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The Irish have had enough of Home Rule

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:25 am
by Captain Seafort
Or rather, this Irishman has
An Irish politician has called for the return of British rule to Ireland.

Fine Gael TD Michael Ring said the Irish government should "hand back" the Republic to the Queen during a royal visit next year.

The County Mayo representative also suggested that the government should apologise to her for the "mess" they have made of the country.

Mr Ring made the comments during an economic debate at the Irish Parliament.

He said: "Now look at the mess we're in and look at the mess this country is in.

"Next year the Queen is talking about coming to Ireland for a state visit.

"Maybe we should say to the Queen when she comes 'you know, we have our own independence now, we'll hand you back the country and we'll apologise for the mess that we're after making of it.

"Because at least when they were running the country they didn't put it into the mess and the hock that we are in now."

Mr Ring, 57, was named "heckler of the year" by a magazine in 2006 for "effectively challenging the government with a unique style of street wit and lively heckling".

He is now being described as the Queen's "Lord of the Rings" by commentators in the Republic in the wake of his royalist comments.

It is more than 80 years since Irish independence was secured.

A spokeswoman for the Queen refused to comment on Mr Ring's statement.

She added: "The Queen wouldn't be saying anything about that."
Make your mind up SG. You spend eight hundred years wanting to leave, and as soon as we say yes, you want to be let back in again. :P

Re: The Irish have had enough of Home Rule

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:55 am
by Mikey
Hmmm. I'm guessing that Mr. Ring is in a distinct minority with that opinion... why doesn't he just move to the UKoGBaNI himself? It can't be that far of a drive from Belfast to Dublin.

Re: The Irish have had enough of Home Rule

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:03 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Whether he was serious about it or trying to phrase his stance against the current government in a witty way, he's just committed political suicide over here.

On the plus side, I can see him getting on just great with the guys up North.

Re: The Irish have had enough of Home Rule

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:49 pm
by Captain Seafort
Sionnach Glic wrote:On the plus side, I can see him getting on just great with the guys up North.
We can swap then - we'll take him and you can have McGuinness. Unfortunately you've got the bum end of that deal.