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Kore Soong

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Kore Soong [1]
Species : Humans

Daughter of Adam Soong, Kore had a terminal genetic condition that caused sunlight to turn her blood into poison. The smallest speck of dust would ruin her respiratory system. Adam worked tirelessly to try and cure his daughter's problems. He invented a drone-based sunshield system that would envelope Kore, preventing harmful rays from reaching her and keeping the dust at bay. The system allowed her to go into the garden for limited periods. In 2024 Q provided Adam with a vile containing a temporary solution to her problem, allowing her to go outdoors and swim freely for the first time in her life. The effect was, however, short lived requiring her to go back into her clean room. Q promised Adam a long lasting solution if he prevented RenĂ©e Picard from going on the Europa mission. [1]

Kore became suspicious of her father and examined his computer. [2] There she discovered that, in actuallity, she was the latest in a long line of genetic experiments, grown in a test tube, using somatic nuclear cell transfer. She was the longest lived of his "offspring", most of whom had not lived past a few days, the previous record being just under 4 years. When Kore discovered the truth she left Soong, after curing her condition using a liquid provided by Q. [3]

After leaving, Kore remotely deleted all of Adam's files on his experiments, preventing him from continuing his work. Soon afterwards she was contacted by the person who a long time ago was known as Wesley Crusher. He told her that he is part of a group who dispatches those called "Supervisors" to help ensure the proper flow of time. He offered to let her join the "Travellers" and she agreed and they departed together. [4]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Associated with Star Trek : Picard

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
STP2Isa BrionesFly Me to the Moon
STP2Isa BrionesTwo of One
STP2Isa BrionesMercy
STP2Isa BrionesFarewell


# Series Season Source Comment
1 STP 2 Fly Me to the Moon
2 STP 2 Two of One
3 STP 2 Monsters
4 STP 2 Farewell
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Fly Me to the Moon
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Two of One
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Monsters
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Farewell

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 5,600 Last updated : 20 Jan 2023