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Lurak T'Luco

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Lurak T'Luco [1]
Species : Romulans

Lurak T'Luco was a male Romulan born in 2351. At the age of 15 he was arrested in Vvalti when he hijacked a warbird with intent to sell the stolen cargo. He was sentenced to five years and served four of those in a Romulan juvenile facility. The final year was served in a rehabilitation centre on Rator III. [1]

In 2375, T'Luco was arrested again, this time on Remus, this time for the possession of stolen weapons; however this time the charges were dismissed due to insufficient evidence. He was aided by associates who stole the evidence and hacked the police data system. His known associates included Sneed of Ferenginar, Elok of Romulus, Krinn of Vulcan, Fen of Vendor, Teibak of Romulus, Sorren of Romulus, and Falnor of Remus. [1]

By 2400, T'Luco had become the leader of a Romulan rebel faction. In 2401, he was thought to have been responsible for the terrorist destruction of the Starfleet recruitment centre on M'talas Prime. The theory was that he bought the quantum tunnelling weapon stolen from Daystrom Station in a sale brokered by the Ferengi Sneed. Federation agent Raffi Musiker didn't support this theory saying that she didn't believe "a Romulan triggerman who's never made it to anyone's most wanted list" was able to mastermind the event. [1]

Raffi agranged to meet with Sneed, claiming to be representing T'Luco wishing to find out who had framed him for the event. Unfortunately, Sneed had already had him killed to cover of the real perpetrator, keeping his head as a trophy.  [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Associated with Star Trek : Picard

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
STP3Chris DerrickDisengage
STP3Chris DerrickImposters


# Series Season Source Comment
1 STP 3 Disengage
Series : STP Season 3
Episode : Disengage

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 700 Last updated : 22 Jan 2025