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California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:30 am
by Nutso
Just How Bad Is California's Drought? Here's A Scary, 10-Second Answer.
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California continues to dry up. The latest figures indicate more than 80% of the state is in extreme drought, or worse, exceptional drought. These are sobering numbers, to be sure, but for an even better perspective on the drought's unprecedented progression, check out this GIF, created by L.A. Times reader Alvaro Valiño.

Each frame of the animation is a snapshot of weekly drought conditions in California, as recorded by the U.S. Drought Monitor. By combining close to 200 of these snapshots, the GIF provides a quick, week-to-week visualization of the state's ever-worsening situation that extends all the way back to 2011 – the last time California's drought map was clear.
I haven't seen anything about California's drought on TV. Seems like this hasn't affected crops. My orange juice prices went up. Haven't noticed any drastic changes in other produce.

Re: California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:10 am
by Teaos
Pffy, who needs water anyway, I drink Coke.

I've seen bits about this on media.

Re: California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:25 am
by Nutso
Teaos wrote:Pffy, who needs water anyway, I drink Coke.

I've seen bits about this on media.
Drink Gatorade. It's got electrolytes.

Re: California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:01 am
by Mikey
There hasn't been a shitload of coverage about the drought situation itself, but certainly everyone must have noticed the increasing prevalence of wildfires in mid- to southern California, along with the increase in rapidity of spread and difficulty of fighting said fires.
Nutso wrote:Drink Gatorade. It's got electrolytes.
Assloads of sugar, too. Water is still the best sports drink, if you're having electrolyte problems eat a banana or an orange. If you have to have a sports drink, I'd say go with Powerade Zero.

Re: California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:40 am
by Sonic Glitch
Nutso wrote:
Teaos wrote:Pffy, who needs water anyway, I drink Coke.

I've seen bits about this on media.
Drink Gatorade. It's got electrolytes.
Mikey wrote:There hasn't been a shitload of coverage about the drought situation itself, but certainly everyone must have noticed the increasing prevalence of wildfires in mid- to southern California, along with the increase in rapidity of spread and difficulty of fighting said fires.
Nutso wrote:Drink Gatorade. It's got electrolytes.
Assloads of sugar, too. Water is still the best sports drink, if you're having electrolyte problems eat a banana or an orange. If you have to have a sports drink, I'd say go with Powerade Zero.

Re: California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:12 am
by Vic
As this planet is currently in a warming trend, dry areas are genrally going to get dryer. The whole western part of the U.S. is feeling the effects of drought, if weather patterns hold true to historical trends we are going to have at least another century of dryer and dryer climate. The last time something like this happened was in the 1400's.

Re: California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:23 am
by Teaos
And then another century, then another, then another. Pretty sure the ice caps didn't melt in the 1400's. On the plus side parts of the drought will be solved when they are covered in sea water. So frankly, I dont see what they are complaining about, everyone drive a hummer and we will have the driugh problem solved in a few decades.

Re: California Is In an Exceptional Drought?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:37 am
by Vic Even if all the icecaps melted I still would not get my ocean front property in Arizona, damnit.