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Quotes List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Picard | Strange New Worlds | The Animated Series | Films

Quote Episode
Sisko : 
"That might be the most important thing to understand about Humans. It's the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions."
to Wormhole Alien
DS9 : Emissary
Kira : 
"I suppose you want the office."
Sisko : 
"I thought I'd say hello first, and then take the office. But we can do this in any order you'd like."
DS9 : Emissary
Opaka : 
"I can't unite my people until I know the Prophets have been warned. You will find the Temple. Not for Bajor, not for the Federation, but for your own pagh. It is, quite simply, Commander, the journey you have always been destined to take."
to Sisko
DS9 : Emissary
Quark : 
"I love the Bajorans. Such a deeply spiritual culture, but they make a dreadful ale. Never trust ale from a god-fearing people, or a Starfleet commander that has one of your relatives in jail."
to Sisko
DS9 : Emissary
Garak : 
"Ah, an open mind! The essence of intellect!"
to Bashir
DS9 : Past Prologue
Odo : 
"Commander, laws change depending on who's making them. Cardassians one day, Federation the next... but justice is justice."
to Sisko
DS9 : A Man Alone
Jaheel : 
"Dog… fellow… distance."
Odo : 
"Yeah, tell me about it."
DS9 : Babel
O'Brien : 
"Waylink complete…WAYLINK!!"
affected by the virus
DS9 : Babel
Sisko : 
"Chief, I thought you were going to fix the replicators!"
O'Brien : 
"Oh, you're absolutely right, sir! I knew I'd forgotten something! Can't have the operations chief sitting around daydreaming when there's work to be done, can we? Oh ho ho ho, I'll get right on it!"
DS9 : Babel
O'Brien : 
"You know the old saying, a man who is always looking over his shoulder is waiting for trouble to find him."
to Sisko; re Tosk
DS9 : Captive Pursuit
Q : 
"Enterprise? Oh yes, weren't you one of the little people?"
to O'Brien
DS9 : Q-Less
Vash : 
"A friend dropped me off."
to O'Brien; on how she wound up in the Gamma Quadrant
DS9 : Q-Less
Odo : 
"I'll never understand this obsession with accumulating material wealth. You spend your entire life plotting and scheming to acquire more and more possessions, until your living areas are bursting with useless junk. Then you die, your relatives sell everything, and start the cycle all over again."
to Quark
DS9 : Q-Less
Quark : 
"A suit of the finest Andorian silk? A ring of pure Surax? A complete set of Tanesh pottery? How about a latinum plated bucket to sleep in?"
to Odo; trying to tempt him with worldly possessions
DS9 : Q-Less
Q : 
"An abysmal place, Earth. Oh, don't get me wrong! A thousand years ago it had character - the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Watergate. Now it's just mind-numbingly dull."
to Vash
DS9 : Q-Less
Q : 
"Still chasing your own tail? Picard and his lackeys would have solved all this techno-babble hours ago. No wonder you're not commanding a starship!"
to Sisko
DS9 : Q-Less
Els Renora : 
"I am one hundred years old. I do not have time to squander listening to superfluous language. In short, I intend to be in here until supper, not senility."
DS9 : Dax
Sisko : 
"Are you really willing to commit suicide over something done in another lifetime?"
to Dax; on Dax refusing to defend herself
DS9 : Dax
Quark : 
"It's good to want things."
Odo : 
"Even things you can't have?"
Quark : 
"Especially things I can't have."
DS9 : The Passenger
Quark : 
"One man's priceless is another man's worthless."
to Falow
DS9 : Move Along Home
Sisko : 
"Going through my own adolescence was difficult enough. Survivng my son's is going to take a miracle."
to Dax
DS9 : The Nagus
Odo : 
"There is no profit in kindness."
to Quark
DS9 : Vortex
Opaka : 
"They don't know how to do anything else but die... they've forgotten how to live."
to Kira
DS9 : Battle Lines
Nog : 
"The ninth rule of acquisition clearly states that opportunity plus instinct equals profit."
to Varis
DS9 : The Storyteller
Jake : 
"When I have a problem I can't figure out, I ask my dad."
Nog : 
"I ask my dad, too."
Varis : 
"It helps, doesn't it?"
Jake : 
Nog : 
DS9 : The Storyteller
Mullibok : 
"The Cardassians probably told you you didn't stand a chance either. Did you surrender?"
Kira : 
Mullibok : 
"Why do you expect me to act any different than you?"
DS9 : Progress
Odo : 
"Too many people dream of places they'll never go, wish for things they'll never have... instead of paying adequate attention to their real lives."
to Quark
DS9 : If Wishes Were Horses
Bashir : 
"Nothing makes them happy. They are dedicated to being unhappy, and to spreading that unhappiness wherever they go. They are ambassadors of unhappy!"
to Sisko; bemoaning his escort duty
DS9 : The Forsaken
Odo : 
"You are not at all what I expected."
Lwaxana : 
"No one's ever paid me a greater compliment."
DS9 : The Forsaken
Lwaxana : 
When it comes to picnics, the only thing that really matters is the company.
to Odo
DS9 : The Forsaken
Dax : 
"I've been friends with Benjamin Sisko for many years... In many ways, he's like a son. Or a nephew... Some kind of close relative anyway..."
DS9 : Dramatis Personae
Kira : 
"Did you really build that?"
Sisko : 
"Apparently so."
Kira : 
Sisko : 
"I have no idea."
on the clock he built
DS9 : Dramatis Personae
Kira : 
"Nothing justifies genocide."
to Marritza
DS9 : Duet
Keiko : 
"I'm a teacher. My responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, not to hide it from them."
to Wynn
DS9 : In the Hands of the Prophets
Quark : 
"Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies."
to Rom
DS9 : The Homecoming
Kira : 
"If you want to change the government, Minister Jaro, you vote to change it. You don't sneak up from behind it with a dagger."
to Jaro
DS9 : The Circle
Sisko : 
"Dying lets you off the hook. The question is, are you willing to live for your people? Live the role they want you to play? That's what they need from you right now."
to Li Nalas
DS9 : The Siege
Quark : 
"He couldn’t find a cup of water if you dropped him in a lake but, even if he is an idiot, he’s still my brother."
on Rom
DS9 : Invasive Procedures
Quark : 
"It’s such a pleasure doing business with Klingons."
DS9 : Invasive Procedures
Quark : 
"There's nothing quite so depressing as a winning streak that won't stop streaking."
to Bashir
DS9 : Cardassians
Keiko : 
"He's really very gentle."
O'Brien : 
"Gentle was bred out of these Cardassians a long time ago."
Keiko : 
"You know... that was a very ugly thing you just said."
O'Brien : 
"I only said-"
Keiko : 
"I don't need to hear it twice."
DS9 : Cardassians
Garak : 
"I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences."
to Bashir
DS9 : Cardassians
Garak : 
"Truth, Doctor, is in the eye of the beholder. I never tell the truth because I don't believe there is such a thing. That's why I prefer the straight line simplicity of cutting cloth."
to Bashir
DS9 : Cardassians
Melora : 
"I dreamt about exploring the stars as a child. And I wasn't going to allow any... 'handicap', not a chair, not a Cardassian station... to stop me from chasing that dream."
to Sisko
DS9 : Melora
Quark : 
"It never hurts to suck up to the boss."
to Pel
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Quark : 
"No, he's right. If something goes wrong, it'll be my fault!"
Rom : 
"Then you're going to need help, brother."
Quark : 
Rom : 
"Someone to serve as your consultant during negotiations."
Quark : 
Rom : 
"Someone like me."
Quark : 
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Dax : 
"That's because you don't socialise with them the way I do. Looking back over seven lifetimes, I can't think of a single race I've enjoyed more."
Kira : 
"Did anyone ever tell you that you have very strange taste?"
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Dax : 
"You know he once convinced me to go up to a holosuite with him. Turns out he recreated the bedroom I slept in as a child. He overheard me describing it to Kira. Of course, most of the details were wrong, but it was a very sweet gesture, up until he tried to kiss me."
Pel : 
"That sounds like Quark."
Dax : 
"I don't care what anybody says, I love him."
Pel : 
"So do I."
Dax : 
"You really do, don't you?"
Pel : 
Dax : 
"Love Quark. Don't bother trying to deny it. I've seen the way you look at him."
Pel : 
"Please, keep your voice down."
Dax : 
"Does he know?"
Pel : 
"He doesn't even know I'm a female."
Dax : 
"You're a woman?!"
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Kira : 
"Actually, I just stopped by to return this."
Zek : 
"Why? Is something wrong with it?"
Kira : 
"No, it's lovely. I just can't accept it."
Zek : 
"Then I suppose a night of wild passionate romance is out of the question?"
Kira : 
"That's right."
Zek : 
"Just thought I'd ask."
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Odo : 
"Justice, as the Humans like to say, is blind."
Log entry
DS9 : Necessary Evil
Seyetik : 
"Let there be light!"
his last words as he dived into the dead star to re-ignite it
DS9 : Second Sight
Kira : 
"It's hard to keep a secret in Ops, especially when you've been shouting at a monitor for the past two days."
Sisko : 
"Thought I kept it down to an angry whisper."
Kira : 
"Let's just say your voice carries."
DS9 : Sanctuary
Jake : 
"What's that smell?"
Tumak : 
"Ask him!"
Nog : 
"Me? You're the one who stinks!"
DS9 : Sanctuary
Tumak : 
"This isn't over yet, Big Ears!"
to Nog
DS9 : Sanctuary
Keiko : 
"Kick his butt!"
to O'Brien; re his match with Bashir
DS9 : Rivals
Dr. Mora : 
"I'm beginning to think that the scientific method and police method have a lot in common."
to Odo
DS9 : The Alternate
Bashir : 
"She enjoys it. She actually gets some kind of perverse pleasure out of it. One of these days I'm going to stop chasing her... and then we'll see."
to Himself; Regarding Dax rebuffing his advances yet again
DS9 : The Alternate
Dr. Mora : 
"I'm very proud of you, Odo. Do you know that?"
to Odo
DS9 : The Alternate
Dr. Mora : 
"I never thought he could do it. Integrate successfully. If you could have seen him before. He was so ill-prepared to be on his own. I was sure he'd come back. I told him when he left, he'd come back, and all these years I was so certain that eventually one day he'd show up at the lab. Well, I guess I'd better get used to the idea he's not going to."
to Dax
DS9 : The Alternate
O'Brien : 
"Marriage is the greatest adventure of them all. It's filled with pitfalls and setbacks and mistakes, but it's a journey worth taking."
to Bashir
DS9 : Armageddon Game
Bashir : 
"Well, your sense of humor seems normal enough."
Replicant O'Brien : "I don't have a sense of humor."
Bashir : 
 O'Brien coughs
Bashir : 
"How's the sex life?"
Replicant O'Brien : "I don't have a sense of humor."
during a physical
DS9 : Whispers
Replicant O'Brien : "Keiko..."
O'Brien : 
"What about her?"
Replicant O'Brien : "Tell her... I love..."
the replicants last words
DS9 : Whispers
Sisko : 
"Perhaps one day you'll feel the hand of God resting on your shoulder."
to Alixus
DS9 : Paradise
Sisko : 
"There is only one thing I want from you. Find something you love, then do it the best you can."
to Jake
DS9 : Shadowplay
Odo : 
"Just because we don't understand a life form doesn't mean that we can destroy it."
to Kira
DS9 : Playing God
Odo : 
"So, how well does she know you? Just enough to dislike you, or well enough to realy hate you?"
to Quark
DS9 : Profit and Loss
Koloth : 
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye."
to Kor
DS9 : Blood Oath
Odo : 
"How did you get in here?"
Koloth : 
"I am Koloth."
Odo : 
"That doesn't answer my question."
Koloth : 
"Yes, it does."
DS9 : Blood Oath
Kang : 
"This time, we will reach the Albino! And when we do, I will cut his heart out and eat it, while he watches me with his dying breath!"
DS9 : Blood Oath
Dax : 
"The Korvat colony. First day of negotiations, I walked out on you, right in the middle of that long-winded speech of yours. You should have seen the look on your face. Nobody had ever had the kajunpak't to show their back to the great Kang before Curzon did."
Kang : 
"I almost killed Curzon that day."
DS9 : Blood Oath
Kor : 
"Of course you should come! The splendor of fighting and killing! A bloodbath in the cause of vengeance! Who wouldn't want to come!"
to Dax
DS9 : Blood Oath
Kang : 
"Look upon your executioners, killer of children!"
to The Albino
DS9 : Blood Oath
Dax : 
"He happens to be brilliant, his brain is twice the size of yours and mine."
Kira : 
"I know, I've seen it."
Dax : 
"It's not his fault Gallamites have transparent skulls."
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 1
Dukat : 
"Education is power. Joy is vulnerability."
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 1
Calvin Hudson : 
"I'm glad to see you had no trouble finding us, Ben. It seems that one disaster after another keeps bringing us back together again."
to Sisko
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 1
Sisko : 
"On Earth there is no poverty, no crime, and no war. You look out the window and you see Paradise. Well, it's easy to be a saint in Paradise but the Maquis do not live in Paradise."
to Kira
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 2
Tain : 
"That man has a rare gift for obfuscation."
to Bashir; regarding Garak
DS9 : The Wire
Mirror Sisko : 
Mirror Garak : 
"He's just been arrested."
Mirror Sisko : 
"Arrested? What a damn shame. Who wants a drink on the house?"
DS9 : Crossover
Sisko : 
"We've got ships from here to New Bajor out looking for you. Where have you been?"
Kira : 
"Through the Looking-Glass, Commander. But it's good to be back."
DS9 : Crossover
Bareil : 
"Truth is not always easy to recognise."
to Kira
DS9 : The Collaborator
O'Brien : 
"I'm no angel, but I try to live every day as the best Human being I know how to be. I need my little girl to wake up in the morning and look up at me and see a man she can respect."
to Odo
DS9 : Tribunal
Odo : 
"Being accused of a crime is not a disgrace, Chief. Some of the great figures of history have shared the honour with you."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Tribunal
Makbar : 
"The offender, Miles O'Brien, human, officer of the Federation Starfleet, has been found guilty of aiding and abetting seditious acts against the state. The sentence is death. Let the trial begin!"
DS9 : Tribunal
Makbar : 
"Tell me, Mister O'Brien, now that we are at peace, do you have a warm place in your heart for your Cardassian neighbours? Or are you deeply prejudiced against Cardassians? Do you not, in fact, hate Cardassians? Have you not on several occasions publicly stated your opposition to the treaty because, and I quote, 'the bloody Cardies can't be trusted'?"
to O'Brien
DS9 : Tribunal
Makbar : 
"Once again the Cardassian system of jurisprudence has worked to protect it's people. A guilty man has been brought to justice. But, never let it be said that there is no room in this system for compassion. I sense in Mister O'Brien, a man with strong family ties, the potential for rehabilitation. And I'm sure he has gained a new appreciation of Cardassian law through this difficult process. Therefore, I am pleased, in the spirit of furthering Cardassian-Federation relations, to hereby set aside the verdict and to release Mister O'Brien into the custody of his Commander, Benjamin Sisko."
DS9 : Tribunal
Eris : 
"You have no idea what's begun here."
to Sisko; truer words never spoken
DS9 : The Jem'Hadar
Sisko : 
"I've brought back a little surprise for the Dominion."
to Kira; regarding the Defiant
DS9 : The Search, Part 1
Founder : 
"No changeling has ever harmed another."
to Odo
DS9 : The Search, Part 2
Gowron : 
"A brave Ferengi. Who would have thought it?"
to Quark
DS9 : The House of Quark
Quark : 
"I am Quark, son of Keldar, and I have come to answer the challenge of D'Ghor, son of... whatever."
to Gowron
DS9 : The House of Quark
Quark : 
"Go ahead, kill me! That's why I'm here, isn't it, to be killed? Well, here I am, so go ahead and do it. You all want me to pick up that sword and try to fight him, don't you? But I don't have a chance and you know it! You only want me to put up a fight so your precious honour will be satisfied. Well, I'm not going to make it so easy for you. Having me fight D'Ghor is nothing more than an execution, so, if that's what you want, that's what you'll get. An execution. No honour, no glory. And when you tell your children and your grandchildren the glorious story of how you rose to power and took Grilka's House from her, I hope you remember to tell them how you heroically killed an unarmed Ferengi half your size."
to D'Ghor
DS9 : The House of Quark
Sisko : 
"Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Bashir : 
"Nobody said life was fair."
Dax : 
"Even if you've had seven of them."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Sisko : 
"And I used to think Curzon had a temper."
to Jadzia
DS9 : Equilibrium
Dax : 
"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Garak : 
"Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder."
DS9 : Second Skin
Garek : 
"Commander, this is extortion."
Sisko : 
"Hmm… Yes it is."
DS9 : Second Skin
Garek : 
"Major, I don't think I've ever seen you looking so ravishing."
to Kira; on her appearance as a Cardassian
DS9 : Second Skin
O'Brien : 
"Sixteen years old and dating a dabo girl. Godspeed, Jake."
muttering to himself
DS9 : The Abandoned
Sisko : 
"You know, I never knew how much this man's voice annoyed me."
to O'Brien; on Dukat
DS9 : Civil Defense
Garek : 
"Ironic, isn't it? The only place in the galaxy that still recognizes my access code is a Bajoran space station."
DS9 : Civil Defense
Dukat : 
"Where's Commander Sisko? I trust he wasn't vaporized, while asking for one of those raktajinos he's so fond of?"
DS9 : Civil Defense
Dukat : 
"Garak, groveling in a corner. That alone makes my trip worthwhile."
DS9 : Civil Defense
O'Brien : 
"I thought your father told you to stay out of there!"
Jake : 
"If you don't tell him, I won't."
DS9 : Civil Defense
Quark : 
"Isn't there some petty thief you could harass?"
Odo : 
"Just you."
DS9 : Meridian
Kira : 
"You're trying to be a hero. Terrorists don't get to be heros."
to Thomas Riker
DS9 : Defiant
Dukat : 
"When my son looks back on this day, the only thing he'll remember is that a Federation officer on a Federation ship invaded his home and kept his father away from him on his eleventh birthday. And he won't look back with understanding... he'll look back with hatred. And that's sad."
to Sisko
DS9 : Defiant
Thomas Riker : 
"Looks like you've got your evening all planned out. I hope you left room for the unexpected."
to Kira
DS9 : Defiant
Thomas Riker : 
"Tough little ship."
to Kira
DS9 : Defiant
Quark : 
"You humans, you never learn. You let your women go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing... and you wonder why your marriages fall apart."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Fascination
Bashir : 
"Causing people to suffer because you hate them is terrible... but causing people to suffer because you've forgotten how to care, that's really hard to understand."
to Sisko
DS9 : Past Tense, Part 1
Biddle Coleridge : 
"When you treat people like animals, you're gonna get bit."
regarding the Bell riots
DS9 : Past Tense, Part 2
Winn : 
"While violence may keep an enemy at bay, only peace can make him a friend."
to Sisko
DS9 : Life Support
Quark : 
"Everything that goes wrong here is your fault. It says so in your contract."
to Rom
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Nog : 
"According to Ferengi by-laws, section one oh five, subparagraph ten, upon reaching adulthood, Ferengi males must purchase an apprenticeship from a suitable role model. I choose you."
Sisko : 
"You want to be my apprentice?"
Nog : 
"That's right. I want to be the first Ferengi in Starfleet. Now, who do I see about getting a uniform?"
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Nog : 
My father is a mechanical genius! He could've been the chief engineer of a starship if he'd had the opportunity. But he went into business like a good Ferengi. The only thing is, he's not a good Ferengi. Not when it comes to acquiring profit. So now all he has to live for is the slim chance that someday, somehow, he might be able to take over my uncle's bar. Well I'm not going to make the same mistake. I want to do something with my life. Something worthwhile.
to Sisko
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Odo : 
Remember Major, I pride myself on my ability to observe human nature, and I've watched you for the past three years. In all that time I never saw any indication that you had those kinds of feelings for me. You like me. You think of me as a close friend. But love? I'm afraid not.
to Fake Kira
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Female Changeling : 
Major Kira is down that tunnel, two hundred metres south of here. Save her, if it suits you, but it won't make any difference. She is never going to love you. How could she? You are a changeling.
to Odo
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Dax : 
"You can make your own decisions, or you can let these prophecies make them for you."
to Sisko
DS9 : Destiny
Sisko : 
"Are you suggesting that I'm dismissing this prophecy too easily because I don't want to be the Emissary?"
Odo : 
"I'm not suggesting anything. But it's been my experience that all humanoids have an agenda of some sort, and that their agendas can influence them without their even realising it."
DS9 : Destiny
Gilora : 
"It's been my experience that..."
O'Brien : 
"What? That humans aren't good engineers?"
Gilora : 
"No, not humans. Males."
O'Brien : 
"I beg your pardon?"
Gilora : 
"Men just don't seem to have a head for this sort of thing. That's why women dominate the sciences."
O'Brien : 
"Maybe on Cardassia. But on this station, this man is Chief of Operations, and I know more about these systems anyone, including you."
DS9 : Destiny
Sisko : 
"Do you really believe that I'm the Emissary?"
Kira : 
"I guess I always have. I never wanted to admit it to myself. It's hard to work for someone who's a religious icon."
DS9 : Destiny
Sisko : 
"It would seem that our scientific methodologies differ slightly. It is our practice to examine all possibilities, no matter how unlikely, before we proceed with field tests."
Ulani : 
"We would, of course, prefer to operate that way as well. However, since the Science Ministry falls under the jurisdiction of the military, we have to follow certain rules. One of them is not to make any project look unnecessarily dangerous."
DS9 : Destiny
Zek : 
"Actually, I've lost my taste for beetle snuff. It might be fun for you and me, but it's no fun for the beetles!"
to Quark
DS9 : Prophet Motive
Odo : 
"Close your eyes... Take a deep breath... Clear your mind of everything in it... if there's anything there..."
to Rom
DS9 : Prophet Motive
Bashir : 
"Well, you do have one problem... if all you can hallucinate about is Quark's maintenance problems, you do have a sadly deficient fantasy life."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Visionary
O'Brien : 
"Trust me, Quark. Darts and bars go together like bacon and eggs."
Quark : 
"At least people order bacon and eggs. In all the years I've been here, no one has ever come in and asked to see the dart board."
O'Brien : 
"Trust me. They will."
DS9 : Visionary
Sisko : 
"I think we have enough evidence to at least hold the Klingons for questioning, don't you?"
Odd : 
"Absolutely. And I think I can question them until the Romulan delegation leaves the station."
Sisko : 
"Just be careful."
Odd : 
"Commander, there is no careful way to question a Klingon."
DS9 : Visionary
Ruwon : 
"I think you're lying, Quark."
Quark : 
"About which part?"
Ruwon : 
"All of it."
Quark : 
"Well, at least I am consistent."
DS9 : Visionary
Bashir : 
"Who told you that?"
O'Brien : 
"You did. In the future."
Bashir : 
"Oh. Well, who am I to argue with me?"
DS9 : Visionary
Bashir : 
"My... tennis balls?"
Garak : 
"This station is in worse condition than we thought."
DS9 : Distant Voices
Altovar : 
"You can't do this!"
Bashir : 
"I can do anything I want. It is my mind. Computer, begin sterilization."
DS9 : Distant Voices
Garek : 
"To think, after all this time, all our lunches together... you still don't trust me. There's hope for you yet, doctor."
to Bashir
DS9 : Distant Voices
Intendent : 
"I think you'll find that random and unprovoked executions will keep your work force alert and motivated."
to Mirror Garak
DS9 : Through the Looking Glass
Garak : 
"Well, the truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."
to Bashir
DS9 : Improbable Cause
Garak : 
"Do you know what the sad part is, Odo? I'm a very good tailor."
to Odo
DS9 : The Die is Cast
Jake : 
"What is this?"
Ben : 
"I thought it was time for a change. What do you think?""
Jake : 
"I like it."
on the his father's new beard
DS9 : Explorers
Kira : 
"Oh, you sound just like a Cardassian."
O'Brien : 
"I beg your pardon?"
Kira : 
"They have denied the possibility of ancient contact for decades because they cannot stand the idea of Bajor having interstellar flight before they did."
O'Brien : 
"With all due respect, Major, you're beginning to sound like a Romulan."
Kira : 
"A Romulan?"
O'Brien : 
"There is no piece of technology in existence they don't claim they invented before everyone else."
DS9 : Explorers
Ben : 
Jake : 
"I don't hear anything."
Ben : 
"Exactly. Not even the hum of an engine. It's almost like being on the deck of an old sailing ship. Except the stars are not just up in the sky; they're all around us."
DS9 : Explorers
Jake : 
"Well, let's face it. It's been over a year since your last date. A year, Dad. Well, you got to make time for these things."
Ben : 
"I cannot believe that I'm getting advice about women from my son."
Jake : 
"Don't think of me as your son, right now. Just think of me as another guy. Another guy who happens to know a very attractive lady who wants to meet you."
Ben : 
"You are trying to set me up?"
Jake : 
"Well, why not?"
Jake introduced his father to Kasidy Yates
DS9 : Explorers
Brunt : 
"Hard work, bribes, sucking up to the boss. Just like any job."
explaining how he got his FCA job
DS9 : Family Business
Odo : 
"It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice is that sometimes they make the wrong choice."
to Kira
DS9 : Shakaar
Audrid Dax : 
"There's nothing quite like holding a child to your breast, nursing it. (pause) The entity which lent me this body wishes to speak!"
Quark : 
"How much longer am I gonna have to do this?!"
DS9 : Facets
Quark : 
"Root beer. This is the end of Ferengi civilization."
on Nog being admitted to Starfleet Academy
DS9 : Facets
Bashir : 
"What's the matter, Chief?"
O'Brien : 
"It just occurred to me. As soon as that kid graduates from the Academy, I'm going to have to call him 'sir'."
on Nog
DS9 : Facets
Odo : 
"He said 'you're too late. We're everywhere.'"
to Sisko; on the Founder's last words
DS9 : The Adversary
Sisko : 
"Running may help for a little while, but sooner or later the pain catches up with you. And the only way to get rid of it is to stand your ground and face it."
to Worf
DS9 : The Way of the Warrior
Ben Sisko : 
"I'm no writer, but if I were it seems to me I'd want to poke my head up every once in a while and take a look around, see what's going on. It's life, Jake! You can miss it if you don't open your eyes."
to Jake Sisko
DS9 : The Visitor
Goran'Agar : 
"I have fought against races that believe in mythical beings who guide their destinies and await them after death. They call them gods. The Founders are like Gods to the Jem'Hadar, but our Gods never talk to us, and they don't wait for us after death. They only want us to fight for them, and die for them."
to Bashir
DS9 : Hippocratic Oath
Quark : 
"You hew-mons, all you want to do is please your women. You want them to be your friends. But we Ferengi know better. Women are the enemy."
to Sisko
DS9 : Indiscretion
Dax : 
"I've lived seven lifetimes, and I have never had a friend quite like you."
to Sisko
DS9 : Rejoined
Dax : 
"It's funny, a year ago if you'd done something like this, I would have thought you were just trying to be a hero."
Bashir : 
"And now?"
Dax : 
"Now that I know you better, I realise it was just a really stupid thing to do."
DS9 : Starship Down
Quark : 
"You people should take better care of yourselves. Stop poisoning your bodies with tobacco and atom bombs. Sooner or later, that kind of stuff will kill you!"
to Denning
DS9 : Little Green Men
Quark : 
"You know what I like about Klingon stories, commander? Nothing. Lots of people die, and nobody makes any profit."
to Worf
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless
Worf : 
"This is the Sword of Kahless! It is not something to shovel food into your mouth!"
to Kor
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless
Kor : 
"Did you see the look on the face of that Klingon that I killed? It was as if he understood the honor bestowed upon him. The first man in a thousand years to be killed by the Sword of Kahless."
Dax : 
"I'm sure he was very proud."
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless
Garak : 
"I do apologise. You must be incensed. In fact, if I were in your shoes I would grab a bottle of champagne and shoot me."
to Bashir
DS9 : Our Man Bashir
Joseph Sisko : 
"Jake, the only time you should be in bed is if you're sleeping, dying, or making love to a beautiful woman."
to Jake Sisko
DS9 : Homefront
Joseph Sisko : 
"Worried? I'm scared to death! But I'm damned if I'm going to let them change the way I live my life."
to Odo
DS9 : Paradise Lost
Shakaar : 
"You know, I've been a soldier and I've been a politician, and I have to say, I'm beginning to think that being a soldier was easier."
to Odo
DS9 : Crossfire
Kira : 
"The best way to survive a knife fight is never to get in one."
to Ziyal
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"Everything I have lost I will regain. It's only a matter of time."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"First it was Vedek Bareil, now it's the head of the Bajoran government. You do like powerful men don't you?"
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Kira : 
"Why is it when you smile I want to leave the room?"
Dukat : 
"I suppose it's because of my overwhelming charm."
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit for."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Kira : 
"Ziyal, what your father wants from me is forgiveness. That's one thing I can never give him."
to Ziyal
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"Lately, when my mind wanders, I find myself thinking more and more about Gul Marratt. Do you know him? Very dashing. One of Cardassia's rising stars. Graduate of the Cardassian Military Academy, smooth-talking junior member of the Detepa Council, and like your friend Shakaar, quite a lady's man. Especially with other officer's wives."
Kira : 
"Including yours?"
Dukat : 
"Mmm. A year ago he wouldn't have dared, but now? I think the first thing I do when I'm returned to power is to demote him. Assign him to the Cardassian Embassy on Breen. I hear it's bitter cold on Breen. And we Cardassians do despise the cold..."
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"There was a time when the mere mention of my race inspired fear. And now... we're a beaten people. Afraid to fight back because we're afraid to lose what little is left."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"I am the only Cardassian left... and if no one else will stand against the Klingons, I will."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Ziyal : 
"When I look at my father, I have a hard time seeing a murderer."
Kira : 
"And when I look at him, I have a hard time seeing anything else."
DS9 : Return to Grace
Kurn : 
"I have never understood you, Worf. But I do know this... in your own way, you are an honourable man."
to Worf
DS9 : The Sons of Mogh
Rom : 
"What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important. Making me feel dumb made you feel smart. But I'm not dumb, and you're not half as smart as you think you are."
to Quark
DS9 : Bar Association
Keiko O'Brien : 
"The one good thing about going away is coming home."
to Miles O'Brien
DS9 : Accession
Sisko : 
"Part of being a captain is knowing when to smile, to make the troops happy. Even when it's the last thing in the world you want to do. Because they're your troops, and you hve to take care of them."
to Worf
DS9 : Rules of Engagement
Rinn : 
"The crime of espionage requires a minimum of fifteen cycles of correction
O'Brien : 
"Go? I can't leave. Where would I go to?"
DS9 : Hard Time
O'Brien : 
"When we were growing up, they used to tell us... Humanity had evolved, that mankind had outgrown hate and rage. But when it came down to it, when I had the chance to show, that no matter what anybody did to me, that I was still an evolved Human being... I failed. I repaid kindness with blood. I was no better than an animal."
Bashir : 
"No. No, no, no. An animal would've killed Ee'Char and never had a second thought, never shed a tear... But not you. You hate yourself. You hate yourself so much you think you deserve to die. The Argrathi did everything they could to strip you of your Humanity and in the end, for one brief moment they succeeded. But you can't let that brief moment define your entire life. If you do, if you pull that trigger… then the Argrathi will have won. They will have destroyed a good man. You cannot let that happen, my friend."
DS9 : Hard Time
Mirror Kira : 
"Isn't that a coincidence? I was hoping you weren't married!"
to Guard; on being told that she had his wife killed
DS9 : Shattered Mirror
Onaya : 
"Isn't that what an artist wants, to be remembered? Isn't that why you write?"
to Jake Sisko
DS9 : The Muse
Garak : 
"Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life."
to Quark
DS9 : For the Cause
Omet'Iklan : 
"I am First Omet'Iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember, victory is life!"
to his troops
DS9 : To the Death
O'Brien : 
"I'm Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. And I'm very much alive, and intend to stay that way!"
to his troops
DS9 : To the Death
Quark's Jingle : 
"Come to Quark's, Quark's is fun. Come right now, don't walk. Run!"
DS9 : The Quickening
Worf : 
"How did you do it?"
Quark : 
"Do what?"
Worf : 
"I ordered a glass of prune juice from the replicator in the Defiant's mess. This is what it came in."
on the Ferengi advertisement on Worf's mug
DS9 : The Quickening
Kira : 
"If all your little advertisements aren't purged from our systems by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, I will come to Quark's, and believe me, I will have fun."
to Quark
DS9 : The Quickening
Dream Gint : 
"They're just rules. They're written in a book, not carved in stone. And even if they were in stone, so what? A bunch of us just made them up."
to Quark; regarding the rules of acquisition
DS9 : Body Parts
Odo : 
"I've spent most of my life bringing people to justice. Now that it's my turn, how can I run away?"
to Sisko; on returning to the great link for punishment
DS9 : Broken Link
Quark : 
"Captain, you're just in time for happy hour."
Sisko : 
"Do I look happy, Quark?"
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
O'Brien : 
"It's not easy being funny wearing these teeth."
disguised as a Klingon
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Sisko : 
"Brag all you want! But don't get between me and the bloodwine!"
disguised as a Klingon
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Odo : 
"It's a pity it doesn't have any bubbles."
on Klingon bloodwine
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Kira : 
"But don't forget, this... is still your fault."
Bashir : 
"My fault?"
Kira : 
"You performed the transfer from Keiko to me."
Bashir : 
"After you volunteered."
Kira : 
"After you put the idea in my head."
Bashir : 
"After you flew the runabout into the asteroid field."
Kira : 
"After you insisted we check on those anomalous bio-scans."
Bashir : 
"That was Keiko."
Kira : 
"That's right. It was, but I'd rather blame you."
referring to her pregnancy
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Gowron : 
"You want to kill me, Worf? You're welcome to try!"
to Worf
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Sisko : 
"It may sound cruel, but we both know that ship out there was worth it. Those five deaths may save five thousand lives, or maybe even five million. And if I had to make the same trade all over again, I would. But five people are dead, fine men and women who deserved a lot more than to die on some lonely planet fifty thousand light years away from home."
to Dax
DS9 : The Ship
Dax : 
"If I were in your shoes I would be looking for someone a little more entertaining, a little more fun, and maybe even a little more attainable."
to Worf; dropping a heavy hint
DS9 : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Jake : 
"The battle of Ajilon Prime will probably be remembered as a pointless skirmish, but I'll always remember it as something more; as the place I learned that the line between courage and cowardice is a lot thinner than most people believe."
DS9 : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
Rom : 
"Is there something wrong, Chief? I can work slower if you want me to."
to O'Brien
DS9 : The Assignment
Odo : 
"For the first forty minutes, it was like pulling teeth even getting him to admit his name."
on interrogating Rom
DS9 : The Assignment
Quark : 
"Well, Rom, I'm glad things are going so well for you."
Rom : 
"No, you're not. But thanks, anyway, brother."
DS9 : The Assignment
Odo : 
"Another glorious chapter of Klingon history. Tell me, do they still sing songs of the Great Tribble Hunt?"
to Worf; on the Klingon's extinction of the Tribble species
DS9 : Trials and Tribble-ations
Dax : 
"You have to realise, there's some things in life you can't control. And one of them is me."
to Worf
DS9 : Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Dukat : 
"Bad manners are the fault of the parent, not the child."
to Dax
DS9 : Things Past
Quark : 
"Don't you get it? I'm not trying to rescue you. I'm taking you along as emergency rations. If you die, I'm going to eat you."
to Odo
DS9 : The Ascent
Winn : 
"I was in a Cardassian prison camp for five years. And I can remember each and very beating I suffered. And while you had your weapons to protect you, all I had was my faith and my courage."
to Kira
DS9 : Rapture
Kira : 
"He wanted to protect the innocent, and separate the darkness from the light. But he didn't realise that a light only shines in the dark."
to Odo
DS9 : The Darkness and the Light
Worf : 
"Quark may lend you the money, but remember Rule of Acquisition number one hundred and eleven. Treat people in your debt like family - exploit them."
Dax : 
"You know the Rules of Acquisition?"
Worf : 
"I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy. I know many things."
DS9 : The Darkness and the Light
Worf : 
"Constable, why are you talking to your beverage?"
Odo : 
"It's not a beverage. It's a Changeling. Excuse me, commander."
DS9 : The Begotten
Shakaar : 
"Oh, do me a favor. Next time you have a baby, leave my girlfriend out of it, huh?"
to O'Brien
DS9 : The Begotten
Mora Pol : 
"If it wasn't for me, you'd still be sitting on a shelf somewhere in a beaker labeled 'unknown sample'."
Odd : 
"If it wasn't for me, you'd be a nobody. Starfleet wouldn't hire you to judge a science fair!"
DS9 : The Begotten
Sisko : 
"You win some, you lose some."
Dax : 
"You always had problems with the 'lose some' part of that."
DS9 : For the Uniform
Garek : 
"You know, I think that actually helped my back."
to Dukat; on being held over a rail by Dukat
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Worf : 
"You want me to sponsor your application to Starfleet Academy?"
Garak : 
"What do you think?"
Worf : 
"I... think it is a bad idea."
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Ducat : 
"The man is a heartless, cold-blooded killer."
Kira : 
"Like I said, he's a Cardassian!"
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Tain : 
"Elim. Promise me one thing."
Garak : 
"I'm listening."
Tain : 
"Don't die here. Escape. Live."
Garak : 
"Let me guess. So I can make the Dominion pay for what they've done to you."
Tain : 
"You wouldn't deny an old man his revenge, would you?"
Garak : 
"I'll do as you ask, on one condition…That you don't ask me this favor as a mentor, or a superior officer… but as a father asking his son."
Tain : 
"You're not my son."
Garak : 
"Father, you're dying. For once in your life, speak the truth."
Tain : 
"I should have killed your mother before you were born. You have always been a weakness I can't afford."
Garak : 
"So you've told me. Many times. Listen, Enabran. All I ask is that for this moment, let me be your son."
Tain : 
"Elim, remember that day…in the country. You must've been almost five."
Garak : 
"How can I forget it? It was the only day."
Tain : 
"I can still see you, on the back of that riding hound. You must've fallen off a dozen times. But you never gave up."
Garak : 
"I remember limping home…You held my hand."
Tain : 
"I was very proud of you, that day."
Tain's dying words
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Kira : 
"Everyone has their reasons. That's what's so terrifying; people can find a way to justify any action, no matter how evil."
to Ziyal
DS9 : By Inferno's Light
Odo : 
"You'd shoot a man in the back?"
Garak : 
"Well, it's the safest way, isn't it?"
DS9 : By Inferno's Light
Zimmerman : 
"True love should always win."
to Leeta
DS9 : Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
Bashir : 
"But you can't go through life trying to avoid getting a broken heart. If you do, it'll break from lonliness anyway."
to Odo
DS9 : A Simple Investigation
Bashir : 
"Perhaps he's become prematurely aware of life's existential isolation."
to O'Brien; on a possible reason for his baby crying
DS9 : Business as Usual
Kira : 
"They kill us, we kill them... it's nothing worth celebrating."
to Furel; regarding the Cardassians
DS9 : Ties of Blood and Water
Quark : 
"Who's winning the war?"
Dax : 
"It's too early to tell."
Quark : 
"It's been three days."
Dax : 
"Don't remind me. They found a nest."
Quark : 
"That's good."
Dax : 
"It's not the main nest."
Quark : 
"That's not so good. I thought Chief O'Brien trapped the last vole on the station months ago."
Dax : 
"Well, obviously he missed a couple. A married couple. They breed like tribbles."
Quark : 
"But they're not as cute."
on the vole infestation
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Ishka : 
"He said I didn't really love him! That I was just using him! That I was a scheming, profit-hungry fe-male who couldn't keep her clothes off!"
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Quark : 
"What are you doing in my closet?"
Brunt : 
"Conducting official FCA business."
Quark : 
"In my closet?"
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Leeta : 
"I hate him."
Kira : 
"No, you don't."
Leeta : 
"All he loves is latinum."
Kira : 
"No, he doesn't."
Leeta : 
"Cancelling that wedding was the best thing that ever happened to me."
Kira : 
"No, it isn't."
Leeta : 
"I am so glad, he's out of my life."
Kira : 
"No, you're not."
Leeta : 
"Major, you haven't been listening to me."
Kira : 
"Yes, I have."
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Leskit : 
"Today would be a bad day to die, son of Mogh. Take your Trill and go!"
to Worf; on Jadzia
DS9 : Soldiers of the Empire
Klingon Crew : 
"Hear! Sons of Kahless. Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean
The warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill.
Our lives burn short and bright.
Then we die with honor and
Join our fathers in the black fleet,
Where we battle, forever battling, on
Through the eternal fight."
translated from the Klingon
DS9 : Soldiers of the Empire
Odo : 
"I love you, Nerys. I've always loved you."
to Kira
DS9 : Children of Time
Odo : 
"And that's when Morn hit you with a barstool and ran out onto the promenade screaming 'we're all doomed!'"
to Quark
DS9 : Blaze of Glory
Garak : 
"Well it's just that lately I've noticed everyone seems to trust me. It's quite unnerving."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Empok Nor
Sisko : 
"Even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that will make you smile."
in his log
DS9 : In the Cards
Sisko : 
"I promise I will not rest until I stand with you again... here, in this place where I belong."
to the Bajorans on DS9
DS9 : Call to Arms
Jake : 
"What about freedom of the press?"
Wayoun : 
"Please tell me you're not that naïve."
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Sisko : 
"How do I explain that I evacuated every Federation citizen off Deep Space 9, except his grandson?"
Dax : 
"You'll figure something out."
on how to explain to his father that Jake insisted on staying behind
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Garak : 
"You're not genetically engineered... you're a Vulcan!"
to Bashir
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Dukat : 
"I could make things very pleasant for you here, Kira."
Kira : 
"You could start by doing something about your breath."
Dukat : 
"I'm a patient man. I can wait."
Kira : 
"Wait for what? What do you think is going to happen here, Dukat? That you're going to wear me down with your charming personality? That I'm going to be swept off my feet by that insincere smile? Are you really so deluded that you actually believe that we're going to have some kind of intimate relationship?"
Dukat : 
"Oh, we already do."
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Garak : 
"It's like having a viewscreen inside your brain."
on the Dominion virtual sensory display
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Remata'Klan : 
"It is not my life to give up, captain. And it never was."
to Sisko
DS9 : Rocks and Shoals
Martok : 
"I tell you Worf, war is much more fun when you're winning!"
to Worf
DS9 : Sons and Daughters
Quark : 
"I tried. I tried my best to run my establishment under this occupation. But you know what? It's no fun! I don't like the Cardassians, they're mean and arrogant. And I can't stand the Jem'Hadar. They're creepy, they just stand there like statues, staring at you. That's it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing business with these people. I want the Federation back! I want to sell root beer again!"
to Kira; bemoaning the Dominion occupation of DS9
DS9 : Behind the Lines
Weyoun : 
"Gods don't make mistakes."
to Kira
DS9 : Favor the Bold
Jadzia : 
"One ship against an entire fleet? That's a helluva plan B!"
to Sisko
DS9 : Sacrifice of Angels
Sisko : 
"You want to be gods? Then be gods. I need a miracle. Bajor needs a miracle. Stop those ships!"
to the Prophets
DS9 : Sacrifice of Angels
Martok : 
"We are not accorded the luxury of choosing the woman we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a prideful, arrogant, mercurial woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her deeply."
to Worf
DS9 : You are Cordially Invited...
Mirror Bariel : 
"I suppose it must be nice to have that kind of faith. I've always preferred to believe in nothing. That way I'm never disappointed."
to Kira
DS9 : Resurrection
Sisko : 
"I don't care if the odds are against us! If we're going to lose, then we're going to go down fighting... so that when our descendants someday rise up against the Dominion, they'll know what they're made of!"
to Bashir; on the war
DS9 : Statistical Probabilities
Brunt : 
"A child, a moron, a failure, and a psychopath. Quite a little team you've put together."
to Quark
DS9 : The Magnificent Ferengi
Dukat : 
"I should have killed every last one of them! I should have turned their planet into a graveyard the likes of which the galaxy had never seen! I should have killed them all!"
Sisko : 
"And that is why you're not an evil man?"
DS9 : Waltz
Sisko : 
"Is there anything I can get for you?"
Dukat : 
"Hmm. A bottle of Kanar and an Orion slave girl would be nice."
Sisko : 
"I'll see what I can do."
DS9 : Waltz
Morn : 
DS9 : Who Mourns for Morn?
Ben Sisko : 
"And if I fail..."
Joseph Sisko : 
"I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith."
DS9 : Far Beyond the Stars
Kudak'Etan : 
"Our loyalty is demonstrated by our actions, not our words."
to Lamat'Ukan
DS9 : One Little Ship
Bilby : 
"I'm going to take care of you. I don't forget my friends. Cause friends, they're like family. Nothing's more important. Nothing."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Honor Among Thieves
Worf : 
"I have a sense of humour. On the Enterprise I was considered to be quite amusing."
Dax : 
"That must have been one dull ship."
Worf : 
"That is a joke. I get it. It is not funny, but I get it."
DS9 : Change of Heart
Kira Nerys : 
"We all have scars, of one kind or another."
to Kira Meru
DS9 : Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
Bashir : 
"You function as judge, jury and executioner. And I think that's too much power for anyone."
to Sloan; regarding Section 31
DS9 : Inquisition
Sisko : 
"I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damaging thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Garak was right about one thing, a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant."
confessing to his personal log
DS9 : In the Pale Moonlight
Quark : 
"You're not exactly the most lovable person in the galaxy. You're not even the most lovable person in this sector. Or on this station. Or even in this room."
to Odo
DS9 : His Way
Dax : 
"I had a pretty good idea what this was the moment I laid eyes on it. This confirms it. It's a slab of rock with some writing on it."
to Sisko; analysing his discovery
DS9 : The Reckoning
Nog : 
"You don't understand because you've never put on one of these uniforms. You don't know anything about sacrifice or honour or duty or any of the things that make up a soldier's life. I'm part of something larger than myself. All you care about is you."
to Jake
DS9 : Valiant
Sisko : 
"A Dominion invasion of Ferenginar?"
Rom : 
"Think of the terrible repercussions to the Alpha Quadrant."
Worf : 
"I cannot think of any."
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Zek : 
"Boys, together we're going to reconquer an empire or die in the attempt!"
to Rom and Quark
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Quark : 
"That female happens to be my mother!"
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Rom : 
"Moogie! I was so worried."
Ishka : 
"You're a good son."
Quark : 
"I was worried too."
Ishka : 
"And you're a good liar."
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Rom : 
"Nagus, you remember my son, Nog, don't you? He's the first Ferengi to join Starfleet."
Zek : 
"I'll try not to hold that against him."
on Nog
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Nilva : 
"Marry me!"
Quark as Lumba : 
"Uh, I don't think your wife would approve."
Nilva : 
"Who cares. She hasn't touched my lobes in months."
Quark as Lumba : 
"I can tell."
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Worf : 
"I am a Klingon warrior and a Starfleet officer. I have piloted starships through Dominion minefields. I have have stood in battle against Kelvans twice my size. I have courted and won the heart of the magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do these things, I can make this child go to sleep!"
to Dax; on the challenges of babysitting
DS9 : Time's Orphan
O'Brien : 
"We've grown apart, the lot of us. We didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. The war changed us, pulled us apart. Lisa Cusak was my friend. But you are also my friends, and I want my friends in my life. Because one day we're going to wake up and we're going to discover that someone is missing from this circle, and on that day we're gonna mourn. And we shouldn't have to mourn alone."
to his friends
DS9 : The Sound of Her Voice
Jadzia : 
"Our baby... would've been so beautiful..."
to Worf; her last words
DS9 : Tears of the Prophets
Weyoun : 
"Romulans. So predictably treacherous!"
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Worf : 
"Sing the song."
Vic : 
"I don't think that's such a good idea."
Worf : 
"Sing the song."
Vic : 
"C'mon, pallie, why rub salt in an open wound?"
Worf : 
"You are a hologram. You are programmed to do exactly as I say. Sing the song."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Kira : 
"I just never thought I'd see a Romulan eating a jumja stick."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Bashir : 
"Miles, I don't know what to say. I'm touched."
Quark : 
"You're both touched!"
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Quark : 
"You wanna get Jadzia to Sto-vo-kor fine, fine, go for it. But can't you do something more sensible? Make a donation in her name! Or bribe someone!"
Bashir : 
"It doesn't work that way, Quark."
O'Brien : 
"It'd be nice if it did."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Ezri : 
"Hello, Benjamin."
Sisko : 
"Do I know you?"
Ezri : 
"It's me... Dax."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Ezri : 
"I can hardly believe it myself, but I'm Dax. I mean, I'm not Jadzia Dax. I'm Ezri Dax. But I have all of Jadzia's memories, not to mention Lela's, Tobin's, Emony's, Audrid's, Joran's and Curzon's. Am I forgetting anyone?"
Sisko : 
Ezri : 
"Right. Now, you're probably asking yourself
Sisko : 
"The answers can wait. Right now I'm just glad to see you."
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Jake : 
"You're a therapist?"
Ezri : 
"Is it that surprising?"
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Sisko : 
"You arranged my birth. I exist because of you?"
Sarah : 
"The Sisko's path is a difficult one."
Sisko : 
"But why me? Why did it have to be me?"
Sarah : 
"Because it could be no one else."
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Sarah : 
"The Sisko has completed his task."
Sisko : 
Sarah : 
"The Kosst Amojan no longer threatens us."
Sisko : 
"You mean the Pah-wraith? It is no longer in the wormhole?"
Sarah : 
"I have cast it out."
Sisko : 
"Is that why the Prophets sent me to Tyree? To release you from the Orb?"
Sarah : 
"The Kosst Amojan tried to stop you with a false vision, but you did not waver. You fulfilled your destiny."
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Ross : 
"You can blink now, Colonel – you've won. Senator Cretak has agreed to remove the weapons from Derna."
Kira : 
"What changed her mind?"
Ross : 
"I told her, if she didn't remove them, I would."
Kira : 
"And what changed your mind?"
Ross : 
"You did... Remind me never to play poker with you."
on the Romulans backing down
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Ezri : 
"Now wait a minute! You have no right to tell me who I can be friends with!"
Worf : 
"If you dishonor Jadzia's memory, you will regret it. And that goes for you, too, Ferengi!"
Quark : 
"What did I do?!"
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"It's a strange sensation, dying. No matter how many times it happens to you, you never get used to it."
DS9 : Afterimage
Quark : 
"You're a therapist?"
Ezri : 
"Why does everyone sound so surprised when they hear that?"
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"Perhaps I should have a talk with him,"
Sisko : 
"Absolutely not. You intimidate him."
Ezri : 
Sisko : 
"Don't tell him I told you."
Ezri : 
"I intimidate Worf?"
Sisko : 
"You like that, don't you?"
DS9 : Afterimage
O'Brien : 
"Julian swears there's nothing going on between him and Ezri. There's no reason for you to be jealous."
Worf : 
"This has nothing to do with jealousy! I know that Doctor Bashir cared for Jadzia, but this woman is not Jadzia, and treating her as if she were dishonors her memory."
O'Brien : 
"Wrong. Treating Ezri like a stranger dishonors Jadzia's memory."
DS9 : Afterimage
Jake : 
"She is cute."
Ben : 
"She's also about three hundred years too old for you."
on Ezri
DS9 : Afterimage
Odo : 
"Will you come to dinner with us?"
Ezri : 
"Please, I don't want to intrude..."
Kira : 
"Honestly, it's fine. It'll take some pressure off me. All he does is sit and count how many times I chew."
Odo asks Ezri to dinner with him and Kira
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"Stop it, Benjamin! I thought you of all people would understand."
Sisko : 
"I do understand. And you're right. You don't deserve the Dax symbiont. Quite frankly, you don't deserve to wear that uniform! I'll pass this on to Starfleet Command. Dismissed!"
DS9 : Afterimage
Sisko : 
"It's been a long time."
Solok : 
"Ten years, two months, five days."
Sisko : 
"You mean you don't know it to the minute?"
Solok : 
"Of course I do.. But Humans are often irked by such precision. Especially the more emotional Humans."
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Sisko : 
"Which is why when their captain challenged us to a contest of courage, teamwork, and sacrifice, I accepted on your behalf."
Worf : 
"We will destroy them."
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Quark : 
"I hope you learned your lesson."
Rom : 
"Always look behind you before swinging a bat."
as Quark is treated for a fractured skull
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Sisko : 
"War is an inefficient business."
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Solok : 
"Computer, eliminate the spectators."
after hearing Sisko's request
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Sisko : 
"Alright, Niners, let's hear some chatter."
Kasidy : 
"Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter."
Leeta : 
"Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter."
Worf : 
"Death to the opposition!"
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Ezri : 
"Did I forget to wear my spots today?"
Quark : 
"All that intelligence and he still doesn't know what a Human looks like!"
on Solok calling Ezri a Human
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Bashir : 
"Sarina? What are you looking at?"
 Speaking slowly
Sarina : 
after her surgery
DS9 : Chrysalis
Bashir : 
"Sarina, what are you doing here? How did you get in?"
Sarina : 
"It wasn't hard. Your access code only has six digits."
DS9 : Chrysalis
O'Brien : 
"Julian, why don't you show everybody how much you love me and order the next round?"
to Bashir
DS9 : Chrysalis
Jack : 
"The fact is that the universe is going to stop expanding and it is going to collapse in on itself. We've got to do something before it's too late."
Patrick : 
"How much time do we have left?"
Jack : 
"Sixty trillion years, seventy at the most."
Patrick : 
"Oh, no."
DS9 : Chrysalis
Ezri : 
"I'm sorry. Obviously you want to punish yourself. Do you want help? I'm really good at punishing myself."
DS9 : Chrysalis
O'Brien : 
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
Nog : 
"Chief, I can't operate under those kinds of restrictions."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Odd : 
"I don't think the universe is ready for two Weyouns."
Weyoun : 
"I couldn't agree more."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Damar : 
"Clones. Keeping track of them is a full-time job."
to Weyoun
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Odo : 
"Has it ever occurred to you that you believe the Founders are gods because that's what they want you to believe? That they built that into your genetic code?"
Weyoun : 
"Of course they did. That's what gods do. After all, why be a god if there's no one to worship you?"
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Damar : 
"We spotted a Federation runabout spying on our base in the Olmerak system."
Female Changeling : 
"Surely one ship shouldn't be much of a threat."
Weyoun : 
"We'll have it destroyed within the hour."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Weyoun : 
"It's just such an honor to be with a g… clears throat a security officer."
to Odo; he was going to say God
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Kira : 
"This isn't easy for you, but you have to remember, they started this war. You didn't."
Odo : 
"That's true. But I know now, whichever side wins, one thing is certain, I'm going to lose."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Kor : 
"Savour the fruit of life, my young friends. It has a sweet taste... when it is fresh from the vine. But don't live too long. The taste turns bitter after a time."
to The Klingons
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Martok : 
"I've hated his name for almost thirty years. I've dreamt of the moment when I would finally see him stripped of his rank and title, when he would suddenly find himself without a friend in the world, without the power of his birthright. Well, I've had that moment now. And I took no joy from it."
to Worf; on Kors failing memory
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Darok : 
"The food is for me. I haven't eaten in hours. Men of our generation never stood on ceremony. We ate when we were hungry, we fought when we were angered. Oh, I miss the simplicity of those days."
to Kor
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Worf : 
"The only real question is whether you believe in the legend of Davy Crockett or not. If you do, then there should be no doubt in your mind that he died the death of a hero. If you do not believe in the legend, then he was just a man... and it does not matter how he died."
to Bashir
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Martok : 
"To Kor - the Dahar master. A noble warrior to the end!"
to Crew
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Quark : 
"Let me tell you something about hewmons, nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time, and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people will become as nasty and violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes. You know I'm right, don't you? Well? Aren't you going to say something? "
Nog : 
"I feel sorry for the Jem'Hadar."
DS9 : The Siege of AR-558
Kira : 
"I've always found that when people try to convince others of their beliefs it's because they're really just trying to convince themselves."
DS9 : Covenant
Benyan : 
"The Master told us you wouldn't approve of our beliefs. He said we should be patient with you."
Kira : 
"Don't go out of your way."
DS9 : Covenant
Fala : 
"You believe the Prophets are the true gods of Bajor. I believe the Pah-wraiths are. Let's just leave it at that."
Kira : 
"I'd be happy to. There's just one problem
DS9 : Covenant
Benyan : 
"This is his child! That's why you tried to kill Mika!!"
Dukat : 
"The Pah-wraiths have forgiven my sins! They've given me their absolution! Who are you to presume they're wrong?! Who are you to judge me?!! Then it's done! Our covenant is broken! None of you will ever know the love of the Pah-wraiths!! None of you!!"
DS9 : Covenant
Rom : 
"He's a one legged crazy man!"
on the new Nog
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Vic : 
"She called you a hero, and for that you slugged your best friend? Remind me never to give you a compliment."
after the incident in the lounge
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Vic : 
"You all right?"
Jake : 
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Vic : 
"And you, take a hike."
Nog : 
Vic : 
"You heard me. You don't come into my club and start hitting customers like that. Now get out before I throw you out."
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Vic : 
"Look kid, I don't know what's going to happen to you out there. All I can tell you is that you've got to play the cards life deals you. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but at least you're in the game."
to Nog
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Leeta : 
"Are you okay?
Nog : 
"No, but I will be."
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Kira : 
"There are varieties of gagh?"
Ezri : 
"Oh, yes. I can remember what each one tastes like... and the way they... move when you swallow them. Torgud gagh wiggles. Filden gagh squirms. Meshta gagh jumps. ... Bithool gagh has feet. ... Wistan gagh is packed in targ blood... I have to go now."
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Ezri : 
"I haven't talked to my mother in almost six months."
Sisko : 
Ezri : 
"Last time I saw her was just after I was joined. She came to visit me on Trill and I was still a little confused... When she walked into my room, I put on a big smile, looked her right in the eye and said
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Ezri : 
"Hello mother."
Yanas Tigan : 
"I hate your hair."
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Rom : 
"It looks like Deep Space 9 to me."
Quark : 
"I suppose a cargo bay… is a cargo bay, no matter what universe you're in."
an in joke on the reuse of the set
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Mirror Ezri : 
"My name's not Dax!"
Bashir : 
"Oh, oh, I get it! Your clothes, the knife, this aggressive attitude, it's all role-playing! Call me 'Shmun'!"
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Rom : 
"I told you cloaking the cloaking device was a good idea."
Quark : 
"Brilliant. But couldn't we've done something about its weight?"
Rom : 
"Nope. But if it makes you feel any better, the cloaking device on the Defiant is a lot heavier."
Quark : 
"Tell it to my hernia."
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Zek : 
"Oh, let her go. There's something about that woman I find intoxicating."
to Intendant Kira
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Ezri : 
"Tell me, why did you do it?"
Chu'lak : 
'Because logic demanded it."
On his reasons for becoming a mass murderer
DS9 : Field of Fire
Quark : 
"Watch your step, Odo. We're at war with your people. This is no time for a 'Changeling Pride' demonstration on the promenade."
DS9 : Chimera
Quark : 
"We humanoids are the product of millions of years of evolution. Our ancestors learned the hard way that what you don't know might kill you. They wouldn't have survived if they hadn't jumped back when they encountered a snake coiled in the muck. And now millions of years later, that instinct is still there."
DS9 : Chimera
Laas : 
"Mine's bigger."
DS9 : Chimera
Odo : 
"You've done many things, been many things, but you've never known love."
Laas : 
"Compared to the Link, it is a pale shadow. A feeble attempt to compensate for the isolation that mono-forms feel because they are trapped within themselves."
Odo : 
"Perhaps the fact that it's not easy is what makes it worthwhile."
DS9 : Chimera
O'Brien : 
"Maybe there's a pointer fault in the holosuite's parameter file."
trying to explain the sudden changes in Vic's
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Tony Cicci : 
"So, where are you from again?"
Odo : 
Tony Cicci : 
"That's in Jersey, right?"
Odo : 
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Bashir : 
"Vodka martini. Stirred, not shaken."
the opposite way from James Bond
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Vic : 
"Now, that's more like it."
after the holoprogram reverts
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Sloan : 
"Let's make a deal, Doctor. I'll spare you the 'ends justify the means' speech and you spare me the 'we must do what's right' speech. You and I are not going to see eye to eye on this subject, so I suggest we stop discussing it."
to Bashir
DS9 : Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Sloan : 
"The Federation needs men like you, Doctor. Men of conscience, men of principle... men who can sleep at night. You're also the reason Section 31 exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong."
to Bashir
DS9 : Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
O'Brien : 
"Personally I don't know what Jadzia ever saw in the man."
Bashir : 
"Well, his brains."
on Captain Boday who has a transparent skull
DS9 : Penumbra
Sarah : 
"You are the Sisko. You are part of me."
Sisko : 
"If that's true, if you really do care about me, if you consider me your son, then let me have this!"
Sarah : 
"It is not for you to have. There are many tasks still ahead of you. Accept your fate. Your greatest trial is about to begin. Don't be afraid. All will be as it should be."
Sisko : 
Sarah : 
"Stay on the path, Benjamin."
DS9 : Penumbra
Worf : 
"This is intolerable! They have us caged up like animals!"
DS9 : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Ross : 
"By the power vested in me by the United Federation of Planets, I pronounce you husband and wife."
to Benjamin Sisko and Kasidy Yates
DS9 : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Weyoun : 
"You should be honored. You're witnessing an historic moment. The birth of the alliance between the Dominion and the Breen. Changes everything, doesn't it?"
to Worf and Ezri
DS9 : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Martok : 
"But enough about the war with the Dominion; I want to hear about the war at home! You've just married that freighter captain, didn't you?"
Sisko : 
Martok : 
"Then war has broken out… whether you know it or not. A long, grueling, intoxicating war!"
discussing marriage
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Ezri : 
"You can't be serious."
Weyoun : 
"I'm always serious."
after he "asks" her and Worf for help in interpreting their mind probes
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Damar : 
"Well, hello!"
Weyoun : 
"I'm glad to see you find the death of my predecessor so amusing."
Damar : 
"Oh, you misjudge me. I miss him deeply. Here, let's drink to Weyoun 7!"
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Ezri : 
"Am I supposed to be embarrassed because Jadzia had a few lovers before you?"
Worf : 
"A few?"
Ezri : 
"You're right. It was more than a few. It was dozens. Hundreds. In fact, I don't think there was anyone aboard DS9 who wasn't her lover!"
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Dukat : 
"Go. Crawl back to your Prophets. Beg their forgiveness. Live the rest of your life… in Sisko's shadow!!"
to Winn
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Worf : 
"I realize Jadzia saw physical love very differently than I do. To her it could mean many things, but to me it is a deeply spiritual act. When I made love to you, my motives were not spiritual. It was an unworthy impulse."
Ezri : 
"Worf, we're not gods or Prophets. We're people. We make mistakes. There is one other thing I want you to know. I honestly didn't realize how I felt about Julian. I would have never hidden something like that from you."
Worf : 
"I believe you. And I do not hold any malice toward you or Doctor Bashir."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Worf : 
"Why should we trust you?"
Damar : 
"You can either trust me, or you can stay here and be executed."
Ezri : 
"I vote for option one."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Winn : 
"I'm a patient woman, but I have run out of patience. I will no longer serve gods who give me nothing in return. I am ready to walk the path the Pah-wraiths have laid out for me."
Dukat : 
"I'll walk with you. And no one will be able to stand against us."
Winn : 
"Those who dare to try, the Federation and its vedek puppets, the false gods and their precious Emissary, they'll all be swept aside like dead leaves before an angry wind."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Martok : 
"We must give the enemy credit. To launch an attack against Starfleet Headquarters. Even my people never attempted that."
to Sisko; on the Breen
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Dukat : 
"There. You see? The Pah-wraiths have judged you and found you worthy. Their secrets are now your secrets to do with as you please. Take their gift and use it. Seize the power they're offering you!"
to Winn; on reading the Book of the Kosst Amojan
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Sisko : 
"She's a fine ship."
on the Defiant
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Weyoun : 
"Poor Captain Sisko. I believe he was quite fond of that ship."
after the Defiant is destroyed
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Female Changeling : 
"I have no idea what would please the Breen, nor do I care! All that matters is that they fight and win!"
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Solbor : 
"Eminence, that man is not Anjohl Tennan!"
Winn : 
"What are you talking about?"
Solbor : 
"Anjohl Tennan died nine years ago in the labor camp at Batal. I warned you not to trust him. I had a sample of his DNA sequenced. He's not even a Bajoran. He's a Cardassian!"
on Dukat
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Damar : 
"...And so two years ago, our government signed a treaty with the Dominion. In it the Dominion promised to extend Cardassia's influence throughout the Alpha Quadrant. In exchange, we pledged ourselves to join the war against the Federation and its allies. Cardassians have never been afraid of war, a fact we've proven time and again over these past two years. Seven million of our brave soldiers have given their lives to fulfill our part of the agreement, and what has the Dominion done in return? Nothing. We've gained no new territories. In fact, our influence throughout the quadrant has diminished. And to make matters worse, we are no longer masters in our own home. Travel anywhere on Cardassia and what do you find? Jem'Hadar, Vorta, and now Breen. Instead of the invaders, we have become the invaded. Our 'allies' have conquered us without firing a single shot. Well, no longer. This morning detachments of the Cardassian First, Third and Ninth Orders attacked the Dominion outpost on Rondac III. This assault marks the first step towards the liberation of our homeland, from the true oppressors of the Alpha Quadrant. I call upon Cardassians everywhere. Resist. Resist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist till the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil!"
declaring rebellion against the Dominion
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Sisko : 
"Legate Damar may be the key to saving the entire Alpha Quadrant."
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Kira : 
"Damar and Garak... should be an interesting mission."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Odo : 
"Doctor, get to the point."
Bashir : 
"I need to borrow a cup of goo."
Odo : 
"Excuse me?"
Bashir : 
"I'll give it back!"
DS9 : When it Rains...
Ross : 
"Well, gentlemen, it seems as if the Klingon fleet is the only thing that stands between us and the Dominion."
Velal : 
"What have we come to?"
DS9 : When it Rains...
Winn : 
"Remember your place, Dukat!"
Dukat : 
"I thought my place was in your bed."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Dukat : 
"Adami, I'm not the same man I was during the Occupation. The Pah-wraiths have changed me."
Winn : 
"But they can't change what you did. Do you really think I could let myself be touched by a man whose hands are stained with the blood of my people?"
Dukat : 
"When we do release the Pah-wraiths from the Fire Caves, your hands will be stained as well."
Winn : 
"The Pah-wraiths will spare those they find worthy. The rest are of no consequence."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Winn : 
"I warned you! The text of the Kosst Amojan is for my eyes alone!"
to Dukat
DS9 : When it Rains...
Bashir : 
"Section 31 must have created the virus, infected Odo, and then used him as a carrier."
O'Brien : 
"So that when he linked with another Changeling, he'd pass it on, and eventually the entire race would be infected."
Bashir : 
"31 isn't just trying to stop us from finding a cure. They're trying to cover up the fact that they set out to commit genocide."
O'Brien : 
"Well, if they gave Odo this disease, then they must have a cure."
Bashir : 
"We have to find a way to get our hands on that cure."
O'Brien : 
"Before 31 gets their hands on us."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Sisko : 
"This entire operation has been a waste of resources, men and equipment. The blame lies with the man who ordered the mission in the first place, not the man who tried to carry it out!"
to Gowron
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
O'Brien : 
"Julian, it's time to face facts. You're not gonna pull a rabbit out of your med kit."
to Bashir
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Female Changeling : 
"Exactly. If our cloning facilities were operational, I would eliminate this Weyoun immediately."
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Ezri : 
"I think that the situation with Gowron is a symptom of a bigger problem. The Klingon Empire is dying, and I think it deserves to die."
Worf : 
"You're right. I do not like it!"
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Ezri : 
"Worf, you are the most honorable and decent man I have ever met and if you're willing to accept men like Gowron, then what hope is there for the Empire?"
to Worf
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Gowron : 
"You will not have this... day..."
his last words
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Martok : 
"Hail, Worf! Leader of the Empire!"
after Worf kills Gowron
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Rusot : 
"You're still a Cardassian, Garak. You're not going to kill one of your own people for a Bajoran woman."
Garak : 
"How little you understand me."
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Damar : 
"He was my friend. But his Cardassia is dead and it won't be coming back."
after killing Rusot
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Sisko : 
"Genocide – committed by people who call themselves Federation citizens."
after learning of Sections 31's plans to wipe out the Changelings
DS9 : Extreme Measures
Bashir : 
"Remember these? Romulan mind probes. Not the most pleasant devices, but very efficient."
Sloan : 
"They're also illegal in the Federation."
Bashir : 
"Oh, I hope you can appreciate the irony of that statement."
DS9 : Extreme Measures
Sloan : 
"I misread you. I thought you were just a misguided idealist. But you're a dangerous man. People like you would destroy the Federation. Fortunately, there are people like me who are willing to die in order to protect it."
to Bashir
DS9 : Extreme Measures
O'Brien : 
"Hey Julian, the next time you take a trip inside someone's mind, you're going on your own."
to Bashir
DS9 : Extreme Measures
O'Brien : 
"Aha! Here we go. I knew Quark was hoarding a bottle of the good stuff."
Bashir : 
"This is older than I am."
O'Brien : 
"What? I'm drinking with a child."
DS9 : Extreme Measures
O'Brien : 
"I don't get it. He's interested, she's interested... what's the problem?"
Worf : 
"He is an overgrown child and she is very... confused."
O'Brien : 
"It could still work."
discussing Julian and Ezri
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Damar : 
"The glamour of being a revolutionary."
while hiding in a basement
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Sisko : 
"Hello, ship."
to The New Defiant
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Brunt : 
"It's never too early to suck up to the boss!"
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Quark : 
"I won't preside over the demise of Ferengi civilization! The line has to be drawn here! This far, and no further!"
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Quark : 
"This is insane. You ACTUALLY want Rom to be Nagus?"
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Rom : 
"You're my brother."
Quark : 
"And YOU'RE an idiot! But I love ya."
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Sisko : 
"If we do nothing the Dominion could sit behind that perimeter for the next five years rearming themselves. And when they're ready to come out... God help us all."
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Quark : 
"It's like I said, the more things change, the more they stay the same."
to Morn; the last words said in the series
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"My loyal Weyoun. The only solid I have ever trusted."
to Weyoun
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"I want the Cardassians exterminated."
Weyoun : 
"Which ones?"
Female Founder : 
"All of them. The entire population."
Weyoun : 
"That will take some time."
Female Founder : 
"Then I suggest you begin at once."
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Admiral Ross : 
"Four hundred years ago, a victorious general spoke the following words at the end of another costly war. 'Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph. From both we have learned there can be no going back. We must go forward to preserve in peace what we've won in war.'"
quoting General Douglas McArthur
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"You may win this war, commander, but I promise you, when it is over, you will have lost so many ships, so many lives, that your "victory" will taste as bitter as defeat."
to Kira
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Martok : 
"This is a moment worth savouring. To victory, hard fought and well earned."
 Notices that Sisko and Ross are not drinking
Martok : 
"What's wrong?"
Sisko : 
"Suddenly I'm not thirsty."
Ross : 
"Neither am I."
Martok : 
"Before you waste too many tears, remember, these are Cardassians lying dead at your feet. Bajorans would call this poetic justice."
Sisko : 
"That doesn't mean I have to drink a toast over their bodies."
Martok : 
"Humans. Pah. Ka DiJaQ."
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Garak : 
"You've been such a good friend. I'm going to miss our lunches together."
Bashir : 
"I'm sure we'll see each other again."
Garak : 
"I'd like to think so, but one can never say. We live in uncertain times."
Garak's last words in the series
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Bashir : 
"The Battle of Thermopylae. Do you know it? Well, it's about a force of Spartans led by King Leonidas, who defend a mountain pass against a vast army of Persians.
Ezri : 
"What happens then?"
Bashir : 
"For two days, the Spartans lead a heroic struggle."
Ezri : 
"Until they're wiped out."
Bashir : 
"Yes. How'd you know?"
Ezri : 
"Lucky guess. I take it we'll be the Spartans?"
Bashir : 
"Fighting to the last man."
Ezri : 
"Just like the Alamo."
Bashir : 
Ezri : 
"Have you talked to a counsellor about these annihilation fantasies?"
Bashir : 
"Do you think I should?"
Ezri : 
"I'll set up a session for you tomorrow."
Bashir : 
"What about tonight?"
Ezri : 
"Tonight we defend the pass."
Their last lines of the series
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Martok : 
"An Ambassador who'll go targ hunting with me! Well, perhaps being Chancellor won't be so bad after all!"
to Worf
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Odo : 
"The Klingon and Romulan Empires are in no shape to wage a war against anyone. Besides, the Federation wouldn't allow it."
Female Founder : 
"The Dominion has spent the last two years trying to destroy the Federation, and now you're asking me to put our fate in their hands?"
Odo : 
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Weyoun : 
"Tell me, where's my old friend Damar?"
Garak : 
"Damar's dead."
Weyoun : 
"What a pity."
Garak : 
"He died trying to free Cardassia."
Weyoun : 
"What's left of it."
 Garak shoots Weyoun.
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Damar : 
to Garak; his last words
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Dukat : 
"Benjamin, please. We've known each other too long. And since this is the last time we will ever be together, let's try to speak honestly. We've both had victories and our defeats. Now it's time to resolve our differences and face the ultimate truth. I've won, Benjamin. You've lost."
Sisko : 
"The Pah wraith will never conquer anything. Not Bajor. Not the Celestial Temple. And certainly not the Alpha Quadrant.
Dukat : 
"And who's going to stop us?"
Sisko : 
"I am."
DS9 : What You Leave Behind

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