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Illnesses List

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Name Description
Darnay's Disease [1] A disease which attacks the which attacks the central nervous system and the brain. Symptoms include pain, coughing, shortness of breath, irritability, and erratic behavior. In the final stages health is so damaged that use of a transporter can be fatal. The condition was incurable with the medicine available to the Federation as of 2365.
Valakian Genetic Plague [2] A condition common on the planet Valakis in the mid 22nd century. The plague was a genetic illness suffered by a large proportion of the Valakian population - in 2149 some 12 million people died of it, and by 2151 roughly one third of the entire Valakian population suffered from it. The Valakians sought help from more advanced species, a call to which the NX-01 responded after discovering a Valakian sub warp ship in deep space. [2]

The Valakians treated the condition with a synthetic antibody, but although it was effective at first the disease mutated and moved into the respiratory system after a time, at which point it became uncontrollable. Pulmonary failure usually followed within a few days. Treatment with priaxate eased the symptoms in severe cases, at least temporarily. [2]

Ultimately it was discovered that the proteins which bind to Valakian chromosomes were deteriorating, a process which had been going on for thousands of years and was now accelerating. The Menk, another intelligent species which lived on the same planet, were immune to the condition, which was expected to result in the extinction of the Valakians by the 24th century. Although Dr. Phlox was able to find a cure for the genetic plague, both he and Captain Archer decided to classify the situation as a natural evolution of the species involved, and thus declined to give the Valakians the solution. They thus condemned the entire species to eventual extinction. [2]

Terrellian Plague [3] A dangerous disease. After Neelix served 'Rodeo Red's Red Hot Rootin Tootin Chilli', he thought his customers might be suffering from this plague. Fortunately, it turned out to be a case of heartburn. [3] When infected, the first symptom is a headache, but then various nasty effects begin to appear. [4]
Meenok’s disease [5] A degenerative neurological condition which struck the descendants of Earth’s first lunar colonists. Meenok's bore a strong similarity to several other, more benign conditions. As a result it was often misdiagnosed until the patient was in the final terminal stages. Victims of the disease typically remained lucid, whilst experiencing extreme debilitating pain during the final stages. [5]

In 2365 Commodore Reyes was informed that his mother had been diagnosed with late-stage Meenok's disease, and had only months to live. Because of his distance from Earth, he was unable to return home to be with her. [5]
Rapid Aging [6] A disease accidentally produced in 2267 by scientists working on genetic experiments on Gamma Hydra IV. Rapid aging caused the people to suffer from the effects of old age despite being only in their 20s. [6]
Andronesian Encephalitis [7] A disease transmitted by airborne particles. An Enterprise-D crewmember was treated for this disease in 2365. [7] Symptoms include seizures. [4] Samples of this disease were stolen from Cold Station 12 by a group of Augments in 2154. [8]
Melvaran Mud Flea Virus [9] A disease which affected Humans in the mid 23rd century. There was a readily available vaccine for the virus, though it came with the same symptoms as the virus itself - a bad headache, a flop sweat, loss of vision in the left eye and nausea. In extreme cases the reaction to the vaccine could lead to very swollen hands, a dangerously high heart rate, and numb tongue. James Kirk was given the vaccine by Leonard McCoy in 2358 so that, as McCoy's patient, he could be taken aboard the Enteprise in spite of his academic suspension. Kirk had the most extreme reaction to the vaccine that McCoy had seen since medical school. [9]
Tuvan Syndrome [10] A disease which affects both Romulans and Vulcans. [10]
Rop'ngor [11] A disease which affects Klingon children. It is somewhat similar to measels. [11]
Balt'masor Syndrome [12] A disease which Klingons suffer from. Treatment involves regular injections. [12]
Rigelian Kassaba Fever [13] A disease. Doctor McCoy once claimed that Spock suffered from Rigelian Kassaba Fever as a ruse to regain control of the Enterprise from the Kelvans. [13]
Neural Metaphasic Shock [14] A failure of the neurological system in Humanoids. Potentially fatal. [14]
Hesperan Thumping Cough [15] A flu-like infection. [15]
Subnucleonic radiation poisoning [16] A form of radiation poisoning which can cause severe burns and ultimately death. The effects can be avoided by placing the subject in stasis. Some nebulae emit subnucleonic radiation and travel through these are virtually impossible. Borg physical enchancements make drones largely immune to the effect. [16]
Thelusian Flu [17] A harmless rhinovirus. The first officer of the USS Lantree was treated for this disease prior to the ships visit to Gagarin IV. [17]
Zenopaldis Athemia [18] A highly contagious disease. Symtoms include fever and dizziness. It is possible that this illness was invented by Phlox as an excuse to talk to Archer. [18]
Larosian virus [19] A Larosian virus went around Deep Space Nine in 2369, and was considered by Bashir as a possible reason for Jadzia's strange behaviour. [19]
Neuroleptic Shock [20] A neurological disturbance in which cortical functions of the brain's synaptic pathways are disrupted. This can result in a state similar to coma without the usual biochemical markers. [20]
Thymic sclerosis [21] A nonfatal Denobulan illness whose pathology is quite similar to Vulcan Pa'nar syndrome. [21]
Kamaraazite flu [22] A patient with this disease once sneezed so violently he nearly regurgitated his pineal gland. [22]
Dorek Syndrome [23] A rare and incurable disease which affects 1 in 5 million Ferengi. Quark was once told he had Dorek Syndrome, but this was a lie. [23]
Cygnokemia [24] A rare and terminal disease that affects humans. It was incurable by the Federation in 2258. [24]
Progeria [25] A rare genetic disorder which causes Humanoid children to age extremely fast. It was eradicated by medical science around 2374. [25]
Iresine Syndrome [26] A rare neurological disease which results in a peculiar electropathic signature in the thalamus and a severly decreased histamine count. [26]
Neurochemical Imbalance [27] A serious condition which arises in Vulcans during Pon Farr. [27]
Acute subcellular degradation [28] A terminal disease, very similar to the early stages of the phage. It can be cured using Borg regeneration techniques. In 2376 Voyager's EMH cured Dr. Lewis Zimmerman of acute subcellular degradation. [28]
Anaphylactic Shock [29] A very strong allergic reaction. It can be treated with stenophyl. [29]
Aphasia Virus [30] A virus which is effective against Humanoid life forms. Infection causes the victim to be incapable of forming coherent sentences. [30]
Thalaron radiation poisoning [31] An illness caused by a type of radiation which the Federation considered to be theoretical until 2379. The cascading biogenic pulse caused by this radiation causes any living being caught within the discharge to undergo a rapid and catastrophic change, becoming almost rock-like - a process which is of course instantly fatal. Non-living material is not affected. [31]
8472 infection [32] An illness which strikes those infected by skin cells from a member of Species 8472; the Human immune system cannot cope with the extremely potent alien cells, and they rapidly grow to infect large portions of the body. Modified Borg nanoprobes are an effective treatment for such infections. [32]
Fluvian fungus [33] An illness; by 2152 doctors had developed miraculously effective methods of curing it. [33]
Heartburn [34] Burning sensation in the chest caused by indigestion. [34]
Metremia [35] Condition caused by exposure to the Metreon radiation produced in the Metreon Cascade weapon. Metremia can have little effect on its victims for years afterwards and can be difficult to detect. Doctor Jetrel, creator of the Metreon Cascade, died of Metremia. [35]
Atherosclerosis [36] Condition in some Humanoid species which causes a hardening of the arteries and a deposit of fat on the arterial walls. [36]
Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome [37] Condition in which dormant genes are reactivated, promoting mutations in the victim. [37]
Hemocythemia [38] Condition in which intracellular pressure is unstable. This condition is also called Hemocythemic imbalance. It is treated with osmotic pressure therapy. [38]
Hypochondria [37] Condition which causes the sufferer to imagine they have various other medical conditions. [37]
Radiation Poisoning [39] Damage to the body produced by exposure to high levels of any type of damaging radiation. [39]
Nitrogen Burn [2] Damage to the skin caused by exposure to nitrogen at extremely low temperatures. In 2151 mild cases of nitrogen burn could be treated with dermoline gel. [2]
Tooth Decay [2] Damage to the teeth caused by micro organisms in the mouth. In the 22nd century a coating of tri-fluorinate compound would seal the teeth, preventing tooth decay in most cases - though normal wear and tear over a period of decades could allow decay to occur in some cases. Such decay could be repaired relatively easily. [2]
Synthococcus Novae [40] Dangerous organism, a biproduct of modern technology. Doctor Sevrin was a carrier of the disease, although immune to it himself. [40] Samples of this disease were stolen from Cold Station 12 by a group of Augments in 2154. [8]
Rigelian Fever [41] Deadly disease similar to bubonic plague. Rigelian fever can be cured by Ryetalyn. [41] Samples of this disease were stolen from Cold Station 12 by a group of Augments in 2154. [8]
Rugalan Fever [42] Deadly disease which Audrid Dax's daughter Neema once suffered from. [42]
Clarke's disease [43] Debilitating illness suffered by Humans in the mid 22nd century. Clarke's disease is extremely painful, and usually terminal. There was no cure, though genetic engineering could probably have eliminated the disease. [43]
Xenopolycythemia [44] Disease characterised by an abnormal proliferation of red blood cells. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, enlarged spleen, and pain in the extremities. [44] Samples of this disease were stolen from Cold Station 12 by a group of Augments in 2154. [8]
Mendakan Pox [45] Disease characterised by skin mottling. Harry Kim suffered from it in 2368. [45]
Yarmin Fel Syndrome [46] Disease treated by the use of Hexadrin. It affects Cardassians, and can be terminal. Sufferers experience great pain. [46]
Pottrik's Syndrome [47] Disease which afflicts Cardassians. Very similar to Kalla-Nohra syndrome. [47]
Uridian Flu [37] Disease which Barclay suffered from. Dr. Crusher treated it with a synthetic T-cell, resulting in Barclay's Protomorphisis Syndrome [37]
Terellian Death Syndrome [37] Disease which causes dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, and a stinging in the lower spine. It causes cellular decay which can be reversed if caught early enough. [37]
Iverson's Syndrome [48] Disease which causes gradual degeneration in muscle function while leaving mental functions intact. The disease is ultimately fatal, and there is no known cure. In 2364 Admiral Mark Jameson was suffering from Iverson's disease. He managed to reverse the course of the disease by taking a double dose of an alien de-ageing drug which he procured on Cerberus II. Although the drug reverted him to the body of a young man, curing his disease in the process, the overdose eventually proved fatal. [48]
Phage [49] Disease which consumes the body, requiring replacement of major portions from other sources. The initial stage of the infection causes intense pain. The Phage was eventually cured by the Think Tank. [49]
Arethian Flu [50] Disease which infected Voyager's Lieutenant Hargrave. [50]
Levodian Flu [51] Disease which normally lasts for 29 hours. Symptoms are similar to Earth flu. [51]
Anchilles Fever [52] Disease which spreads rapidly and is often fatal. Styris IV was hit by the fever in 2364. [52] Samples of this disease were stolen from Cold Station 12 by a group of Augments in 2154. [8]
Rudellian Plague [53] Disease which the Cardassian colony on Pentath III suffered from in 2372. [53]
Telurian plague [54] Disease which was still incurable in the 2360s. [54] Samples of this disease were stolen from Cold Station 12 by a group of Augments in 2154. [8]
Torothka Virus [34] Disease whose symptoms include stomach cramps and a skin rash. [34]
Irumodic Syndrome [3] Disorder which results in progresive degeneration of the synaptic pathways. It can be treated with peridaxon, though this is only palliative and no cure exists. [3]
Common Cold [55] Earth disease which was notoriously difficult to cure. In 2151 Lieutenant Reed suffered from a cold, though he thought it remarkable that he could have contracted the disease in the closed environment of a starship and claimed that any species that had the ability to travel faster than the speed of light should surely be able to cure the common cold. [22] More than a century later the common cold remained uncured amongst Humans in 2269. [56] It was finally cured at some point prior to 2364. [57]
Taggart's Syndrome [58] Genetic disease which is fatal to those who inherit it by the age of 20. The syndrome can be treated with Rigellian gene therapy, though slight shaking of the hands is still present. [58]
Harvester Infection [59] Harvesters are a form of nanobiogenic weapon, developed by the T'Lani and the Kellerun during their war. Once infected death follows in the next 24-48 hours. [59]
HTDS [60] Holotransference Dementia Syndrome. A syndrome in which a person becomes so involved in a holo program that they lose their sense of identity. [60]
Hypothermia [22] Illness caused by exposure to low temperatures. [22]
Cove palm parasite poisoning [61] Illness contracted from contact with Cove palm plants. Cove palm parasite poisoning is extremely dangerous and can be fatal unless treated. Even the medical facilities of a Galaxy class starship are insufficient to treat the poison and a Starbase-level facility is usually needed. Willie Potts suffered a case of Cove palm parasite poisoning in 2367. [61]
Anaprolean fever [62] Illness which affected Xindi primates. It could cause a pregnant female to lose her child. [62]
Rudellian Brain Fever [63] Illness which Miles O'Brien suspected his wife of suffering from. [63]
Bendii Syndrome [64] Illness which sometimes affects Vulcans over the age of 200. It causes a total loss of emotional control, which can be telepathically projected onto others. [64]
Loque'eque virus [65] In 2153 Sato was transformed into a replica of a Loque'eque by a virus. [65]
Psi-2000 Virus [66] Long chain of water molecules formed under variable gravity conditions, which acts on the body like alcohol. [66]
Mandaxic Neurosclerosis [67] Mandaxic Neurosclerosis is an illness caused by a silicon-based virus. It is very rare and, in theory, completely curable by culturing infected cells in an active positronic matrix. Thad Troi-Riker suffered from this disease, but by that time the ban on synthetic life meant that there were no active positronic matrices and the ban precluded new ones from being developed. [67]
Traumatic Stress Syndrome [68] Mental illness experienced by those who have experienced extreme crisis. Symptoms include irratibility, sleeplessness, obsessive thoughts, and reckless behaviour. [68]
Memory Virus [69] Organism which thrives on peptides generated by a hosts brain. It avoids the bodies immune systems by disguising itself as an engram. [69]
Transporter Shock [70] Phenomenon which causes a person to experience dizziness, headaches and disorientation during transport by a malfunctioning system. [70]
Cytotoxic Shock [29] Prostration of bodily function, caused by high levels of cytotoxins. It can be treated by inaprovaline. [29]
Schizophrenia [70] Psychotic mental disorder which causes delusions, retreat from reality, and strongly conflicting emotions. [70]
Kalla-Nohra Syndrome [47] Pulmonary disease found only in those who survived the mining accident at Gallitep. [47]
Vegan Choriomeningitis [71] Rare and deadly disease which almost killed James Kirk in his youth. The rulers of the planet Gideon extracted the dormant disease from Kirk's blood to infect their own people and cure the planet;s massive overpopulation problem. [71]
Sakuro's Disease [72] Rare disease which can cause an intense fever, weakness, and even death. Federation Commissioner Hedford died of Sakuro's Disease in 2267. [72]
Transporter Psychosis [73] Rare disorder caused by the breakdown of neurochemical molecules during transport. First diagnosed in 2209. [73]
Rushton Infection [74] Rushton Infection killed Jeremy Astor's father in 2371. [74]
Dermal Dysplasia [75] Skin disease caused by over-exposure of the epidermis to thermal and ultraviolet radiation. [75]
Tennis Elbow [76] Slang term for radio-humeral bursitis, an inflamation of the muscles attached to the epicondyle of the humerous in the Human forearm. [76]
Phyrox Plague [77] The population of Cor Caroli V suffered an outbreak of this disease in 2366. It was contained with the help of the Enterprise-D. Starfleet Command classified the outbreak as secret. [77]
Surata IV Microbe Infection [78] This infection was passed on by being scratched by the thorns of a living vine plant native to Surata IV. The vines benefitted from the infection as the remains of their victims fertilised the soil they lived in. The microbes displayed properties of both a virus and a bacteria. They attached themselves to the great sciatic nerve and multiplied, fusing themselves to the nerves at a molecular level and damaging neural functioning, causing paralysis. Neither surgery nor a transporter biofilter could remove the infection, but they could be counteracted by stimulating negative dreams in the brain, producing chemicals which neutralised the infection. [78]
Macrovirus [79] USS Voyager uncounted this virus in 2375. Unusually, each individual virus was able to grow to approximately one metre in length. The virus was attracted to body heat. [79]
Teplan Blight [80] Viral disease which was endemic to a planet in the Teplan system, located in the Gamma Quadrant. It was introduced in 2371 by the Jem'Hadar as punishment for the planet having resisted Dominion control. [80]
Orkett's Disease [81] Viral sickness which swept through the Bajoran work camps during the Cardassian occupation, killing thousands of children. [81]
Plasma Plague [82] Virtually indestructable and highly dangerous set of diseases. Plasma plague threatened the Rachelis system in 2365. [82]
Symbalene Blood Burn [83] Virulent disease which is capable of killing an entire planetary population in short order, but not as fast as Nomad could. [83] Barclay suspected that he was suffering from Symbalene blood burn in 2370, though he was mistaken. [37] Earth kept samples of the disease in storage at Cold Station 12 in 2154. [8]
Miri's Virus [84] Virus encountered in 2266 by the crew of the USS Enterprise. The virus cause extremely slow aging in sufferers until they reached puberty when extremely rapid aging took place. [84]
Light Virus Virus from Hetemit IX that makes people addicted to light. [24]
Zanthi Fever [85] Virus which affects the empathic abilities of Betazoids. Sufferers project their emotions onto others. [85]
Temecklian Virus [86] Virus which broke out on Bajor in 2372. [86]
Pa'nar syndrome [21] Vulcan disease spread through mind melds. It was very similar to thymic sclerosis, causing degradation of the synaptic pathways and affected the endocrine and immune systems. It was officially believed to be incurable in 2152 [21], but in fact this was a lie propogated by the High Command. A Vulcan properly trained in mind melds can cure Pa'nar with a meld. [87]

Name : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 2 The Schizoid Man
2 ENT 1 Dear Doctor
3 TNG 7 All Good Things
4 ENT 2 Singularity
5 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
6 TOS 2 The Deadly Years
7 TNG 2 The Dauphin
8 ENT 4 Cold Station 12
9 Star Trek XI
10 DS9 7 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
11 TNG 2 Up The Long Ladder
12 TNG 4 The Drumhead
13 TOS 2 By Any Other Name
14 TNG 5 Ethics
15 TNG 1 Angel One
16 VOY 4 One
17 TNG 2 Unnatural Selection
18 ENT 2 Judgment
19 DS9 1 If Wishes Were Horses
20 VOY 3 Sacred Ground
21 ENT 2 Stigma
22 ENT 1 Sleeping Dogs
23 DS9 4 Body Parts
24 SNW 1 Ghosts of Illyria
25 VOY 4 Scientific Method
26 TNG 5 Violations
27 VOY 3 Blood Fever
28 VOY 6 Life Line
29 VOY 5 Nothing Human
30 DS9 1 Babel
31 Star Trek : Nemesis
32 VOY 3 Scorpion, Part 1
33 ENT 2 Canamar
34 VOY 4 Message in a Bottle
35 VOY 1 Jetrel
36 DS9 4 Homefront
37 TNG 7 Genesis
38 VOY 2 Deadlock
39 VOY 3 Real Life
40 TOS 3 The Way to Eden
41 TOS 3 Requiem for Methuselah
42 DS9 5 ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
43 ENT 4 Borderland
44 TOS 3 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
45 VOY 3 Favorite Son
46 DS9 5 Ties of Blood and Water
47 DS9 1 Duet
48 TNG 1 Too Short a Season
49 VOY 1 Phage
50 VOY 1 Eye of the Needle
51 VOY 2 Tattoo
52 TNG 1 Code of Honor
53 DS9 4 Rules of Engagement
54 TNG 5 A Matter of Time
55 TOS 2 The Omega Glory
56 TOS 3 The Lights of Zetar
57 TNG 1 The Battle
58 ENT 4 Terra Prime
59 DS9 2 Armageddon Game
60 VOY 2 Projections
61 TNG 4 Brothers
62 ENT 3 Azati Prime
63 DS9 5 The Assignment
64 TNG 3 Sarek
65 ENT 3 Extinction
66 TOS 1 The Naked Time
67 STP 1 Nepenthe
68 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 2
69 VOY 3 Flashback
70 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 1
71 TOS 3 The Mark of Gideon
72 TOS 2 Metamorphosis
73 TNG 6 Realm of Fear
74 TNG 3 The Bonding
75 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 1
76 TNG 6 Suspicions
77 TNG 3 Allegiance
78 TNG 2 Shades of Gray
79 VOY 3 Macrocosm
80 DS9 4 The Quickening
81 VOY 1 State of Flux
82 TNG 2 The Child
83 TOS 2 The Changeling
84 TOS 1 Miri
85 DS9 3 Fascination
86 DS9 4 For the Cause
87 ENT 4 Kir'Shara
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Schizoid Man
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Dear Doctor
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Singularity
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Deadly Years
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Dauphin
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Cold Station 12
Film: Star Trek XI
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Up The Long Ladder
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Drumhead
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : By Any Other Name
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Ethics
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Angel One
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : One
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Unnatural Selection
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : If Wishes Were Horses
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Sacred Ground
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Stigma
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Sleeping Dogs
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Body Parts
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Ghosts of Illyria
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Scientific Method
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Violations
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Blood Fever
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Life Line
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Nothing Human
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Babel
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Scorpion, Part 1
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Canamar
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Message in a Bottle
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Jetrel
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Homefront
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Genesis
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Deadlock
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Real Life
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Way to Eden
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Requiem for Methuselah
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Favorite Son
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Ties of Blood and Water
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Duet
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Phage
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Eye of the Needle
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Tattoo
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Code of Honor
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Rules of Engagement
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : A Matter of Time
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Omega Glory
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Lights of Zetar
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Battle
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Terra Prime
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Armageddon Game
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Projections
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Brothers
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Assignment
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sarek
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Extinction
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Naked Time
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 1
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Mark of Gideon
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Metamorphosis
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Realm of Fear
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Bonding
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Suspicions
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Allegiance
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Shades of Gray
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Macrocosm
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Quickening
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : State of Flux
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Child
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Changeling
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Miri
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Fascination
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : For the Cause
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Kir'Shara

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,010,752 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025