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Reviewer : Kalor
Ave Rating : 4.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Legacy Rating : 4
Platforms : Windows, Xbox 360 Year : 2006
Review : I quite liked the game. Ita full of faults and flaws, but there are some really nice touches in there too. Controls are frustrating, but once you get the hang of them they are far smoother than the manual control in Bridge Commander- in fact there are a number of combat maneouvers that you can do in this that you cannot in Bridge Commander or Klingon Academy (KA being in myt belief the best Trek game of this type.) The ships handle pretty well with fairly accurate weapon loads and there are plenty of ships- almost every major and minior ship of the principle races is featured. Sure the story isn't canon and makes a few contradictory points, but its not that bad and it does make a degree of sense if you consider the Vulcan mindset. To me the biggest flaw is almost non existant fleet control- every ship has to be individually ordered to do something, on the PC at least the fleet controls do nothing as far as I can tell. Also it would be nice to have fleets mixed from different races- a mixed Fed/Klingon fleet for example. Also DS9 and Voyager campaigns would have been nice as well as Romulan, Klingon and Borg ones. A game worthy of a try by anyone in my opinion. It has some big flaws, but there are some truly great moments within too.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 2,674 Last updated : 16 Mar 2025