Star Wars: The High Republic, which has previously been referred to as “Project Luminous”, will be set in an era when the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order are at their zenith, about 200 years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. This period on the Star Wars timeline will not overlap any of the filmed features or series currently planned for production, giving creators and partners a vast amount of room to tell Star Wars stories with new adventures and original characters.
And a 700 year old Yoda, of course.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:33 am
by AlexMcpherson79
1:25 on the left:
"Actual Ending"
In the Middle... uh... none stand out to me.
On the right:
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:11 pm
by DarkMoineau
AlexMcpherson79 wrote:1:25 on the left:
"Actual Ending"
In the Middle... uh... none stand out to me.
On the right:
Well... at any moment a planet somewhere in the Galaxy could have dinosaurs...
What worry me about High Republic... Is that's just 200 year before movies... during the Thousand Years of Peace... and Yoda is already alive and teaching Padawans.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:50 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
DarkMoineau wrote:
Well... at any moment a planet somewhere in the Galaxy could have dinosaurs...
What worry me about High Republic... Is that's just 200 year before movies... during the Thousand Years of Peace... and Yoda is already alive and teaching Padawans.
Yoda would be about 700 years old during this. I don't see a problem with him teaching padawans.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:18 am
by Graham Kennedy
If they're in a thousand years of peace, where's the "Wars" part going to come from?
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:23 am
by Nutso
He might still be old at 700.
Originally there was speculation that this High Republic era was going to be set 400 years before the prequels, so fans were speculating a young or middle-aged knight Yoda might be in play.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:56 am
by DarkMoineau
Well... You can't have a lot of surprise if just 200 years before movies. You already know Yoda will survive whatever he does...
KOTOR era offer a lot more freedom as nothing in the movies mention anything older than Yoda.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:04 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
Exactly, they could do what they want, they could have even said "No yeah the jedi as an order was basically destroyed trying to take out the Sith Order, the survivors left to rebuild it and x is why only the Coruscant one in the films is the only temple mentioned"
Because seriously, one temple for a galaxy-spanning order of warrior monks? ...
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:14 am
by Nutso
AlexMcpherson79 wrote:Exactly, they could do what they want, they could have even said "No yeah the jedi as an order was basically destroyed trying to take out the Sith Order, the survivors left to rebuild it and x is why only the Coruscant one in the films is the only temple mentioned"
Because seriously, one temple for a galaxy-spanning order of warrior monks? ...
I was thinking something similar. Like if for some reason 4000 years ago is too long for The Story Group to wrap its head around, then have a civilization ending cataclysmic battle that ends that era but, leave an epilogue that hints that it will be the Jedi, or heroes inspired by the Jedi, who will begin the task of rebuilding a civilization, bringing everyone out from the dark, and "Jedi" will be the name that carries on throughout history, by the Whills, as champions of justice and protectors of the galaxy.
And as something of the Jedi survives, so will something of the Sith, and new Orders with arise, dreadful, destructive battles and wars will occur, taking down other Jedi Enclaves, until the time of Darth Bane where the Rule of Two begins after the cataclysmic Battle of Ruusan. Once again the Jedi will be the ones to rebuild a society, from which will come the High Republic. When it is mention that the 10,000 Jedi before the prequels represents the Jedi at it's peak, this is representative of the era that descends from the High Republic, and not necessarily representative throughout time.
This also leaves movie canon untouched and demonstrates just how successful Palpatine was. His ancient forebears always lead self-destructive wars of conquest, his more direct forebears chose to survive in the shadows, and only he, of all the long line of Sith Lords, successfully conquered the Galaxy, and vanquished the Jedi while preserving civilization to serve his will. But as usual, as long as one Jedi lives, or the ideals of the Jedi survive, so will hope against the dark times.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:55 pm
by Captain Seafort
Nutso wrote:Originally there was speculation that this High Republic era was going to be set 400 years before the prequels, so fans were speculating a young or middle-aged knight Yoda might be in play.
Unlikely - by the time he died Yoda had been a Master for the best part of 800 years, so you'd have to go a lot further back to depict him as a young knight.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 6:36 pm
by Nutso
Captain Seafort wrote:
Nutso wrote:Originally there was speculation that this High Republic era was going to be set 400 years before the prequels, so fans were speculating a young or middle-aged knight Yoda might be in play.
Unlikely - by the time he died Yoda had been a Master for the best part of 800 years, so you'd have to go a lot further back to depict him as a young knight.
He became a Master at 100 years old? If so, is that still part of the canon? I really don't know anything about the new stuff. Just this High Republic info, and Palpatine in TROS was a clone. Because I was assuming those speculators knew the canon, and were going off that. Yoda's been a Jedi Master for 89% of his life. Impressive.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 12:09 am
by AlexMcpherson79
Well, it's my understanding that the rank of master comes from having successfully trained a padawan to knighthood... and, well, as TCW points out, Ashoka didn't became a jedi knight of the jedi order.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:34 am
by DarkMoineau
Nutso wrote:
Captain Seafort wrote:
Nutso wrote:Originally there was speculation that this High Republic era was going to be set 400 years before the prequels, so fans were speculating a young or middle-aged knight Yoda might be in play.
Unlikely - by the time he died Yoda had been a Master for the best part of 800 years, so you'd have to go a lot further back to depict him as a young knight.
He became a Master at 100 years old? If so, is that still part of the canon? I really don't know anything about the new stuff. Just this High Republic info, and Palpatine in TROS was a clone. Because I was assuming those speculators knew the canon, and were going off that. Yoda's been a Jedi Master for 89% of his life. Impressive.
Unlikely, the Child is 50 years old and it's a toddler... Yoda would probably not turn Master before he is 200 or 300 years old... but it's still impressive.
Re: Star Wars: The High Republic (200 years before the Prequ
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:23 pm
by Captain Seafort
Nutso wrote:He became a Master at 100 years old? If so, is that still part of the canon?
Seen that movie so many, many times, never registered that line in memory. "For 800 years have I trained Jedi." Always the "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not."