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Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalised

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:03 am
by Graham Kennedy
A Canberra couple have vowed to get a divorce, ending their "sacred" 10-year union, if Australia allows same-sex couples to legally marry.

Nick Jensen and his wife Sarah believe widening the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples threatens the sacred nature of the union and leaves the door open to polygamy.

The Christian couple have been happily married for over a decade, have no intention of separating and hope to have more children. For all intents and purposes they have a healthy marriage.

But in a novel protest against any successful move to legalise same sex-marriage in Australia, Mr Jensen wrote in an article published in Canberra CityNews on Wednesday that they are prepared to divorce.

"My wife and I, as a matter of conscience, refuse to recognise the government's regulation of marriage if its definition includes the solemnisation of same sex couples," said Mr Jensen, who is director of the Lachlan Macquarie Institute, which partners with the Australian Christian Lobby to offer scholarships designed to develop a Christian worldview and foster leaders in government policy.
My thoughts, in order :

1) No they won't.

2) If they do... then their marriage was already dead, and this was just an excuse.

3) If they're real christians then they would know that they cannot divorce. Oh they can get a judge to say whatever they like, of course. But in gods eyes they're still married and any further relationships with other people are adultery.

4) Why on Earth do they think anybody else will care whether they divorce or not? Dudes, threats that are aimed at yourself only really work against people who actually care about you. That's why little kids can threaten to do something stupid if their parents won't cut them a break. It's why distraught lovers can threaten suicide if you leave them.

But you can't threaten complete strangers like that, let alone an entire country. I hate to break your little egomaniac belief system Mr and Mrs Jensen, but most people won't give the slightest hint of a shit whether you divorce or not. In fact most of the world won't even notice. The only people this will affect are those who care about you, and I'd bet everything in my pockets that those people already think exactly the same way that you do about gay marriage.

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 5:26 am
by Nutso
Something I would like to know is how do people who want to hurt others view themselves as the "good?" I used to hear stuff like, "How am I supposed to explain to my kids about gay marriage?" Do they think if gays marry, it will somehow mean their own children will be a gay? Is that what this is about?

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 8:02 am
by Teaos
Yeah they went back on it.

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:32 pm
by Mikey
I’m with GK... my gut reaction to their “threat” of divorce was, “OK, go ahead.”

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:09 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Ha, apparently Australian law only allows divorce if certain criteria are met, one of them being that there is no prospect of the couple ever reconciling and living as man and wife again. Since this couple have openly stated that they "will still be married in the eyes of god" and fully intend to live together and have kids and such... it's likely that a judge would refuse to grant a divorce anyway. So they backed out on it. :D

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:03 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Mikey wrote:I’m with GK... my gut reaction to their “threat” of divorce was, “OK, go ahead.”
Same. Go ahead. And screw off.

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:37 am
by mwhittington
I'm a Christian and even I think this is utter stupidity! That's like going up to a stranger and demand their wallet or you're going to shoot yourself!

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:36 pm
by Angharrad
For some reason I thought of this:


Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:36 pm
by Angharrad
mwhittington wrote:I'm a Christian and even I think this is utter stupidity! That's like going up to a stranger and demand their wallet or you're going to shoot yourself!

Re: Christian couple will divorce if gay marriage is legalis

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:34 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Angharrad wrote:For some reason I thought of this:

Nice to see the kids knowing their priorities.