SyFy TV shows...
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 1:46 pm
So, are there two warring factions at SyFy Corporate when it comes to Original Series productions? It seems like someone over there keeps trying to come up with shows... but someone else is doing their best to destroy them.
Eureka, haven, Sanctuary and Warehouse 13 all had great starts and looked to be quite good... but then the writing and presentation of all of them took a left turn and they have all become rather... not that good. SGU failed even though it was hot on the heals of two quite entertaining SG shows. Alphas dropped the ball bad. Monsterman is just bad, period. Lost Girl is still okay, but it is slipping. It seems like they are more interested in showing Anna Silk in as little clothing as possible as opposed to producing an entertaining show. I figure a few more episodes at this rate and it will be relatively unwatchable.
They have such great ideas but it just seems like someone inside the company keeps pulling the rug out...
On a side note... how can the call Being Human and Original Series when it is a direct copy of the BBC series?
Eureka, haven, Sanctuary and Warehouse 13 all had great starts and looked to be quite good... but then the writing and presentation of all of them took a left turn and they have all become rather... not that good. SGU failed even though it was hot on the heals of two quite entertaining SG shows. Alphas dropped the ball bad. Monsterman is just bad, period. Lost Girl is still okay, but it is slipping. It seems like they are more interested in showing Anna Silk in as little clothing as possible as opposed to producing an entertaining show. I figure a few more episodes at this rate and it will be relatively unwatchable.
They have such great ideas but it just seems like someone inside the company keeps pulling the rug out...
On a side note... how can the call Being Human and Original Series when it is a direct copy of the BBC series?