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Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Nero [1]
Species : Romulans

A Romulan, Nero lived in the late 24th century where he was a citizen of the Romluan Empire, working as Captain of the mining ship Narada. When the planet was destroyed by a supernova in 2387, Nero became enraged; Ambassador Spock had promised to destroy the supernova by using red matter to create a black hole, but had been too late to prevent it from destroying Romulus. Nero thus blamed Spock for the planet's loss, compounded by the fact that his pregnant wife had been killed in the destruction, and swore vengeance against him. He attempted to destroy Spock's ship shortly after Spock had created the black hole, but failed. Both vessels were thrown through the black hole and into the past.  [1]

Now a brooding, rage-filled individual, Nero continued his campaign of vengeance in the past. He was determined to not only save Romulus but destroy every Federation planet. Having arrived earlier than Spock, he waited for 25 years until the Ambassador's ship emerged from the black hole and captured him. Nero marooned Spock on Delta Vega and proceeded to Vulcan where he destroyed the planet along with the large majority of its six billion inhabitants. Nero proceeded towards Earth and attempted to repeat the destruction, but was prevented from doing so by by the intervention of James Kirk and the younger Spock. Spock stole the ship and red matter, using it to disable Nero's drill and lead him away from the planet. Spock, with the aid of the Enteprise, rammed the Narada, igniting the red matter within it and creating another black hole. Although Captain Kirk offered to lend assistance to Nero he angrily refused, declaring that he would rather experience the destruction of Romulus a thousand times over than accept his help. Kirk happily obliged and destroyed the Narada, killing Nero and the rest of his crew. [1]

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Associated with Star Trek XI

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Eric BanaStar Trek XI


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1 Star Trek XI
Film: Star Trek XI

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 43,550 Last updated : 12 Jan 2023