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Charles Tucker III

Quote Episode
Trip : 
"Where no dog has gone before."
to Archer; on Porthos heading for the nearest tree
ENT : Strange New World
Trip : 
"Asking favors of the Vulcans usually ends up carrying too high a price!"
to T'Pol
ENT : Terra Nova
Tucker : 
"Wow! That's one big snowball!"
on the comet
ENT : Breaking the Ice
Tucker : 
"I feel like I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar!"
ENT : Breaking the Ice
Trip : 
"It's good to know that Earth will still be around in nine hundred years."
Daniels : 
That depends on how you define Earth."
ENT : Cold Front
Archer : 
"This time we won't be leaving before we're ready."
Trip : 
"Are your ears a little pointier than usual?"
ENT : Silent Enemy
Reed : 
"I don't want to die, what makes you think I want to die?"
Tucker : 
"Because ever since we saw Enterprise spread across that asteroid, you've done nothing but write your own obituary!"
ENT : Shuttlepod One
Trip : 
"They're not trying to kill the quarterback! They're just trying to keep him from throwing the ball and running with it. It's only a game, not a fight to the death!"
to Kov; regarding American Football
ENT : Fusion
Trip : 
"What if she gets hurt? What are you going to do then, program up a holographic doctor?"
to Ezral
ENT : Oasis
Trip : 
"You'll like it. Things blow up."
trying to convince Reed to watch this week's movie
ENT : Vox Sola
Trip : 
"I read those Nubian masueses have twelve fingers. On each hand."
Reed : 
"Then I'd say Starfleet needs to make its presence felt on Risa."
ENT : Fallen Hero
Tucker : 
"Malcolm and I... er... plan to broaden our cultural horizons."
Hoshi : 
"Is that all you two think about?"
ENT : Two Days and Two Nights
T'Pol : 
"Polarize the hull plating."
Tucker : 
"I'll do what I can but keep in mind we're missing some of it."
ENT : Minefield
Trip : 
"You didn't eat cabbage before you left?"
wondering how Archer insulted the Kretassians
ENT : A Night In Sickbay
Sato : 
"Your molecules get pulled apart."
Tucker : 
"Then they get put back together again."
Sato : 
"Do you know how many molecules you're made up of?"
Tucker : 
Sato : 
"All right, how many?"
Tucker : 
"Uh, a few trillion."
Sato : 
"That's a pretty big jigsaw puzzle!"
worrying about the transporter
ENT : Vanishing Point
Sato : 
"It was very unsettling. Didn't you find it unsettling?"
Tucker : 
"For a minute or two, but once I counted my fingers and toes…"
Sato : 
"I don't know, I just don't feel right."
discussing their recent use of the transporter
ENT : Vanishing Point
Kaitaama : 
"My family is known on hundreds of worlds."
Tucker : 
"Well, I'm afraid Earth isn't one of 'em."
ENT : Precious Cargo
Kaitaama : 
"I am first monarch of the sovereign dynasty of Krios Prime."
Tucker : 
"Oh… Charles Tucker III. Pleased to meet you."
ENT : Precious Cargo
Tucker : 
"You know, you were a lot more pleasant in stasis."
to Kaitaama
ENT : Precious Cargo
Tucker : 
"You'd be dead if it weren't for me!"
Kaitaama : 
"I'm beginning to think that would be preferable!"
Tucker : 
"I doubt the commoners back home would complain!"
ENT : Precious Cargo
Tucker : 
"I understand we're explorers and we're supposed to keep an open mind about different cultures, but these guys are driving me crazy."
ENT : The Catwalk
Tucker : 
"I'm no good until I've had my coffee."
ENT : Dawn
Tucker : 
"That was quite a trick."
to Zho'Kaan; on healing his wound by spitting on it
ENT : Dawn
Tucker : 
"I wouldn't trade my time on Enterprise. Not for anything. I've seen things I could never imagine back home."
ENT : Dawn
Zho'Kaan : 
"Trip, when I fired at your vessel... I'm grateful I didn't destroy it."
Tucker : 
"That makes two of us!"
ENT : Dawn
Tucker : 
"Maybe I should tell the doc."
Reed : 
"Tell him what? That his wife is trying to seduce you? Not a good idea!"
ENT : Stigma
Tucker : 
"I don't like pushing the engines this hard. The injectors are running at 110 percent."
T'Pol : 
"They're rated for 120."
Tucker : 
"And my underwear is flame retardant. That doesn't mean that I'm going to light myself on fire to prove it!"
ENT : Cease Fire
Trip : 
"If you don't start moving in the next five seconds, I'm gonna take my phase pistol and shoot you in the ass!"
to the Denobulan
ENT : The Breach
Tucker : 
"Where's Isaac Newton when you need him?"
ENT : Anomaly
Tucker : 
"Creating a stable warp field isn't easy when the laws of physics won't cooperate."
ENT : Anomaly
Phlox : 
"Place one on your chest and one on your abdomen an hour before going to bed. Their secretions act as a natural sedative. Please, be careful to sleep on your back. If you roll over, you might anger them."
Tucker : 
"Maybe an hour a night with T'Pol isn't so bad."
discussing Aldebaran mud leeches
ENT : Anomaly
Trip : 
"Part of the fun of a mystery is trying to solve it before it ends. Using logic. You of all people should appreciate that."
to T'Pol; concerning the movie
ENT : Impulse
Tucker : 
"You'll enjoy it. Rosemary's Baby. It'll scare the hell out of you."
to T'Pol; discussing this weeks movie
ENT : Twilight
Reed : 
"We've taken nine prisoners, but the brig was only designed for two. I'm not sure what to do with the others."
Tucker : 
"Blow 'em out the airlock!"
T'Pol : 
"Put them in crew quarters under heavy guard."
ENT : Twilight
Tucker : 
"For now, the best I can give you is warp 1.7!"
Reed : 
"We're not going to get very far at that speed."
ENT : Twilight
Tucker : 
"This planet is barely Minshara-class. Maybe we should've picked one with a little more blue and green on it."
commenting on how desolate the planet is
ENT : Twilight
T'Pol : 
"If the Xindi are on the way, there's very little we can do to stop them."
Tucker : 
"Well we can't just run up the white flag."
ENT : Twilight
Tucker : 
"I don't know who did more damage to the engine, the alien or Malcolm."
to T'Pol
ENT : Harbinger
Trip : 
"You did the right thing."
Archer : 
"Seems the longer we're out here, the more I have to keep saying that to myself."
ENT : Damage
Tucker : 
"Only in the Expanse could I have a son who's nearly three times my age."
to T'Pol
ENT : E2
Trip : 
"This isn't a damn sensor glitch! We just pulled three .50 caliber bullets from the shuttlepod hull - and spare us the official Vulcan position about time travel! We are two hundred years in the past. Face it!"
to T'Pol
ENT : Storm Front, Part 1
Soong : 
"How long can we sustain warp 5?"
Trip : 
"As long as the captain wants it. Or until we blow up, whichever comes first."
ENT : The Augments
Trip : 
"How many warning shots do Vulcans usually fire?"
Soval : 
ENT : Awakening
Trip : 
"At least the warp engines still need me!"
on T'Pol dumping him
ENT : Daedalus
Trip : 
"You did all this with one phase pistol?"
Reed : 
"You're good at building things. I'm good at blowing them up."
ENT : United

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 23,003 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014