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Prime Timeline

Year Event
Picture from 1992  [1] Khan Noonian Singh rises to power, controlling approximately one quarter of the planet Earth. Khan is the product of genetic engineering intended to create a new race of superhumans. [1]
  People :  Khan Noonien Singh, Khan Noonien Singh
  Species :  Humans
 [1] A group of genetically engineered super humans seize control of 40 of Earths nations simultaneously. Terrible wars follow in which entire populations are bombed out of existence. [1]
  People :  Khan Noonien Singh, Khan Noonien Singh
  Species :  Humans
 [2] The Eugenics wars end. Khan escapes in a DY-100 sleeper ship named the SS Botany Bay along with 96 of his fellow supermen and women. [2]
  People :  Khan Noonien Singh, Khan Noonien Singh
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2267  [3] The USS Enterprise discovers an ancient DY-100 class spacecraft with the preserved bodies of several dozen people on board. It is soon discovered that these are the Genetic Tyrants led by Khan, missing from Earth since 1996. Kirk is able to defeat them, but rather than press charges he leaves Khan to found a settlement on Ceti Alpha V. [3]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Khan Noonien Singh
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2285  [4] USS Reliant, searching for a lifeless planet for use in the Genesis experiment, is seized by Khan Noonian Sing. Sing attempts to steal the Genesis Device, but is engaged in battle by the USS Enterprise under the command of Admiral Kirk. Spock is killed saving the Enterprise from destruction. The USS Reliant is lost in the battle, along with Khan and all of his remaining followers. [4]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand, Khan Noonien Singh

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TOS 1 Space Seed Spock gives the date
2 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan Khan gives the date
3 TOS 1 Space Seed
4 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Space Seed
Comment : Spock gives the date
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Comment : Khan gives the date
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Space Seed
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 5,835 Last updated : 23 May 2004