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Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Sneed [1]
Species : Ferengi

Sneed was a male Ferengi crime lord who operated on M'talas Prime in the late 24th century. He was fond of the beverage Slug-o-Cola. He collected Human antiques, including a baseball and a grenade. Amongst his many nefarious works, he was responsible for creating and distributing the narcotic splinter. [1]

He was born in Ferenginar in 2342 and grew up as a scavenger in district 6 of M'Talas Prime. He was friends with a Vulcan called Krinn and the two came to consider themselves as brothers. They swore a blood oath of loyalty to each other. [1]

His criminal record included: [1]
Sneed's known associates included Jae Hwang of Earth, Larell of Renhia, Morn of Luria, Quark of Ferenginar, Brunt of Ferenginar, and Thadiun Okona of the Omega Sagitta system. [1]

Sneed framed Romulan rebel Lurak T'Luco for the destruction of the Starfleet recruitment centre in district 7 of M'Talas Prime. This prompted Raffi Musiker to arrange a meeting with him, via her ex-husband Jae. During the meeting, Musiker claimed to work for T'Luco. Unfortunately, Sneed knew to be false as he had already had T'Luco murdered, in fact he was keeping his severed head with him as a trophy. Sneed coerced Musiker into taking splinter to try and expose her true employer. When this failed, he ordered his bodyguards to kill her. She managed to escape due to the timely appearance of Worf, who beheaded Sneed during the ensuing melee. [1]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Associated with Star Trek : Picard

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
STP3Aaron StanfordDisengage
STP3Aaron StanfordSeventeen Seconds
STP3Aaron StanfordImposters


# Series Season Source Comment
1 STP 3 Disengage
Series : STP Season 3
Episode : Disengage

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 701 Last updated : 22 Jan 2025