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Moments List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery |

Great moments

Moment Episode
The shuttle flyby of Enterprise, with Archer and Tucker drooling over their new ship. ENT : Broken Bow
Enterprise hitting it's first target. ENT : Fight or Flight
The crew stopping to take a photo was a nice touch, especially Archer thinking twice about putting his arm around T'Pol. ENT : Strange New World
Archer and T'Pol arguing about what to do with the colonists. ENT : Terra Nova
It's nice to see that everybody is still scared of the transporter. And it was nice to see the crew thinking of all the things that should be standard procedure to avoid situations like this. ENT : The Andorian Incident
The Vulcan snowman. ENT : Breaking the Ice
Beaming up the antimatter reactor and using it as a mine. ENT : Civilization
We normally only do worst moments for episodes that get a zero rating. This wasn't quite that bad, but we felt that the scene in which the freighter escapes from Enterprise deserves special mention. Earth's finest, fastest and most powerful ship, defeated by a freighter? Why not fire grapnels at it? Why not use the plasma cannon instead of the much slower torpedoes? Why not just chase it after you collect Archer and co. from the container - Enterprise is over twenty times faster than the freighter, even if it took an hour to collect Archer they could then catch the freighter in under three minutes! ENT : Fortunate Son
Daniels' cryptic references to the future. ENT : Cold Front
Reed thinking that Hoshi was coming on to him when she tried to find out what his favourite food was. The phase cannon blowing up the mountain was also rather cool. ENT : Silent Enemy
Seeing a more serious side to Phlox. ENT : Dear Doctor
It's nice to see a new, less cowardly Hoshi. ENT : Sleeping Dogs
Archer winding Trip up about not going to Coridan. ENT : Shadows of P'Jem
T'Pol coming on to Reed in his dream sequence. ENT : Shuttlepod One
T'Pol dreaming. ENT : Fusion
Reed consoling Archer over the fact that he didn't do as well as Reed did as a scout. ENT : Rogue Planet
T'Pol has two good moments here. First when she plays up to the Ferengi - the genesis of Quark's "Vulcan Love Slave" holoprogram perhaps? And second, her threatening not to release Archer from his cuffs for the nasty things he said about Vulcans. ENT : Acquisition
Not much really stood out, but the initial scenes on the crashed ship were mildly creepy. ENT : Oasis
The shuttle strafing the prison, a nice bit of FX. ENT : Detained
Phlox's fight for equal rights for severed tentacles. ENT : Vox Sola
Finally, a Vulcan who doesn't display Enterprise's patented "evil Vulcan" syndrome! ENT : Fallen Hero
There's some nice continuity here, with Archer referring to the time he wanted to turn back home in "Silent Enemy". ENT : Desert Crossing
I love the scene of Hoshi chatting to the Risan couple and then the alien guy; it's a lengthy scene written entirely with alien dialogue, which Linda Park pulls off brilliantly. ENT : Two Days and Two Nights
T'Pol cheering up Archer. ENT : Shockwave, Part 1
Okay, raise your hands if you thought there was going to be some big "it never happened" reset button using time travel? I sure did. And while Daniels' future probably was indeed restored, the method didn't feel very hokey. They didn't even bring those four thousand miners back to life. ENT : Shockwave, Part 2
T'Pol winding Archer and Trip up about whether or not her story was true. ENT : Carbon Creek
Well they messed up the cloaking issue, and they messed up the naming of the Romulans, but at least they didn't have visual communication with the Romulan ship. The FX of the explosion was also nice, and the interplay between Reed and Archer was pretty good. ENT : Minefield
Lots of nice continuity in this episode; the ship and Reed's leg are still damaged from last week's mine, Hoshi mentions the fifteen bodies she saw on an alien ship last year, they even mentioned the scratch Trip inflicted with the inspection pod in the pilot episode!

Last season I several times berated the writers for messing up speed and distance calculations. In this episode Travis declares that Enterprise can only do Warp 2, maybe 2.1, and Archer replies that they are therefore a decade away from Jupiter station. Warp 2.1 would be about 9 times lightspeed, while the ship's usual warp 4.5 is just over 90 times lightspeed. Since the ship has been underway for about a year, Archer's estimate is just about spot on. Well done writers!
ENT : Dead Stop
A new Klingon ship - although like most Enterprise ships it looks too futuristic for this time period, it is nice to see a new ship designs arriving for the Klingons. ENT : Marauders
The effects of the asteroid field were well done. ENT : Singularity
Padma Lakshmi does a good job as the alien princess. ENT : Precious Cargo
I like the idea of the catwalk itself - the set was a bit roomy considering all the talk of how cramped it was supposed to be, but an inspection tunnel like this makes a lot of sense and it's always nice to see new parts of a ship. ENT : The Catwalk
The alien was probably the high point of the episode - it's nice to see an alien of the week that gets fleshed out more than usual. Beyond that there isn't much to say - the episode was a very blatant rip off of the movie "Enemy Mine" and of TNG's "The Enemy". ENT : Dawn
I'm not a great fan of Jolene Blalock, but she does a great job in this episode. ENT : Stigma
Suzie Plakson - this woman has done several different roles on Trek now, and she has been amazing in every one of them! I really wish they could find some way to make her a main cast member one of these days. ENT : Cease Fire
One of the things that Enterprise has done a few times now is use a nearby Vulcan ship as a convinient plot resolution. As in "Fallen Hero", where the bad guys are chasing Enterprise and our heroes just have to hold on until they can reach the almighty Vulcan ship to be safe. When they did it yet again in this episode I thought it was beginning to get a little cliche, but then they turned it around and made it into a nice sting by having Enterprise reach the Vulcan ship and find it had been disabled. ENT : Future Tense
Well, Archer is getting a bit better at fisticuffs. He did pretty well in his final fight on the transport, though he did have to cheat in order to win. ENT : Canamar
Reed in the turbolift. ENT : The Crossing
T'Pol and the movie has some fairly good bits, but Mayweather and Archer's conversation about his dad is the high point of this episode. It's great to see "super-extra" Anthony Montgomery getting some actual acting for a change! ENT : Horizon
John Billingsley gives an excellent performance as Phlox. ENT : The Breach
It would have been very easy to ruin this episode either by having an unlikely happy ending or by demonising the Vissians. Instead Congenitor gives us a balanced and intelligent view of two cultures clashing despite their best intentions and efforts. ENT : Cogenitor
The NX-Alpha prototype! It's rare that Enterprise produces a ship that looks right for this period, but this one is perfect as a successor to the Phoenix. ENT : First Flight
Archer finally managed to win a fight! True he had to beat the Klingon over the head with a lump of metal to do it, but he's definitely showing some signs of improvement. ENT : Bounty
It's hard to judge this episode, since it is beginning a new story arc that may or may not turn out to be a good one. For now I'm going to nominate Connor Trinneer's performance as Trip, badly in denial about his sister's death in the attack. There was also a good deal of nice FX in this episode, including the probe attack and the battles. ENT : The Expanse
The ship's new soldiers in action. Nice to see ground troops who actually seem to know what they're doing for once! ENT : The Xindi
The sphere; an interesting development, and one that didn't just end up as an object-of-the-week like some spheres we could mention (Relics, anybody?) ENT : Anomaly
Bakula, Keating and Park do an excellent job as the aliens. ENT : Extinction
Archer WINNING a fair fight! ENT : Rajiin
Lots of eye candy in this one. The asteroid field stuff is my favourite. ENT : Impulse
I really liked the character of Tarquin, despite the silly name... right up until he tried to make Hoshi stay with him. He worked much better as a sad and lonely figure than as an evil one, and it would have improved the episode significantly to keep him that way. ENT : Exile
Nice to see that the Xindi aren't a stereotypically evil species. ENT : The Shipment
Earth blowing up - the most spectacular planet destruction I've ever seen on film, bar none. Also the last battle was amazing, including the bridge being blown off Enterprise. ENT : Twilight
Archer wins another fight, even after being shot! Plus I also liked Reed's "shoot the hostage" solution to T'Pol being captured. Direct, sensible, practical, and it involved shooting people - a perfect Reed plan. ENT : North Star
Connor Trineer puts in a superb performance as Trip/Sim in this episode. ENT : Similitude
Archer ordering burgers. I don't know why, but the incessant requests for super-sizing and adding fries in this scene just struck me as funny. ENT : Carpenter Street
The whole idea of using the transporter to pretend that Archer was dead - a very clever move. Regarding this, though, I wonder if T'Pol just left him in the pattern buffer and then rematerialised him after the bad guys had left, or did she do an intra-ship beaming? ENT : Chosen Realm
Shran's antennae appearing over Archer's head, a laugh-out-loud moment! ENT : Proving Ground
T'Pol finally getting it on with Trip! ENT : Harbinger
A few good moments; Jolene Blalock does an excellent job as T'Pol, especially when she starts completely losing it in the Engineering room. The spooky-factor on the nearly deserted ship was good - the shadow across the window made me jump, and for a minute I really did think that there would be some sort of space monster out there. ENT : Doctor's Orders
I like the Xindi babies. They're so cute!

On a more serious note there's nice character continuity here. We see that Reed and Hayes still have their issues, but after their punch-up there is a growing respect - Reed chewing Hayes out for wasting time on his simulations and then apologising when he sees that the MACO has found a new way to blow stuff up is a nice touch, and you can bet Hayes is impressed that Reed and co. managed to out-think his soldiers and take control of the ship.

Blalock gives her usual good performance, standing up to Archer when she thinks he is in the wrong and then instituting a mutiny after being relieved. I can't quite decide if her getting into the armoury disguised with a wig is cheesy or funny...
ENT : Hatchery
Plenty to pick from. The eye candy battle between the Enterprise and the Xindi was beautiful - I previously complained about the effects used for the alien bubbly space. I'm beginning to think they were saving up for this one! That said, my personal favourite moment was Archer winding up the Xindi reptilian by talking about how tiny dinosaur brains were and how much he likes turtle soup. ENT : Azati Prime
It's good to see that they are keeping the ship in a crippled state rather than have unrealistically rapid repairs. I was also impressed that the repairs involve actual physical work - people welding, hitting things with hammers, etc, rather than just waving glowing gadgets over bits of the ship. ENT : Damage
Have to mention Connor Trinneer here, he does an amazing job as Trip finally coming to terms with his sister's death. ENT : The Forgotten
T'Pol talking to old T'Pol. ENT : E2
The battle at the end, with Hoshi being kidnapped. ENT : The Council
The climax of the episode in the sphere. I liked the fight between Dolim and Archer especially - you just know the big green guy is toast the second he takes Archer on. And you know, in this season the writers have actually turned Archer into a character who you believe could take a guy like this on and win. ENT : Zero Hour
Seeing the White House with Nazi symbols on it. This was a very cool "oooo!" moment! ENT : Storm Front, Part 1
Enterprise flying over New York. ENT : Storm Front, Part 2
Archer and his officers getting a hero's reception on Earth. Also, it's nice to see some more of Vulcan. ENT : Home
Brent Spiner. I never once thought of Data during this episode, Spiner is brilliant! ENT : Borderland
The torture scene. Not that I'm into torture, but I love the way this was played out. Soong was so clearly not liking what was going on, but willing to go through with it anyway; Malik just itching to kill anybody who got in his way; Lucas just desperate to hold out despite the horrors going on around him. It's a highly effective scene that ratchets up the tension brilliantly. ENT : Cold Station 12
Soong's deciding to give up on genetic engineering and work on robotics instead. It bordered on the cheesy, but I loved it!

The NX disabling the Klingon battlecruiser. It was getting old seeing the ship get it's ass kicked by everybody that came along, I enjoyed seeing them win out against a much more powerful enemy.
ENT : The Augments
Manny Coto is fixing the Vulcans! ENT : The Forge
Enterprise battling it out with the Vulcans. ENT : Awakening
Enterprise standing between the Vulcan and Andorian fleets. Okay so it didn't work, but it was an impressive gesture nontheless. ENT : Kir'Shara
I have to go with Bill Cobbs. He does a good job as Emory, especially when talking about the loss of his son. ENT : Daedalus
Connor Trinneer and Linda Park do an excellent job as the sick Trip and Hoshi. Both their performances and the makeup were great! ENT : Observer Effect
The ending. They actually managed to surprise me with the Romulans not being aboard the ship! It's really obvious in hindsight, but I didn't see it coming at all. ENT : Babel One
Archer telling Shran and Gral to act like Humans. ENT : United
Trip leaving. ENT : The Aenar
Seeing a meld from the inside - I think this may be a first! ENT : Affliction
The Columbia helping out the NX. How cool was that! ENT : Divergence
As if to belie all my comments about the sexuality of the ep, I'm going with the Orion women's dance near the start. Effective and alien-looking, almost snakelike in the movements, it was definite fun to watch. And I gather from the production report that the ladies worked very hard on it, so kudos to them.

Also, I have to mention the Phlox/T'Pol/Archer/Reed scene at the end. Nice and lighthearted, joking from T'Pol, a bit of gentle ribbing from Archer, it's a fun scene that's highly reminiscent of TOS.
ENT : Bound
Lots of good ones to choose from. The title sequence merits special mention - the war imagery is good fun and the music is so much better than the normal Enterprise intro!

Seeing a Tholian is also great - there has been massive fan speculation about just what the Tholians look like after the glimpse we get in The Tholian Web, and it's nice to finally get a good look.
ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly
Defiant strutting her stuff. ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly, Part 2
Seeing the conference. The Federation rises... ENT : Demons
The ending with Trip and T'Pol. Just amazing. ENT : Terra Prime

Worst moments

Moment Episode
The entire way they treat what happens to Trip. See the analysis below for details. ENT : Unexpected
Archer is badly out of character for this whole episode. He's never shy about getting angry, but he never loses control of himself to the extent of ranting at subordinates like he does in this episode. And where did the whole T'Pol thing come from? We've seen hints that Trip and Reed might have some attraction for her. But never Archer. But the single worst moment was the decontamination room scene. I'm getting really sick of this thing as an excuse to show the actors in their underwear. This one was so silly that it was actually hard to watch. ENT : A Night In Sickbay
The ending. It was all dream? Come on, this is what we expect from cheesy daytime soap operas not Star Trek. ENT : Vanishing Point
What's most depressing about this episode is that in some ways it is very good. We finally see the Tarkarians, we have mention of the Bynars later seen in TNG, we get some interesting info about phase pistols. And the episode as a whole is reasonably entertaining, despite being a little contrived.

But... the whole idea of having the Borg in this episode stinks. After "Dark Frontier" we knew that the Federation had some knowledge of the Borg prior to Picard's encounter with then at system J25. But now Starfleet has multiple photographs, details medical scans, first hand eyewitness accounts of fighting the Borg... and they still have tons and tons of Borg wreckage on Earth and Borg technology left over on Enterprise for Trip to examine. It is no longer credible that the Enterprise-D crew did not know about the Borg. So is this an alternate timeline, created by the Borg when they went back in time? The E-E was isolated from such changes, so if Picard looked up what had happened at J25, would he find that Data actually reported that this was the same species encountered by Enterprise in 2153? If we accept this, then every single thing in all other series of Star Trek is potentially invalid. This turns what would have been a 2 or 3 score into a zero.
ENT : Regeneration
Take your pick. I'll go for Trip's lack of a death scene. ENT : These Are The Voyages...

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery |

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