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Out of phase suffocation

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:39 pm
by Teaos
While watching a episode of SG-1 there was a episode where they got out of phase again and one of the character commented that they would starve to death of need a drink soon.

Surely the more pressing demand would be breathing? They rae out of phase with matter so they can walk through things (Apart from floors as usual) yet they breath, if some how they wernt out of phase with air... wouldnt they be able to breath or speak into the ears of people and tell them whats happening.

I know its a ploy point we are supposed to ignore, but I found it funny they mention the food/water issue only to ignore the air issue.

Re: Out of phase suffocation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:44 am
by McAvoy
Same series, the first Wormhole Extreme episode (a show based on the SG-1 which is based on the movie...) one of the actors asked the producers that if they are out of phase and can walk through walls, what is stopping them from falling through the ground. A few moments of pause and they said they will get back to her.

Re: Out of phase suffocation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:08 pm
by Jim
With the floor issue... When Gordie and Roe are able to go through walls etx, they not only walk on the floor, but also able to ride the lifts. Apparently the Y access is not affected. Inirtia also applies as ship change in direction/speed does not matter.

Re: Out of phase suffocation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:59 pm
by Mikey
I get what Teaos is saying... TNG ignored the issue altogether, while SG1 mentioned one aspect but ignored another. There is so much wrong with the depiction of this "out of phase" nonsense that it almost boggles discussion. Take a look at the TNG "cure" - bombardment with anions... which are particles which should likewise be out of phase with the targets and thus likewise unable to interact with them.