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Title : Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger
Developer : Stormfront Studios
Publisher : Viacom NewMedia
Certificate : E
Platforms : Macintosh, Windows
Year : 1996
Rating : 1.0000 for 1 reviewsAdd your own review
Reviewer : 1701-g Rating : 1
Review : Harbinger is far from the ebst game you will ever played. Even by the standards of the time, it is poor. The 'action' parts of the game are slow and involve you just moving your mouse and click at where you want Phasers to fire. Voice acting is good and the script is very entertainig, so much so I wish they made it a DS9 episode as the plot and story are not bad at all but the graphics and gameplay really let it down. The gameplay is point and click stuff so can get dull over long periods. The graphics are terrible. mainly because all the colours seem far too bright and colour full, Sisko's uniform is almost Day-glow Red. If you pick this up in a charity shop and its less than £2 then give it a shot, but otherwise, avoid
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,686 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025