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Electric Trees

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:56 pm
by Monroe
We were talking abouty genetic engineering in biology and that got me thinking. Since we have animals that can produce an electric charge if we could isolate that gene and hell make it better and make them run off CO2 gas than plant a forest of these electricity generating trees than boom we'd have a whole forest of power plants that also produce air.

This practical at all?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:02 pm
by Sionnach Glic
That is easily the most imaginative idea I've heard in a long time. :)

I suppose, theroreticly, it could be done. But I really can't see this happening.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:27 pm
by Tsukiyumi
People are afraid of genetic engineering. But I've read about the splicing of firefly genes into tobacco plants to make them glow, so I'm sure it's possible.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:31 am
by Sionnach Glic
People are afraid of genetic engineering.
I'd say average Joe is only afraid of genetic engineering when it's done on humans. I doubt they'd have much problems with plants.
Then again, average Joe is quite stupid...

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:34 am
by Captain Seafort
Given the fuss over GM crops (oilseed rape in particular), I'd say your bog-standard Joe Bloggs is at the very least suspecious and at worst outright terrified of genetic engineering regardless of who or what it's done to.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:39 am
by Sionnach Glic
Good point.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:28 am
by Jim
Although I like this idea, talk about "green energy" always cracks me up. You have these fools driving around in electric cars that need plugged in. They raise their noses in the air and talk about how much they are helping the environment blah blah blah. Where do you think that electricity comes from fool? 90% of it comes from either steam from burning coal, or nuclear. The environment would like to kave a little talk with you...

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:39 am
by Captain Seafort
I don't have the numbers, but to the best of my knowledge the big coal/gas fired power stations are a lot more efficient than a car, so it is an improvement. As for nuclear, what's the problem? It produces none of the greenhouse gasses of fossil fuels, and if the waste product are dealt with appropriately they aren't a problem either. Bottom line is either the human race switches to nuclear power or we're stuffed.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:27 pm
by Mikey
Well, nuclear power does have its drawbacks, but mostly those are due to the need for technical advancement in the actual plants, rather than the idea itself.

As far as the tree thing, remember - your generator forest won't run exclusively off of carbon dioxide. During a phase of their diurnal cycle, plants inspire oxygen, too.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:43 pm
by Monroe
Hmm I think they would take more CO2 than O2 though in their lifetimes so it should balance out. And they'd need fresh water which by the time we're that far in genetic engineering won't be that abundant.

Also if we hooked the roots together like the Aspin Trees and have the roots be the carriers of electrcity it'll cut down on accidents and make harvesting much easier.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:17 pm
by Mikey
They would also need an etrememly efficient photosynthetic process to fuel the electrical production.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:40 pm
by Monroe
True, and a lot of acrage. But some farms near cities could provide electricty this way. I know around my hometown of Kansas City is a lot of farm area. Some of that could be turned into electric trees and probably a lot more profitable than growing corn or wheat.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:25 pm
by Mikey
Again, the photosynthetic process would have to be a great deal more efficient than it is now... and what do you do in winter? Evergreen photosynthesis is even less efficient than that of deciduous trees.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:47 am
by Monroe
okay ruin my fun :P I still think it'd be awesome in some parts of the country if they could perfect DNA and photosynethis manipulation enough.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:13 am
by Mikey
I wasn't trying to ruin your fun. :oops:

Actually, if we could put the DNA from an electric eel or catfish into a tree, then fine-tuning the photosynthetic process should be no problem at all!