Fleet/battle style comparison across universes
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:33 pm
I have often pondered the differences in the style of ship and battle plans over the different sci-fi universes. A vast majority of my thoughts fall to the differences if fighter use... but this is a quick listing that I came up with comparing ship styles technology across the main sci-fi universes. Not looking for 100% canon, nor full detail specifics, just relatively accurate general trends.
Star Trek
Capital ships: High number of medium size with medium mobility. Shields: Yes
Energy weapons: Low number high output multi-directional
Torpedos: Yes
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Basically no real fighter support.
Basically a dog-fighting capital ship system. A high-power, mobile slugfest. The ships fly around takins shot at each other trying to avoid getting shot and wearing down the opponents shields. Due to a lack of fighters or masive warships, the capital ships can command power on their own.
Star Wars
Capital ships: Medium number of large size with little mobility.
Shields: Yes
Energy weapons: Many low/medium power multi-directional
Torpedos: Yes
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Many high mobility fighters. Some shielded. Low power energy weapons, some having torpedos.
Basically a WW2 aircraft carrier system with escort. The small mobile fighters dogfight and attack typically stand-off capital ships. The capital ships will engage like battleship support. The capital ships are powerful, but their lack of mobility is a weakness which causes them to take major damage in close capital ship combat.
Babylon 5
Capital ships: Medium number of large size with VERY little mobility.
Shields: No (some low energy absorbing skins)
Energy weapons: Few high power Uni-directional
Torpedos: None
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Medium number of very high mobility with low power energy weapons.
(*Whitestars are an exception. Small capital ships with high mobility and high firepower, with low energy absorbing skin.)
More of a mast-ship broadside system (only head to head). The rather immobile capitalships will slug it out with one another typically causing masive damage to all ships due to lack of shields. The fighters will sometimes run the capital ships but typically fight other fighters.
Battlestar Galacta (pre-fall)
Capital ships: Low number of large size with low mobility
Shields: No
Energy weapons: None
Torpedos: High power (nuke)
Non energy weapons: Many medium power multi-directional
Fighters: Low number of medium mobility fighters with no shields. low power weapons.
Basically a WW2 aircraft carrier system, without escort. The immobility of the capital ships would cause them to try to avoid direct contact with enemy capital ships. The fighters typically fo the fighting. The lack of number of capital ships tend to lead to a flight response rather than capital ship engagement.
Capital ships: Low number of medium size with medium mobility.
Shields: Yes
Energy weapons: Some medium to high power
Torpedos: Some high power
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Low number of medium mobility with no shields. Low power weapons.
A mast-ship broadside system. Capital ships tend to simply fire all weapons at each other hoping to cause the others shields to fail and therefore win the fight. Fighters do not tend to engage the capital ships, only each other.
What does everyone thing? Relatively accurate? Alteration suggestions?
Star Trek
Capital ships: High number of medium size with medium mobility. Shields: Yes
Energy weapons: Low number high output multi-directional
Torpedos: Yes
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Basically no real fighter support.
Basically a dog-fighting capital ship system. A high-power, mobile slugfest. The ships fly around takins shot at each other trying to avoid getting shot and wearing down the opponents shields. Due to a lack of fighters or masive warships, the capital ships can command power on their own.
Star Wars
Capital ships: Medium number of large size with little mobility.
Shields: Yes
Energy weapons: Many low/medium power multi-directional
Torpedos: Yes
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Many high mobility fighters. Some shielded. Low power energy weapons, some having torpedos.
Basically a WW2 aircraft carrier system with escort. The small mobile fighters dogfight and attack typically stand-off capital ships. The capital ships will engage like battleship support. The capital ships are powerful, but their lack of mobility is a weakness which causes them to take major damage in close capital ship combat.
Babylon 5
Capital ships: Medium number of large size with VERY little mobility.
Shields: No (some low energy absorbing skins)
Energy weapons: Few high power Uni-directional
Torpedos: None
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Medium number of very high mobility with low power energy weapons.
(*Whitestars are an exception. Small capital ships with high mobility and high firepower, with low energy absorbing skin.)
More of a mast-ship broadside system (only head to head). The rather immobile capitalships will slug it out with one another typically causing masive damage to all ships due to lack of shields. The fighters will sometimes run the capital ships but typically fight other fighters.
Battlestar Galacta (pre-fall)
Capital ships: Low number of large size with low mobility
Shields: No
Energy weapons: None
Torpedos: High power (nuke)
Non energy weapons: Many medium power multi-directional
Fighters: Low number of medium mobility fighters with no shields. low power weapons.
Basically a WW2 aircraft carrier system, without escort. The immobility of the capital ships would cause them to try to avoid direct contact with enemy capital ships. The fighters typically fo the fighting. The lack of number of capital ships tend to lead to a flight response rather than capital ship engagement.
Capital ships: Low number of medium size with medium mobility.
Shields: Yes
Energy weapons: Some medium to high power
Torpedos: Some high power
Non energy weapons: None
Fighters: Low number of medium mobility with no shields. Low power weapons.
A mast-ship broadside system. Capital ships tend to simply fire all weapons at each other hoping to cause the others shields to fail and therefore win the fight. Fighters do not tend to engage the capital ships, only each other.
What does everyone thing? Relatively accurate? Alteration suggestions?