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Seven of Nine

Quote Episode
Seven : 
"Hey! Hey! You mind stopping that noise?"
Punk on bus : "Yeah, OK, fine! I just like that song. OK? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Apologies."
In a scene similar to that in Star Trek : The Voyage Home, where Spock ends up nerve pinching the punk
STP : Watcher
Raffi : 
"You know, you should have joined Starfleet."
Seven : 
"I tried. After Voyager. Starfleet shut me down because…"
Raffi : 
"You were Borg?"
Seven : 
"Janeway went to bat for me, threatened to resign. But, I gave it up. Went full Ranger."
STP : Hide and Seek
Seven : 
"You are erratic. Conflicted. Disorganised. Every decision is debated, every action questioned, every individual entitled to their own small opinion. You lack harmony, cohesion, greatness. It will be your undoing."
to Chakotay
VOY : Scorpion, Part 2
B'Elanna : 
"Tell me something. When you hear about people like the Caatati, do you have any feelings of remorse?"
Seven : 
B'Elanna : 
"That's it? Just no?"
Seven : 
What further answer do you require?"
B'Elanna : 
"Well maybe some kind of acknowledgement of the billions of lives you helped destroy. A justification for what you did. Maybe a little sense of guilt."
Seven : 
Guilt is irrelevant."
B'Elanna : 
VOY : Day of Honor
Seven : 
"I understand the concept of humour. It may not be apparent, but I am often amused by Human behaviour."
to Kim
VOY : Revulsion
Seven of Nine : 
"You are… Talaxian."
Neelix : 
"Guilty as charged."
Seven of Nine : 
"Species Two One Eight."
Neelix : 
"I suppose so."
Seven of Nine : 
"Your biological and technological distinctiveness was added to our own."
Neelix : 
"I hadn't realized that."
Seven of Nine : 
"A small freighter… containing a crew of thirty-nine. Taken in the Dalmine Sector. They were easily assimilated. Their dense musculature made them excellent Drones."
Neelix : 
"Lucky for you, I guess. Your nutrients."
while preparing Seven's first meal on Voyager
VOY : The Raven
Seven of Nine : 
"Curious sensation."
Neelix : 
"You'll get used to it. Have some more."
as Seven learns to eat
VOY : The Raven
Seven : 
"Don't move. If your people attempt to incapacitate me, I will kill you."
Alzen : 
"I believe you. What do you intend to do now?"
Seven : 
"You will come with me to speak to the captain. I am certain she will have questions for you."
VOY : Scientific Method
Seven : 
"Resistance is futile."
just before kissing Kim aggressively
VOY : Waking Moments
Torres : 
"We're not afraid you're going to assimilate us, we're just not used to... you just... you're rude."
Seven : 
"I am rude..."
VOY : Message in a Bottle
EMH : 
"Another one."
Seven : 
"I beg your pardon?"
EMH : 
"I've retrieved another word of text. That makes six."
Seven : 
"Six words in fifty-eight hours?"
VOY : Hunters
Seven : 
"It is puzzling."
Janeway : 
"What's that?"
Seven : 
"You made me into an individual. You encouraged me to stop thinking like a member of the collective... to cultivate my independence... my Humanity. But when I try to assert that independence, I am punished."
Janeway : 
"Individuality has its limits. Especially on a starship, where there's a command structure."
Seven : 
"I believe that you are punishing me because I don't think the way that you do... because I'm not becoming more like you. You claim to respect my individuality... but in fact, you are frightened by it."
Janeway : 
"As you were."
VOY : Prey
Seven : 
"I do not feel perfect."
EMH : 
"What do you mean?"
Seven : 
"I am preoccupied by Kovin's death."
EMH : 
"Join the club. It's all I can think about."
Seven : 
"As a Borg, I was responsible for the destruction of countless millions and I felt nothing, but now I regret the destruction of this single being."
EMH : 
"It's called remorse, Seven. It comes into play when you make a mistake, and you feel guilt about what you've done. Another new emotion for you to experience."
Seven : 
"I do not enjoy this remorse any more than I enjoyed anger. Will the feeling subside?"
EMH : 
"Yes. But not quickly."
Seven : 
"I would rather not have to wait."
EMH : 
"I'm afraid you don't have much choice." [Pauses as he watches Seven leave] "But maybe I do."
VOY : Retrospect
Seven : 
"I must discontinue this activity. I am not well."
as the EMH manages to restore her memories mid-song
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 1
Paris : 
"What do you think? Boy or a girl?"
Seven : 
"It's a holographic projection."
Torres : 
"Unfortunately, it's a very good projection. I feel 20 kilos heavier. It even kicks."
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Seven : 
"On one occasion, we were able to create a single Omega molecule. We kept it stable for one trillionth of a nanosecond before it destabilized."
on the Borg's attempts to create an Omega particle
VOY : The Omega Directive
Janeway : 
"Tell me, how many Borg were sacrificed during this experiment?"
Seven : 
"29 vessels, 600,000 drones, but that is irrelevant."
VOY : The Omega Directive
Seven : 
"Your new designation is Two of Ten."
Kim : 
"Wait a minute. You're demoting me? Since when did the Borg pull rank?"
Seven : 
"It's Starfleet protocol I adapted. I find it most useful."
Kim : 
"I'm glad you're not the captain."
VOY : The Omega Directive
Janeway : 
"I wondered who was running my program. Master da Vinci doesn't like visitors after midnight."
Seven : 
"He protested. I deactivated him."
VOY : The Omega Directive
Seven : 
"For 3.2 seconds, I... saw perfection."
to Janeway; on seeing the Omega Particle
VOY : The Omega Directive
Chakotay : 
"Looks like they went this way."
Seven : 
"My tricorder isn't picking up any life signs. How did you reach that conclusion?"
Chakotay : 
"Footprints... I guess you never assimilated any Indian scouts..."
VOY : Demon
Janeway : 
"I'm your captain. That means I can't always be your friend. Understand?"
Seven : 
"No. However, if we are assimilated, then our thoughts will become one, and I'm sure I will understand perfectly."
VOY : Hope and Fear
Seven : 
"You were correct, captain. My desire to remain in the Delta Quadrant was based on fear. I am no longer Borg... but the prospect of becoming Human is... unsettling. I don't know where I belong."
Janeway : 
"You belong with us."
assuring her of her place on Voyager's crew
VOY : Hope and Fear
Seven : 
"Impossible is a word that Humans use far too often."
VOY : Hope and Fear
Seven of Nine : 
"You have always been of enormous assistance to me, Doctor. You...You are my mentor."
to the EMH; drunken
VOY : Timeless
Seven : 
"Naomi Wildman, subunit of Ensign Samantha Wildman. State your intentions."
to Naomi
VOY : Infinite Regress
Seven of Nine : 
"It is unsettling. You say that I am a human being and yet, I am also Borg... Part of me not unlike your replicator... Not unlike the Doctor. Will you one day choose to abandon me as well?"
to the Captain; on the plight of the Doctor
VOY : Latent Image
Seven : 
"Physiologically, it bears a striking similarity to disease. A series of biochemical responses that trigger an emotional cascade impairing normal functioning."
on love
VOY : The Disease
Seven of Nine : 
"Acquiring knowledge is a worthy objective. But its pursuit has obviously not elevated you."
to Kurros; on his dubious principals
VOY : Think Tank
Seven : 
"There is no one on Deck Nine, Section 12 who doesn't know when you're having intimate relations."
to B'Elanna; on her and Tom
VOY : Someone to Watch Over Me
Seven : 
"I've spent the last three years struggling to regain my Humanity. I'm afraid I may have lost it again in that arena."
Tuvok : 
"You are experiencing difficult emotions."
Seven : 
"Guilt, shame, remorse."
Tuvok : 
"Then you haven't lost your Humanity. You have reaffirmed it."
VOY : Tsunkatse
Seven : 
"Sweet dreams."
to the ex-Borg children
VOY : Collective
Seven of Nine : 
"Fun will now commence."
to the children
VOY : Ashes to Ashes
Janeway : 
"Why potatoes?"
Seven : 
"Their first idea was to clone Naomi, but I suggested they start with something smaller."
VOY : Child's Play
The Borg : "We are the Borg. Resistance is futile."
Seven : 
"Perhaps not."
VOY : Child's Play
Seven : 
"It's time for you to regenerate."
Icheb : 
"And if I choose to continue my studies?"
Seven : 
"It's your decision."
VOY : Child's Play
Seven : 
"You were hoping your behaviour was the result of a malfunction? I'm sorry, Doctor. But I must give you a clean bill of health."
to the EMH; on his decision to poison a person for the greater good
VOY : Critical Care
Seven : 
"To the newest member of our crew; may all her desires be fulfilled except for one. So she'll always have something to strive for."
Her toast
VOY : Human Error
Raffi : 
"Your personality needs to match your clothes. You need to show a little panache."
Seven : 
"You need a feather in your hat."
STP : Stardust City Rag
Seven of Nine : 
"Picard still thinks there's a place in the galaxy for mercy. I didn't want to disillusion him."
to Bjayzl; shortly before killing her.
STP : Stardust City Rag

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 54,463 Last updated : 20 Jan 2023