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Pilot First Rank Gotana-Retz

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Pilot First Rank Gotana-Retz [1]
Species : Tahal-Isut

A native of a planet Voyager encountered in 2376 which was experiencing time at a highly accelerated rate, Gotana-Retz was the pilot of a ship which the natives launched to investigate Voyager. He met with Captain Janeway and recalled how the "Sky Ship" had been an inspiration for his childhood. After his return to the planet, he worked on finding a way to help the ship escape from the orbit it was trapped in. He returned many years later with more advanced ships and tractored Voyager into a higher orbit to enable their escape. An elderly Gotana-Retz watched from the surface as the ship finally left his world successfully. [1]

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Associated with Voyager

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
VOY6Daniel Dae KimBlink of an Eye


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 6 Blink of an Eye
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Blink of an Eye

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 12,894 Last updated : 17 Jan 2015