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New RPG character thread
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:08 pm
by Sionnach Glic
As the title says.
I thought it would be a good idea to have character info in one easily located thread, rather than wading through a sea of posts to find them.
I'd also think we should also include the bios of older characters that are joining from the Daystrom, both for ease of location, and so any character updates can be made as necessary. This'll mean that newer guys joining on will know where the older characters are all from, and why they're here.
I'll get mine up in a short while.
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:27 pm
by Reliant121
It might have changed slightly but thats because i cant remember exactly what i wrote originally. And i am adding to it again. Anyway...
Database Entered by on duty Medical staff plus Counsellor
Name: Talora Retaal
Species: Romulan, Female, 61 years of age
Biometric data: Tall, Slender, Black hair, Scar on left hand from past...encounter.
Psychological state: Talora is a capable young woman. She has suffered considerably in the past, and this is evident in her introvert behavior. Yet she will uphold a near Vulcan control of her emotions. She harbours a Total hatred for her Romulan heritage. There is evidence of a past romantic relationship but before futher inquiry could be made, she hid all memory of said relationship.
History: Talora served a unremarkable stint in the Tal'praex until a plot to overtake the Romulan government was discovered. The Tal'shiar dissolved the Tal'praex. She escaped the Romulan star empire and pressed her true love, Medicine, into service with Starfleet. She took specialised medicine courses in Tholian and Chakat physiology. She passed with flying colours. She also took Basic - Intermediate piloting courses and passed these as well. She has managed to gain considerable resources from her Romulan heritage which could be useful.
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:40 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
I was planning to start this up tonight or tommorrow. I guess great minds think alike. Here's my bio, updated with info from the Daystrom RPG
Species: Chakat
Age: 21
Background: Born in a parallel universe an accident sent hir ship into this universe. Seeing as shi couldn't replicate the accident shi felt it best to do what shi loved to do, fly starships. Shi joined Starfleet and despite hir attitude problem passed the academy and quickly became known as one of the best pilots ever produced. Shi is rated to fly most starships, shuttles and land-based vehicles. If shi wasn't so good shi would've been kicked out for hir attitude and occasional practical jokes. Shi also has a love for 20th century Earth stuff, and owns or replicates many things from that era including a number of weapons and vehicles. Shi has a fondess for using dynamite-loaded arrows.
Being the only Chakat has presented little trouble as they're a durable species having two sets of all hir vital organs, one in hir lowerbody and another in hir upper body. Shi is empathic to a limited degree but doesn't pry into a person without permission, but is still a good lie detector. The only real trouble is hir build, while shi can sit anywhere, and has a custom taur-form chair on the bridge, shi does have issues with jeffreys tubes. Hir larger size also takes up the equivalent of two humanoid patterns in a transporter. The only other problem is that shi can be too friendly and trusting.
After hir universal jump shi set up a small anti-pirate pirating group. Shi gained many underworld allies. However shi was eventually caught by a Starfleet vessel. The captian, seeing that while commiting illigal actions Blackstar's hearts were in the right place and hir potential, convinced hir to join Starfleet rather then serve prison time for doing the right thing.
While hir Starfleet career looked bright it took a turn for the worst during an away mission after being assigned to the USS Daystrom. After a disagreement with the ships executive officer about the fate of a Caitian newborn shi saved from the dead mother's womb, things got out of hand. After assisting in the rescue of two ensigns captured on the mission, and exlaining everything, the Daystrom's captain was willing to accept hir resignation and hir disappeance in exchange for dropping the charges.
Blackstar has since left with hir adopted child aboard hir personal ship. Starfleet records show that shi may be starting up a buisness of somesort with a new vessel of unknown name and class.
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:44 pm
by Mikey
Chief Petty Officer (fmr.) Kenneth "Gunny" Sharkey
race: human
age: 42
- medium height, stocky build, short military-style haircut with salt-and-pepper hair; combat veteran of both Cardassian and Dominion Wars, then served on USS Stilwell with (then) Lt. M'karn W'trisk as leader of a ground security detail, mechanized (by equipment similar to the Argo.) Quite personable if rather direct, but also determined, tenacious, and pragmatic. Most recently in charge of non-tactical flight deck operations on the USS Daystrom until tendering his resignation for conflict with officers of the staff and for general disillusionment over the direction of Starfleet.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:45 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Name: Esthú Sekhot
Gender: Male
Species: Laithan
Age: 37
Heght: 5'9
Background: Esthú Sekhot joined the Laithan Stellar Navy at a young age, and quickly rose through the ranks. By the age of 26, he was promoted to the rank of captain after his ship's previous captain had been killed in battle. His ship fought in numerous skirmishes against multiple hostile powers, and Sekhot gained a reputation for his quick-thinking and improvisational skills. At the age of 31, he was promoted to the rank of commodore and given command of Battlegroup 4212. Fighting on the frontlines of the Laithan-Ossoron war, his small fleet gained numerous victories for the Laithan Imperium and pacified several Ossoron inhabited planets. His fleet fought in the Third Battle of Ossoro, and Sekhot's fleet was later given the task of mopping up any ships fleeing the surface of the planet.
Sekhot appeared to have a good life ahead of him; he was a capable officer, and known among his commanders as someone who could get the job done without being bothered about whatever acts he was asked to do. However, his promising career was ruined at the age of 35 when he led his battlegroup head-long into an ambush. Seven of the eight ships that made up Battlegroup 4212 were destroyed, Sekhot's flagship being the only one to limp back to Imperium space. He was immediately demoted to the rank of commander, and posted on a corvette patroling the back waters of the Imperium for a couple of years. It is likely he would have been executed for the debacle, had he not been popular with several high ranking officers.
During his pseudo-exile to the back end of beyond, he began to question the Laithan government's activities and methods. In particular, he began to question just what gave the Imperium the right to exterminate entire species without provocation. Although he was smart enough to keep such thoughts to himself, word of his growing disloyalty eventualy slipped out, destroying what slim chance he had of getting his former rank back.
At the age of 37, the corvette he was posted on was ambushed by alien forces of an unknown race. The captain died in the opening salvoes, leaving Sekhot as acting captain. Outnumbered three to one, the outcome was inevitable. The corvette was quickly crippled, weapons and engines blown clean off the hull. Sekhot gave the order to abandon ship, but was knocked unconcious by falling debris before he could reach an escape pod himself.
Paradoxicaly, this seemed to have saved his life. The three ships that had attacked the corvette had began hunting the fleeing escape pods across the system, ignoring the possibility of survivors on the stricken warship. Realising that returning to Imperium territory would result in his execution for losing yet another ship, he decided to leave Laithan territory, and take his chances on his own. He found a small gunship in the corvette's hanger, loaded it up with supplies and weapons, and fled the area, heading for what was, to the Laithans, unkown territory. For the rest of the galaxy, that area was known as the Alpha Quadrant.
Finding himself in an area filled with strange cultures, and finding nothing but disdain for the local militaries, he hired himself and his small ship out as a mercenary for a few months, before being hired as part of Blackstar's crew.
Esthú Sekhot is a cold and merciless killer. More than prepared to do anything that would profit him. He was never as xenophobic as other Laithans, and prolonged contact with them during his time as a mercenary made him realise that other creatures were nowhere near as bad as the Imperium made them out to be. However, he still feels mildly uncomfortable around some of the more unusual aliens.
Sekhot is quick-minded and a natural improviser, able to put anything to use. He is also quite hypocritical, more than willing to point out the flaws of other people or governments, while ignoring flaws of his own, or those of the Imperium, to which he still feels a good deal of loyalty. He also refuses to admit that the acts of genocide he participated in during his time as Commodore were actualy genocide, usualy waving them away with vague claims or comments, and in fact considers his time as commander of Battlegroup 4212 to be the high point of his life.
Sekhot also feels a good deal of guilt for the loss of people under his command, in particular, he has never been able to forgive himself for the blunder that led to the loss of the seven ships under his command.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:43 pm
by Jabber Swarky
OOC: Wow, detail o.o Awesome. Hehe. Well, heres my stab at it.
Name: Jabber Swarky
Species: Caitian/Male
Skills: Medic (GP Doctorate Level and Improvised Surgery), Applied Engineering and Mechanics
Biometric: About 5ft 5", Medium build, Unusual pale orange tabby markings.
Psychometric: Shows signs of mild ADD. Low possibility of Psychosis - monitor.
General Info:
At a glance, Jabbers seems pretty standard and unremarkable, other than his markings and his... unique personality. His dress - and fur - tends to be pretty messy, agreed, and its hard to find him NOT wearing overalls stained by machine lubricant, and if he's chilly he's usually found wearing a trenchcoat. Generally speaking, He looks shifty, but harmless. That shows how much glances tell you.
Hailing from a backwater planet in the inner provinces, Jabber's family ran a large trading business on the planet. However, all was what it seems, and the trading corporation helped supplement it's income by helping smugglers sell their wares after making port. While Jabbers received a normal education in school, his parents, brother, sisters and co-workers would teach him the tricks of their dubious trade.
Jabbers learnt Engineering and Mechanics by necessity - it's always good to know what your selling does, how, and what to do if it's broken - and medicine through choice, knowing that a medic was always an asset to any operation, legal or otherwise. His idea of surgery is a little... rough and ready, though. He can cook, too, although most tell him that "food" Shouldn't cause violent biological reactions after ingestion, so probably not for the squeamish.
Jabbers knew that simply being the bosses' son didn't really count for much in his profession, and so has been sent out to gather a little kleos and experience the galaxy. He'd been a spacer ever since he was a teen, so he's used to the unusual stresses placed on a body amongst the stars, as well as knowing vaguely what he's doing. Though, ships do differ.
He joined up to the crew after uhh... "Meeting" the charming captain Blackstar in a bar. its not often that he saw a fine looking feline around that didn't either already know him or was related to him, so he pestered hir all night... only to be "refused his dues" when he asked. Still, not one to be deterred easily, he stuck with it, finding out where shi worked and that shi was looking for hands. Well, he DID need to find a crew that would take him on... and the pay wasn't half bad.
Aside from his Medical and Engineering skills, Jabbers knows contacts on pretty much every major planet through his family, and so would be able to find good places to buy cheap and sell high - as well as somewhere to safely sell and buy any contraband the crew might have. He's best watched out for, though - while he's not heartless he does care an aaawful lot for material goods and wouldn't hesitate to turn in a friend for a bounty, if it was big enough. His personality is also a little unstable from time to time, which could be an issue... and he spends an AWFUL lot of time sleeping. Best avoid his cooking, too.
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:03 am
by MetalHead
Name: Ryson, Jack
Age: 26
Species: De-Assimilated Human, Male
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Silver
Height: 6'1"
Occupation: Section 31 deep-cover operative.
Current Assignment: Work as a standard member of the crew of X starship, ready to be called upon instantly for any given number of primary duties.
Primary areas of operation:
Stealth Infiltration
Stealth Exfiltration
Secondary areas of operation:
Hostage Extraction
Other qualifications:
Phaser Marksmanship - Expert with Types 1, 2, 3, and 4
Commendation - Infantry Tactical Excellence
Found half alive in the wreckage of a Borg Cube after the battle over Earth in the "First Contact" incident, Jack Ryson was captured by Starfleet clean-up teams. It took several years, but Jack ultimately began to regain his humanity. He re-joined Starfleet academy where he focused his efforts on Tactical and Security qualifications, determined to get revenge on the Borg.
Many of his borg components remained active, enhancing his physical abilites greatly beyond that of any human. His reaction time was so fast it required a specially designed computer to register it, and his strength allowed him to steady almost any small-arm for optimal accuracy - which is also enhanced through borg technology.
The moment he graduated from Starfleet Academy, he was descended upon my Section 31, where he quickly accepted a position as a deep cover asset. He was involved in several clandestine operations, a few espinoage missions against the roumlans, and ultimately, political assassination shortly after the incident with Shinzon and the Scimitar.
Proficent in all forms of man-to-man combat, and retaining limited regenerative cababilities from the collective, Jack Ryson is quite literally a one man army.
...and thats it. Basically, I wanted to make him the Jason Bourne of Star Trek. Just more hardcore. Hope you like.
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:46 am
by Jabber Swarky
Wait, so.. he's a mole? A Spy amongst us? Oh, the drama!
Hehe. Though, Deasimilated Borg are hardly.. well... unnoticable >.> wouldnt he get a bit of a reputation?
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:25 am
by Mikey
Wait a minute. I thought MetalHead died for real?!
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:33 am
by MetalHead
Mikey wrote:Wait a minute. I thought MetalHead died for real?!
Nonono. Thats if a "new" RPG starts, that bio. ie - 2450?
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:49 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
MetalHead wrote:Mikey wrote:Wait a minute. I thought MetalHead died for real?!
Nonono. Thats if a "new" RPG starts, that bio. ie - 2450?
oh? I think you posted in the wrong topic then. This is for the new mercenary-style RPG. I don't think the 2450 topic has set up a character posting topic.
And isn't the real Metelhead being tortured or something? So are you going to be joining that RPG or this one?
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:26 am
by Mikey
MetalHead - I understand, but here we're discussing the Daystrom spin-off.
Blackstar - you're thinking of Deepcrush.
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:13 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Mikey wrote:MetalHead - I understand, but here we're discussing the Daystrom spin-off.
Blackstar - you're thinking of Deepcrush.
oops. My bad

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:42 pm
by MetalHead
ChakatBlackstar wrote:Mikey wrote:MetalHead - I understand, but here we're discussing the Daystrom spin-off.
Blackstar - you're thinking of Deepcrush.
oops. My bad

that makes two of us

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:09 am
by sunnyside
Still looking for people or would I be a seventh nacelle at this point? Especially since I wasn't involved in the backstory.