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Reviewer : Ciarán D
Ave Rating : 4.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Tactical Assault Rating : 4
Platforms : Nintendo DS, PSP Year : 2006
Review : I thought all the small features were very innovative, such as intellegent damage, shield facings, and even jettisoning the nacelles. It's set around the TMP era, mainly because the ships are easy to render. Ine thing I liked was the targeting camera, which followed any locked-on target, allowing you to take full advantage of the various weapons located on different parts of the ship. There are many well known canon ships, such as the Miranda light cruiser, Constitution Heavy cruiser, Excelsior heavy cruiser, K'T'Inga heavy cruiser, Bird of Prey frigate, and D-5 light cruiser. Oddly enough the Klingon Vorcha appears as the Destroyer. All other Klingon and Federation ships are made up, as well as the Romulan, Orion and Gorn ships. The 3D renders are very well made for the small DS, especially the Miranda class. There also high-res movies played at the start of a new campaign, not to mention a voice-over by Captain Kirk himself in the intro. Every aspect of your ship an be controlled via the touch screen, but I prefer the buttons. Ships can also perform special maneouvres by holding the R button at the same time as pressing another. For example, holding R while firing will overcharge the shot, doing more damage. R and a double-tap of a directional button will make the ship do a swift 180 degree turn, to protect a damaged shield facing or aim your weapons quickly. The 3 main races (Federation, Klingon, Romulan) have signature abilities in their ships. Federation ships can recharge their shields, whereas Klingons and Romulans can cloak. The missions are interesting, and are not all just 'Go here shoot that' (Although it usually boild down to that). Many involve tactful use of your alert status, so to not appear threatening but be able to defend yourself. Satisfactory completion of missions can also depend on what you say. Remember, the Federation tries to resolve conflicts with a minimum of force and always obey orders. The Klingons on the other hand, strive for glorious combat. (Remember that, because the Klingon missions are hard enough without more combat) Something to keep you interested: Type in UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, SELECT, START, B. at the main menu. Go to a mission briefing screen (last screen before starting the mission) and press UP/DOWN. I'm not giving away all the cheats, just my favourite ;)

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 2,492 Last updated : 17 Mar 2025