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Science and Technology List

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Name Notes
Vaal [1] Located on the planet Gamma Trianguli VI, Vaal was an ancient computer system which had been operating for at least ten thousand years. The original intent had apparently been to provide climate control and supervise the planet's food supply. But at some point it assumed direct control of the population, setting itself up as a local god-figure. Vaal kept close control of every individual on the planet, keeping them in a state of perfect health and eternal youth. In return, they provided Vaal with raw material to power itself.

Eventually the natives regressed to a state of near-childhood, virtually unable to think for themselves. When Captain Kirk visited the planet in 2267 Vaal made at least one direct attack on the landing party using its weather control abilities to direct lightning strikes which killed one crew member and wounded another. It also directed the local villagers to attack the landing party, although they were quickly subdued by the Enterprise personnel due to their inexperience in combat. Captain Kirk found the idea of Humans living under the control of a computer offensive enough that it justified violating the prime directive. His landing party kept the local villagers captive, refusing to allow them to feed Vaal, and he ordered the ship to fire on the forcefield surrounding the computer in order to drain its energy more quickly. Vaal soon ran out of fuel and became inactive.

Kirk offered the villagers Federation help in setting up their own society, and after some consideration they expressed a degree of enthusiasm for the new-found control over their lives. [1]
Vaso-stimulator [2] Vulcan medical implant. [2]
Veridium [3] Veridium isotopes are primarily used to manufacture explosives. [3]
Verteron Array [4] A device in use during the mid 22nd century in the Sol system, the Verteron array was situated on the surface of the planet Mars. It was designed to deflect the orbital path of comets. In 2155 John Frederick Paxton seized control of the array, threatening to use it as a weapon unless the Earth government complied with his demands to force all aliens to leave the system immediately. As a demonstration, Paxton used the array to blast the surface of the Earth's moon. [4]

Paxton planned to follow up this display blast by destroying Starfleet Command. Fortunately Captain Archer was able to reach the surface of Mars in a shuttlecraft by hiding within the tail of a comet which was due to collide with the planet, part of the ongoing terraforming effort. He then flew to Paxton's ship and gained access. Paxton managed to fire the array despite Archer's intervention, but Commander Tucker adjusted the target co-ordinates to instead blast an unoccupied patch of ocean. [5]
Viridium Tracking Viridium trackers were developed in the the late 2380s by Starfleet in a then clasified project. They were used in the attempted rescue mission on Oyolo β in 2288. [6] At this time they were produced in the form of a patch that could be attached to clothing. [7]

Spock attached such a patch to the jacket of Captain Kirk prior to him beaming aboard the Klingon K'T'Inga class ship Kronos One in 2393. When the Kirk was arrested and convicted of the murder of Chancellor Gorkon, he was sentenced to imprisonment on the penal colony of Rura Pente. The Enterprise crew were able to rescue him using the tracker. The device provided tracking capabilities across a range of several sectors although it can not be tracked through a anti beaming shield. One of the major problems of the patch technology is that it is easily discovered making it difficult to use in covert operations. [7]
Viridium Tracking By 2399 the technology had been refined into pill form. Once chewed and swallowed the Viridium enters the persons bloodstream, allowing them to be tracked with no external indications of a tracking device. Once ingested the tracker can only be inactivated by injecting a hydrogen based compound, such as uranium hydride which can cause neurological symptoms in a number of species. [8]
Virtual Reality Headset A virtual reality headset allows the wearer to experience a simulated environment in full three dimensions. [9] The technology became obsolete with the invention of the holodeck.
Vision Augmentation One of the common uses for vision augmentation systems is to provide the ability to see in low light conditions. Night vision systems have been employed in many variations; the crew of the NX-01 Enterprise carries such equipment, and it was standard hunting equipment for the Eska on the rogue planet Dakala. [10]
Vision Augmentation One of the simplest forms of vision augmentation, the fundamental purpose of the binoculars is to provide a magnified optical view of a distant object. Essentially similar to a telescope int hat purpose, the binoculars differ in that they provide an image for both eyes, rather than one. Binoculars have been in use for centuries, including with Earth Starfleet personnel aboard the NX-01 Enterprise [11] and by Federation Starfleet personnel, for example on the Enterprise-D [12] and Enterprise-E. [13]
Vision Augmentation The Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement is a device employed in the Federation during the 2360s to assit those who lack normal eyesight. It is a sensory system which is attached to the face via two small ports implanted on either temple. The sensor can detect a very wide variety of inputs, including the electromagnetic spectrum [14] from a frequency of 1 Hertz to 100,000 Terahertz [15] - from very low radio frequencies through microwaves, infa red, visible light and ultra violet. In addition other phenomena such as neutrinos can be detected. [16] The VISOR converts these inputs to electrical signals which it feeds directly into the cereberal cortex. [17]

As a result, patients who wear a VISOR experience a range of vision vastly superior to Human norms. [18] The VISOR allows the user to simultaneously percieve a wide variety sensory information, from which he or she has to select whatever is relevant much as a Human might focus on a single voice in a noisy room. [19] With a VISOR a Human can also examine an object at a range of magnifications, including telescopically and microscopically. [20] Using a VISOR a person can tell if another Human being is lying by monitoring small variations in blush response, pupil dilation, pulse and breath rate. [21]

One side effect of using the VISOR is that it inflicts constant pain on the wearer all that time that it is operating. Drugs and exploratory surgery have been suggested as ways to combat this problem, but both have the potential to affect the function of the VISOR, and at least some wearers have declined. [14] In the 2370s, some VISOR users have changed over to ocular implants. [22]
VISOR [14] Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement, a device which blind people can wear to give them artificial vision. The VISOR reads a wide range of electromagnetic and other input, converts it into data, and sends this directly into the brain. VISORs cause considerable pain for the entire time they are worn. [14] They are now in the process of being replaced by artificial eyes which serve the same function. [22]

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# Series Season Source Comment
1 TOS 2 The Apple
2 ENT 1 Fusion
3 ENT 1 Civilization
4 ENT 4 Demons
5 ENT 4 Terra Prime
6 Foul Deeds Will Rise
7 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
8 STP 1 Nepenthe
9 STP 2 Mercy
10 ENT 1 Rogue Planet
11 ENT 3 The Shipment
12 TNG 5 The Outcast
13 Star Trek : Insurrection
14 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
15 TNG 5 The Masterpiece Society
16 TNG 3 The Enemy
17 TNG 7 Interface
18 TNG 2 The Measure of a Man
19 TNG 1 Heart of Glory
20 Generic canonical information
21 TNG 2 Up The Long Ladder
22 Star Trek : First Contact
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Apple
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fusion
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Civilization
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Demons
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Terra Prime
Series : Season
Novel : Foul Deeds Will Rise
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Mercy
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Rogue Planet
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Masterpiece Society
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Enemy
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Interface
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Measure of a Man
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Heart of Glory
Source : Generic canonical information
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Up The Long Ladder
Film: Star Trek : First Contact

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,741,339 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025