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Quote Episode
Dax : 
"I've been friends with Benjamin Sisko for many years... In many ways, he's like a son. Or a nephew... Some kind of close relative anyway..."
DS9 : Dramatis Personae
Dax : 
"That's because you don't socialise with them the way I do. Looking back over seven lifetimes, I can't think of a single race I've enjoyed more."
Kira : 
"Did anyone ever tell you that you have very strange taste?"
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Dax : 
"You know he once convinced me to go up to a holosuite with him. Turns out he recreated the bedroom I slept in as a child. He overheard me describing it to Kira. Of course, most of the details were wrong, but it was a very sweet gesture, up until he tried to kiss me."
Pel : 
"That sounds like Quark."
Dax : 
"I don't care what anybody says, I love him."
Pel : 
"So do I."
Dax : 
"You really do, don't you?"
Pel : 
Dax : 
"Love Quark. Don't bother trying to deny it. I've seen the way you look at him."
Pel : 
"Please, keep your voice down."
Dax : 
"Does he know?"
Pel : 
"He doesn't even know I'm a female."
Dax : 
"You're a woman?!"
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Dax : 
"The Korvat colony. First day of negotiations, I walked out on you, right in the middle of that long-winded speech of yours. You should have seen the look on your face. Nobody had ever had the kajunpak't to show their back to the great Kang before Curzon did."
Kang : 
"I almost killed Curzon that day."
DS9 : Blood Oath
Dax : 
"He happens to be brilliant, his brain is twice the size of yours and mine."
Kira : 
"I know, I've seen it."
Dax : 
"It's not his fault Gallamites have transparent skulls."
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 1
Bashir : 
"Nobody said life was fair."
Dax : 
"Even if you've had seven of them."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Dax : 
"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Dax : 
"You can make your own decisions, or you can let these prophecies make them for you."
to Sisko
DS9 : Destiny
Audrid Dax : 
"There's nothing quite like holding a child to your breast, nursing it. (pause) The entity which lent me this body wishes to speak!"
Quark : 
"How much longer am I gonna have to do this?!"
DS9 : Facets
Dax : 
"I've lived seven lifetimes, and I have never had a friend quite like you."
to Sisko
DS9 : Rejoined
Dax : 
"It's funny, a year ago if you'd done something like this, I would have thought you were just trying to be a hero."
Bashir : 
"And now?"
Dax : 
"Now that I know you better, I realise it was just a really stupid thing to do."
DS9 : Starship Down
Kor : 
"Did you see the look on the face of that Klingon that I killed? It was as if he understood the honor bestowed upon him. The first man in a thousand years to be killed by the Sword of Kahless."
Dax : 
"I'm sure he was very proud."
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless
Dax : 
"If I were in your shoes I would be looking for someone a little more entertaining, a little more fun, and maybe even a little more attainable."
to Worf; dropping a heavy hint
DS9 : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Dax : 
"You have to realise, there's some things in life you can't control. And one of them is me."
to Worf
DS9 : Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Worf : 
"Quark may lend you the money, but remember Rule of Acquisition number one hundred and eleven. Treat people in your debt like family - exploit them."
Dax : 
"You know the Rules of Acquisition?"
Worf : 
"I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy. I know many things."
DS9 : The Darkness and the Light
Sisko : 
"You win some, you lose some."
Dax : 
"You always had problems with the 'lose some' part of that."
DS9 : For the Uniform
Quark : 
"Who's winning the war?"
Dax : 
"It's too early to tell."
Quark : 
"It's been three days."
Dax : 
"Don't remind me. They found a nest."
Quark : 
"That's good."
Dax : 
"It's not the main nest."
Quark : 
"That's not so good. I thought Chief O'Brien trapped the last vole on the station months ago."
Dax : 
"Well, obviously he missed a couple. A married couple. They breed like tribbles."
Quark : 
"But they're not as cute."
on the vole infestation
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Sisko : 
"How do I explain that I evacuated every Federation citizen off Deep Space 9, except his grandson?"
Dax : 
"You'll figure something out."
on how to explain to his father that Jake insisted on staying behind
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Jadzia : 
"One ship against an entire fleet? That's a helluva plan B!"
to Sisko
DS9 : Sacrifice of Angels
Worf : 
"I have a sense of humour. On the Enterprise I was considered to be quite amusing."
Dax : 
"That must have been one dull ship."
Worf : 
"That is a joke. I get it. It is not funny, but I get it."
DS9 : Change of Heart
Dax : 
"I had a pretty good idea what this was the moment I laid eyes on it. This confirms it. It's a slab of rock with some writing on it."
to Sisko; analysing his discovery
DS9 : The Reckoning
Jadzia : 
"Our baby... would've been so beautiful..."
to Worf; her last words
DS9 : Tears of the Prophets
Ezri : 
"Hello, Benjamin."
Sisko : 
"Do I know you?"
Ezri : 
"It's me... Dax."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Ezri : 
"I can hardly believe it myself, but I'm Dax. I mean, I'm not Jadzia Dax. I'm Ezri Dax. But I have all of Jadzia's memories, not to mention Lela's, Tobin's, Emony's, Audrid's, Joran's and Curzon's. Am I forgetting anyone?"
Sisko : 
Ezri : 
"Right. Now, you're probably asking yourself
Sisko : 
"The answers can wait. Right now I'm just glad to see you."
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Jake : 
"You're a therapist?"
Ezri : 
"Is it that surprising?"
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Ezri : 
"Now wait a minute! You have no right to tell me who I can be friends with!"
Worf : 
"If you dishonor Jadzia's memory, you will regret it. And that goes for you, too, Ferengi!"
Quark : 
"What did I do?!"
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"It's a strange sensation, dying. No matter how many times it happens to you, you never get used to it."
DS9 : Afterimage
Quark : 
"You're a therapist?"
Ezri : 
"Why does everyone sound so surprised when they hear that?"
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"Perhaps I should have a talk with him,"
Sisko : 
"Absolutely not. You intimidate him."
Ezri : 
Sisko : 
"Don't tell him I told you."
Ezri : 
"I intimidate Worf?"
Sisko : 
"You like that, don't you?"
DS9 : Afterimage
Odo : 
"Will you come to dinner with us?"
Ezri : 
"Please, I don't want to intrude..."
Kira : 
"Honestly, it's fine. It'll take some pressure off me. All he does is sit and count how many times I chew."
Odo asks Ezri to dinner with him and Kira
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"Stop it, Benjamin! I thought you of all people would understand."
Sisko : 
"I do understand. And you're right. You don't deserve the Dax symbiont. Quite frankly, you don't deserve to wear that uniform! I'll pass this on to Starfleet Command. Dismissed!"
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"Did I forget to wear my spots today?"
Quark : 
"All that intelligence and he still doesn't know what a Human looks like!"
on Solok calling Ezri a Human
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Ezri : 
"I'm sorry. Obviously you want to punish yourself. Do you want help? I'm really good at punishing myself."
DS9 : Chrysalis
Kira : 
"There are varieties of gagh?"
Ezri : 
"Oh, yes. I can remember what each one tastes like... and the way they... move when you swallow them. Torgud gagh wiggles. Filden gagh squirms. Meshta gagh jumps. ... Bithool gagh has feet. ... Wistan gagh is packed in targ blood... I have to go now."
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Ezri : 
"I haven't talked to my mother in almost six months."
Sisko : 
Ezri : 
"Last time I saw her was just after I was joined. She came to visit me on Trill and I was still a little confused... When she walked into my room, I put on a big smile, looked her right in the eye and said
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Ezri : 
"Hello mother."
Yanas Tigan : 
"I hate your hair."
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Ezri : 
"Tell me, why did you do it?"
Chu'lak : 
'Because logic demanded it."
On his reasons for becoming a mass murderer
DS9 : Field of Fire
Ezri : 
"You can't be serious."
Weyoun : 
"I'm always serious."
after he "asks" her and Worf for help in interpreting their mind probes
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Ezri : 
"Am I supposed to be embarrassed because Jadzia had a few lovers before you?"
Worf : 
"A few?"
Ezri : 
"You're right. It was more than a few. It was dozens. Hundreds. In fact, I don't think there was anyone aboard DS9 who wasn't her lover!"
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Worf : 
"I realize Jadzia saw physical love very differently than I do. To her it could mean many things, but to me it is a deeply spiritual act. When I made love to you, my motives were not spiritual. It was an unworthy impulse."
Ezri : 
"Worf, we're not gods or Prophets. We're people. We make mistakes. There is one other thing I want you to know. I honestly didn't realize how I felt about Julian. I would have never hidden something like that from you."
Worf : 
"I believe you. And I do not hold any malice toward you or Doctor Bashir."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Worf : 
"Why should we trust you?"
Damar : 
"You can either trust me, or you can stay here and be executed."
Ezri : 
"I vote for option one."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Ezri : 
"I think that the situation with Gowron is a symptom of a bigger problem. The Klingon Empire is dying, and I think it deserves to die."
Worf : 
"You're right. I do not like it!"
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Ezri : 
"Worf, you are the most honorable and decent man I have ever met and if you're willing to accept men like Gowron, then what hope is there for the Empire?"
to Worf
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Bashir : 
"The Battle of Thermopylae. Do you know it? Well, it's about a force of Spartans led by King Leonidas, who defend a mountain pass against a vast army of Persians.
Ezri : 
"What happens then?"
Bashir : 
"For two days, the Spartans lead a heroic struggle."
Ezri : 
"Until they're wiped out."
Bashir : 
"Yes. How'd you know?"
Ezri : 
"Lucky guess. I take it we'll be the Spartans?"
Bashir : 
"Fighting to the last man."
Ezri : 
"Just like the Alamo."
Bashir : 
Ezri : 
"Have you talked to a counsellor about these annihilation fantasies?"
Bashir : 
"Do you think I should?"
Ezri : 
"I'll set up a session for you tomorrow."
Bashir : 
"What about tonight?"
Ezri : 
"Tonight we defend the pass."
Their last lines of the series
DS9 : What You Leave Behind

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 39,053 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014