]
Subspace transporter [112] A form of transporter which sends the matter stream through subspace, thus extending the range from the normal few tens of thousands of kilometres to at least several light years. The Dominion transporters may well be subspace devices. [112]
Subspace Vacuole [106] A link between two points through subspace. Similar to a subspace funnel. [106]
Subspace Vortex [113] A method of transport used by the Xindi. [113] The Vortex allows them to take 'shortcuts' through subspace, covering large distances in a very short time. It is limited to ranges of a few light years. [91] It is also known as an energy portal. [91]
Subspace weapon [37] Any weapon which causes destruction via damage or disruption to subspace. Subspace weapons are illegal under the second Khittomer accords, though some species still use them. [37]
Sultritium [27] A chemical which, when enriched, was known to be a component of Tholian-made demolition explosives. In 2265 an Enterprise landing party was caught up in an explosion when they activated a Tholian booby trap on Ravanar IV which contained enriched sultritium. [27]
Sunshield A protective sun shield used to block many of the harmful rays from the sun. This technology started as a personal device that enabled Kore Soong to go outdoors, despite her extreme photophobia. The system is operated by a series of drones which allows the user complete range of motion without moving out of its protection. [114]

In an alternate reality this system was developed further into a protective shield for the whole of the planet and used to avoid making any real changes required by global warming. [115]
Sweet Spot [116] A point on Earth vessels half way between the gravity generator and the bow. Gravitational fields acted in strange directions at the sweet spot. [116]
System taps [117] Element of the warp drive of the NX class starship. In theory, re-routing the system taps would compress the antimatter stream before it reaches the injectors, stabilising the warp field and allowing higher speeds to be achieved. [118]

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : First Contact
2 ENT 2 Cogenitor
3 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
4 Generic canonical information
5 DS9 1 Babel
6 ENT 2 Minefield
7 ENT 2 Dawn
8 ENT 2 The Catwalk
9 Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
10 DS9 1 Progress
11 DS9 3 Prophet Motive
12 DS9 5 By Inferno's Light
13 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 1
14 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Perhaps non-self-sealing stem bolts are from an earlier, more primitive era?
15 ENT 2 Future Tense
16 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before
17 DS9 1 A Man Alone
18 TOS 1 Arena
19 TOS 1 The Galileo Seven
20 Various Next Generation episodes
21 Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
22 Various Original Series episodes
23 TNG 3 Tin Man
24 TOS 1 The Naked Time
25 STP 2 Assimilation
26 TNG 5 New Ground
27 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
28 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger The sonic screwdriver is, of course, an homage to the British show Doctor Who, whose lead character has used one of these handy devices for decades
29 Star Trek : The Motion Picture
30 VOY 5 Juggernaut
31 DS9 1 If Wishes Were Horses
32 ENT 1 Unexpected
33 VOY 4 Day of Honor
34 DS9 7 The Siege of AR-558
35 DS9 4 Starship Down
36 VOY 1 Caretaker
37 Star Trek : Insurrection
38 TNG 4 In Theory
39 Speculative According to present day cosmological models
40 DS9 6 Rocks and Shoals
41 VOY 6 Good Shepherd
42 TNG 5 Imaginary Friend
43 VOY 6 One Small Step
44 TOS 1 Court Martial
45 VOY 5 Once Upon a Time
46 TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror
47 VOY 6 Fair Haven
48 VOY 6 Live Fast and Prosper
49 VOY 2 Twisted
50 ENT 2 The Expanse
51 ENT 3 The Xindi
52 ENT 3 Chosen Realm
53 ENT 3 Impulse
54 ENT 3 Zero Hour
55 ENT 3 Anomaly
56 ENT 3 The Forgotten
57 ENT 3 Azati Prime
58 ENT 3 Exile
59 Various Enterprise episodes
60 Star Trek : Generations
61 VOY 6 Alice
62 TNG 5 The Outcast
63 VOY 2 Deadlock
64 VOY 6 The Haunting of Deck Twelve
65 VOY 7 Shattered
66 TOS 3 Is There in Truth no Beauty?
67 TNG 4 The Loss
68 TNG 5 Disaster
69 STP 2 The Star Gazer
70 ENT 3 Doctor's Orders
71 ENT 2 Horizon
72 TNG 7 Eye of the Beholder
73 TNG 3 The Price
74 TOS 3 Spectre of the Gun
75 TNG 3 Menage a Troi
76 DS9 2 Second Sight
77 DS9 3 Distant Voices
78 TOS 1 Dagger of the Mind
79 TOS 3 The Paradise Syndrome
80 TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark
81 TOS 2 The Changeling
82 TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon
83 TOS 2 The Omega Glory
84 TOS 3 Plato's Stepchildren
85 TNG 2 Unnatural Selection
86 TNG 1 Symbiosis
87 TNG 6 Lessons
88 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 1
89 TNG 4 Half a Life
90 ENT 3 Stratagem
91 ENT 3 The Shipment
92 TNG 7 Force of Nature
93 ENT 1 Silent Enemy
94 TNG 3 Deja Q
95 TNG 4 The N'th Degree
96 TNG 7 Interface
97 ENT 3 Twilight
98 DS9 2 Playing God
99 TNG 2 The Child
100 DS9 6 One Little Ship
101 TOS 3 The Tholian Web
102 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly
103 VOY 5 Bride of Chaotica!
104 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
105 TNG 3 The High Ground
106 VOY 1 Emanations
107 VOY 5 Gravity
108 ENT 4 Daedalus
109 VOY 3 Real Life
110 VOY 7 The Void
111 TOS 2 A Piece of the Action
112 TNG 7 Bloodlines
113 ENT 3 Rajiin
114 STP 2 Fly Me to the Moon
115 STP 2 Penance
116 ENT 1 Broken Bow
117 ENT 3 Similitude
118 ENT 3 North Star
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cogenitor
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Source : Generic canonical information
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Babel
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Minefield
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Dawn
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Film: Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Progress
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Prophet Motive
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : By Inferno's Light
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 1
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Perhaps non-self-sealing stem bolts are from an earlier, more primitive era?
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Future Tense
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : A Man Alone
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Arena
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Galileo Seven
Series : TNG Season
Episode : Various Next Generation episodes
Film: Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
Series : TOS Season
Episode : Various Original Series episodes
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Tin Man
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Naked Time
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Assimilation
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : New Ground
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : The sonic screwdriver is, of course, an homage to the British show Doctor Who, whose lead character has used one of these handy devices for decades
Film: Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Juggernaut
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : If Wishes Were Horses
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Unexpected
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Day of Honor
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Siege of AR-558
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Starship Down
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : In Theory
Source : Speculative
Comment : According to present day cosmological models
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Rocks and Shoals
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Good Shepherd
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Imaginary Friend
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : One Small Step
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Court Martial
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Once Upon a Time
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Mirror, Mirror
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Fair Haven
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Live Fast and Prosper
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Twisted
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Expanse
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Xindi
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Chosen Realm
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Impulse
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Anomaly
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Forgotten
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Exile
Series : ENT Season
Episode : Various Enterprise episodes
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Alice
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Deadlock
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : The Haunting of Deck Twelve
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Shattered
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Is There in Truth no Beauty?
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Loss
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Disaster
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : The Star Gazer
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Doctor's Orders
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Eye of the Beholder
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Price
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Spectre of the Gun
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Menage a Troi
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Second Sight
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Distant Voices
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Dagger of the Mind
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Paradise Syndrome
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Devil in the Dark
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Changeling
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : A Taste of Armageddon
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Omega Glory
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Plato's Stepchildren
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Unnatural Selection
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Symbiosis
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Lessons
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Half a Life
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Stratagem
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Force of Nature
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Silent Enemy
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Deja Q
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The N'th Degree
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Interface
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Twilight
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Playing God
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Child
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : One Little Ship
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Tholian Web
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Bride of Chaotica!
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The High Ground
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Emanations
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Gravity
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Daedalus
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Real Life
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : The Void
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Piece of the Action
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Bloodlines
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Rajiin
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Fly Me to the Moon
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Penance
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Similitude
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : North Star

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,741,134 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025