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Reviewer : Twan
Ave Rating : 4.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Bridge Commander Rating : 4
Platforms : Windows Year : 2002
Review : Every Trekkies fan. Come on, who in his right mind wouldn't want to fly a Galaxy class starship, bashing her phasers against a Keldon whilst firing your photons straight at his warp core. That is what this game lets you do, fight. Like I've read before, and said to my friends, let me get up out of my chair, let me walk around the decks. Hell I don't have to go to stellar cartagrophy, but it would be nice to see my warp core. Also, why can't we choose our own crew. It would be simply implementing a management module. Like, you could walk to your ready room, select your console, fire Kiska, your helmsman, and choose a new one. Also, make the starbase more usefull, now it was just, "Fly to the starbase to start your next mission". They could've made some damage inrepairable for the repaircrews, so you're FORCED to go back to starbase. And ofcourse, a few more ships would be nice, I'd love to fly with a Defiant, damn that would be sweet. Overall, great game. They might've kept the a cannonial enemy, and not some out-of-canon enemy like the Kessok, and why do the Cardassians always have to be the conspiriators. And why do you fail if you couldn't protect the station, they should've talked to the Klingons, not make my second in command be a back-stabber by calling the teacher, er..., I mean the admirall on me. A good second in command wouldn't do that, would she? Also the graphics could be more, but come on, everything is forgiven when you find out you get a sovreign, how ever it was just a tad to conveint. I'd would've kept my Dauntless and wanted to die during that fight in which it was destroyed. Also I miss the freedom that comes with ignoring orders and acting to where you see your presence is neccasary. That's what made Picard great, wasn't it? That is exactly my point, you don't get the full "Be the captain" ride you pay for, you get a idea of what a GOOD (a kind of following the rules "good" captain) captain does, but doesn't offer the full extent of what a Starfleet captain could do. So, to rap up this story. If you want to fire a phaser bank and fire photons against cardassians? That this is your game :).

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 3,492 Last updated : 16 Mar 2025