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Reviewer : Ducky
Ave Rating : 1.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Armada II Rating : 1
Platforms : Windows Year : 2001
Review : First the good things about Star Trek Armada 2. 8472 - The introduction of Species 8472 was interesting and their unique way of growing their ships and stations was very well done, giving much needed variety to the standard base building routine. Colonization - Colonising planets was a nice new gameplay feature and fun to-boot however some kind of territorial bonuses from capturing the planet like Company of Heroes has would have made them more strategically important. Now the bad points: Disregard for RTS - in general the game developers were either completely new to deigning RTS games or disregarded strategy all-together because the stock game does not encourage strategic or tactical gameplay in any way. All ships are the same as the others (special weapons aside) you just pay more for the eye candy of having a horrible low-poly Sovereign instead of a horrible low-poly Defiant. The factions are all horribly designed, with no thought to making each race gameplay a unique experience. I was displeased from the start with the TNG style Borg textures and of all the races to add they decide to add the Cardasians compared to the Dominion. There is however a saving grace...mods are available on various websites which can bring the game much closer to the modern day standard of RTS gaming like the Fleet Operations mod which improves all aspects of gameplay including: graphics, gameplay and most important of all it has a heavy emphasis on strategy.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 3,032 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025