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Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:22 am
by LaughingCheese
I really enjoy Halo 2 on xbox but I still think I prefer a mouse to a controller, even though the Xbox/360 controllers are the best controllers ever made IMO.

I was just curious if anyone here plays or has played both and if you would also recommend Halo 2 PC.

I know it seems kind of redundant but I really enjoy Halo 2, Lockout is my favorite map. :p In fact Halo 2 is in my top 5 list. :mrgreen:



Re: Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:58 am
by Reliant121
I skipped Halo 2 in the series because I first got Halo: CE when I was really quite young. The flood used to give me horrific nightmares so I didn't get back into Halo until Halo 3 came on the 360 when I was a lot older. (12/13 at this time).

But I have tried playing Halo 2 quite recently. I found that the storyline seemed sorta...discordant and jumpy, it didn't seem as cohesive as the later ones. I still need to revisit Halo CE to see what thats like.

I always put a 360 controller in via USB.

Re: Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:12 am
by stitch626
A mouse with always out perform a controller in aim and response. However the controller offers more fine control over movement.

Re: Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:22 am
by Reliant121
Strangely enough, i can't aim with mice.

Re: Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:39 am
by stitch626
Most people can't handle the quick reaction and curacy of a mouse. Also, PC shooters do not (usually) have the millions of aim assists that Consoles do.

Re: Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:44 am
by LaughingCheese
stitch626 wrote:Most people can't handle the quick reaction and curacy of a mouse. Also, PC shooters do not (usually) have the millions of aim assists that Consoles do.
Halo 2 is the only game I know of that has aim assists, altho I don't know if BC2 has it on the console version.

Does the Halo 2 PC have aim assists ? That would be...interesting.

Does anyone play it anymore ? Tho I imagine if people still play Halo 1 they probably play Halo 2.

Re: Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:03 am
by stitch626
LaughingCheese wrote:
stitch626 wrote:Most people can't handle the quick reaction and curacy of a mouse. Also, PC shooters do not (usually) have the millions of aim assists that Consoles do.
Halo 2 is the only game I know of that has aim assists, altho I don't know if BC2 has it on the console version.
If referring to consoles, almost every shooter since the PS2 came out has some form of aim assist (and most you don't even know are there). They range from obvious tracking assists (Battlefront) to the not so obvious tracking gravity (Halo III, Fallout: New Vegas).

PC games on the other hand tend to not use aim assists (except for the overkill tracking ones which are unnecessary). However, usually you can turn the annoying assist off. Haven't played Halo 2 yet, so I wouldn't know if it does or does not have any assits PC or otherwise.

Re: Halo 2 PC ?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:16 am
by Coalition
I tend to enjoy the 8-Bit Halo when I get bored.