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Reviewer : ChakatBlackstar
Ave Rating : 0.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Shattered Universe Rating : 0
Platforms : Play Station 2, Xbox Year : 2004
Review : I have played many Star Trek games, and I've played many fighter sims(both sci-fi and realistic) but I've never played a game this bad in either genres before. The controls are difficult to learn and even when you learn the controls you'll soon realize you do more button mashing then playing. Accuracy requires real skill or a lot of luck, when fighting other starfighters. Most of your time is spent finding the blind spot of capital ships and staying there and firing all your weapons until the enemy ship is destroyed. The only good thing about this game is the graphics and damage textures, but that is no where good enough to save this game. By the fourth mission you will give up on the game or be given an award for the most time to waste ever.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 2,898 Last updated : 17 Mar 2025