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Malcolm Reed

Quote Episode
Reed : 
"I don't want to die, what makes you think I want to die?"
Tucker : 
"Because ever since we saw Enterprise spread across that asteroid, you've done nothing but write your own obituary!"
ENT : Shuttlepod One
Trip : 
"I read those Nubian masueses have twelve fingers. On each hand."
Reed : 
"Then I'd say Starfleet needs to make its presence felt on Risa."
ENT : Fallen Hero
Reed : 
"If you plan to go to warp, sir, you'll let me know?"
Archer : 
"I'll try to remember."
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"Please sir, may I have some more?"
imitating Oliver Twist, when given some painkillers
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"Frankly, sir from my point of view that kind of socializing has no place on a starship."
Archer : 
"I had a C.O. once, felt the same way. 'They're your crew, not your friends.' I thought about that a lot... when I took this command but then I realized this is not a typical mission. We could be out here for years. All we have to depend on... is each other."
ENT : Minefield
Archer : 
"So how long was it?"
Reed : 
"I counted 10 seconds."
Archer : 
"10?! It was more like 20."
Reed : 
"Respectfully, sir, it was 10."
Archer : 
"I'm not going to argue with you, Malcolm… It was 20… That's an order."
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"It can't be ethical to cause a patient this much pain."
Phlox : 
"It's unethical to harm a patient, I can inflict as much pain as I like."
ENT : Dead Stop
Reed : 
"Reed alert. That's not bad!"
to Trip; contemplating the name for his new alert
ENT : Singularity
Tucker : 
"Maybe I should tell the doc."
Reed : 
"Tell him what? That his wife is trying to seduce you? Not a good idea!"
ENT : Stigma
Reed : 
"Would you mind taking off your clothing? I'd like to learn more about your anatomy."
to T'Pol
ENT : The Crossing
Mayweather : 
"Starfleet really ought to think about putting families on starships."
Reed : 
"You must be joking!"
Mayweather : 
"No one would ever get homesick."
Reed : 
"Yes... well they'd better post a psychologist on board. Because I'd need one if my parents were roaming the corridors."
ENT : Horizon
Reed : 
"Photonic torpedoes. Their range is over fifty times greater than our conventional torpedoes. And they have a variable yield. They can knock the comm array off a shuttle pod without scratching the hull, or they can put a three kilometre crater into an asteroid."
to Trip
ENT : The Expanse
Reed : 
"We've taken nine prisoners, but the brig was only designed for two. I'm not sure what to do with the others."
Tucker : 
"Blow 'em out the airlock!"
T'Pol : 
"Put them in crew quarters under heavy guard."
ENT : Twilight
Tucker : 
"For now, the best I can give you is warp 1.7!"
Reed : 
"We're not going to get very far at that speed."
ENT : Twilight
Reed : 
"We've got less than ten hours before this weapon reaches Earth. The captain wants to take a team aboard to destroy it. I don't imagine the Reptilians will make this easy for us, but that's why you're here. That's why Major Hayes picked each one of you for this mission: because he knew you'd get the job done. I need three volunteers."
to The Macos; every one of them immediately volunteers
ENT : Countdown
Reed : 
"I've been going over those military dispatches that Hoshi picked up. Some of them don't make sense - they mention recent battles in Virginia and Ohio! There weren't any battles fought there in World War II, the Nazis never got to North America. Something's very wrong down there."
to Archer
ENT : Storm Front, Part 1
Reed : 
"There's no rule that says the bridge has to be at the top of the ship."
to Trip
ENT : Babel One
Trip : 
"You did all this with one phase pistol?"
Reed : 
"You're good at building things. I'm good at blowing them up."
ENT : United
Reed : 
"There are some obligations that go beyond my loyalty to you and this crew."
to Archer
ENT : Affliction
Reed : 
"I answer to one commanding officer. Jonathan Archer."
to Section 31 guy
ENT : Divergence
Reed : 
"At least the pheromones are wearing off. I haven't thought about the Orions for, what, a whole ten minutes."
to Archer
ENT : Bound

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 25,212 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014