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"minor" DCEU redemption?
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:39 pm
by Captain Picard's Hair
Perhaps this observation just underscores how backwards Snyder and DC are doing things, but it seems like the smaller scale DCEU properties to date have come out better than their attempts at big blockbusters. The best by far has been Wonder Woman, and though Aquaman doesn't live up to that standard it's a perfectly decent movie on it's own. It's been noted that Justice League was rushed, in more than one way. The first Avengers film came deeper in the pipeline comparatively, and even it was just itself a stepping stone on the way to Infinity War and the upcoming Endgame. Not only was Thanos and the infinity stones built up in the background but the characters that make up the Avengers got way more treatment than some DCEU heroes have even in their own films.
Essentially, DC can make decent (or even excellent) films when they don't shoot for the moon. With smaller scale they remember to tell decent stories and build some character.
Re: "minor" DCEU redemption?
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:45 pm
by DarkMoineau
Writing, no matter the universe, if you want to succeed, first you have to give a decent writing to your movie / Show.
Re: "minor" DCEU redemption?
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:13 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
I did notice it's not the tentpole Superman/Batman/Justice League that's doing well or well-written. It's Wonder-Woman and Aquaman, the smaller properties. Properties that aren't as perhaps over-exposed.
Re: "minor" DCEU redemption?
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:51 pm
by Graham Kennedy
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I did notice it's not the tentpole Superman/Batman/Justice League that's doing well or well-written. It's Wonder-Woman and Aquaman, the smaller properties. Properties that aren't as perhaps over-exposed.
I wonder if that's not because smaller properties don't have movie executives ringing up every few weeks saying "Oh, it has to be dark and moody now," "Oh, a dark and moody movie flopped, put lots of jokes in," "I remember a movie where they used pop songs instead of custom music, put lots of pop songs in," so that they can claim later that they had a hand in making the movie.
Also, it's arguable that the movies have gotten better as Snyder's influence has faded.
Re: "minor" DCEU redemption?
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:31 am
by McAvoy
Graham Kennedy wrote:RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I did notice it's not the tentpole Superman/Batman/Justice League that's doing well or well-written. It's Wonder-Woman and Aquaman, the smaller properties. Properties that aren't as perhaps over-exposed.
I wonder if that's not because smaller properties don't have movie executives ringing up every few weeks saying "Oh, it has to be dark and moody now," "Oh, a dark and moody movie flopped, put lots of jokes in," "I remember a movie where they used pop songs instead of custom music, put lots of pop songs in," so that they can claim later that they had a hand in making the movie.
Also, it's arguable that the movies have gotten better as Snyder's influence has faded.
It's just damned obvious the whole thing is rushed. DC has as memorable characters as Marvel but instead taking their time, they rush it. Not only that but they want to make it feel different, moody and darker. No jokes, everything is serious.
So you got too many executives just trying to make it the way they think the audience wants it as opposed to having a plan. Which they don't.
Superman should have had two movies. Man of Steel should have had been maybe about Brianiac then Zod. Maybe Zod and his Kryptonians would have been the catalyst to form Justice League as it was felt the arrival of the Kryptonians seemed to be caused by someone else. Aquaman and Wonder Woman shoukd have had happened before Justice League. Green Lantern shoukd have been rebooted. Maybe as a way to give way to the idea of this super powerful warlord named Darkseid has put his eyes on Earth.
Batman was actually done right. Older, wiser and perhaps tired. But we all know him so we didn't need to see his own movie until afterwards.
Green Martian woukd have been difficult. Maybe a deep US Government secret they kept for 70 years from Roswell. I don't know.