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Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Hagath [1]
Species : Humans

An arms dealer, Hagath employed Gaila and Farrakk and was usually accompanied by Talura. Although often friendly and even jovial, Hagath could be extremely cold blooded when the occasion called for it - for instance when he apparently had Farrakk murdered for failing to secure an arms deal. Quark briefly worked for Hagath dealing arms on Deep Space Nine - the Bajoran government allowed this because Hagath had supplied the Bajoran resistance with weapons during the occupation. Hagath had no interest in helping the Bajorans to gain their freedom however; he supplied them purely because he had realised that they would eventually win the struggle and wanted to be on friendly terms with the government afterwards. Hagath was arrested by Odo when Quark managed to bring two rival customers together in a meeting with him, prompting a violent confrontation. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

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Associated with Deep Space Nine

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
DS95Steven BerkoffBusiness as Usual


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 5 Business as Usual
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Business as Usual

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,016 Last updated : 7 Jun 2006