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Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Kelis [1]
Species : DITL Species No. 743

Native of a primitive Delta Quadrant planet, Kalis was a struggling playright. In 2376 he met B'Elanna Torres after she crashlanded on the planet in the Delta Flyer. Torres agreed to tell him osme of Voyager's adventures in return for his help in acquiring supplies to repair the Flyer's communications system so that she could call for help. Kelis wrote a series of plays based on these adventures which were wildly successful with the leader of his people. When war was threatened with a neighbouring people, Kelis managed to incorporate some of the Federation's peaceful ethos into his plays inan attempt to sway his leader to a less warlike stance. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

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Associated with Voyager

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
VOY6Joseph WillMuse


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 6 Muse
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Muse

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,667 Last updated : 21 Mar 2005