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Nyota Uhura

Quote Episode
Pike : 
"Communications? Ah, yes. The prodigy. Cadet… Uhura? On communications rotation. Very happy to have you aboard."
Uhura : 
"Thank you, sir. Glad to be here. Enterprise is cleared for launch."
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Ortegas : 
"Course, captain? What's the mission?"
Pike : 
"Our mission? We explore. We seek out new life and new civilizations. We boldly go where no one has gone before."
Uhura : 
"Cool... sir."
Pike : 
"Let's take her out, Lieutenant Ortegas. Warp factor two. Hit it."
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Uhura : 
"Mister Spock, sometimes I think if I hear that word frequency once more, I'll cry."
to Spock
TOS : The Man Trap
Sulu : 
"I'll protect you, fair maiden!"
Uhura : 
"Sorry, neither!"
TOS : The Naked Time
Uhura : 
"I'm afraid you have it all wrong, all of you. I've been monitoring some of their old-style radio waves, the empire spokesman trying to ridicule their religion, but he couldn't. Well, don't you understand? It's not the sun up in the sky... it's the son of God."
to Kirk
TOS : Bread and Circuses
Spock : 
"All that matters to them is their hate."
Uhura : 
"Do you suppose that's all they ever had, sir?"
Kirk : 
"No. But that's all they have left."
TOS : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Uhura : 
"Release Captain Kirk and his men, or we will destroy your temple!"
TAS : The Lorelei Signal
Uhura : 
"Ensign, the possibilities of our returning from this mission in one piece may have just doubled."
to a crew member; on Kirk's taking command
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 58,257 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014