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Reviewer : This space left blank
Ave Rating : 2.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Conquest Rating : 2
Platforms : Play Station 2, Wii Year : 2007
Review : As a fan of RTS, you'd find this game entertaining enough at the start. . .however it quickly de-evolves into simply taking over sectors, planting mining stations (which generate credits to build more ships and stations) and the occasional science research station to create special weapons, and attacking the enemy. The game had a unique idea of adding a flight sim aspect to it, however it took both myself and A TRAINED PILOT, about an hour to get the hang of the controls, just so we could see the attacking fleet (most of the combat was off screen, with the typical red arrow indicators showing roughly where the enemy was). We (taking turns) decided to take the simulator path, as it went quicker (figure about 30min to an hour to play and beat the game) and became more cerebral. On the whole it's a decent game, especially if you're a fan (which I admit I am only a mild fan- when the Xini popped up, I asked "who?") but if you were the type of player that figured out the basic strategy in Starcraft (i.e. mine the hell out of the planet, and put up a wall of your best troops) you'll find the game old hat. . .

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 2,091 Last updated : 16 Mar 2025