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Prime Timeline

Year Event
5 billion bc
Picture from -5000000000  [1] A female member of the Q continuum is born. She will later become romantically involved with Q. [2]
  Species :  Q
4 billion bc
 [3] Q begins a romantic involvement with a female Q. [2]
  Species :  Q
2 billion bc
Picture from -2000000000  [4] The first life forms were created on Earth. In a timeline created by Q, a temporal anomaly caused by Captain Picard disrupted this process and so erased Humanity from existence. [4]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Q, Humans
 [5] Q convinces Adam Soong to kill Renée Picard, preventing the success of the Europa mission. This produces a new alternate reality where the Federation does not exist and an Earth Confederation is formed. [5]
  People :  Doctor Adam Soong, Doctor Renée Picard
 [6] Kore cures her genetic condition using a serum provided by Q and leaves Adam Soong. [6]
  People :  Kore Soong, Doctor Adam Soong
 [7] Elnor is resurrected by Q and returned to the prime timeline. [7]
  People :  Elnor
 [7] Q uses the last of his energy to return Picard and his crew to their normal timeline and then dies. [7]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Seven of Nine, Raffaela Musiker
 [8] Guinan had her last encounter with Q prior to 2365. [8]
  People :  Guinan
  Species :  Q
 [9] First Contact is made with the Q continuum when a Q stops the Enterprise and puts the crew on trial for the alleged crimes of humanity. Q agrees that the ship's current Farpoint mission will make a good test of whether humanity is currently worthy of being allowed space exploration. [9]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Q
 [10] The Enterpise-D encounters Q for the second time. Q attempts to corrupt Commander Riker by offering him the powers of a Q. Although tempted, Riker ultimately refuses and Q leaves in defeat. [10]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Q
 [11] The USS Enterprise-D is responding to a distress call from Bre'el IV, where a moon is falling out of orbit towards the surface of the planet. The mission is complicated when Q appears on the Enterprise bridge, stripped of his powers by the continuum for his various trouble-causing actions across the universe. After a brief but eventful stay he manages to convince the continuum to return his powers, correcting the moon's orbit as he leaves. [11]
  People :  Doctor Garin
  Species :  Q, Bre'el
 [12] Q recreates the legend of Robin Hood with the Enterprise-D senior officers in the outlaw roles, in order to force Captain Picard to admit that he is in love with Vash. [12]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Vash
  Species :  Q
Picture from 2369  [13] Amanda Rogers visits the Enterprise-D. Whilst there Q appears on the ship and informs her that she is actually a member of the Q continuum. Despite initial misgivings, Amanda returns to the continuum with Q. [13]
  People :  Amanda Rogers
  Species :  Q
 [14] Captain Picard is badly wounded in a Lenarian attack whilst conducting negotiations. He will later report a near death experience, possibly created by Q. [14]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Q, Lenarian
 [15] Voyager encounters Quinn, a member of the Q continuum who is seeking to end his life. Captain Janeway holds an inquiry and decides that Quinn has the right to do so if he wishes. Quinn commits suicide shortly afterwards. [15]
  People :  Quinn
  Species :  Q
Picture from 2373  [2] The progressive faction wins the Q civil war with Voyager's help. Q mates with a female Q, helping to end the rifts which caused the war by producing a baby Q. [2]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
  Species :  Q
Picture from 2377  [16] Q makes a visit to Voyager and forces Captain Janeway to assist in the raising of his son, Q2. [16]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [17] Q kidnaps Picard, Agnes, Elnor, Seven of Nine, Raffi and Rios and transfers them to an alternate reality and leaves them there. [17]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Agnes Jurati, Elnor, Seven of Nine, Raffaela Musiker, Cristóbal Rios

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey Q described Q's amarous intentions towards Janeway as being Tossed aside for someone five billion years younger.
2 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey
3 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey Q said they had been dating for 4 billion years. This date presumes that their relationship took place in a linear fashion, which is not necessarily the case.
4 TNG 7 All Good Things Q told Picard this was 2 billion years ago, give or take an eon
5 STP 2 Two of One
6 STP 2 Mercy
7 STP 2 Farewell
8 TNG 2 Q Who Q said their dealings were two centuries ago
9 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
10 TNG 1 Hide and Q
11 TNG 3 Deja Q
12 TNG 4 Qpid
13 TNG 6 True-Q
14 TNG 6 Tapestry
15 VOY 2 Death Wish
16 VOY 7 Q2
17 STP 2 The Star Gazer
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Comment : Q described Q's amarous intentions towards Janeway as being Tossed aside for someone five billion years younger.
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Comment : Q said they had been dating for 4 billion years. This date presumes that their relationship took place in a linear fashion, which is not necessarily the case.
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Comment : Q told Picard this was 2 billion years ago, give or take an eon
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Two of One
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Mercy
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Farewell
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Q Who
Comment : Q said their dealings were two centuries ago
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Hide and Q
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Deja Q
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Qpid
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : True-Q
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Tapestry
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Q2
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : The Star Gazer

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 27,693 Last updated : 7 Jul 2022