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Episode Morals List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery |

Summary Moral Episode
Captivity The customs and history of your race show a unique hatred for captivity. Even when it is pleasant and benevolent, you prefer death! TOS : The Cage
Perfection The search for perfection is not always a good thing TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Brilliance A brilliant past does not guarantee a glorious future TOS : Dagger of the Mind
Puberty Puberty can be a killer experience TOS : Miri
Sins The sins of the past are sure to find you out TOS : The Conscience of the King
Logic Logic alone does not a commander make TOS : The Galileo Seven
Revenge When you set out to gain revenge, be sure you are on the right path TOS : Court Martial
Loyalty Loyalty, no matter the consequences, is a good thing TOS : The Menagerie, Part 1
Delusion Delusion, is better than being disabled TOS : The Menagerie, Part 2
Wishes Be careful what you wish for you may just get it TOS : Shore Leave
Childhood An important lesson is to respect others TOS : The Squire of Gothos
Power Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Advancement No matter how advanced you are, the past can still be important TOS : Arena
Forgiveness Forgiveness is the sign of an advanced mind TOS : Arena
Vengeance Vengeance taken to extreme, can destroy the universe TOS : The Alternative Factor
Time Travel Time Travel is a very dangerous thing TOS : Tomorrow is Yesterday
Computers Computers do not make for a good government TOS : The Return of the Archons
War You must fight to end a war TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Genetic Engineering Nothing good will ever come from genetic engineering TOS : Space Seed
Paradise Paradise is not always what it seems TOS : This Side of Paradise
Motherhood Motherhood is the most powerful force in the universe TOS : The Devil in the Dark
Monsters Rock eating pizza monsters are people too TOS : The Devil in the Dark
War War is childish and one day you will grow out of it TOS : Errand of Mercy
Love The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one TOS : The City on the Edge of Forever
Appearences Size isn't everything. TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver
Evil Evil cannot survive in the cold light of day TOS : Operation: Annihilate!
Enemies When you stand up to them, your enemies aren't always as impressive as they first seemed TOS : Catspaw
Love Is in the eye of the beholder TOS : Metamorphosis
Knowledge Knowledge is a two edged sword TOS : Friday's Child
Obsolescence You have to recognise when your time is over TOS : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Animal Instincts We must fight to maintain our "humanity" TOS : Amok Time
Bullies The bigger they are the harder they fall TOS : The Doomsday Machine
Appearances Things are not always what they seem TOS : Wolf in the Fold
Probes You have to be very very careful when you give instructions to a computer TOS : The Changeling
Freedom Freedom is vital, whether you realise it or not TOS : The Apple
Paradise Sometimes it should come with a health warning TOS : The Apple
Confidence Confidence can make you more beautiful than any pill TOS : Mudd's Women
Evil Being evil can be a whole lot of fun TOS : Mirror, Mirror
Old Age Old age is wasted on the young TOS : The Deadly Years
Androids Illogical behaviour can void your warranty TOS : I, Mudd
Character Cute furry animals are a good judge of character TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles
Restraint Favours for loyalty is a high price to pay TOS : Bread and Circuses
Federation The whole is stronger than it's parts TOS : Journey to Babel
Arms Race An arms race is not a good thing, but it is sometimes the best thing available TOS : A Private Little War
Slavery A species that enslaves other beings is not superior TOS : The Gamesters of Triskelion
Revenge Revenge can blind you to the needs of the job at hand TOS : Obsession
Investigation Sometimes you have to risk all to find the truth TOS : The Immunity Syndrome
Integrity We all have, and all need, our dark side TOS : The Enemy Within
Immitation Imitation is not always the sincerest form of flattery TOS : A Piece of the Action
Invasion Invasion is not the only way TOS : By Any Other Name
Loan Be careful what you lend to people, you may not get it back TOS : Return to Tomorrow
History We must learn the lessons of history or we are doomed to repeat them TOS : Patterns of Force
Computers No computer, no matter how advanced, must be allowed to run a starship TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Liberty Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words TOS : The Omega Glory
Trust Sometimes you just have to trust that people will do the right thing TOS : Assignment: Earth
Action Sometimes the best cause of action is no action at all TOS : Spectre of the Gun
Duty Duty and loyalty will win out over any simple infatuation TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Questing Even when they lose their memory Starfleet officers will still try to better themselves TOS : The Paradise Syndrome
Love Love can blind you to the monster within TOS : The Man Trap
Deception When the stakes are high it is sometimes necessary to deceive TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Dishonesty Dishonesty can mislead a child, but they will never really forget what is important TOS : And the Children Shall Lead
Disaster Even the best of writers can produce junk TOS : Spock's Brain
Beauty Even the ugly need love TOS : Is There in Truth no Beauty?
Self Sacrifice Self sacrifice can save an entire species TOS : The Empath
Death? Death is not always fatal TOS : The Tholian Web
Computers Allowing a computer to run your life is never a great idea TOS : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Confusion It can sometimes be difficult to know who the real enemy is TOS : Day of the Dove
Wisdom Knowing that revenge does not bring happiness TOS : Plato's Stepchildren
Science Despite the odds science will provide a solution TOS : Wink of an Eye
Intoxication Alcohol, and similar compounds, can make you regret your actions in the morning TOS : The Naked Time
Cooperation Working together can solve problems TOS : That Which Survives
Prejudice Prejudice can lead to major disaster TOS : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Insanity No good ever comes of the inmates taking over the asylum TOS : Whom Gods Destroy
Problems Radical problems require radical solutions TOS : The Mark of Gideon
Pressure Pressure can kill you in the end TOS : The Lights of Zetar
Fresh Air Without it people can get a little techy TOS : The Cloud Minders
Hippies Just because the hippies say it's so doesn't make it so TOS : The Way to Eden
Love Not for the mechanical of heart TOS : Requiem for Methuselah
Good vs Evil Good with alway prevail over evil even though it may lose a few good men TOS : The Savage Curtain
Time Travel Apparently you can hide from your problems, forever TOS : All Our Yesterdays
Power Power without wisdom is a very dangerous thing TOS : Charlie X
Qualifications A mad doctor and a body swap machine does not a captain make TOS : Turnabout Intruder
Command Looking the part is simply not enough TOS : Turnabout Intruder
Looks Just because you look like the devil doesn't mean you're evil TOS : Balance of Terror
Cold war In space, all warriors are cold warriors TOS : Balance of Terror

Series :  The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery |

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 251,059 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025