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Leonard McCoy

Quote Episode
McCoy : 
"Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence!"
to Kirk
ST-XI : Star Trek
Sulu : 
"Pike made him first officer."
McCoy : 
"You gotta be kidding me!"
Kirk : 
"Thanks for the support."
ST-XI : Star Trek
Kirk : 
"If Spock were here and I were there... what would he do?"
McCoy : 
"He'd let you die."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
McCoy : 
"Dammit man I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician!"
to Spock
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
McCoy : 
"Oh, don't be so melodramatic. You were barely dead."
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
McCoy : 
"Once we caught him, I synthesised a serum from his... super blood. Tell me, are you feeling homicidal, power mad, despotic?"
Kirk : 
"No more than usual."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"My dad joined Starfleet because he believed in it. I joined on a dare."
McCoy : 
"You joined to see if you could live up to him. You've spent all this time trying to be your dad. Now you're wondering... what it means to be you."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Spock : 
"Ambassador Spock has died."
McCoy : 
"Oh Spock, I'm sorry. I can't imagine what that must feel like."
Spock : 
"When you have lived as many lives as he, fear of death is illogical."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
McCoy : 
"Is that classical music?"
Spock : 
"I believe so."
discussing the Beastie Boys 'Sabotage'
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Spock : 
"Fear of death is illogical."
McCoy : 
"Fear of death is what keeps us alive."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Spock : 
"Lieutenant Uhura wears a Vulcaya amulet which I presented to her as a token of my affection and respect."
McCoy : 
"You gave your girlfriend radioactive jewellery?"
Spock : 
"The emission is harmless Doctor, but its unique signature makes it very easy to identify."
McCoy : 
"You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?"
 Long pause
Spock : 
"...that was not my intention."
McCoy : 
"Well I'm glad he doesn't respect me!"
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 24,014 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014