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Reviewer : Satan
Ave Rating : 4.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Bridge Commander Rating : 4
Platforms : Windows Year : 2002
Review : Bridge Commander is a good, solid game The extent of modifications available have kept the game enjoyable for well over 7 years. The plot itself is somewhat unique among Star Trek games made in the late 90s - early 2000s as for once the Borg do not make an appearance, and the graphics were pretty decent for the time, at least with the starships. The character models and animation could have been much better, and while the bridge sets did not necessarily look bad, they still could have used some improvement (most notably the Galaxy bridge, which aside from being horribly out of date didn't even have red alert lighting). I was really hoping for a sequel to this game, but of course that seems very unlikely. It's a real shame, because this game is truly unique with it's style of gameplay. However with the amount of knowledge Bridge Commander's modding community has about how the game works, the possibilities are limitless with this game.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 3,696 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025