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Raffaela Musiker

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Raffaela Musiker [1]
Species : Humans

Human female, known as Raffi to her friends. [1] In the 2380s, Raffi held the rank of Lieutenant Commander and worked with Admiral Picard as part of the team putting together the plans for the rescue of the Romulans in the lead up to the supernova that would eventually destroy their homeworld. After the destruction of the shipyards at Utopia Planetia, in 2385, the Federation cancelled the plans. When Admiral Picard threatened to resign if they didn't continue the work, they accepted his resignation. Following this Raffi was called to the CICs office, she assumed she would be dismissed from Starfleet. [2]

Over the next 14 years Raffi's life followed a slow decline into paranoia and conspiracy theories. She took up a habit of smoking snakeleaf, a form of narcotic. She believed that the Tal Shiar were involved in the attack on Mars. She also believed that Starfleet was somehow complicit in the attack. This theory and her drug taking lead her to neglect her son and husband, eventually leading to their separation. [2]

In 2399, when Admiral Picard visited her, she was living alone in a shack near the Vasquez Rocks in southern California. She was growing her own snakeleaf and using it frequently together with alcohol. She still fervently believed in her Romulan / Federation theories. She was angry with Picard as he hadn't been in contact with her since his retirement. Despite her anger she provided Picard with the name of a ship captain, Cristóbal Rios, who would be willing to help him on his mission to track down the sister of Dahj. [2]

After leaving, Raffi was contacted by Picard a second time, when he provided her with a bundle of information on Bruce Maddox, a scientist who would likely know the location of Dahj's twin. Raffi was able to use this information to identify planet Freecloud as a likely location for Maddox. She also tracked her son down to Freecloud and hitched a ride with Picard to the planet to get back in touch with him. [2]

On arrival at Freecloud Raffi discovered that Maddox had been taken prisoner by Bjayzl, a criminal business woman, who was going to sell him to the Tal Shiar. Raffi helped Picard to plan a rescue mission. She then beamed down with the hope of meeting up with her son. [3]

When Raffi found her son, Gabriel Hwang, he was at the Stardust City Reproductive Health Service. He was surprised to see Raffi and was very antagonistic towards her. Raffi attempted to convince him that she had changed but when he asked her to talk about her conspiracy theories Raffi was unable to let the issue go, demonstrating that she still had a problem. When Pel, Gabriel's wife, came in she was clearly pregnant. Gabriel introduced her to Raffi, who she had never met. Gabriel left, not wanting to see Raffi again. Following her disastrous meeting with her son, Raffi returned to the ship and hid in her room with a bottle of brandy. Picard attempted to talk to her but she refused to see to him. [3]

Once it became obvious that Soji was on The Artifact in Romulan space, Raffi was called on, once again, to help. Raffi contacted an old Starfleet friend, Captain Emily Bosch, who she knew as Emmy. When Emmy heard what they were planning to do she refused to help, saying that arriving without clearance would be an act of war. When she discovered that they were already on their way and would arrive within three hours, she relented and arranged for the documents. Afterwards, Emmy insisted that Raffi never contact her again. [4]

After Picard escaped The Anomaly using a trajector, Raffi and the crew of La Sirena attempted to join Picard at Napenthe. However, they found that they were being tracked by a Romulan Snakehead ship. After all attempts to lose the following ship failed, Rios began to think that Raffi was colluding with the Romulans. It turned out, however, that Agnes Jurati was the one being tracked. [5]

Raffi was instrumental in piecing together the plot by the Romulans to prevent artificial life from being produced in the galaxy. She pulled together pieces from Rios's experience with first contact years before, Agnes's revelations from the Admonition and her own theories about the attack on Mars in order to uncover the work of the Romulan Zhat Vash. [6]

In the year since the events on Coppelius, Raffi rejoined Startfleet with the rank of Commander. She was assigned as the operations officer of the new USS Excelsior. That ship was part of the fleet of 38 vessels that were sent to join the USS Stargazer when a newly disceovered spatial annomoly turned out to be the Borg. They stated that they wished to join the Federation and insisted that Jean-Luc Picard lead the negotiations. [7]

When Picard arrived and sent a message to the Borg they brought a massive ship through the rift and attempted to beam their queen on to the Stargazer, evenually succeding. The Queen attempted to assimilate the ship and the others in the fleet. Picard ordered the ships self-destruct activated. After the countdown, and ensuing explosion, [7] Raffi found herself in an alternate reality, were she was a senior member of the secret police, responsible for tracking down the alien resistance. When she discovered that Elnor was part of that resistance she shot her own team to save him. She was eventually able to meet up with Picard, Rios, Seven and Agnes Jurati, [8] where, with the assisitance of a Borg Queen, they were able to time travel back to 2024 in search of a way home. [9]

Together they attempted to discover what had been changed and fix it. [10]

The events of this period and in particular the near fatal shooting of Seven of Nine, caused Raffi to realise the strength of her feelings for Seven and brought them closer together as a couple. [11]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Crew of the La Sirena

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
STPMichelle Hurd


# Series Season Source Comment
1 STP 1 Maps and Legends
2 STP 1 The End is the Beginning
3 STP 1 Stardust City Rag
4 STP 1 The Impossible Box
5 STP 1 Nepenthe
6 STP 1 Broken Pieces
7 STP 2 The Star Gazer
8 STP 2 Penance
9 STP 2 Assimilation
10 STP 2 Watcher
11 STP 2 Hide and Seek
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Maps and Legends
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : The End is the Beginning
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Stardust City Rag
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : The Impossible Box
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Broken Pieces
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : The Star Gazer
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Penance
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Assimilation
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Watcher
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Hide and Seek

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 17,573 Last updated : 20 Jan 2023